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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 9

by Wendie Nordgren

  "Is it a problem?" I asked.

  "Please remove your weapon before Admiral Valen enters," he said.

  "No, I intend to keep it. Other than my being here, removing my weapon would be the stupidest thing I could do." My response had shocked him. Sherman chuckled.

  "Now, now, Teagan. Why don't you just pass it off to one of your guards?" Sherman asked. I smiled at the Parvacs.

  "I can keep it, or I can leave. The choice is yours."

  A tall, muscular, mean looking soldier covered in medals entered the room as I stared at the soldier. "Leave her be," he said in a quiet deadly voice. The soldier saluted and he along with the other soldier stood behind him and against the wall. Another younger soldier entered next, from his medals I thought he might be a captain. Thunderdrop crawled over to my other shoulder. Admiral Valen stared at me with my own green eyes. Our hair was the same dirty blonde. I thought our noses even looked the same. However, he was even taller than Ethan. In a tone of voice, I assumed he probably considered to be gentle, he said, "My name is Kagan Valen. Neema Valen was my beloved sister. It has been discovered that you are believed to be her child. You look like her, like Neema. However, I require proof."

  Admiral Kagan appeared to be about the same age as Ethan and Sherman. The two men who had been in our sitting room with Captain Espanoza took over. I hadn't noticed them enter the room. The silver haired man said, "Lady Teagan Alaric Montgomery Lee, please allow me to introduce Admiral Kagan Valen and Captain Kane Valen." I turned and looked at Captain Espanoza. Then, I turned back to the Parvacs and curtsied.

  "Pleased to meet you," I lied. I hope Captain Espanoza was proud of me for my peaceful behavior.

  "Please be seated," the official said.

  "Chirp." I sat and laughed. It was in assistance of Captain Espanoza that Hiroshi had earned the animosity of the Parvacs when they had attacked Malta.

  "Something amuses you?" Admiral Valen asked. I looked him in the eyes and smiled.

  "I was just thinking about the times Parvacs have tried to kill me. That's all. It really would have been hilarious if they had succeeded." The silver haired official blanched.

  "The unsanctioned actions of those dishonorable soldiers is regretted by me and the Empire. Attacking an unarmed woman is reprehensible," Admiral Valen said.

  "But, it wouldn't be the first time. Would it?" I thought about Yukihyo's clan, his mother and sisters. The Admiral stared at me. "I was also thinking about all of the miners they killed on Malta and all of the wounded refugees filling the makeshift hospital where I volunteered. Were those attacks sanctioned by your government, Admiral Valen?" His jaw had begun to clench. Mine had too, and I opened my jaw and then rubbed at it. Kane Valen began to laugh. He pointed at me.

  "She's just like you. She even does that thing with her jaw, but she's tiny and pretty."

  I scowled at him. My scowl made the anger leave Admiral Valen's green eyes. "I regret that you witnessed the hostilities between our peoples. Higher authorities have begun speaking in an attempt to learn to co-exist peacefully," Admiral Valen said.

  "Indeed, although the negotiations remain in the preliminary stages, a treaty of non-aggression between our governments may prove fruitful. Shall we proceed?" the official asked. Admiral Valen inclined his head. Captain Kane Valen smiled at me in amusement. I frowned at him. He looked like a younger version of the admiral and a lot like me. "Lady Teagan, it has been requested that both you and Admiral Valen undergo genetic scans in order to verify your parentage. Will you allow this?"

  I squeezed Sherman's hand and stared at the edge of the table. "I will."

  "Lady Teagan, would you please come forward?"

  Captain Espanoza pulled out my chair. Again, I pushed my terror away and into the darkness. I refused to think.

  "Chirp chirp." Thunderdrop jumped to the top of my head as I stood and walked to the official. The Parvac soldier who had complained about my blaster came toward me and fear sank jagged barbs into my heart. My hand went to my blaster and rested on it. If he tried to hit me or grab me, I planned to shoot him in the eyes and run. "Chirp."

