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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 12

by Wendie Nordgren

"You are tired and need to rest," Yukihyo said. He wrapped me in the blanket and picked me up.

  "Let me show you to your room," Sydney suggested.

  "Yukihyo, I just woke up."

  "You do not have to go to sleep. You may just need to lie down for a small time, while I rub your feet for you. You may wish to direct me as I unpack."

  Phillip was following us. He said grumpily, "No lifting either, Yukihyo. I guess I'll have to do my own laundry." The lift opened, and Sydney opened my door and pulled my blankets back. Yukihyo put me down, removed my shoes, and covered me up. Thunderdrop jumped onto the bed. "You may use the lift, but not the stairs."

  "Yukihyo, do I have to keep the blanket on from the living room, too?" His expression was shocked.

  "No, my love. Here, let me help you." Yukihyo fussed over me and threw the blanket at Phillip.

  "Let's give them some privacy, Phillip. Please allow me to show you to your room." They left and closed the door. Yukihyo went into my closet and came out with a gown.

  "You will be more comfortable in this." I frowned. Yukihyo took off his shirt. I smiled instead. I did as he suggested and changed. However, once we were under the covers, things did not go as I expected. Yukihyo pulled me over to put my head on his chest, and then wrapped his arm around me. It was nice to have him back where he was supposed to be. He pulled the covers up over us with his other hand. Before I knew what happened, I was asleep. I woke up to realize I had drooled on his chest. He didn't even tease me about it. Instead, he went into the bathroom and filled the tub. When he didn't even become romantic in the tub, I began to worry.

  After we were dry, he handed me another gown, and I began to hope he would show me how much he missed me, but then he handed me a robe, and he got dressed. He propped the pillows up, put me back in bed, and covered me up. "Please stay right there. I will return in a moment with a surprise." Yukihyo returned with Eric.

  "Eric!" I started to get up. Yukihyo panicked.

  "He will walk to you! Please, just rest." I began to think maybe something was wrong with me or the baby, and Phillip hadn't told me. "Will you keep her calm and still, while I get her something to eat?" Yukihyo asked Eric.

  "Yes, she will be safe with me." Eric sat down by me on the bed. "Congratulations! Yukihyo is almost as excited as Gram."

  "Eric, what aren't they telling me?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Is there something wrong with the baby or with me?" I started to cry. Eric panicked this time.

  "No, Teagan. Please don't cry. No, nothing is wrong. Why do you even think that?"

  "Well, hello there, Cupcake. What's with the tears?" Phillip asked as he walked inside.

  "She's worried something is wrong."

  "Are you in any pain, Teagan?"


  "Good. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

  "How should I know, Phillip? You won't tell me."

  "Teagan, there is nothing for me to tell you. You and your baby are perfectly healthy, and these mood swings are also normal."

  "I'm not having a mood swing."

  "Of course not, Cupcake."

  "Well, if everything were fine, Yukihyo wouldn't be acting so weird."

  "Oh, I see. Yukihyo can't help it, Teagan. He already loves you more than anything, and now you’ve gone and started gestating. He lost everything, and you've given him a reason to live rather than just exist. Family means everything to Laconians. Yukihyo may be irrationally overprotective and overbearing, but it's only because he loves you and his child. It won't hurt you to humor him for a few months will it?"

  "So, nothing's wrong?"

  "No, Cupcake. Don't worry. I'll be overprotective and overbearing, too."

  Yukihyo came in with a tray. Eric and Phillip moved. Eric had a smile on his face. Yukihyo put the tray down on what part of the table the roses didn't cover, and handed me a glass of juice. "Yukihyo, could you please get the bag full of boxes out of my closet. One of the bags just has one box in it. That one is for you, or I can get up and get them." Yukihyo jumped.

  "No, I will get them for you, lady wife." I exchanged looks with Eric and Phillip.

  "Interesting," I said. Eric grinned at me. "I wasn't completely sure about sizes, but the large ones have large bows and the others are mediums. Yukihyo, yours is in the bag by itself." Yukihyo opened his box and pulled out his shirt. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

  "You learned to make clothing and made me a shirt. Thank you, lady wife."

