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Never Giving Up (The Never Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Kristin MacQueen

  “You’re gonna love it, baby.”

  We blare music, singing along a little off key, tell corny jokes and play games. When we pull into the town surrounding the college, I breathe a little sigh of relief. The relief doesn’t last long. The second we pull onto the street of our new home; nerves erupt through my body.

  What if they hate it? What if they don’t want to live here? What if I'm overstepping boundaries?

  “Mira, you alright?” Liam rests his hand on my thigh.

  “I will be in a few minutes.” I sigh.

  I pull in front of a beautiful two-story Victorian home with a wraparound porch. Liam’s brows draw together, he glances between me and the house but doesn’t say a word.

  “Where are we?” Macy pipes up from the back seat.

  “Follow me.”

  We climb out of the car, both Liam and Macy follow me up the steps and to the front door. Unlocking the door, I step aside, gesturing for them to enter.

  “What is this?” Liam spins around, his eyes locked on me.

  “This is my new home... I'm hoping your new home too.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Or course. I love you and Macy’s my little bestie; I need both of you with me.”

  “How much is the rent? I want to make sure I can afford it.”

  My heart warms, Liam’s adorable. He never wants to take advantage of me, he wants to do everything himself. I close the distance between us, stand on my tippy toes, softly kissing his cheek. When I pull back, I gaze into his beautiful honey colored eyes.

  “No, baby. My parents bought this house, it’s mine, no rent.”

  “I have to pay you something.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Mira, I can’t let you pay for everything.”

  “Fine, pay for groceries.”

  “Mira...” He throws his head back and groans.

  “Pay the electric bill or the cable bill, I don’t care, but you’re not paying rent.”

  “This is too much.”

  “Then don’t go upstairs.” I scrunch my nose. I knew he’d think this was too much, but that didn’t stop me from doing it.

  “What’d you do?” He groans again.

  I take his hand, pulling him up the stairs behind me and call for Macy to follow us. We stop in front of the first door at the top.

  “This is Frankie and Noah’s room.” We move onto the second room. I push the door open and step aside. “This is your room, Macy.”

  She lets out a squeal, jumping up and down. Frankie and I decorated Macy’s room with all things cheerleading. We bought a white bedroom set and a desk to match. The closet is full of new clothes and shoes for the fall, we want to make sure she feels comfortable when she starts at her new school.

  “This is all for me?”

  “Yes. Everything in here is yours. You finish checking out your room, I'm gonna show Liam his room.”

  I pull him behind me to the last room down the hall.

  “Here’s our room.” I whisper.

  Stepping through the door, he takes in the dark furniture and large bed.

  “Our room?” He arches a brow.

  “I mean, you can share with Macy if you’d prefer... but there’s lots of girl stuff in there.” I shrug.

  “You telling me there’s gonna be less girly stuff in here?” He arches a brow.

  “Well... no. But there’s gonna be some manly stuff too.” I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, peeking up at him through my lashes.

  I want him to be happy about this, to look forward to living in each other’s spaces. I know I want forever with him but what if he doesn’t feel the same way.

  “I think I like the idea of that.”

  “The idea of what?”

  “My manly stuff mixed with your girly stuff.” A slow grin spreads across my face.

  “Is that so, Mr. Hayes?”

  “Yeah, it is... I have a little surprise of my own for you.”

  “You do?”

  “Mmhhmm. Close your eyes.”

  I do as he asks, butterflies erupting in my stomach in anticipation. I have no clue what type of surprise he could possibly have for me.

  “Open your eyes.”

  When my eyes open, I don’t see Liam right away. I glance down and find him down on one knee in front of me. A gasp passes through my lips, one hand flies to cover my mouth, the other lands over my heart.

  “Liam?” I whisper, my eyes filling with tears.

  “Miranda, I hated you the second I met you. You were the most annoying, cocky, sarcastic, in your face person I’ve ever met. You drive me crazy every second of every day, but I don’t hate you, baby. I love you more than anything in this world. You’ve shown me the soft, sensitive side of you and I'm never letting go of her. You know my demons, they didn’t scare you away, I swear they made you love me even more. I didn’t understand it in the beginning, but now I do. I know every monster in your closet, I’d take on the world to protect you and keep you safe. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side, I want you to drive me crazy for the next eighty years. Marry me, baby.”

  My heart beats a mile a minute. Never in a million years did I think Liam would be down on one knee a week after we finished high school.

  Soft footsteps close in on us until Macy’s standing in the doorway, a soft gasp leaves her mouth as she stares at us. Liam’s gaze never leaves mine.



  “You gonna give me an answer? My knee hurts.”

  Chapter Forty-Two


  “OH... UH... CAN I THINK about it?”

  I blink up at her for several seconds before my brows furrow together, a scowl taking over my face. I push off the ground, standing to my full height and stare down at her. I just put my heart out there and she wants to think about it.

  “You want to think about it? Seriously?”