  "Lady Teagan, would you please hold out your arm?" the official asked. I moved slightly behind the official. I had to take my hand away from my blaster so that I could unfasten the button at my wrist and push my sleeve up. I glanced up at the official, who nodded at me before I held my arm out to the Parvac soldier. He placed the genetic scanner to my arm, and I felt a fast sharp pop. Then, he removed the device and studied the monitor. He met the admiral's questioning stare. He showed Admiral Valen the results. Then, the admiral lifted his sleeves and exposed his arm for a scan. I heard the soft pop. I realized I was sitting down, but I forgot walking to my seat and sitting in it. For a moment I had thought that I was still standing. I fastened the button on my sleeve. Then, he showed the admiral the results and then shared the information with the Galaxic officials in the room. They nodded.

  Admiral Valen stared at me. "The girl is my flesh and blood. She is my sister's child."

  My heart pounded, and I tried to ignore it. I looked down at my ring. I pretended I was in my forest looking into spider eyes. "Well, then Admiral Valen, I believe that you wanted confirmation of my parentage and now you have it. Are we finished here?" I rose to leave.

  "No, we are not," he said. "I want you to come home with me. You will be safe and have everything you desire. I am your uncle. My son is your cousin. Neema would want me to protect you and take you home."

  I looked at nothing. My heart seemed to beat in time with my words. "Well, I don't remember her. I don't know you, but you want to take me away from my home and my family. What you suggest is my worst nightmare." My hands had started to tremble. Thunderdrop chirped softly at me.

  "You belong with your family," Admiral Valen said. He was going to take me away from everyone I loved, and I would never see Yukihyo again. I started to panic and couldn't push it away fast enough. My panic was a tall deep rising wave looming above me ready to crash down.

  Ethan took over. "Teagan is with her family. She is the granddaughter of both my and Lord Montgomery's aunt. Our sons are her cousins. Teagan is safe, protected, cherished, and well-provided for. You can see what your talk of leaving us is doing to her. Can you not? The last thing she deserves is more trauma."

  Sherman carefully dabbed at my eyes with a silk square, but I couldn't control my breathing any more, and then the wave crashed down on me. The next thing I knew, I was in Sherman's lap sobbing into his shoulder. Thunderdrop wrapped himself around the back of my neck.

  "I suggest a brief recess," an official said. I heard people leaving the room.

  When everyone had gone, I said, "You promised you wouldn't let them take me away."

  "Shush, now. Everything is alright. No one can make you go anywhere you don't want to go," Sherman said against my hair.

  "They made grandmother Ettie go away."

  "That was a long time ago, and you are practically dripping in tracking devices." I laughed and hiccupped into his shoulder.

  "Sherman, I'm so embarrassed."

  "Why? You didn't trip or burp." I rolled my forehead against his shoulder.

  "I tried so hard not to cry."

  "You did a very good job. I know how afraid you were to come here today. I'm proud of how brave you have been."

  "So, I guess now wouldn't be a good time to ask you if we can sneak out? I did everything he wanted. Didn't I? Can we go home now?"

  I heard Ethan say, "Teagan, I believe your Uncle Valen would like to speak to you for a little while longer before we go home."

  "Why? My father murdered his sister. What would he want to do with me?" I buried my face between Sherman's shoulder and neck. He placed a silk square into my hand, and I wiped my eyes and noisily blew my nose. I drew in a ragged breath. I heard someone clear his throat from across the room, and I froze. I turned my head. We weren't alone. Captain and Admiral Valen still sat across the large table from us. I lowered my head and returned t
o my seat between Sherman and Ethan.

  "I have some things that belonged to your mother, Neema. I know she would want you to have them and remember her in some way. I also know how Nathan Green treated Neema and you, Teagan. I found out every evil thing he ever did before his execution. Nathan Green was sentenced to death by way of reverse nanite technology. The nanites broke him down bit by bit. He died slowly and in excruciating agony, and I watched the entire time. Anyone who even tries to hurt you will suffer the same fate." Admiral Valen slid a clean pocket square across the table to me. Since my nose was running, I took it. "Teagan, would you like to see what she looked like?" I reached for Ethan's hand. I heard papers rustling. Admiral Valen had gotten up from his seat. He walked toward us. He bent his knees and caught my eyes from the side of the table near Ethan. Admiral Valen handed Ethan a picture. Ethan put it in my hand. She was beautiful and smiling. Her hair had a lot of red in it just like Sherman and Simon. Her eyes were light blue.

