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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

Page 18

by Juliet Anderson

  “What has you in such a restless mood?” Magnus sauntered into the study.

  “What makes you think I am?” Damon scowled.

  “Your focus is all over the place.”

  “Thanks for telling me something I already know.”

  “You’re welcome,” Magnus gave an irritating grin.

  “Do you not worry for Wilhelm and Erin being in another realm?”

  “Ah, now I see the reason for your unrest. No. Wilhelm finally has a steady head on his shoulders and Erin could vaporise anything within a five-mile radius, so no.” He circled Damon for a moment. “Had you asked if I worried about Arianna, I might have a difference answer.”

  “You worry for her too?”

  “I am not worried about her well-being, she will be fine. I am more concerned that you will fly into the mother of all rages when you find out she’s taken a fancy to some muscle-bound Mallenvaarian.”

  “Has she?” Damon snapped back.

  “Most likely,” Magnus laughed. “Her choice here in Lokranor is a bit limiting. She’ll be like a kid in a sweet shop over there.”

  Damon tossed a chart aside. What was the point in trying to concentrate?

  “Perhaps you should head to the training hall for a few hours,” Magnus suggested. “Strenuous activity is good at getting rid of uncontrollable bursts of jealousy.”

  “I am not jealous,” Damon grunted.

  “Really? Your eyes turn red whenever Arianna looks at another male.”

  “Who has she been looking at?”

  Magnus shook his head. “If you want her to look at you, you will definitely need to lose your womanising image.”

  “I thought women liked experienced men? Aren’t we supposed to be a challenge?”

  “Not for someone like Arianna. As the heir, there will be precious little chance for her to develop a relationship so whoever she sets her sights on, needs to come up to scratch.”

  “And I don’t?”

  “Not at the moment. Do you think she could trust a man who sleeps around to be faithful?”

  “I don’t sleep around. Well, not that much.”

  “Besides, she’s grown up with you and sees you more of a brother than a life-partner. Give her time to experience life and live a little without Lokranor watching her every move.”

  “If she’s going to be experiencing anything, it will be with me,” Damon glowered.

  “Then win her over,” Magnus sighed heavily.

  “I plan to when she returns.”

  Giving up on his research, Damon called for his horse to be brought around. A good hard ride would clear his head of that irritating heir to Lokranor. At least he hoped so. Failing that he would pop over to Muirhead to see his sister, Morganna. She always made him laugh. Unless she was pissed off at something, then she could give him the equivalent to nettle rash. On second thoughts, he would steer clear of the First realm.


  Ulrik was waiting in the living area when Kat came out her room. He looked outstanding in a white and gold tunic with black leather trousers tucked into long boots; his sword hanging by his side.

  “You look beautiful,” he kissed her firmly on the mouth. “It’s a pity your sister is also in this suite otherwise I might be inclined to show you just how good you look.”

  Kat giggled and slipped her arms around his neck. “Behave, Viking.”

  “It’s not a word we use very often.”

  They stepped apart as Arianna came out to join them, looking amazing in red.

  “I think there may well be a riot in the banquet hall,” Ulrik smiled. “Now ladies, let me escort you downstairs where our parents are waiting.”

  Kat took hold of Ulrik’s arm as she led them down to an anteroom by the Great Hall. Her parents, Sigfried, Lief and Oskar were already there.

  “Welcome, ladies, welcome,” Sigfried boomed as they entered. Goblets were thrust into their hands by a hovering servant. “We were just discussing seating arrangements. Wilhelm will sit to my right, then Ulrik, followed by the lady Arianna, Oskar and Lief. Erin and Katya will be on my left.”

  Arianna glanced over at Kat with a smirk before turning the charm on Sigfried. “The table does seem to be a little unbalanced in favour of the right and will make my mother and sister look almost like outcast. How about I sit next to Katya and we add an extra person to the left. One of your brave warriors perhaps?” She smiled at Ulrik. “Who was that excellent specimen we saw fighting today? He did possess good conversational skills so would be a welcomed addition.”

  “That would be Drago. I am sure he will be delighted to sit with you and Katya.” Ulrik responded before his father could.

  “Is it not usual for heirs to sit on the right hand side?” Oskar scowled.

  “Yes,” Arianna responded. “But I am not Mallenvaar’s heir and I am also female. So for diplomacy, I have no problem sitting on the left.”

  “Splendid,” Sigfried smiled, clapping Wilhelm on the back. “Your daughter has already learnt the delicate art of negotiating politics.”

  Wilhelm looked at Arianna suspiciously, making her grin. She was not normally that subtle.

  “I guess we should head in before too much wine is consumed,” Ulrik announced.

  “It’s the same in Lokranor. The celebrating starts long before the Royals and guests of honour arrive,” Erin rolled her eyes.

