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Born To Sin (Born #1)

Page 10

by A. L. Simpson

  I disconnect the call. I know now it was him and Roberto, continuing the call would achieve nothing.

  My next call is to a door company who can replace my front door. They will also provide a new lock. I check the roster in the personnel file and call each employee who is due in today. I promise to cover their wages until the restaurant is re-opened. Thank God I’m wealthy and can afford to pay them all. I would be searching for a bunch of new staff instead of only a junior chef otherwise.

  My final call is to Desiree. I explain what has happened and ask her if anyone had shown interest in the security system. She tells me no-one has shown any interest at all. I’m puzzled as to how it was disabled. Even the locksmith who installed it didn’t know the passcode. Only a few select employees were given it. I guess I’ll find out eventually.

  I call a cleaning crew and instruct them to meet me at the restaurant the following morning. Then I contact my designer. The morning has passed by the time I am finished sorting out the mess.


  Everything is running like clockwork at Leon’s, much to my relief. I’m greeted with smiles as I enter. Samuel strides over to me.

  “Miss Cartwright, how are you today?”

  “Shithouse, Samuel. Can you join me please?” We walk to the office and I close the door. “Have a seat.”

  Samuel sits and waits for me to sit and get settled. “Something wrong?”

  “Cleo’s was trashed this morning and I’m pretty sure I know who did it.”

  He straightens in his chair. “What do you mean trashed? You just had a new security system installed.”

  “I know but they smashed the front door and trashed everything. Tables, chairs, light fittings, everything.”

  “Fuck.” He covers his mouth with his hand. “Sorry.”

  “Go ahead. It’s exactly what I’ve been saying.”

  “You said you know who it was. Have they been arrested?”


  “Why the fuck not?”

  “I know for sure who it was but I have no way of proving it. I’m worried they’ll cause me more trouble if I attempt to press charges.”

  “You worried about Leon’s?”

  “Yes, I am. I don’t think they’ll try anything but I can’t be sure. I want to make sure everyone keeps their wits about them. I’d hate for anyone to get hurt.”

  “I’ll let them all know to be careful. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “No. I was in the process of having a new Head Chef trained and I want him to spend some time with Hamish when he returns. Apart from that, I have given all the staff time off on full pay while the restaurant gets the repairs done.”

  “That’s generous.”

  “I don’t want to lose anyone. They’re too difficult to replace.” I suddenly have an idea. “Can I send Desiree over to work with you for a few days? She is the new Manager I’m training and now the restaurant will be temporarily closed it’s the perfect opportunity to put her under your wing.”

  “Sure, I’m happy to help out. Send her over tomorrow. Hamish is back tomorrow too.”

  “I thought he had two weeks off?”

  “He sorted out what he needed to quicker than he originally thought. He sent a message with Wade that he’ll be back for tomorrow’s lunch shift.”

  My heart somersaults. I’m so excited about seeing him again. Why? Fuck knows. What I do know is, he makes my heart beat faster, my nipples tighten, my belly clench and my core flood just thinking about him. I have to try and figure out why this man affects me the way he does after only one meeting.

  Samuel breaks into my thoughts. “Is there anything else?”

  “No, that will be all. Thanks Samuel.”

  “Pleasure.” He stands and leaves the office.

  I leave my seat, close and lock the door. My pussy is drenched and every nerve in my body is sparking with electricity. I lower my hand inside my pussy and zoom in on my swollen clit. My legs are spread wide, my eyes closed. Hamish is large as life in my mind as my fingers dive deep inside. I moan softly as my body succumbs and I’m pushed to the edge. I’m throbbing with want, my hips lift and lower. One pinch of my clit and I careen like an out of control train over the edge. I bite my lip to prevent myself from shouting as I milk every drop of enjoyment from my body.

  I collapse back in my chair. My eyes are closed. I smile with satisfaction.