  “Well... yeah, I mean what if I don’t like your manly things in my space? What if you snore in your sleep or you chew too loudly? What if the way you clip your toe nails drives me crazy?” Is she kidding me right now? She’s crazy, like actually freaking crazy. She lets out a long sigh, her eyes finally meeting mine. “What if it doesn’t work?”

  Ahhh, there’s the real reason. She’s pushing me away, just like she’s done with every single relationship in her entire life. She’s still terrified of having her heart broken and doesn’t trust I won't break it again.

  “If you don’t like my manly things in your space then I’ll keep them somewhere else. I don’t snore, Mira, you know that. You’ve had hundreds of meals with me and never once complained about my loud chewing, I don’t plan to start chewing loudly anytime soon but if I change my mind, I’ll let you know ahead of time. I’ll only clip my toe nails when you aren’t home, I promise.”

  “But what if it doesn’t work?” She asks again.

  I grip both of her hands in mine, waiting until she’s gazing up at me and give her a gentle smile.

  “Sweetheart, it will work out if we’re always honest with each other, if we both put time and effort into our relationship. Some days will be hard and some will seem impossible but I think most will be amazing and wonderful, full of love and passion. Sometimes I'm gonna drive you crazy or make you mad but I’ll always make it better, I’ll always be by your side. I'm never giving up what we have, Mira.”

  She stares up at me, nibbling on her bottom lip, her mind running a mile a minute. I run my fingers up her neck, cupping her cheek. I rub my thumb across her chin, gently tugging her lip from between her teeth.

  “If you don’t say yes that’s ok, just don’t say no.”

  “I'm not saying no.” She whispers, the first tear slipping down her cheek. I brush it away, hating how upset she is.

  “I'm gonna ask you every day until you say yes.”

  I crash my mouth into hers before she can say anything else.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  PLOPPED ON THE FLOOR of our walk-in closet, I’m putting away shoes and clothes. We moved in yesterday, but the unpacking seems to be unending.

  “Hey, babe?” Liam calls from our room.


  “Will you marry me?”

  I roll my eyes and let out a groan. Liam wasn’t lying when he said he was going to ask me every day until I said yes. He asks.




  You’d think by now I’d be wounding his ego but he doesn’t seem to mind. It’s almost become a joke. He thinks of funny or unexpected ways to propose and I try to think of a witty comeback. Keyword being try.

  “Not right now, maybe later.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “How long are you going to keep pushing him away for?” Frankie asks quietly enough there’s no way Liam can hear her.

  “I don’t know.” I groan, scrubbing my hands down my face.

  “You love him and you want forever with him.”

  “I do.”

  “Then why not say ‘I do’ to him?”

  “I don’t know. I just can't do it.”

  “He’s not gonna stop asking.”

  “Huh, I thought if I kept saying no, he would.” I deadpan.

  “Oh shush, you secretly love it. Look at the smile on your face.” She points at me laughing. She’s right, I do secretly love it, but I'm not going to admit it to any of them. “Put the boy out of his misery and marry him.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  “I DON’T UNDERSTAND this math problem.” I fake moan, dropping my head to the table, rolling it back and forth.

  “Let me see it.” Miranda leans over my shoulder to read what it says. “If Liam asks Miranda to marry her eighty-five times in three months and she says no each time, how long until she puts him out of his misery and... says yes? Will you marry me?” Her voice trails off as she gets to the end. “Did you seriously make a fake math page just for this?”

  “Well, I'm running outta ways to ask!”

  “Then maybe you should stop asking!”

  “Is that what you want? For me to stop asking?” I peer up at her, if this is what she truly wants then I’ll stop asking.

  “Yes... No... I don’t know!”

  “Baby, talk to me. Tell me what you want.” I slide my chair back, pulling her onto my lap.

  Her fingers trace a pattern only she knows on my shirt as she nibbles her bottom lip. I grip her chin, lifting until she’s forced to meet my gaze. I brush my thumb over her lip, pulling it out from between her teeth, like I do every time she bites it.

  “Come on, Mira, talk to me.”

  “I don’t know what I want.” She huffs.

  “Ok, tell me why you don’t want to get married.”

  “I'm scared.” She whispers.

  “Of what?”

  Slipping my hand under her shirt, I rub up and down her spine in slow circles. I love the feel of her bare skin under mine.

  “I'm scared you’ll stop loving me and break my heart.”

  “That could never happen.”

  “You can't know that! You can't control who you love, if you could, you’d still hate me.”

  “You’re right, I can't control who I love, but I'm positive I love you and I don’t plan to stop anytime in the next hundred years.”

  “You planning on living until you’re 118?”

  “If I have you by my side, I don’t see any reason not to... Do you want me to stop asking?”

  “No.” She whispers softly.

  “Will you marry me, baby?”

  She stares down at me, her fingers threading through my hair.

  “Yeah, I think I will.”

  I crash my mouth into hers, devouring her with hungry kisses. Both hand slide under the back of her shirt, caressing her skin. I swallow her moan, pulling her closer to my body. I can't get enough of her, I want more.

