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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 13

by Wendie Nordgren

  "Teagan, I hope your husband won't be jealous," Auria said innocently.

  "No, Yukihyo would never be jealous of a gift I can neither eat nor trade. Besides, I'm sure he would be grateful for how kindly Mr. Sonners treated me yesterday. It was nice of him to replace the wood worker's silk square with all of those new ones, and he wouldn't allow me to pay him for the blanket I wanted to purchase. He seemed genuinely concerned for me. I was wrong about him." Arm in arm Auria and I walked to the dining table with Yukihyo on our heels.

  After lunch the boys told us they had a few errands to run. I took a nap. When I woke up, I took my vid-screen down to the living room and curled up on the couch by Auria and Gram. Someone had started a fire, and combined with the storm outside, it made the room feel cozy. Phillip came in and scanned me. Dr. Perry was with him. She checked with Gram to see how she was feeling.

  "Ow! Phillip, stop doing that," I said.

  “No, I will give you the best care that I can give to you, regardless of your irritation with me. You're my little sister, Cupcake. What do you expect?" Phillip kissed my nose. Then, he and Dr. Perry left. I covered up with a blanket and began reading about the hand controls used in fighter ships. The controls were similar to those in a transport, but in a ship the pilot controlled the ship’s movements with either of two handgrips that were attached to the pilot's arm rests. Gram and Auria were practicing embroidery.

  "What a beautiful sight the three of you make," Ethan said. He sat on the couch across from us and began to read.

  "What is that noise?" Auria asked. I rolled my eyes.

  "I'm sorry. Thunderdrop and ZeeZee wanted to play with the drum. I left my door open for them. They are only allowed to play with it after nap time is over."

  Eric, Eliot, and Yukihyo came home. Yukihyo had wanted to thank Mr. Dade Sonners in person for his kindness toward me. He had bought several silk squares, a few blankets, and a few extra pillows.

  "Nice shirt you're wearing, husband. Those short sleeves end just where your arms are the most muscular. Did you flex and beat your chest for Mr. Sonners?"

  "No, lady wife. I did thank him for his kindness to my pregnant wife and told him I was in his debt for putting a smile on your lips with the beautiful flowers and kind words."

  "Aww, that was sweet of you. See I told you I was wrong. He is just a nice man. Thank you for being polite." Ethan chuckled.

  "What are you reading, lady wife?"

  I looked down. "I'm reading about basic flight maneuvers right now." Yukihyo walked behind the couch and looked over my shoulder.

  "That is a training course. I hope you are not planning to put yourself and my child in a fighter ship. Where did you get this?"

  "Relax, husband. This is just for fun." Eric remained quiet. I put the vid-screen down when Yukihyo held a box down in front of me. "What's this?" I opened it to find a delicate necklace of pink and blue diamonds. Yukihyo reached down and pulled the necklace from its box to fasten it around my neck.

  "I do not know whether you carry a son or a daughter, lady wife. Therefore, I thought these colors more appropriate." That made me think about Yukihyo holding a little girl or boy, and I started crying. Yukihyo picked me up and sat back down with me in his lap. He dabbed at my eyes with one of his brand new silk squares. "You are wrong, lady wife. Phillip is correct. You are rather emotional."

  "I told you so, Cupcake." Phillip had returned at some point and had brought Hiroshi.

  "Neither of you should tease my sister."

  "Thank you, Hiroshi."

  While the rains continued, Yukihyo, Hiroshi, Phillip, and Simon began researching various floor plans. We all agreed that we should have a home on Arachne other than the docked Tora. They examined different layouts on the large vid-screen. Sydney, Gram, and I had dressed for our lunch date with Eric on the Hadrian. His three weeks of shore leave were coming to an end along with the repairs and upgrades to his ship. Mary had been able to visit me a few times and had gone shopping with us twice. Watching both her husband and their captain carrying her shopping bags had us both giggling quite a bit. The more we laughed the more Yukihyo bought for her. Yukihyo told Eric and Paul that he regretted being unable to help carry all of Mary's shopping bags, but needed to keep his hands free in case his pregnant wife was to feel faint.