  "Well, that shirt can take five successive blasts from Gary's weapon before it starts to tear." That got their attention. "I wanted to make you something that you could work in, so I made the density really tight. I knew you wouldn't want to wear anything a dress would be made out of. Gary helped me test the fabric and wanted a shirt, too. So, when Simon let me make a bolt of it, I made them for my guards and for all of you. Ethan, Sherman, Simon, and Eliot tested it. I won't have to worry about any of you being blasted, if you're wearing those. I know they are kind of ugly, but they won't show under clothes or a uniform."

  Eric pulled at and examined his shirt. "This is an excellent gift, Teagan. My father has some of this fabric? I'd like to test it myself."

  "I think so, but I can tell you the settings if you want to go make some more." Eric kissed my cheek, took his shirt, and went to find his father.

  "Wait up, Eric," Phillip said as he followed him.

  "I made Hiroshi one, too."

  "Hiroshi went to Tora. Is there anything there that you would like for him to bring back?" I sat up.

  "Is there anything left from the Sun Palace?" Yukihyo called Hiroshi and asked him to check the cold storage. "Can he bring me my grandmother's music box?" They exchanged more words as I sipped the juice. Yukihyo put the vid-screen back on its stand and traded the juice out with a bowl of fruit. I didn't want it, but I ate a piece of each kind to make him happy. "So, is there any orange chicken left, or not?" Yukihyo took the bowl of fruit and gave me a bowl of soup. It was the boring thin kind with vegetables. "You know. Auria's family owns a bakery. We could go there, if you wanted." Yukihyo gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, baring his hard stomach, muscular chest, and strong shoulders. He pointed at the soup. I forced the spoon into it and had some. He pulled on the shirt I had made him. I had been right. It fit him beautifully. I had another spoonful of soup.

  "Lady wife, you invented this fabric, and it will keep me safe?"

  "I have been worried about Parvac soldiers lately for some reason. Look inside the jewelry box I bought yesterday. Uncle Kagan gave me a bracelet and a medallion." Yukihyo let out a low whistle, when he saw the bracelet. "Should I ask how much it's worth?"

  "If I had to guess, I would price each diamond at ten-thousand credits, but they are very clear. They may be worth more."

  "Oh, Yukihyo, I slept in it the other night."

  "I should like to see you sleep in this and nothing else."

  I had another spoonful of soup. "You could have fooled me." He had put the bracelet back and pulled out the medallion. His eyes clouded. "What?"

  "This would grant us safe passage through Parvac space with an escort."

  "He said if I wore it and kept it visible that no Parvac would ever hurt me. He also suggested we might one day wish to trade in the Parvac Empire."

  "I imagine anyone, Parvac or otherwise, who laid a hand to harm you would suffer dire repercussions. With this I won't have to worry about losing you or our child in the way I lost my clan."

  This was what Phillip had told me. Yukihyo was afraid. I had another spoonful of soup. He pulled the shirt off and hung it in our closet. Someone knocked. Yukihyo answered it with his other shirt in his hand. It was Gina. She rushed over to me.

  "Is it true? Are you going to have a baby?"

  "That's what Yukihyo and Phillip tell me. I'm still trying to get used to the idea." I handed Gina the soup and made a face. She took it away and gave me the juice.

  "The last baby we had in
the family was my Simon. I can't wait to hold him or her in my arms. Our families have had one blessing after another since we found you." Gina kissed my cheek. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."

  I pushed back the covers to get up. "I will get you anything that you need."

  "Husband, I need to go into the bathroom." He hovered. Thunderdrop saved me by climbing up his leg. Yukihyo surprised him with a new ball. I took my time, washing my face, and brushing my teeth. It felt good to stand. Eventually, I came out and got back in bed. Hiroshi came back with the music box and a case of Yukihyo's things. Yukihyo, Hiroshi, and Phillip had brought all of their clothes over from Tora. For some reason I wept with relief when I found out. However, to my horror I fell asleep again while Yukihyo put his things away in our closet.

  I yawned and stretched. I opened my eyes to find Yukihyo in bed next to me, watching me sleep. I could hear the rain pounding against the roof. "Is it time for dinner yet?"

  "Almost. You have been very tired and worried. That is all over now. I will take excellent care of you and keep both of you safe. Do you feel strong enough to go down for dinner?"