  Knowing their dislike for Oskar, Ulrik extended his elbows to Kat and Arianna quickly and headed out behind his father, Wilhelm and Erin.

  The banquet hall was packed to capacity and resembled the hall in Lokranor. Everyone jumped to their feet the minute they started walking down the central aisle; all eyes were on the royal party.

  Ulrik felt Kat’s small hand grip his arm hard. “Are you nervous?”

  “Yeah. I don’t usually attract much attention,” she murmured.

  “Sorry. Blame me for that.”


  “Not only are you from the Second Realm, people are also seeing you as the potential Princess of Mallenvaar.”

  Kat rolled her eyes. If they had been an ordinary couple dating, no-one would raise an eyebrow. Because they were of royal households, one kiss and people were imaging wedding bells. She felt some sympathy for Arianna, the pressure must be even worse for her.

  Ulrik paused part way down the aisle and nodded at Drago. “Your presence has been requested by the House of Lokranor on the top table.”

  “Me?” Drago sounded shocked.

  “Yes,” Arianna released Ulrik and slipped her arm through his. “It was the least I could do for almost handing you your butt this afternoon.”

  “I think the lady might have her facts confused,” Drago retorted, stepping in line with the group. “I do believe I almost beat you.”

  “And I think you have drunk too much already to remember, Viking.”

  Kat stepped closer to Ulrik. “How long before they challenge each other?”

  “Didn’t I tell you? They’re the after dinner entertainment,” Ulrik chuckled.

  He led her around to the left hand side of the top table. “This is sadly where I have to leave you for now.” He kissed her hand which not only made her turn red but added to the rumours already circulating.

  Arianna had placed Drago between them so the poor guy had no chance of escaping with his masculinity intact.

  After the formal toast from Sigfried welcoming Wilhelm and his family to Mallenvaar, Kat expected him to sit down, however he remained standing. She really hoped it wasn’t going to be a long line of speeches.

  “And before we get down to the serious business of feasting and drinking,” Sigfried continued talking. “I would like to take this special occasion to formally announce my son, Ulrik, as my heir. He has proved to me that he possesses all the qualities needed to lead a kingdom such as ours.”

  Kat glanced down the table towards Ulrik who was doing his best to hide his shock. He was obviously not expecting that to come from his father ei
ther. Everyone except Lief and Oskar seemed to welcome the news. She was thrilled for him, for his father finally to see what she had in such a short space of time.

  As the eating and drinking kicked off, Kat found it highly entertaining to watch her sister try and flirt with Drago; she was positively glowing. The man himself was starting to feel a little more comfortable sandwiched between two very strong-willed females.

  “Is it true you lead the Lokranor army?” Drago turned his attention to Arianna.

  “I will do soon. My father is gradually handing over that responsibility.”

  “Do you find it hard as a female to lead the men?”

  “No,” she smiled. “It is not just about brute strength. A good knowledge of battle strategies, intelligence and guile also come into the equation. If the men trust your judgement, they will follow you anywhere.” She sliced off a hunk of chicken from the platter in front of her with her dagger. It was always strange not using knives and forks. Perhaps that would be her legacy for Lokranor. “Is it Ulrik who leads the army here?”

  “Yes. Oskar would like that job but we trust Ulrik’s judgement. And of late he is becoming very proficient with his sword.”

  “I could hazard a guess as to that reason,” Arianna nodded towards Kat. “I understand Mallenvaar is largely peaceful?”

  “Yes. We’ve not had a major battle for a while.”

  “Likewise. Our last great fight was twenty-two years ago.”

  “I remember hearing that Vasmaar and Lokranor were always at war with each other.”

  “Previously yes. But when Valkarin rose from the dead, we kind of united to send him back to the underworld.”

  “How did you manage that?”

  “My mother.”

  “She killed Valkarin? But he was a sorcerer.”

  “Yes and yes,” Arianna giggled. “Mum is kind of gifted herself.”

  “It is rumoured she carries a Talmar.”

  “She has done since she was seventeen.”

  “It is supposed to pass from generation to generation.”

  “You know your legends well. Yes, it will eventually come to me or my heir should my mother outlive me.”

  Drago sat back and realised he had not been including Katya in the conversation. Not a great move if she was to become Ulrik’s betrothed. “So what does the second daughter of the House of Lokranor do?”

  Kat picked at the meat on her plate. “To be honest, I spend most of my time in the First Realm.”

  “What is that like?”

  “Very different to the Second and here,” she smiled. “I am kind of surplus to requirement in Lokranor so create havoc in the First Realm instead.”

  Drago laughed. “Yet you are spending more of your time in the Fourth Realm at the moment.”

  “Yeah. There is something about this Realm I find rather appealing,” Kat giggled glancing pointedly down the table at Ulrik. He was talking to her father, his eyes twinkled when they met hers.