  Now, however, Gram was a nervous wreck about stepping on board a starship. The day had come for our lunch date with Eric on the Hadrian. Eric promised Gram that it would not move. He picked us up in a long black Galaxic Militia transport and drove us to the Hadrian. Thunderdrop sat on Gram's lap and chirped at her. She petted his back. Once we were in the docking bay, a uniformed soldier opened our doors. A red carpet had been laid out for Gram, and her hands fluttered a bit as Eric gave her his arm and escorted her to the lift. Sydney and I walked arm in arm. Her eyes glittered, and a proud smile adorned her lips. Eric looked powerful and strong in his uniform, on his starship, with soldiers stopping to salute as he helped Gram into the lift. On the bridge her eyes were wide. Commander Bosh and the other bridge officers saluted as we passed through.

  "Gram, would you like to see my quarters before we have lunch?"

  "I suppose that would be okay."

  Eric wore a look of victory. Gram looked through Eric's bathroom, storage unit, and his office. She told him what a good boy he was for having such a tidy room. Sydney and I sat on one of his couches and enjoyed the show. We had a lovely lunch, and I was even permitted a cup of coffee with my dessert. I closed my eyes in bliss. It had been weeks since I had enjoyed a cup. Next, Eric convinced Gram to take a brief tour of his ship. After Eric took us back home, he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  "She never would have visited my ship, if you had not convinced her to do so."

  "Eric, she loved it. I think it will be easy to get her to return. When will you be back?"

  "It may be a month. The Hadrian has dignitaries to pick up. Do you need anything from Scipio?"

  "If you have time, will you check on Felicia and tell her I miss her? Maybe say hello to Tina and Patna at the baths?"

  "So, you want me to go check on three beautiful women? Anything else?"

  "You could see if there is anything at the jewelry store down from Felicia's that Gram or Sydney would like and bring them presents. Then, you will get even more kisses when you get back. I love you. Be careful. Wear the shirt I made you if you think you might be in danger." I pulled him down and kissed his cheek.

  The Hadrian left early the next morning while I slept. I woke to the sound of rain and stretched. Yukihyo moved his hand across my stomach and kissed the side of my neck. I froze as I felt bile rise in my throat. I jumped from the bed, ran to the waste unit, fell to my knees, and was sick over and over again. Yukihyo held my hair. I continued to heave even though there was nothing in my stomach. Yukihyo handed me a cold wet cloth for my face. Eventually, it stopped. Brushing my teeth made me sick again. Yukihyo carried me back to bed and went to get Phillip, who convinced me to drink a small cup of fizzy water. Gram told Yukihyo to put cold cloths on my forehead and to come and get her so that she could sit with me whenever he needed a break. For three days I felt too sick to get out of bed for anything but the bathroom. I sipped fizzy water, but couldn't even stand the thought of anything else. Gram, Sydney, and Auria had insisted Yukihyo allow them to help take care of me and made him spend time in the exercise room and pool with Hiroshi, Eliot, and Phillip each day. By the fourth day, I could sit up and take sips of juice. Thunderdrop was my constant companion and only left me for meals. On the fifth day, I managed some vegetable soup and a few days after that I could stand eating bland foods.

  However, as soon as I felt well enough to begin leaving my room, I began having fainting episodes. I was ordered not to stand unless someone was with me. Thunderdrop didn't count, but ZeeZee was big and strong enough to catch me like a rat. From fainting I moved on to dizziness. Gradually, all of my symptoms, except being very tired, dissipated enough that I almost felt norma
l. Rather than pregnant, I thought I looked really bloated and I couldn't wear any of my dresses with fitted waist lines. Yukihyo was overjoyed. Sydney and Auria took the things that didn't fit out of my closet and replaced them with new ones.

  Most days Hiroshi could be found in the office working with Ethan, Eliot, and Sherman. Sherman had been spending more time with us, since Gina had been busy. They had planned a strategy for selling and trading Arachnean silks in the Laconian sector. Phillip had enrolled in courses at an Arachnean medical facility to learn the latest advancements in obstetrics. After classes he came home and practiced different scans and tests on me.

  Simon visited me each day to show me what he was doing with all of the silk he had processed for me. Eric and his men had been so impressed with my fabric that Eric had requested permission to issue them to his crew on a trial basis. Simon had to make modifications to my shirt design to meet Galaxic Militia regulations. Simon and I agreed to a partnership in the venture and production had begun. Yukihyo handled negotiations for the sale of the approved design with the Galaxic Militia purchaser. Comfortable that I was under constant female supervision, Yukihyo began working with Simon for a few hours each day in the warehouse with Simon's staff to complete the order. The Hadrian would return soon, and they wanted the order to be prepared for delivery. I was not allowed to help. Simon and Yukihyo tried to placate me with pastries from the Jones' bakery.'

