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Born To Sin (Born #1)

Page 9

by A. L. Simpson

  “What would you like, son?” Son, I fuckin’ love the sound of that.

  “I know what I would like as long as you can afford it.”

  “Show me.” He leads me to the building bricks aisle and selects a box that costs $9.99. He holds it up to me. It builds a fire engine.

  “Is it too much money, Pa?”

  A lump forms in my throat. A whole fuckin’ toy shop and he picks one item for less than ten bucks. Then, he worries about it costing too much. I want to give this boy everything but I want him to value everything the same as he values this toy at this moment.

  I crouch down and hold him as I speak. “Steve, have you ever had toys?”

  “No, Ma couldn’t afford them. I had a toy car I found once but Max took it off me.”

  The lump is back and tears burn the backs of my eyes. I calm myself before speaking again. “I want to buy you a bunch of toys and I know you’ll take good care of them. Little boys need toys to play with, books to read and games we can play together.”

  “Pa, that sounds like so much.”

  “Well, I never had toys either so I need enough for both of us.”

  “Okay, but don’t spend too much.”

  I ruffle what hair he’s got left. “I promise, I won’t spend any more than I need to.”

  We turn back to the building bricks and I select six more large boxes. Steve places them in the basket. Then, we head to the books and pick out a whole bunch. The computer games have him fascinated. I choose a console and games of sport, educational and cartoon looking ones. Trucks, cars, a train set, zoo animals and superhero characters go into the basket. It’s full to overflowing.

  “I think that’s enough for now.”

  “Pa, I think we have enough for ten kids.”

  I laugh as he stands on the end of the trolley and pushes it to the cashier. She rings up the total and I pay her. We keep the basket to take everything back to the car. As we walk back through the mall, I spot an ice cream shop. “Have you ever had an ice cream?”

  “A couple of times I had some in a cone. That was a long time ago.”

  I push the basket to the shop and tell Steve to hop off and select what he would like. I explain what the flavors are and he chooses one scoop of bubblegum and one scoop of vanilla. I ask for it to be covered with chocolate sprinkles. Steve’s eyes light up as I hand it to him. His tongue darts out and takes a big lick. “Mmmm, this is so good.”

  I love that it makes him happy. He skips alongside me as we head back to the car. Ice cream is melting and running down his arm, its spread all over his face. I don’t care. He’s loving every minute of it. To hell with the mess.

  Back at the car, Steve finishes his ice cream while I shift everything we’ve bought into the trunk. I clean him up with a towel Wade keeps in his car and strap him into the back seat. “Did you have fun?”

  “I had lots of fun, Pa. Maybe we can do it again in a few years.”

  God I love this kid. “You will have grown out of your clothes way before then. We will probably come to the mall every week but it will usually be for groceries. Now and again you will get a new toy or some clothes.”

  “I don’t need anything else, Pa. I only want you.”

  Tears form in my eyes, one runs down my cheek. I close the door and walk around the back of the car to the driver’s seat. I swipe the tear away before I get in.

  “Thanks, Pa. I love you.”

  Another fuckin’ tear runs down my face. I fuckin’ love this kid as much as life itself.


  Wade obviously hears the car enter the garage and meets us at the door. I step from the car and move to collect the shopping bags from the trunk.

  Steve lets himself out of the car and bolts around to Wade.

  “Uncle Wade, Pa bought me everything in the shops. I have tons of toys. Will you play with me and Pa?”

  We laugh as Steve races to the back of the car and drags the bags out. Wade comes around and helps. We take the purchases inside and place them on the living room floor.

  “Something smells good. You’ve been cooking.”

  “Apple pie for dessert.”

  “Yum.” It’s all Steve can manage as he begins pulling clothes from bags and stacks them neatly. He finds his superhero pajamas and jumps to his feet. “Look Uncle Wade. They’re my favorites.”

  “Very smart. After dinner, have a bath and you can wear them to bed.”

