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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 10

by Wendie Nordgren

  "You know Eric?"

  "Yes, and he is livid at being excluded. He insisted that I be allowed to attend."

  "I do wish he were here, but he must have known getting to meet you would be rewarding for me." We turned for the exit. Gary waited for us, preceded us to the meeting room, and opened the door for us.

  When we entered I saw Sherman shaking hands with Admiral Valen and Ethan speaking with Captain Valen. The official had a relieved expression on his face. I thought mine must be shocked. Captain Espanoza returned to her place against the wall and behind my chair. The official approached me. "There you are." Sherman came and took my hand. He looked down into my eyes. I noticed his shoulder was still wet from my earlier tears.

  "Teagan, the man is Ethan's and my cousin. His son is a cousin to our boys just as you are. Kagan and your mother are both Ettie's children. They are family and have no intentions of forcing you to leave and don't want you to be afraid. If I stay with you, will you go over to them and try to give them a chance?" I shrugged. "That's a good girl." Thunderdrop chirped. I looked back at Captain Espanoza.

  She said, "It will be okay. I'm right here."

  I went over to the other side of the room with Sherman. Admiral Valen loomed over Ethan by at least three inches. The top of my head didn't reach to his shoulders. Captain Valen and Ethan were of the same height. My fingers dug into Sherman's arm. "Teagan, Kane is your cousin just as Simon, Eliot, and Eric are. Shake hands." I extended my hand. Kane wrapped his warm hand around my freezing one. "Your little hand is freezing, tiny cousin. Is your other one just as cold? Let me see," Captain Valen said. I let go of Sherman's arm. My hands had left indents on his shirt. My hand shook as Captain Valen took it in his other hand. I concentrated on one of the medals on his uniform. The captain rubbed his thumbs over the tops of my hands in an attempt to warm them. He hunched his back and bent down to look at my face. I knew he saw my terror. "I'm not going to hurt you. If grandmother knew you were so afraid, her heart would break. When grandmother is sad, she doesn't make me any treats, so you must smile for me at least once."

  Sherman said, "Wait. Are you saying Ettie Montgomery is alive?" Ethan froze.

  "Well, grandmother's name is Ettie Valen, and she is very alive and very bossy. We do everything she tells us to do because we can't bear seeing her sad. You must get that from her, Teagan. Seeing you so afraid is heartbreaking." Captain Valen released my hands and removed his jacket. He placed it around my shoulders. I noticed he had the same heavily muscled chest of Simon and Eric.

  "Why didn't she come with you? Didn't she want to meet me?"

  "Grandmother is terrified to fly. She refuses to set foot on a ship. She wants us to bring you home to her."

  "Gram is the same way."

  "Grandmother wants to see you and to hear your voice more than anything. You are all she has left of Neema. Will you speak to her if I can establish a link?" I nodded and said yes in a small voice. The official handed Captain Valen a vid-screen. He linked it to the Admiral's ship. We waited for several minutes. Then, a woman with short blonde hair answered.

  "Kane, are you and your father alright?"

  "Yes, mother and we are with Teagan. She would like to meet her grandmother." The woman darted away. I saw the room behind her. It had been decorated in shades of blue with white accents.

  "Sapphire blue," I said.

  "Yes, it's grandmother's favorite color."


  The blonde woman, Mrs. Valen, returned with an older woman with hair as white as spider silk. Her eyes were a paler blue than Sherman's. "Captain Espanoza, would you please go to our home and bring Gram here as fast as possible?" I asked.

  "Yes, of course."

  Ettie Montgomery put her hands to her mouth and just looked at me. Her eyes filled with tears. Mrs. Valen patted her gently on the back. "She's my grandbaby. This is my daughter's baby. I've never gotten to hold you. You are beautiful, and you're wearing the necklace your uncle had made for you."

  "Mother, she is safe now. Please don't cry. We have found her," Admiral Valen said from behind me.

  "Bring her home to me, Kagan. She needs to be safe." I began to panic.

  “Chirp chirp chirp chitter chirp."

  Ettie Valen blinked through her tears at Thunderdrop. "Who is that little fellow?"

  "This is Thunderdrop."

  "He is a fine little spider. I always loved our spiders."