  Chapter Eleven


  Steve and I have moved into a two bedroom apartment about five minutes from the restaurant. There is a parking space in an underground garage for my motorcycle. I’ll be walking to work from now on. The kid has settled in really well and he seems happy. He’s clean, well dressed and even sleeping in his own bed. He’s started at a school I have been assured is one of the best in the city and has already made a couple of friends.

  Wade put me in touch with one of his friends who has a sixteen year old daughter. I spoke with her parents and she will be taking care of Steve while I work. I’ll feel much better knowing he’s not alone, especially at night. She’s happy to take him out on weekends too.

  I’m headed for the courthouse to make my claim for Steve official. The school gave me two weeks to prove I’m Steve’s father. It’s taken me almost that long to get todays appointment. It’s a warm day but I’m sweating fucking bullets. My nerves are shot to shit. This is it. I have rehearsed exactly what I’m going to say.

  I climb the steps to the courthouse and cross to the enquiry desk.

  “May I help you?” A young woman behind the counter smiles at me.

  “I have an appointment to get my sons’ birth certificate.”


  “Hamish Masters.”

  “Take a seat and I’ll find someone to help you.”

  “Thanks.” I don’t want to take a fucking seat, I want to get this done with but I go and sit where she pointed. A few minutes later another woman comes out through a door and calls my name. I bounce to my feet and rush toward her.

  “Hamish Masters?” she asks.


  “Come with me, please.”

  She leads me through the door she’d appeared through and offers me a seat. They seem to be obsessed with people sitting.

  “Now, how can I help you?”

  “I need to get a copy of my sons’ birth certificate for his new school.”


  “Hamish Masters.”

  “Not yours, the child’s.”

  My face heats with embarrassment. “Steven Jones.”

  She taps on her computer keyboard and frowns. Then she taps something else and frowns again. Fuck, something’s wrong.

  “Mr. Masters. You said you’re the child’s father?”

  Sweat is dripping off me. “Yes, that’s correct.”

  “Your name isn’t on his birth certificate.”

  I’m doing back flips, double half pikes and somersaults inside. I want to shout with happiness. “No ma’am, his mother and I were estranged.”

  “Hmmm, I’ll need you to sign an affidavit and you will need to bring the child in so a Judge can speak with him.”

  “Can I make an appointment to do that?”


  She types on her keyboard again and smiles. “I can fit you in at four this afternoon.”

  The acrobatics in my belly have returned. I can do this. “I’ll be here. Thank you.” I stand to leave.

  “See you then.”

  I leave the courthouse in a positive frame of mind. This afternoon, my name will be on Steve’s birth certificate and I’ll officially be his father. No-one will be able to take him away from me. Do I feel guilty for lying to a state official? Fuck no. Will I feel guilty about coaching the kid to lie? Fuck no. Steve deserves a good life and if it takes a little lying initially, it’s well worth it.


  I’m waiting outside the school gate for the kid. He spots me and runs over. I scoop him into my arms and he hugs

  “I had the best day, Pa. Joe and Ron asked me to join their football team. I said, yes. Is that okay?”

  “When do they play?”

  “We practice twice a week here at school and play on Saturday mornings.”

  “I can’t see a problem with that.” He kisses my cheek and his arms tighten around my neck.

  “Put me down, Pa. I gotta go and tell Mr. Potts.”

  I place him on the ground and he scurries toward a man who is coming through the gate. I see the man crouch down and talk with Steve. The kid’s arm points to me and the man nods. He stands up, and he and Steve walk toward me.

  His hand is outstretched as he speaks. “Mr. Masters.”

  I shake hands. “Hamish, please.”

  “Gary Potts. I’m the football coach here at Trinity Grammar. Steven tells me you said it was okay for him to join the team.”

  “I can’t see any problem with it at all if it’s what he wants to do.”

  “We train on Mondays and Wednesdays after school. We usually finish around four thirty. We play on Saturdays at eight.”

  “I have a young girl who will pick him up from school when I’m at work. Her name is Grace. I’ll let her know.”