  “Cool. When is dinner?”

  “In about three hours. We can play some games, or you can put your new swim shorts on and I can give you a swimming lesson.” I watch the conflicting emotions play across his face as he tries to make a decision.

  “Can we play a game and then go for a swim?”

  “I guess so. Let’s get all this put away and you can decide which game you want to play.”

  “Yippee. Uncle Wade, will you play too?”

  “If I’m invited.”

  “I can invite Uncle Wade, can’t I Pa?”

  “You sure can.”

  Wade and I help gather everything up and take it into the bedroom. I stack and fold everything in the wardrobe and drawers. I leave his toys and books on the floor against the wall. They’re out of the way but he can get to them easily. He grabs a game and we all go into the living room and sit on the floor.

  There is lots of cheating, laughing and mayhem but we all have fun. Wade and I love hearing Steve laugh. After we’re done and we declare it a draw, I help the kid into his swim shorts and take him down to the pool. I wear an old pair of gym shorts I’ve brought with me for this reason.

  We sit on the side of the pool and dangle our feet in the water.

  “It’s warm, Pa.”

  “It’s heated so you can swim in it at any time of the year.”

  “Can we have a pool where we live?”

  “I don’t think so, son. It’s a lot of money to have somewhere like this with a pool. Maybe we might get lucky enough to have one in the building we can use.”

  “I’d like that.”

  We get on with the lesson and Steve listens to everything I say. He’s a quick learner and by the end of the lesson he is able to float. I’m so proud of him.

  Wade pokes his head in the door as we are practicing Steve’s floating on his back. I have my arms under his back so if he sinks I can catch him. It’s lucky because when Wade speaks, he jerks and sinks into my arms. I swing him onto my hip.

  “Are you ready for dinner?”

  “Yes, I’ll be up to help. Let me get Steve dressed and myself changed and I’ll be there.”

  Wade gives me a smoldering look as I climb the stairs and step from the pool. The gym shorts cling to me, my cock is outlined. He licks his lips and I know what he’s thinking but it’s not happening. I shake my head slightly and know he gets the message.

  I take Steve to the bedroom and dress him in the cutest pair of pants and a t-shirt. I comb his hair into place and he slips on his flip flops. He waits while I pull on jeans and a black t-shirt.

  “Where are your underpants, Pa?”

  Fuck. How do I explain this one? “I forgot to bring them with me.” It’s the truth. I actually did forget to grab them. I’ll probably buy some more next time I go to the mall. I need to start wearing them. I don’t want to tease Wade by allowing him to see my cock again. It’s not fair.

  “You’ll have to buy some. Can you afford it?”

  This kid is going to worry himself into an early grave. I need to reassure him, although I’m far from rich, I’m doing okay. I crouch down so I can look into his face. “Listen, son. I know what we can afford so I don’t want you worrying about it. You’ve done more than your fair share of worrying about your Ma. You’re a little boy, I want you to leave the worrying to me. Okay?”

  “Okay, Pa. I just don’t want you to worry either.”

  “I’m not. I won’t do anything that makes me worry.”

  He hugs me and kisses my cheek. God, I hope there’s no father’s name on
his birth certificate, and I can have my name listed as such because, I’m not letting him go. No matter what I have to do, Steve stays with me. And God help anyone who tries to take him from me.

  Chapter Ten


  I have spent the past week taking charge of Cleo’s as Leon’s is running as smooth as silk despite not having Hamish. I have sampled a few different dishes and, although they haven’t been as exquisite as the meals cooked by Hamish, they are superior to anyone else’s I have sampled. One chef in particular stands out.

  The staff at Cleo now have a uniform similar to Leon’s and wear pink and black name badges. They look much smarter, more professional. The décor has been given a good clean up and tables have been rearranged. The overall effect is much better than previously.