  "Yes, I feel strong enough to play in the pool, too." Yukihyo frowned.

  "Perhaps tomorrow."

  "You are right, husband. Floating in the water may be too difficult for me." He nodded as though I were being serious.

  Simon, Gina, and Sherman joined us for dinner. Additional table leaves and chairs had all thirteen of us seated comfortably. Simon was almost as excited about my condition as Yukihyo and Gram. "Teagan, maybe the baby is the reason our spiders have been constantly watching you," Simon suggested.

  "It is the reason," Yukihyo told him.

  Eric was excited about the silk and had enjoyed some target practice with his men. I told him the settings, but Simon winked at him and asked what color he wanted. "Simon, you know what would be cute?" I asked.


  "Let's make Eric some of the fabric in the new weaver and put little Galaxic Militia insignias in the fabric. That would be adorable."

  Sydney made a fuss over Eric. He wore civilian clothing and kept getting hugs and kisses from both his mother and his grandmother. "If only Commander Bosh could see you now," I whispered to him. Eric winked at me in response. As dessert was being served, I started to cry. The only ones who were unconcerned were Yukihyo and the spiders. Gina held me and made soothing noises until I stopped.

  "What's wrong?" she asked.

  "Everyone I love is here and safe," I said before I cried some more. Hiroshi grunted which made me laugh.

  Sydney made sure that Hiroshi and Phillip had everything that they needed. All of the Montgomeries went to their homes. Yukihyo continued to treat me as though I might break. Sydney and Gram gave me their sympathy.

  "You will only have to put up with him acting like this for a few months. We will do our best to take you out shopping once a week," Gram said.

  Hiroshi leaned over my shoulder and said, "I will plan to need my brother's help on Tora on the days of your choosing."

  "Thank you, brother."

  Yukihyo hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek.

  "Please excuse us. My wife needs her rest," he said as he picked me up and carried me to the lift. I watched Gram, Sydney, and Hiroshi from over his shoulder.

  Once in our room, Yukihyo carefully helped me to undress, but instead of handing me a gown, he undressed as well. Yukihyo stepped toward me and pressed his warm, hard body against mine. He cradled the back of my head in his hand and placed his other hand behind my thigh. Yukihyo met my lips with his and applied pressure to my thigh, pulling me against him so that his hard length pressed against my stomach. I groaned into his mouth. I ached for him. He lifted against my thigh and pulled my leg up to his hip, as he lowered me to our bed. The familiar stretch as he entered me had me moaning. Yukihyo continued to kiss me as he moved his hips in the rhythm he knew drove me wild. I clutched his shoulders and cried out into his mouth as I began to spasm around his stone hardness. Yukihyo's motions never wavered, and a harder spasm and burst of stars pulled my back up from the bed, and had me pressing against his chest. Still, Yukihyo moved in and out in the same maddening motion. I heard myself whimpering, and then felt myself burst apart like an asteroid hitting the shields. Yukihyo increased his movements and soon jerked inside of me and shuddered. He thrust forward twice more and them pulled himself from me carefully and rolled over to his back. Yukihyo gathered me against his chest, and I fell asleep to the pounding of his heart.

  Chapter Eight

  I awoke to the feeling of warm husband beneath my arm, leg, and chest. I had sprawled across him in my sleep. Sensing that I was awake, parts of Yukihyo began to quickly awaken in response. Our morning activities were far more intense than those of the previous evening. As I dozed with a satisfied smile on my face, Yukihyo drew me a bath. He opened the door so Thunderdrop could find some breakfast in the kitchen. I soaked in the tub and listened to the rain.

  "The sound of the rain is soothing," I said. Yukihyo smiled down at me with a towel in his hand.

  "It is calm and serene here. If you are ready to get out and dry off, I will show you all of our camping gear."

  "You got it?" I excitedly asked.

  "We may wish for the rains to stop before we try it out."

  "That's okay. I don't mind waiting."

  I wore a long full purple skirt and a long sleeved grey shirt with matching shoes. I sat at my new vanity to brush my hair, but Yukihyo took the brush away from me and pulled it through my hair. Once he was satisfied that he had done a good job, we went to find some breakfast. It was being served in the dining room, since our numbers had swelled. Yukihyo had allowed me to walk to breakfast only offering me his arm, so I began to hope that his overprotectiveness had just been due to the surprise. I kept looking at his eyes. "I'm so happy you're home. I've missed being near you," I said.