  “We’re training at the moment and our first game is in five weeks. Steven will bring home a note with an itemized cost for his uniform and he’ll need boots.”

  “I’ll get him some tomorrow. Anything else?”

  “You’ll need to sign some forms. I’ll send them home with him tomorrow.”

  We shake hands again and I thank him before grabbing Steve’s hand and heading for home.

  “I can’t wait, Pa. Football is so much fun. Me and Joe and Ron play with some other kids at lunchtime. It’s cool.”

  “That’s good, son. We’ll get your boots tomorrow after school. This afternoon we have to go to the courthouse.”

  “I thought you went earlier?”

  “I did but because my name isn’t on the papers, the Judge wants to talk to you about some shit.”

  “What shit, Pa?”

  Fuck. I have to remember not to swear around the kid. “What have I told you about swearing?”

  “Not to, but…”

  “No buts. I’m an adult. Until you’re an adult, no swearing.”

  “Okay, Pa.”

  “The Judge is gonna ask you questions about us. I don’t know what they’ll be but he’ll probably ask if you know I’m your Pa. I know I told you never to lie but, just this once, it’s okay.”

  “It’s okay to lie this one time so we can stay together.”

  “That’s right. I don’t want you lying about anything else after this. Understand?”

  “Yes, Pa.”

  I hold his hand as we cross the road to the courthouse and mount the steps. My nerves have returned. I can control what I say but not what the kid says.

  The same girl is behind the counter and she greets us.

  “Mr. Masters.” She leans over the counter and smiles down at Steve. “Who’s this little cutie?”

  “This is my son, Steve.”

  “Well, hello Steve.”

  “Hello ma’am. I’m pleased to meet you.”

  I look down at the kid. I’m gobsmacked. The way he speaks, he sounds like he’s been raised in a good neighborhood not by an alcoholic mother in the ’hood.

  “I’m pleased to meet you too. What beautiful manners you have.”

  I’m bursting with pride.

  “Come on through, the Judge is ready for you.”

  Steve and I follow the girl through a door and into an office. An elderly man who is seated behind a desk raises his head as we enter.

  “This is Mr. Masters and his son Steven, Judge. Mr. Masters, this is Judge Prentiss.”

  The Judge stands and shakes my hand then, guess what? We all sit. Steve sits on my lap.

  “Steven, do you know why we’re here?”

  “Yes. Pa said it was so his name could be put on my birth certificate. My Ma didn’t put his name on it. She told me she didn’t want him to know he was my Pa. Pa found out though and when Ma died he took me to live with him in a nice place.”

  “I see you go to Trinity Grammar. That’s where I went a long time ago.”

  “Yes, sir. Pa sent me there when I went to live with him. He said it’s important I get a good education. And, guess what?”

  The kid is so excited, he’s bouncing around on my knees. The Judge smiles at his enthusiasm.


  “I’m gonna be on the football team. Joe and Ron asked me and Pa said yes.”

  “Are you excited about that?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You love your Pa, don’t you?”

  “Yes, sir.” He gazes up at me. “I love my Pa a lot. I wanna be Steven Masters from now on.”

  The Judge moves his focus to me. “Where do you work?”

  “I’m the Head Chef at Leons.”

  “The Leons?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You work shifts?”

  “We have a day shift from nine until three in the afternoon and an evening shift from three until eleven.”

  “The evening shift is an issue. Who will take care of him?”

  “I have employed a reliable girl who came highly recommended to collect him from school and stay with him until I get home. She will stay with us on those nights so she doesn’t have to wait up for me.”

  “It seems you have it covered.”

  “I think so, sir.”

  The Judge stamps some papers that are on the desk in front of him and scribbles his signature. He hands me a copy. “Give this to the girl at the front desk and she will print up a birth certificate with your name on as his legal father.”