  Desiree has taken command of the staff with a gentle but firm hand. I knew that girl would be perfect. She has commenced her course and the tutors have given me excellent feedback. The reports have been nothing short of glowing.

  “Miss Cartwright, you asked to see me?”

  I glance up from my desk. Mason is standing in the doorway looking uneasy. “Please close the door, come in and have a seat.” He does as I ask. His hands are fisted in his lap and he’s trembling slightly. “How do you like the changes I’ve made here at Cleo’s?”

  “I think they’re great and Des is a really good manager. She listens to us and compromises on what we want. If she can’t do as we ask, she explains why. The uniforms give us a more professional appearance and I think everyone is a lot happier.”

  “Excellent. How long have you been a chef?”

  “Nine years. Coming up for ten. I’ve been with Cleo’s for seven years.”

  “Seven years and you’re not a senior?”

  “No, ma’am. Roberto and Darren said I wasn’t good enough.”

  “Well that’s just crap. The meal you made for me two nights ago was mouth wateringly good. You know I’m looking for a new Head Chef?”


  “I’d like to offer the position to you and employ a new junior.”

  “Wow, I mean. Thank you. I’d love it.”

  We discuss salary, role and a couple of courses I would like him to do. He’s a lovely young man and I think he will help to make Cleo’s almost as successful as Leon’s. I accompany him back to the kitchen and make the announcement to the other chef’s.

  “Mason has just accepted my offer to be Cleo’s new Head Chef. I expect all of you to take his direction and if there are any issues, discuss them with him. I know you will all support him while he adjusts to his new position.”

  I leave the kitchen with Mason accepting congratulations and back slaps. Now to find a junior to take his place. I can’t believe how well everything has been going. I feel an ominous twinge of foreboding but dismiss it as nervous excitement. Hamish is due back in a few days and I can’t wait to see him again. I can’t seem to get him out of my head. I mean, I’ve met him one fucking time and the man has taken over my every waking thought.


  “Please, don’t do this.” I’m begging as I wriggle, trying to get free.

  Someone, who is faceless, is standing in front of me laughing.

  I need to find some way to get help.

  I scream which earns me a slap across the face. I hear a crack and see stars. My head spins as I slip into the darkness.

  I wake up in a pool of sweat. My heart is hammering and I’m trembling. No, I’m shaking like a fucking leaf in a gale force wind. What is this fucking dream about? Why can’t I see who is involved? Is it a dream or a premonition? The sheets are tangled around my body and I extricate myself from them. It’s two thirty in the morning. I pad out to the kitchen, grab a glass and fill it with cool tap water.

  I gulp thirstily, place the glass on the sink, slide to the floor and burst into uncontrollable tears. My naked ass on the ice cold tiles barely registers.

  I can’t understand why I’m having this nightmare over and over. It’s always exactly the same and I’ve been having it for almost a year.

  Is it some sort of premonition? No, surely it wouldn’t have gone on for so long. If it was, wouldn’t it have come true by now?

  I’m going fucking crazy trying to figure it all out. I dread falling asleep knowing it will haunt me. It’s every fucking night, except for the night I made love with Hamish. Or, rather the night I fucked myself while picturing him. Although I have used Big Daddy a number of times in lieu of the real man, the nightmare only stayed away that one time.

  My knees are drawn up to my chest, I wrap my arms around them and drop my head down. My crying intensifies. I’m so tired of not getting a decent nights’ sleep – literally. I consider whether a shrink may be able to help but what the fuck do I tell them?

  I drag myself up from the floor and head for the bathroom. Like every other night, I turn the shower on, adjust the heat and step into the spray. I lean my head against the cool tiles and allow the water to pound the stress out of me. I’m so sick and tired of this nightly ritual. Even though I’ll manage another four or five hours of sleep, it’s not the same as an unbroken night.

  I want to know why it’s happening. Is someone trying to warn me? Tell me something? Frustration doesn’t begin to describe how I feel.

  I towel myself off and crawl back into bed. Within minutes, I drift off.


