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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

Page 17

by Juliet Anderson

  “Did you not say he was Valkarin’s heir?”

  “Yes. As his father was killed before he was born, he has had no formal training in the dark arts. He is powerful but not in the same league as Erin so should he start to dabble in black sorcery, the Queen would certainly take him to task.”

  “And why would he listen?”

  “His mother is her best friend.” Ulrik stepped out onto the balcony that overlooked the city. “Has provision been made for the soldiers?”

  “Of course. General Belgard will be making sure they are well looked after. King Wilhelm’s personal guard will be shadowing him most the time.”

  “I guess there is nothing else to do but change and wait for their arrival.”

  Sigfried smiled and touched his son’s arm. “You have nothing to worry about, Son. You are heir to the Mallenvaar throne and Katya is of royal blood herself. The match is an excellent one.”

  “The relationship is still in the very early stages before you going announcing anything,” Ulrik sighed. However, as he had said to Katya, he would dearly like to push their relationship along. Vikings weren’t known for their patience.


  “Impressive,” Arianna stared at the sight of Mallenvaar castle.

  “Why is everyone so taken with this castle?” Wilhelm grunted. “Lokranor castle is just as large.”

  “Size isn’t everything,” Erin threw her husband a mischievous look.

  “What is Ulrik’s cousin like?” Arianna whispered over to Kat.

  “A toad.”

  “As in a Damon type of toad?”

  “No, a real slimy, swamp dwelling one. He’s trying to take the throne from Ulrik.”

  “Ah, that kind of reptile.”

  “Yeah, and something tells me as the Lokranor heir, his interest will be most definitely fixed on you.”

  “Cool. I love putting chauvinistic Vikings back in their place.”

  “Don’t we all,” Kat giggled. She glanced over at her parents. “How about we leave the old ones to their sedate pace.”

  “I love a challenge,” Arianna nudged her horse into gallop.

  Erin put a restraining hand on Wilhelm’s arm. “Let them have their freedom. It is not often we see them enjoying each other’s company as much.”

  “Not since Katya saved our lives,” Wilhelm responded. “In fact she reminds me so much of you when you were still seventeen.”

  “Beautiful, courageous and talented?”

  “Outspoken, brash and head-strong.”

  “All admirable qualities.” Erin stared at the horizon. “I think we have a welcoming party. I wonder how long Ulrik has been standing on the steps.”

  “From the way he looks at Katya, I might have to have a subtle fatherly talk to him.”

  Erin burst out laughing, surprising the guards behind them. “Subtle is not a word in the Viking vocabulary. Besides, you looked at me in the same way and I managed to keep you at bay without having the benefit of a father to protect me. And like me, if Ulrik oversteps the line, he might find himself a little toasty.”

  “I guess that beats pepper spray,” Wilhelm chuckled.

  “How about we pick up the pace as well, old timer. We don’t want the girls to embarrass us.”

  Kat felt that familiar flutter in her stomach as Ulrik took hold of her bridle as she dismounted.

  “It’s not often our citizens are blessed with the sight of two Viking princesses riding at full pelt across our lands.”

  “There are not many places we can give the horses their head around Muirhead. And as you know, I’m not often in Lokranor.”

  “Luckily for me,” Ulrik kissed her cheek before turning to Arianna. “Welcome to Mallenvaar, Princess Arianna.”

  Arianna leant in and kissed his cheek. “It is a pleasure to be here. And like my sister, if you call me Princess, I will shorten your lifespan.”

  “I won’t, but sadly it is your title which might have to be used for introduction to my father.”

  Kat turned to see her parents ride up. “They’ve got faster.”

  “Welcome to Mallenvaar once more,” Ulrik bowed to Wilhelm and Erin.

  “It is our pleasure to be back,” Erin slipped her arm through her husband’s and followed Ulrik up the steps, aware of the crowd that had gathered.

  The people in the main hall parted to let them through. Kat had never seen it so crowded, nor seen Sigfried seated at the far end. He rose and came forward to meet them, shaking Wilhelm’s hand firmly.

  “I am delighted to welcome you all back. We have arranged a huge feast in your honour.”

  “We are looking forward to it,” Wilhelm acknowledged. He stepped aside to let Arianna through. “I don’t believe you have yet met my eldest daughter and heir to Lokranor, Arianna.”

  Sigfried took her hand. “You are most welcome, Princess Arianna.”

  “Just Arianna,” she smiled warmly at him.

  “Let us head to my quarters for a drink whilst you decide what you would like to do before the banquet. I would like to show Wilhelm some of Mallenvaar if he would like to see it. The ladies might like to rest after their journey.”

  Sigfried was met with three loud snorts of disapproval.

  “Or perhaps not?” he withdrew his statement.

  “I would be more than happy to accompany you and my husband,” Erin responded politely. She was not going to let Wilhelm ride out into a virtually unknown territory without proper protection. And that protection was her.