  Between the instruction of both Sydney and Auria, I had learned to swim a little. The sad occurrence was that ever since Yukihyo had thanked Mr. Sonners, I hadn't received any more flowers. Auria and I snickered about that situation. Also, I hadn't left the estate once since the sickness had begun. I chose to sit by the fire and read when they all went shopping. There was always someone around to keep me company. Gina had been busy with meetings and negotiations and could not share much information with us. She did tell us to expect invitations.

  The invitations were delivered to the Alaric and Montgomery homes the next day. Lord and Lady Glaucia were hosting a formal party in celebration of the progressing peace talks between the Galaxic government and the Parvac Empire. Gina told us that the Chan and Quinn families would attend as well as a few high ranking government officials and representatives from the militia. Auria and I exchanged nervous glances.

  During our swim the next morning, we discussed our feelings. We had the entire pool to ourselves. Thunderdrop busily constructed a web for himself in a corner of the pool room. Auria and I both drifted aimlessly with floats. "Are you scared about going to that party?" she asked me.

  "Yes, the last time I went to Lady Glaucia's house for a little tea party, my life completely changed."

  "It changed for the better though, right?"

  "Well, yes. I like things the way they are now, though."

  Sydney and Gram forced us out of the pool. They insisted we get out to go up and try on dresses. Auria's dresses were beautiful. Sydney had her to try on a red off the shoulder ball gown of tasteful delicate lace with long sleeves. We all agreed that she looked so stunning that there was no need to try on the other dress. Sydney and Gram gave me a choice between pink and blue gowns. I tried on the pink one. It had short sleeves, a rounded neckline, a full skirt that fell to the floor in soft folds, and an empire waist decorated with small clear sparkling gems. With it settled what we would wear, ladies came and rendered to us all of the services I had previously enjoyed at the baths on Scipio. Auria's hair had been curled and then pinned up in and elaborate style. Mine had been curled in loose spirals and left down. I wore my diamond necklace from Yukihyo and my diamond bracelet from Uncle Kagan.

  Since the long range relay had been established, once Auria and I were in the living room, Gram insisted on calling my grandmother. It took several minutes for our call to reach her. We smiled when she answered our call. "Teagan, Emma it is so good to see your faces! Don't you look beautiful! Turn for me, so I can see!" I spun in a circle for my grandmother and got dizzy. Gram helped me sit and made me put my head between my knees, while she patted my back. Once things stopped spinning and I could sit up, I promised myself I wouldn't be doing that again. Gram was smiling sweetly at grandmother who looked at her with wide eyes. Gram nudged me.

  "Grandmother, I found out a few days after we met that I'm expecting. I haven't felt well for the past couple of weeks, but I'm much better now."

  Grandmother Ettie clapped her hands and laughed. "This is wonderful news! I just found out that I have a beautiful granddaughter and now you plan to make me a great-grandmother. How are you feeling now?"

  "Tired and weak, sometimes dizzy, and there are some food smells I don't want to think about."

  "The poor girl only drank fizzy water for days," Gram told her.

  "I don't want to think about it, Gram."

  When Yukihyo entered the room in an expensive black suit, my heart began to thump against my chest. "You look amazing," I told him. Yukihyo's hands wrapped around to my stomach from behind me, and he kissed my cheek.

  "Ettie, this is Teagan's husband, Yukihyo."

  Yukihyo moved to my side and bowed low to my grandmother. "Lady Valen, it is an honor to meet you."

  "I am glad to finally meet you, Yukihyo. You have made my beloved granddaughter very happy. I dearly wish you will one day bring her to visit me. I am aware of what I ask and how my request must pain you. The hostilities with Parvac have cost some of us much more than others. I just want to be able to hold her at least once."

  "Perhaps," he said with a grim expression.

  Eliot joined us and bowed to his great-aunt. "You have a very handsome grandson who has a beautiful wife. When will they give you a great-grandchild, sister?"

  "I don't know, but they are working on it." Auria blushed almost as red as her dress. I snickered. Hiroshi and Phillip joined us.

  "Grandmother! Here is the rest of my family!" I pulled Hiroshi and Phillip over in front of the vid-screen. "This is Captain Hiroshi Lee, my brother-in-law." Hiroshi bowed low to her.