  "May I keep it? Gram would really like to see her, too."

  "Yes, I brought it for you. I brought several pictures for you. Most are loaded on a vid-screen for you to keep, Teagan." Admiral Valen handed Ethan another picture. In it were grandmother Ettie Montgomery, a girl, and a boy. "That is a picture of Neema and me with our mother, your grandmother."

  I frowned. "She looks happy."

  "Teagan, it is true that my father, your grandfather, stole mother from Arachne, but he only did so because he fell madly in love with her. He knew he had to take her with him, or never see her again. He was selfish, but he gave her the best life that he could and loved her until the day he died." Admiral Valen paused and waited until I chanced another glance at him. "Teagan, I'm not planning to abduct you or take you from your Arachnean family. I will not do anything to hurt you." I looked up at him a little longer.

  "I kept wondering who I looked like. I look like you don't I?" Admiral Valen smiled at me, but he still seemed frightening to me.

  "I think what your cousin said is true. You are a tiny pretty version of me. Also, we may have some personality traits in common. I would very much like an opportunity to get to know you, Teagan." Slowly, he rose and returned to sit by Captain Valen, who looked just as scary. A case rested on the table in front of them. Admiral Valen reached inside and pulled out a stone sculpture of a bird with its wings spread. He carried it over to our side of the table and placed it down in front of me. "Neema made this when she was around your age. She loved creating things from stone or even bars of soap, freeing what she imagined to be trapped inside.” I could see every feather in the bird's wings. Its head was cocked to the side as though it listened for something. "Teagan, do you have any hobbies?"

  "Not really. I've just been trying to learn some things."

  "What kind of things?" I glanced up at Ethan who gave me a small nod that the Valens noticed.

  "I've learned to drive, use some of the machines at Simon's warehouse, and bake a few things, but I really want to learn how to fly a fighter ship. I had established my own profitable trade agreement on Malta, but had to end it."

  "You blame me for that. However, Malta is no place for you. It was too dangerous, even for a young woman who can aim a blaster."

  Sherman grunted in agreement, and I turned to him. "I have to agree about Malta."

  "Perhaps one day you can begin trade in the Parvac system."

  The thought of trade with the Parvacs would infuriate Yukihyo. A knock sounded at the door, and the silver haired official returned. Both a Parvac and Galaxic Militia soldier followed him carrying trays.

  "I thought refreshments might be in order," he said. Our soldier poured us cups of coffee and placed napkins and plates in front of us along with little cakes. The coffee smelled like comfort, and I sipped it gratefully.

  "Thank you," I said to the soldier. I turned and saw Captain Espanoza. "Captain Espanoza, may I pour you a cup?"

  "No, thank you," she gave me a nod of her head.

  "Have you known Captain Espanoza for long, Teagan?" Admiral Valen asked.

  "No, sir, but I've read all about her."

  "Why is that?" I must have looked at him as though he were crazy. Then, I turned and smiled at Captain Espanoza.

  "Well, if I could be like anyone, I would definitely want to be like her."

  "Thank you, Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee," Captain Espanoza said to me.

  "Please, just call me Teagan, ma'am." She nodded to me, and I turned back around in my seat.

  Admiral Valen said, "Captain Espanoza does have the reputation of being a formidable opponent. I suppose her intelligence and bravery make her an excellent role model." It seemed painful for Admiral Valen to say. The official seemed pleased. I sipped my coffee. Admiral Valen pulled a small box from the case. Again, he kneeled down at the side of the table. "This is just a simple gift for my niece. My hope is that one day you may call me Uncle Kagan and not Admiral Valen."