  “And your daughters?”

  “I’d be interested to see how your army compares with ours,” Arianna spoke up.

  “You want to see our soldiers?” Sigfried was bemused.

  “As the heir, I lead the army,” Arianna reminded him.

  “Of course, how remiss of me,” Sigfried recovered himself. “Ulrik will escort you.”

  Ulrik noticed Kat’s sword as soon as she removed her cloak in Sigfried’s quarters. “You’ve had a new one made.”

  “Yes. This one does not melt under white fire.”

  “And have you had need to use it much?”

  “I have to practice but I’ve not drawn it to kill in a while.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  “How are things with Oskar?”

  “Tense. He’s livid about the discovery of the gateway and how my father is now turning to me for advice. And as Oskar has no knowledge of any other realm, it’s really irritating him.”

  “No other attempts on your life?”

  “Strangely not which makes me think he and my uncle have another plan up their sleeves.”

  “Something to do with our visit perhaps?”

  “Possibly.” Ulrik glanced briefly at Arianna. “I would watch your sister.”

  “I have already forewarned her about your cousin. As heir to the Lokranor throne, she is the prey of every unscrupulous Viking who wants to rule a kingdom.”

  “Except Damon of Vasmaar, he already has a territory.”

  “Even Damon wants Lokranor. His lineage has been trying to get it since Valkarin’s days. First days, I should say. Valkarin did get his hands on it second time around, albeit it rather briefly.”

  “Ah yes, your father told me about that. Your mother killed the evilest of sorcerers.”

  “Yeah, Mum has a way with sorcerers. She used to get under Damon’s father’s skin regularly from what his mother tells me.”

  “I would hazard a guess that her daughters have been raised in the same way.”

  “It’s our First Realm upbringing. We fight for what we believe in and don’t back down. Nor do we embrace millennia old hatreds and traditions.”

  “Our Royal guests have arrived, I see.” A deep voice made Kat jump.

  “My uncle, Lief,” Ulrik murmured to Kat.

  She vaguely remembered him being with Sigfried and her parents the last time they were here.

  After greeting her parents, Lief turned towards Kat. “I believe we did not get a formal
introduction last time. I am Lief, Sigfried’s brother.”

  Kat nodded as Lief turned far too quickly towards Arianna. “And you must be the heir?”

  “I am,” Arianna responded without warmth. Her sister was a good judge of character.

  “And what plans have you young people got this afternoon?”

  “I believe Prince Ulrik was going to introduce me to his troops,” Arianna replied haughtily.

  “His troops?” Lief was mystified.

  “Yes. The guys that do the fighting around here. Sometimes known as soldiers.”

  “It is not my understanding of the word that baffles me,” Lief kept his tone clipped. “I was wondering why a Princess of Lokranor would want to see troops.”

  “I thought it was obvious. As heir I lead the army. I want to see how Mallenvaar troops differ from ours.”

  “A girl leading the army?” Lief sounded horrified.

  “If you don’t think a girl of eighteen is capable of that, my mother killed Valkarin at the tender age of eighteen. And before you say another disparaging word, take a look at the sword that hangs at her side. That will pass to me one day.”

  For a minute Kat wondered if Arianna was going to ask her to show Lief what a seventeen-year-old with a sun stone could do, luckily her sister kept her temper in check for a change.

  “We’re going to head out to the training hall,” Ulrik propelled the two girls out the door before they openly declared war on his uncle.

  “We will see you at the banquet later,” Sigfried called after them.

  “I hope I didn’t offend your uncle too much,” Arianna puffed out her cheeks.

  “Hopefully you did,” Ulrik laughed. “He’s probably still seething at having the mother of all set downs from an eighteen-year old-girl.”

  “I aim to please,” she bowed dramatically.

  “Aims but sadly fails,” Kat joked.

  “Enough, ladies. The citizens of Mallenvaar are excepting two women who look and behave regally.”

  “Then sadly they are to be disappointed, Ulrik,” Arianna giggled.

  “I knew it was a tall order,” he grunted and got slapped on both sides by Kat and her sister.

  Kat had not yet seen the troops’ training quarters so it was a new experience for her too. Not that she really knew what to look for, it was just a bunch of Vikings throwing around their swords. Arianna seemed impressed though.

  “They appear remarkably well-trained and in shape,” she acknowledged.

  “And what were you expecting?” Ulrik raised an eyebrow. “A bunch of overweight drunks?”

  “No,” she laughed. Actually yes, but she wasn’t going to admit it.

  “Do any particularly stand out?”

  “That one at the far side of the hall with the bare chest is rather impressive,” Kat murmured before turning bright red. She’d not meant to say that out loud.

  “I concur, sister.” Arianna stared a little too long at the beautiful torso of the Viking soldier. “Very impressive indeed.”