  Yukihyo pulled a chair out for me and then sat beside me. I reached over and threaded my fingers through his, and then pulled his hand into my lap. I couldn't stop smiling at him. I wanted to be in his lap instead of in the chair. Jorge began filling our plates. He was just about to add a stack of pancakes to the eggs and sausage on my plate, when Phillip stopped him.

  "Could you please give the Lady Teagan a bowl of berries instead?" Phillip asked Jorge. My mouth had stopped watering.

  "Phillip, I want the pancakes. I don't want berries." Phillip's expression said that what I wanted was irrelevant. It also said arguing about it was pointless. A smiling Auria joined us, followed by her new husband. Eliot did not make eye contact with me, but he said good morning. I ate all of my eggs and sausage and then picked at the berries and sipped at the tea. Gram sat by me, and when Yukihyo, Phillip, and Eliot began talking, she fed me bites of her pancakes. Ethan raised an eyebrow at us, but didn't tattle.

  "I thought Phillip wanted you to cut down on sweets," Hiroshi said just as I had opened my mouth and Gram's fork, laden with pancake and syrup, was about to enter it. Phillip and Yukihyo turned to look at us. Gram fed me the bite any way.

  "Young man, you should leave Teagan alone and let her eat what she wants until the sickness hits her," Gram said. Sydney nodded in agreement

  "Sickness? What sickness?"

  Gram patted me and said, "You'll find out soon enough."

  "Lady wife, would you like to see your camping gear?"

  "Yes, please!"

  Auria and Eliot came with us all of the way out to the garage, where all of our transports had been parked. Yukihyo opened the back of the large land transport and showed me the tent he had bought, which was much nicer than the one Thunderdrop and I had picked out, along with a compressed mattress, blankets, a mini cold storage and heating unit, and a portable waste unit.

  "We are going to have so much fun once the rains end!"

  "My family goes camping in the city forest a couple of times a year," Auria said.

  "From now on our family may enjoy camping on our land
with us, my lady," Eliot said.

  "Our land?" she asked.

  "Yes, father gave us the same amount of land as Teagan and Yukihyo received when they married. We took our wedding picture there."

  "How much land is it?" she asked.

  "Twenty-thousand acres are for our personal use. Our families share much more forest than that, but the land we were given is in case we wish to build a separate home."

  "Twenty-thousand acres?" I asked. Yukihyo nodded. Auria and I exchanged surprised looks.

  "Teagan, do you want to go play in the pool?" Auria asked.

  "Sure!" Then, I checked Yukihyo's expression.

  Auria and I took the lift up to our floors and changed into our new swim dresses. Thunderdrop accompanied us to the pool. The boys had decided to go into the next room and enjoy all of the exercise equipment. I had finally learned how to float and was feeling extremely proud of myself for getting the hang of it when a big splash made my legs sink. I reached for my float once my toes touched the bottom. Eric, Yukihyo, Hiroshi, and Eliot all splashed into the pool. They raced each other back and forth across its length. They stayed out of the corner Auria and I had claimed. Gram and Sydney came in and sat at a small table. Thunderdrop joined them. He didn't like getting splashed, which hadn't kept him from clinging to me through a few showers. I thought about that. He didn't like getting wet, but if it meant being there for me when I was upset, he would do it anyway. He chirped at me from under the table. I looked up from him at Sydney and Gram. I had never seen Sydney happier. Both of her sons were at home.

  Auria and I got out of the pool and went up to change. We met in the sitting room and played the stones game. Gram and Sydney joined us, and the boys soon followed in dry clothes. Jorge entered the room with a large white vase full of cascading blue flowers and sprays of little white ones that peeked through.

  "Ooh, those are pretty," Auria said.

  "Yes, they are," I agreed.

  "Delivery for Lady Teagan," Jorge said. "Shall I place them here?" he asked indicating a table.

  "Yes, thank you," I said as Auria and I went to read the card. I read, "I would far rather see these gentle blooms caress your soft cheeks, than those cascades of tears. Your servant, Dade."


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