  “Ahem!” A throat clears from the door way, pulling a groan from me. I rest my forehead against Miranda’s, attempting to catch my breath.

  “Yeah, Macy?”

  “Oh, it’s not just Macy.” Frankie’s voice is saturated with amusement.

  “Should we come back later? Or stay and prevent you from defiling our kitchen?”

  “She said yes.” I stare into Miranda’s eyes; they’re filled with love and desire.

  I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. Waking up every single morning with her in my arms, going to bed with her by my side.

  “Yes?” Noah’s brows furrow together in bemusement.

  Slipping my hand in my pocket, I pull out the ring box I’ve been carrying around with me for months. I tug the ring out of the velvet slot, sliding it on Miranda’s delicate finger.

  “Holy shit.” Frankie whispers from behind us. “She said yes!” She squeals so loud Noah has to cover his ears.

  “You’re getting married?” Macy rushes to our side, wide eyes stare back at me.

  “Yes, pickle. I'm marrying this sexy guy.” Miranda places a big kiss on my lips, when I try to drag her closer, she giggles, pushing me away. “That means my little bestie will be my little sister!”

  A sob erupts from Macy, surprising all of us. Miranda scrambles off my lap in an instant, crouching on the floor next to my sister. She drags Macy into her arms, rubbing soothing circles on her back.

  “What’s wrong, Mace?”

  “If... if you m-marry Liam... that means I get a m-m-mom and a s-sister.”

  Another sob fills the air, but this time it doesn’t come from Macy. Tears stream down Miranda’s cheeks, she holds Macy as tight as she can. They need each other more than they realize. They both fill a hole in the other’s life.

  “I’d love nothing more than to be your mom and sister.” Miranda stands, gripping Macy’s hand in her own. “And I’d love nothing more than to be your wife.”

  I tug them both into my embrace. Now that I got my girl back, I'm never letting go. I never gave up on her and I never will.

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  Interview with your favorite characters

  Have you ever wanted to ask your favorite characters a question? Click on the link below and ask all of your favorite characters from the Never Series your questions. Answers are posted in my readers group on Facebook but are also in the back of future books!

  Ask a question!

  MIRANDA, WHY MUST YOU always hit Liam so hard? You know he’s a softy.

  “Hey! I'm not a softy!”

  “Yes, you are.” Miranda says sounding bored.

  “I'm a football player! How am I a softy?”

  Miranda snorts with laughter, rolling her eyes at him.

  “Yeah, real great football player. You did such an amazing job at protecting Noah.”

  “Miranda! You know that wasn’t Liam’s fault.” Frankie hisses.

  SO, FRANKIE & NOAH when is the wedding?

  “Ugh, it can't come soon enough. I want to make her my wife.” Noah sighs.

  “Oh, stop it! I’d like to graduate high school before I get hitched.”

  “Why? Do you have doubts we’ll make it?”

  “What? No!... I just feel like it’s weird to be married in high school. Like people will assume I’m pregnant.”

  “Fuck people. I don’t give a damn what they say, let alone think.”


  “Of course, baby. You’re all that matters to me and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “Aww, let’s do it! Let’s get married now!”

  “Now?” Surprise fills Noah’s face.

  “Well, not like today... but soon... like within the year?”

  “Let’s do it, babe.”

  Noah pulls Frankie into his arms and kisses her like it’s his last breath.

HAT’S your favorite part on heavyweights?

  “When they smear honey over Lars’ chest and leave him in the woods for the bears to find.” Noah says, a huge smile on his face.

  “When Pat pushes Nicholas around on the broken go-cart. How cute is that?”

  “Yeah, I’ve never seen Heavyweights.” Liam says.

  “Me either.” Miranda agrees.

  “Why are we friends with them?” Noah points to Liam and Miranda.

  “I don’t even know how to respond. I have no words for you two. I'm so... disappointed... Let’s watch it now!”

  NOAH DID YOU DROP TO one knee when you gave Frankie her ring since you didn’t get to originally?

  “Ummm, no. Sorry. I was still healing and couldn’t get down on one knee. I couldn’t wait any longer to see my ring on her finger. I wanted the world to know she’s taken, she’s mine and only mine.”

  “I don’t need him to get down on one knee. How he did it was more special. I’ll never forget. Noah shows me every single day how much I mean to him, nothing else matters.”

  Miranda let’s out a blissful sigh.

  “They're so freaking cute together.”

  “Oh yeah, just adorable.” Liam rolls his eyes.

  “Shut your damn mouth. Just because you lost the girl doesn’t mean you get to be a douchebag. I’ll hit you again.”

  “Why are you so violent?”

  “Can't you two ever get along?” Frankie levels them with her best mom look.

  “It’s his fault!” Miranda pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “It’s her fault!” Liam defends at the same time, letting out a huff and glaring at Miranda.

  "Why do I always feel like the dad when they're around?" Noah asks, throwing a thumb towards Miranda and Liam.

  LIAM, WHY WERE YOU so hurt by Frankie choosing Noah when you basically knew how they felt from the start?


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