  "It is a great honor to meet you, Lady Valen. Your beautiful granddaughter has brought joy and happiness to our lives."

  Her pale blue eyes focused intently upon Hiroshi, and she said, "Thank you for getting her off of Earth and giving her a better life. My son has told me what it was like for her there. You have earned friends amongst us, Captain Hiroshi."

  I exchanged a sad look with Yukihyo. "Grandmother, this is Dr. Phillip Svenson. He is my incredibly overprotective older brother who subjects me to constant scans, tests, and horrible vitamin injections." Phillip bowed to my grandmother.

  With a twinkle in his eyes, he said, "I can see where Teagan gets her looks with such a beautiful grandmother." I put my hand to my forehead and sighed.

  Grandmother laughed. "Why, you are a young scamp!" Sydney and Ethan joined us. He introduced Sydney to his aunt.

  "Grandmother, is Uncle Kagan or Kane there?" She gave me a sweet look.

  "Your uncle is here, my darling." He walked into view behind Gram. He wore a normal loose white shirt and looked like a normal person, not a scary soldier. I reached for Yukihyo's hand. Uncle Kagan had known my mother. He had hugged me like I might actually matter to him.

  "Uncle Kagan, how are you?" I didn't really know what to say to him.

  "I am pleased to see you well. You seem much happier with your husband returned to you." He nodded to Yukihyo, who nodded back to him. I lifted Yukihyo's hand to my heart, bent my head down, and placed a kiss on his knuckles. I knew this hurt him.

  Yukihyo said, "Admiral Valen, the picture that you brought to Teagan of her mother means a great deal to her, more than any other possession."

  Uncle Valen stared into Yukihyo's eyes, "No, child should have to suffer the loss of a mother or other loved ones." Everyone became still and quiet. Yukihyo inclined his head.

  Gram said, "Kagan and Ettie it is time for us to go. We have been invited to a celebration of the peace talks this evening. We will call you again soon. Take care." Gram ended
the transmission. "Okay, everyone into the transport. Let's go."

  "Well, Hiroshi, I don't believe I have ever seen our crew looking so nicely. Maybe we should take a family picture tonight and put it in the relaxation room on Tora."

  "That is an excellent idea," Hiroshi agreed.

  Yukihyo, Phillip, Hiroshi, Thunderdrop, and I stood together in the foyer while Eliot took a few pictures of us. Then, all eleven of us, spiders included, got into the largest of the Alaric land transports and were driven to the party.

  The Glaucia estate had been decorated with flowers and soft lights. In the background music played softly. Professional servers carried trays of appetizers and drinks around to the well-dressed guests. Lord and Lady Glaucia welcomed us. She gave us ladies kisses on the cheeks and led us to comfortable seating by a warm fire. Lady Chan approached us and gave me a warm hug.

  "I am still greatly disappointed that you are not of my bloodline, Lady Teagan, and what is this?" she said as she noticed my small bump. I smiled and rested my hand against my stomach. "Congratulations! The families are blessed with too few children. I look forward to meeting yours." Hiroshi stood at my side and appeared spell bound.

  "Lady Ling Chan, may I introduce my brother-in-law, Captain Hiroshi Lee?" Hiroshi met Lady Ling's eyes and held them as he bowed low over her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

  "Lady Chan, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said in a gruff voice. Lady Ling gave him a seductive smile.

  "Captain Lee, would you care to stroll the grounds with me?" Hiroshi offered her his arm. His expression was one I had never before seen on his face. He appeared dazed and besotted. I thought it was cute, but Phillip looked at him as though he had just gained weeks’ worth of teasing ammunition. We watched as they walked through the garden doors.

  Gina and Sherman introduced Yukihyo and me to a few of the visiting officials. They all seemed fiercely intelligent and intimidating to me, and I kept my arm linked through Yukihyo's. Word of my condition spread across the room like webs through the forests' roof, which resulted in Yukihyo strutting proudly about, and the servers bringing their trays more frequently my way. I politely filled my tiny plate each time. After Yukihyo and I had been introduced to everyone and had been engaged in more polite small talk than I had ever before experienced, he led me to a seat by the fire and stayed by my side. I tried to hide a yawn behind my hand, but Lord Glaucia spotted me and spoke quietly with Yukihyo. Gram joined us by the fire. A server brought us cups of tea.


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