  "I do, too. Ethan and Sherman gave my husband and me a beautiful forest full of spiders. They created a gorgeous web at least a mile long for me a few days ago. Right, Ethan?" Captain Valen moved aside to allow Ethan to see the vid-screen.

  "It is a great honor to meet you, Lady Valen. My mother has told me everything she can remember about you. I am Ethan Alaric, Emma Alaric's son, and this is Sherman Montgomery."

  "You are the children of my dear brother and sister, and you are there with my own son and grandson. Are you the one who found my granddaughter?"

  "My son, Simon, met Teagan on Arachne and discovered she was a new crew member on his friend's merchant ship. When this little spider bonded to her, the community began asking questions."

  "Sherman, you look just like your father, Ethan. Emma named her son after your father. That's an old tradition. Have you been taking care of Teagan?"

  "Yes, Aunt Ettie. Each of us has officially adopted Teagan, and her land is enclosed by our own," Sherman said.

  "What land did you give her?"

  "We gave her the area where the river forks," Sherman said.

  "Teagan, did you say you have a husband?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I do. Yukihyo means everything to me."

  "I understand, granddaughter. I understand very well. Do you think you could convince him to come with you to see me?"

  "Maybe one day, when he gets accustomed to the idea." Yukihyo would willingly visit the Parvac Empire when the entire Galaxic Expanse got sucked into a black hole in order for us to survive, so I was kind of telling the truth. The door opened, and Simon escorted Gram into the room. I jumped up. "Gram!" I took her hand and brought her to the chair.

  When Gram and Ettie saw each other, they cried out and made unintelligible noises. Ethan held Gram's shoulders. I went to Simon. His big strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. Thunderdrop jumped to Simon's hair, since Cass had his shoulder and part of his arm. I buried my face in his chest and felt worlds better. "I'm so glad you're here. Sherman's great and all, but you know."

  "Ettie Montgomery is alive?" I nodded against his chest.

  "Yes, and we also have another cousin." I put my chin on his chest and looked up at his eyes. "Both Ettie's son and grandson are in the room with us."

  Gram and Ettie sounded as though they were beginning to communicate with more coherence.

  "This is a dream come true for Gram."

  "Speaking of dreams maybe my nightmares will stop. They've promised not to kidnap me."

  "You've been afraid to sleep?" Admiral Valen asked from behind me. I grimaced. Then, I turned, but went to Simon's side and hugged his arm.

  "Admiral Valen, this is my cousin, Simon Montgomery." Admiral Valen extended his hand to Simon, who shook it.

  Admiral Valen said, "Simon, this is your cousin Kane." They shook hands as well.

  "Teagan Alaric Montgomery Lee, did I just hear you refer to my sister's child, your uncle, as Admiral Valen?" At that moment I felt I knew exactly how a rat staring down a spider must feel.

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Teagan, come here. Please, sit down so that your grandmother can see you, okay?" I did as she wanted. Once I had sat down, Gram held her arms out and said, "Kagan, come give your Aunt Emma a hug." The huge Parvac towered over Gram, and I felt a moment of panic afraid he would hurt her, but he hugged her carefully. I heard Ettie sobbing from the vid-screen and turned to look at her. Gram had moved on to give Kane a hug, but he got kisses, too. I didn't think it was fair for him to get any. He had had a grandmother all to himself for his whole li
fe who baked for him. I didn't. Gram and Ettie exchanged several compliments with each other about how handsome their sons were. Gram seemed to think that Admiral and Captain Valen looked like Lord Montgomery, my great-grandfather. "Teagan, give your cousin back his jacket so your grandmother can see your pretty dress." I did. "Teagan has the same eyes as your boy and grandson."

  Thunderdrop had wrapped himself around my throat. I wondered if he was cold, too.

  "Oh, Emma, I want to hold her. My baby was taken from me, and she's all I have left of her." I felt Gram's arm around me.

  "I know Ettie, but I've got her here safe, and I'm holding her for you. I gave her your spider bracelet, music box, and recipes."

  "You did? Thank you, Emma. I have so much to make up for to her."

  "Simon and Kane why don't you take Teagan on a little walk in the halls outside this room? She needs a break, Simon."