  He held the box out to me. I hesitated, and then Thunderdrop chirped at me, so I took the box from his hand. Inside the box rested a bracelet of diamonds each the size of my thumb. The fifteen or sixteen diamonds were set in a thick gold bracelet and glittered crazily. "This is too much," I said.

  "I disagree," Admiral Valen said. "May I?" He gestured toward the box. I gave it to him. He opened the clasp and held the bracelet open.

  "Did you put any tracking devices in it?" I asked skeptically. A corner of his mouth turned up.

  "No, everything and every person in this building and for a few surrounding miles has been scrutinized by both of our governments." I held my slightly trembling wrist out, and he fastened it. The bracelet felt heavy, and the diamonds sparkled more frantically once free of the box. Thunderdrop chirped at it and tapped at it with one of his black claws.

  "Thank you. It is very beautiful."

  "You are very beautiful. Neema should have been able to shower you with love and attention. Now, it is up to me to do so. I had another piece made to match your bracelet." He returned to the case and brought another box to me. He held it out to me. I opened it to find a gold medallion resting inside of a pendant surrounded by more of the thumb sized diamonds. "I wanted to be sure you had a diamond for each birthday of yours that I missed. May I?"

  Thunderdrop chirped at me in encouragement. I gave him the box, and he removed the medallion which rested on a heavy gold chain. Admiral Valen unfastened the chain and walked behind me. I saw Captain Valen pinning Captain Espanoza to the wall with his eyes as the admiral's back turned to her. The medallion lowered in front of my face. Then, I felt Admiral Valen's fingers brush against the back of my neck as he secured the clasp. He rested his hand on my shoulder. "If you wear this medallion where it is visible, you will never need fear another Parvac citizen, whether he is a uniformed soldier or a hidden spy." He returned to his seat.

  I looked at the medallion and then at him. "So, you're telling me that I can travel where I want, and I don't have to worry about being grabbed?" He inclined his head. "What about my crew?"

  "What about them?"

  "Are they in danger?" He stared at me.

  "No harm will come to your crew or anyone you care for from our doings. I only wish for your happiness." I squinted at him.

  "How do I know you won't double cross me?" Captain Valen snorted. He had a grin on his face,

  "In time I will prove myself to you through my actions."

  I picked up the picture of Neema Valen. Thunderdrop crawled to my shoulder. I lowered the picture to my lap and looked at her face.

  "Do you have any memories of your mother, Teagan?" the silver haired official asked.

  "No, sir. I thought I remembered her humming. I thought my chin was on her shoulder, and my hand was in her hair, but I'm not sure. I thought she left me."

  "Neema never would have left you," Admiral Valen said.

  "Perhaps a brief recess is in order."

  I stood. "Excuse me, please." I placed her picture on the table. "Do you mind coming with me?" I
asked Captain Espanoza. A soldier opened the door for us. We walked to a restroom. When we entered I saw movement at the ceiling and grabbed my blaster. Captain Espanoza jumped in front of me.

  "Hold on there, princess."

  "Gary, what are you doing?"

  "I saw you coming this way, so I checked the ceiling tiles. Can't be too careful. If anything happened to you, your cousin Eric would space me. There's plenty of paper in there too, princess."

  "Thank you, lieutenant. Please, wait outside." Gary hopped down and saluted Captain Espanoza on his way out. He winked at me. I went into a stall and then washed my hands and face. "Do you feel better?"

  "Yes, ma'am. Thank you. Do you know what this medallion is?"

  "Yes, it is a Parvacian Imperial Seal. Admiral Valen told you the truth. Any loyal Parvac who sees it will protect you, but will report all of your actions."

  "So, I could travel safely with Yukihyo, Hiroshi, and Phillip?"

  "I believe so. He will want something in return. He will not like you being out of his control. However distasteful you may find any request to be, the official is prepared to negotiate on your behalf, and your cooperation could help to prevent further situations like those on Malta. I did enjoy it immensely, when you chastised the Parvacs’ actions that led to the deaths of the miners and to the injured evacuees. Eric will be proud of you when I speak to him."


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