  Ulrik cleared throat loudly. “I meant their fighting skills not their physique.” His lush brown eyes turned to Kat. “And my chest is on a par with Drago’s.”

  Kat slipped her arm through his, the male ego was so fragile. “As I’ve not yet seen your chest, I can’t compare,” she whispered in his ear.

  “You only have to ask,” he breathed in her ear.

  “How would Drago like to take me on?” Arianna grinned.

  “As long as you don’t beat him, he’d be delighted,” Ulrik sighed before beckoning the warrior over.

  “Two beautiful ladies,” Drago raked his eyes over Arianna appraisingly. “I hope you’re not going to keep them all to yourself, Prince Ulrik.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of being so selfish,” Ulrik responded with a glint in his eye. He nodded towards Arianna. “This fair maiden has just issued you with a challenge.”

  “She wants to fight me?” He looked quite taken aback. “I was more hoping she might want me to….”

  “Before you finish that sentence, Drago, let me introduce you to Arianna, heir to Royal House of Lokranor.”

  Drago’s eyes widened in shock. He immediately bowed politely. “I do apologise, my lady.”

  “You are quite forgiven, Viking,” Arianna ran her eyes over him slowly. “I am curious to see if your fighting skills are as impressive as your chest.”

  Drago’s mouth opened and shut a couple of times, he was clearly unsure how to respond.

  “Are all your troops verbally challenged?” Arianna gave Ulrik an amused look.

  “Make sure you beat her, Drago,” Ulrik rolled his eyes.

  “With pleasure,” Drago glowered at Arianna.

  The hall suddenly thinned out with all the troops stopping to watch an unknown woman take on one of their top warriors. Arianna hoped she hadn’t underestimated this Viking too much; she was a little hampered by the full length dress. After a few minutes, everyone had their eyes glued on Arianna. Kat was immensely proud of her sister; she managed to match Drago blow for blow even though she was a fraction of his size and height.

  “If Arianna ever wants to step down, I’d gladly offer her a position leading our troops,” Ulrik murmured in Kat’s ear.

  “Sword skills kind of run in our family. Perhaps it would have been sporting to have forewarned Drago.” Kat threw Ulrik an apologetic look. “Perhaps we should call it a draw for diplomacy’s sake?”

  Ulrik stepped forward. “A wonderful demonstration of Second meets Fourth Realm.” He slapped Drago jovially on the back.

  Arianna re-sheathed her sword. “You fight well, Drago,” she acknowledged.

  “Likewise, my lady.”

  “I look forward to taking a drink with you at the banquet.”

  “It would be an honour,” he replied formally.

  “Just make sure you wear your tunic,” she gave him a smouldering look before heading back to her sister.

  “Are you flirting?” Kat giggled. She’d never seen her sister do it before. Well, perhaps with Damon; although that usually consisted of them hurling insults at each other.

  “Perhaps,” she sighed. “He is rather cute.”

  Having had a good look around the Castle grounds, Ulrik was just escorting them across the courtyard when a figure came forward to meet them.

  “Toad alert,” Kat muttered under her breath to Arianna.

  “Ulrik, I hope you will introduce me properly to your guests this time.”

  “Oskar, this is Arianna and Katya from the Royal House of Lokranor.” Ulrik’s voice was devoid of any warmth.

  As expected, Oskar totally ignored Kat and went straight for Arianna. “I am quite charmed,” he acknowledged with a cockiness that irritated Arianna.

  “And you are?” she managed to perfect her disdainful look.

  “Oskar, nephew to the King.”

  Arianna turned to Ulrik. “Is it just you who is of royal lineage?”

  “It is,” he smirked as Oskar looked murderous.

  “I am second in line to the throne,” Oskar seethed.

  “Really? Has King Sigfried decreed that?” Arianna retorted.

  “Well, not yet. But it is an unwritten agreement.”

  “Hmm, Viking law does not hold much sway for that. At least not in such mighty kingdoms as Lokranor.” She slipped her arm through Ulrik’s. “Weren’t you going to show us the Royal library, Prince Ulrik?”

  “I was, my lady.”

  Only when out of sight and earshot did Ulrik start laughing. “You, my dear, were priceless. I could not have insulted Oskar more if I’d tried.”

  “Putting people down is a skill taught to us in the First Realm,” Arianna grinned. “I hope I wasn’t too damming.”

  “No. You were just perfect.”

  Kat nudged him in the ribs.

  “Sorry, you were almost as perfect as your sister.”

  Damon was buried in his study trying to decipher various charts. At least that was the plan how
ever his mind refused to co-operate. It kept drifting to Arianna. Was Wilhelm really going to let her stay in the Fourth Realm? And if so, who would protect her? She was the King’s heir and needed to be guarded at all times. And no-one could provide protection like him.


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