  Simon took my hand and Captain Valen opened the door. Soldiers surrounded us, but Captain Espanoza and Captain Valen made them disperse. As we approached the restroom, I excused myself. "Gary, is there still plenty of waste paper?" My two cousins gave me odd looks, until Gary appeared out of nowhere.

  "Yes, princess. Everything in there meets your standards."

  "Thank you, Gary." Thunderdrop moved to my shoulder, and I saw that Cass had decided to follow us. Once we were safely inside, I said, "Today isn't going at all like I expected." After hiding for as long as possible in the restroom, they chirped at me. "Fine. Did you both remember to push the buttons?" Cass blinked at me and then went back into his stall. "Are we ready?" They blinked. I held the door for them and then followed them out.

  Simon and Kane watched me as I approached. Kane frightened me. I kept thinking about the Parvac soldier who had chased me down in the woods, beaten me, and broken my arm. There were soldiers everywhere. Simon said something to Kane who nodded. "What's this?" Simon asked as he reached for my wrist.

  "Admiral Valen gave it to me."

  "Now, I suppose I must take you to the jewelry store. This time to buy something just for you. I can't have Eliot and now your uncle spoiling you more than I do."

  "Don't be silly. I don't need any more jewelry. You can buy me pastries though." Captain Valen put his jacket back over my shoulders.

  "Perhaps you should buy our tiny cousin a jacket. Her tiny hands also seem perpetually cold."

  "That is an excellent idea. I will do so. Thank you for the suggestion. Would you care to assist me in buying Teagan pastries tomorrow?"

  "I wish that I could, but the Galaxic Militia outlined a strict itinerary for us to follow. We must break orbit and return to Parvacian space in a few hours. It is my fervent hope that a peace treaty might allow me an opportunity to once again visit this tiny female version of my father. I envy you, Simon. You will protect her?"

  "With my life." Thunderdrop and Cass chirped at them. Kane offered me his arm, and Simon led the way back inside the meeting room.

  Kane hesitated before following Simon inside. "Is there anything that you need, Teagan?" I shook my head.

  "No, what do you mean?" He bent at his knees so he could look me in the eyes.

  "If there is ever anything you need, please allow me to help you." I shrugged.

  "Why do you think I am like your father?"

  "You have a temperamental, stubborn attitude at times. I like it."

  "Thank you. I guess." The official opened the door for us. Inside, Sherman, Ethan, and Captain Espanoza were standing. The others were huddled around the vid-screen. Admiral Valen looked at us, but he continued talking to Simon. Kane led me around the table to chairs that were away from the throng of family members. He pulled a tray of little cakes over to us, picked one up, and popped it in his mouth. I grabbed one, too. I got two clean cups and poured us each a cup of coffee from the carafe. I held it up to Captain Espanoza, who declined. Thunderdrop chirped at Kane.

  "What does he want?"

  "Well, he either wants for you to put your hand out so he can sniff you, or he wants to sink his fangs into your flesh and inject you with a powerful neurotoxin." I smiled sweetly and ate another little cake. Captain Espanoza chuckled under her breath. Kane held his hand out. Thunderdrop rubbed his right feeler against Kane's hand. "Do you like him Thunderdrop?"


  "Does he like me?"

  "Yes, he thinks you smell delicious."

  Kane grinned at me and ate a few more of the cakes.

  "Teagan, come here. We are going to take some pictures for your grandmother. She wants to be able to look at you. We are also going to call her three times a week after the relay is put in place." She took the jacket from me, folded it and passed it to Simon. She fixed the button on my sleeve, and straightened my pearls and medallion. "Teagan, take that blaster off or it will ruin the pictures."

  "I'll hold it for you," Simon offered. Grudgingly, I unfastened it and handed it to him. Ethan took a picture of us. Gram didn't like it because I didn't smile. She made Ethan take it over. Then, Gram had the official take several pictures until she was satisfied that she had every combination of people possible.

  "Teagan, your Uncle Kagan went to a great deal of trouble to be able to see you, he brought you beautiful gifts, and lots of pictures. Can you give him a hug?" She walked me over to him. He was sitting down and still seemed taller than me. Gram rubbed my back.

  "Thank you for coming to visit us, Uncle Kagan, and thank you for the picture of my mother, and for the presents you gave me." He had removed his jacket and didn't seem as scary without it. His eyes looked like mine. He opened his arms out a bit.