  Morning comes too fucking soon. I feel like a worn out dish rag and judging by the image staring back at me in the mirror earlier, I resemble one too. I leave the building and commence my walk down to Cleo’s. I have planned to spend half of my day there and the other half up at Leon’s. I’m not really needed at either but it gives me a chance to tidy up unfinished paperwork. I’m still waiting for the accountant to get back to me on the betting slips saga.

  As I approach Cleo’s I notice a group of people hanging around the front door. A tall police officer is standing in front of them. I increase my pace and hurry toward them. My heart is thumping. What has happened?

  I push through the crowd and see the broken glass on my front door. The place is a shambles. Someone has broken in and the place has been trashed.

  “Officer, this is my restaurant. I’m Blossom Cartwright. Can you please tell me what has happened?”

  “Ma’am, there are police inside the building. They have been trying to contact you for almost an hour.”

  “I haven’t had any calls.” I reach in my purse and pull out my phone. Fuck, it’s turned off. I press the button and the screen comes to life. There are numerous missed calls. I turn it around for the officer to see. “It was turned off. I’m sorry.”

  “Go on in.”

  He steps aside and I step carefully over the broken glass. Almost all the tables and chairs are in pieces, wine bottles have been smashed, and light fittings are in pieces. The place is a fucking mess. Tears prick my eyes.


  An officer strides toward me.

  “I’m the owner, Blossom Cartwright.” I show him my Driver’s License. “Do you have any idea what happened?”

  “We got a call from someone walking past that three men were in here and the place was being vandalized.”

  “I have a brand new security alarm, why didn’t it go off?”

  “I have no idea, Miss Cartwright. Do you know who would want to do this? Have you upset someone?”

  I know immediately who two of the men would have been but keep my lips sealed. I don’t want to make matters worse by telling the police. It would be difficult for the police to prove anything and the men I have in mind might come back and harass me even worse.

  “I have no idea.”

  The officer narrows his eyes and stares at me. He suspects I’m not telling the truth but lets it go. “The office has been torn apart, the safe has been emptied.”

  “Fuck. Last nights’ takings were still in there.”

  “How much?”

  “Around eight thousand if everyone who
booked came in.”

  The officer whistles. “Successful haul for whoever did this.”

  “I guess so. Do you need me for anything?”

  “No. You will need to secure the place and notify your employees. You won’t be open for a while.”

  “I’ll do it from home. Thank you and please keep me informed of what you find out.”

  “I will Miss Cartwright.”

  I turn and carefully pick my way through the restaurant debris to the exit. I’m angry and although I can’t make Darren pay, I’m going to let him know, I know it was him.

  I stomp my way back to my apartment, let myself in and kick off my shoes. After calling Desiree to explain what has happened, I go to my home safe and pull out the file on employees I keep. It takes no time to find Darren’s number and I dial.

  “Darren speaking.”

  “You fucking sonofabitch.”

  “Well, if it isn’t my former bitch employer. What do you want? Do you want to crawl up my ass and beg me to come back? Oh, but I hear your restaurant can’t be opened at the moment. Some sort of renovation is needed.”

  “You fucking bastard. You’ll pay for this. I’ll make sure no-one in town employs you or your fucking cousin. I’ll spread the word you’re fucking each other and that’s the reason you were sacked. I’ll tell people, I caught you with your prick in Roberto’s ass when you should have been working.” I’m pretty sure Darren and Roberto have been sucking each other’s cocks. The fact they are first cousins doesn’t seem to matter.

  “You fuckin’ whore. You say one word and I promise you, what was done to the restaurant will be nothing compared to what we’ll do to you.”

  “You are fucking Roberto. That’s why you wanted him kept on. You didn’t care he was destroying the reputation of my restaurant. You’re an asshole.”

  “I’m warning you, cunt. One word and you will wish you’d never been born.” His voice is menacing. I believe his threat.


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