  “Thank you, sir.” I want to cheer, do back flips. He’s mine. All mine. I’m now responsible for this little person who has turned my world upside down. Would I have it any other way? Fuck no. I scoop Steve into my arms and we head out to the front desk. I hand the paper over and the girl returns with the freshly printed birth certificate. I gaze at it. Steve’s name is now Steven Masters. Next to the phrase – Father’s name – is my name. Tears form in my eyes as we leave the building.

  “What’s wrong, Pa?” Steve notices my tears.

  “Nothing, son. Absolutely nothing.”

  “Then why are your crying?”

  “I’m happy. It’s happy crying.”


  “Because you’re mine. No-one is gonna take you away.”

  He hugs me tight. “I’m happy too, Pa. I love you.”

  “I love you too, buddy. How about ice cream to celebrate?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I kiss his cheek and we head for the ice cream parlor. The certificate proving he’s mine is firmly tucked inside my jacket.


  Later that night I open the door to the apartment and Wade steps inside. He holds up a bottle of fine champagne and hugs me. “Congratulations, Pa.”

  I laugh as I lead him through to the kitchen. Steve is sitting at the dining room table doing his homework. Wade scoops him up and gives him a bear hug. He peppers my sons face with kisses before sitting him back down.

  “So, Steven Masters, huh?”

  “Yep. Cool, eh, Uncle Wade?”

  “Very cool.”

  “Did you let them know I’d be back at work tomorrow?”

  “Yep. I told Samuel. He said he’ll let Miss Cartwright know.”

  “I wonder if the bi…” I glance over at Steve who’s lifted his head and is glaring at me. We have made a pact not to swear. “I wonder if she will come in.” Why the fuck does the thought of the blonde bombshell coming to the restaurant cause my cock to stiffen? I mean, she’s probably one hell of a lay but she’s so far out of my league she might as well be on a different planet.

  “Probably. She’s really quite nice you know.”

  I try to butt in to disagree with my friend but he holds his hands up to silence me

  “I know she did the wrong thing by trying to poach you but it’s what happens in this city in every business. Give her a chance. She’s been a good manager so far. There’s been no interference and she’s very approachable. Oh, and someone broke in to Cleo’s and trashed it yesterday.”

  My heart slams against my ribs and a feeling of dread washes over me. Why? “She wasn’t hurt was she?”

  “No, she wasn’t there. It was broken up pretty bad. Her new manager is going to be working with Samuel and she said you’re to train her new Head Chef.”

  I turn around from the pasta sauce I’m stirring. “What the fuck? What do you mean, I’m training the new Head Chef?”


  “Sorry kid but sometimes adults have just gotta swear.”

  “It’s going to take a while to get Cleo ready to open again. You know she fired her manager and Head Chef so she needs new ones trained. With Cleo closed it made sense to send them to Leon’s to be trained.”

  “She can get someone else. I’m not a fucking babysitter. How am I supposed to get my work done if I’m cleaning up after some snot nosed newbie?”

  “He’s not a newbie. He’s been a chef for almost ten years, seven at Cleo’s. Their previous manager held him back.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not fucking babysitting.” I finish stirring the pasta sauce and pour it over the fettucine I have placed in a bowl. Wade grabs the bowl of salad and a plate of freshly baked crusty rolls and we place everything on the table. I gather Steve’s homework up and place it on the bench. We all settle in for our celebratory dinner. I watch as Steve digs in. I’ve never been happier. If I can learn to deal with the bitch who is my new boss, I’ll be in fucking heaven.

  Chapter Twelve


  The police have been investigating the break in at my restaurant. They phoned me early this morning to say nothing has turned up but it’s early days yet. I doubt they will find out Darren and Roberto were involved, without my help there is nothing to indicate them. As much as I would like to see them both put away, I can’t chance them walking free and coming after me.

  I swipe lip gloss across my lips, check my hair for about the tenth time, and leave for Cleo’s. Once my meeting is done, I’ll head up to Leon’s. The thought of seeing Hamish again sets my blood pounding. I have no idea why. I need to figure out this strange attraction I have for him. I wonder if he feels it too? Not likely.


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