  "May I hug my niece once before I go home?" I took small steps toward him. He stood and wrapped his arms around me. "You remind me so much of your beautiful mother." His chest felt warm under my cheek. I gave his back an awkward pat. "I hope when you call mother, you will have a few words to spare for me." He squeezed me and let me go, but kept his hands on my shoulders. Thunderdrop chirped at him. He bent down and kissed my cheek.

  "Teagan, your Uncle Kagan and cousin Kane have to go soon. Go give Kane a hug and stop trying to scare the boy with that spider of yours," Gram said. Uncle Kagan let me go. Kane opened his arms, and I hugged him.

  "Goodbye, Kane. It was nice to meet you."

  "I am very happy to have met you, Teagan. I hope one day to see you and our family again."

  Gram insisted on one more picture of me, "with Kane and Uncle Kagan."

  The stone bird was carefully placed in the case, along with the pictures, and the vid-screen they had brought that was full of pictures. Simon handed my blaster back to me, and the five of us were escorted back down to the transport by Captain Espanoza and several guards. When we got home, Gina, Sydney, Auria, and Eliot waited for us in the living room. I slipped out of my boots and curled up next to Gina on the couch. Ethan related the events of the day to them. The vid-screen got passed around, and everyone looked at pictures. I snuck away up to my room. I had eight alerts from Yukihyo. I called him, not listening to any of them. Yukihyo's eyes were a tangled storm of capillaries. They began to calm when he saw me.

  "How much longer until you get home? I really need you here." Yukihyo just stared at me for a while.

  Then he said, "I feared I would never see you again."

  "Galaxic Militia is still swarming the house, and Captain Espanoza and Gary never left me." I removed my blaster. Yukihyo watched as I did.

  "This is what had you so upset that you did not want to discuss." I held a picture up facing him, so he could see. Yukihyo's eyes focused on her face.

  "This was my mother. My grandmother is alive and lives in, from what I could see, a palace. Gram, Ethan, Sherman, Simon, and I got to talk to her on a vid-screen. I have an uncle and a cousin. They promised I didn't have to be afraid of being abducted. I'm sorry I worried you. Galaxic officials encouraged me to meet with them. I was terrified, but they were concerned that if I refused...."

  "I understand what their concerns were, lady wife.
" Someone knocked at my door.

  "Come in." The door opened, and I saw a huge bouquet of pink and red roses in a white vase above a pair of legs.

  Eliot's voice said, "A delivery just arrived for you." He placed them on the table.

  "Oh! They're beautiful! Did you send these to me?" I asked Yukihyo. I picked my vid-screen up and turned it so he could see them.

  "No, lady wife."

  "Hello, Yukihyo. Is Eric with you?"

  "He is near and just as furious as I am with the timing of this reunion."

  "Maybe you can get him to fly you over to the Hadrian. He has an entire exercise deck full of soldiers who are almost as big and strong as you, husband." I smiled and batted my eyes at him. He laughed at me. I pulled the card from the flowers. "You have got to be kidding me. Really? Here is a problem that you can deal with for me when you get home. I told him we are married, but Mr. Dade Sonners isn't bothered by it. Allow me to read you his card. 'Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee, The pink blooms remind me of your lovely cheeks and the red ones of your lips. Your servant, Dade.'" I expected Yukihyo to be furious and eager to pummel Dade. Instead, he smiled and nodded. "Aren't you angry at him? He sent me flowers yesterday, too. I gave them to Gina."

  "No, I am not. Only a worthless male would attempt to steal another male's mate with gifts that she can neither eat nor barter."

  "Chirp chirp chirp," Thunderdrop added.

  "Okay, then. I'm going to change and go find something to eat. Then, I will listen to the multiple messages you left for me." Yukihyo looked embarrassed by that. I ended the call. Eliot smiled and left my room. I put my pearls, ring, and medallion away. I kept the huge diamond bracelet on though. It was incredible, gorgeous, and fun to look at. I put my blaster away, changed out of my dress, and into my new paisley design silk pants and a long sleeved cream colored top. I took my hair down and ran my fingers through it. Then, I slipped on some sandals and went down stairs.

  "What's wrong? You look angry," Simon asked.


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