  “Do you fight well like your sister?”

  “Kind of,” Kat smirked. “We have different talents.”

  “What kind?”

  Before Kat could respond, the doors to the banquet hall flew open and mass of blue light drifted through. She shook her head in case she’d drunk too much wine. Nope. It looked like a collection of eradiated creatures, all glowing blue. She remembered Ulrik mentioning these things. Her mother was already vaulting over the table, her Talmar materialising in her hands.

  The onlookers were stunned as these things made a beeline for the top table. Drago was on his feet drawing his sword. Kat jumped up and snatched the sword from a surprised Drago. “Sorry, but I need to borrow this.”

  “What the…,” he started to object but Arianna rested her hand on his arm.

  “Let my sister do her stuff. She really is most impressive.”

  Racing around the table to join her mother, Kat let several balls of fire burst from her palms and took out a few of the creatures. Her mother was doing a great job with the rest, yet there were still too many for her. A few other warriors had joined in the fight. Channelling her fire into the sword, Kat sliced her way through a few more, following instructions from her mother on how to kill each type. Soon there was just a pile of ash on the floor. It was kind of cool fighting alongside her mum.

  “You have someone reasonably skilled with sorcery in your kingdom,” Erin approached Sigfried.

  “It seems I do,” he was staring at her with his mouth half open. “Forgive me, I have never seen blue energy used before.” His eyes rested on Kat. “Or fire like that.”

  “Katya controls the power of a sun stone,” Wilhelm leant in to Sigfried.

  “Your ladies are highly valuable commodities,” Sigfried gave half a smile. Glancing at his son, he noted the lack of surprise on his face. Something told him Ulrik already knew about Katya’s gift. Perhaps it was time for another father-son talk.

  Kat handed over a twisted piece of metal to Drago. “Apologies. I’ll arrange for a replacement tomorrow.”

  He looked at the remains of his sword. “You can channel fire through your body?”


  “Does it not burn?”

  “No, it just tingles a bit.”

  “But it can destroy a sword?”

  “It can. I have one specially made to withstand the heat, but it seemed rude to turn up at a banquet fully armed, for a lady at least.”

  Drago turned his attention to Arianna. “What surprises do you have?”

  “None. With my mother and sister, I don’t need any.”

  “My sister is too modest,” Kat sprang to her defence. “She is due to inherit the power of a moon stone.”


  “Yes,” Kat said proudly.

  Arianna shrugged. Who was she to argue with her sister? She just hoped it was true.

  Sigfried was on his feet with his goblet raised. “A toast to Queen Erin and her daughter for that marvellous display of sorcery and swordsmanship. With such powerful neighbours as our friends, we need never fear our enemies again.”

  Arianna was pleased to have Drago’s attention focused back on her when the noise started to die down again.

  “Are you going to show me the wondrous sights of Mallenvaar?” Arianna batted her eyelashes.

  “I thought Ulrik would be doing that?” Drago quizzed.

  “I feel kind of a spare part when he and Katya are together. It is so rare they get time alone.”

  Drago gave a knowing smile. “It would be an honour then, my lady.”

  “I’m glad to see this is just like Lokranor,” Kat shook her head.

  “How?” Drago tilted his head in query.

  “Mention the word banquet and a Viking instantly knocks back the wine like he is headed for battle the next day.”

  “It is a man’s prerogative to get drunk,” Drago raised his goblet in salute.

  Kat rolled her eyes. Glancing over, she saw her mother rise. That was the ladies’ cue to slip out before things got too riotous.

  “Arianna, Katya, time to make our escape,” Erin gave them a resigned look. She knew only too well how these events ended. She gave Erik who was always close to Wilhelm a firm look. “I’m entrusting you with his care.”

  “Any idea how we find our rooms?” Arianna sighed.

  “Yeah, I kind of know my way around the castle,” Kat said sheepishly.

  “What kind of a host would I be if I didn’t see you safely back,” Ulrik’s voice sent tingles down Kat’s spine.

  “Lead on, young Prince,” Erin slipped her arm through Ulrik’s.

  “You’re leaving your banquet?” Kat asked.

  “No, fear not I will return. For some reason my soldiers like to get drunk with their leader,” Ulrik grinned.

  “I’m hoping the Lokranor troops will get over that old tradition,” Arianna groaned.

  Ulrik purposefully headed to Erin’s quarters first before Katya’s and Arianna’s. Arianna took her cue. �
��I’ll see you both in the morning.” She waved an arm as she disappeared into her bedroom.

  “Alone at last,” Ulrik murmured before pulling Kat to him and kissing her in the way only a Viking can.

  She eventually came up for air. “You, my dear, should leave,” she said rather breathlessly.


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