Book Read Free

Take a Breath (Take 1)

Page 4

by Jaimie Roberts

  I hated Jake now. Why did he have to pull that story on me? “This is unfair you know.” He starts laughing and claps his hands.

  “I didn’t say I would make it easy for you. My turn.”

  I sit there patiently waiting trying to think of a good thing to come up with so I can beat him.

  “Right, erm, what is your favourite food?”

  You’ve got to be kidding me. Why doesn’t he ask what my favourite book is or my favourite hobby, not these silly questions? “Chicken I think.”

  He looks on at me disappointed, “You know you’re making this too damn easy? Drink.”

  I slap my hand down on the bar not making it unknown of my frustration. I take the drink and swig it down again. This time the burn is not as fierce as the first one. My head is already feeling a little fuzzy as I’m not used to doing shots. I try to think of a good question, one that’s just as useless as his. “Ok, what is your favourite alcoholic drink?” He smiles again and I feel that this would be hard to answer considering how boring the answer would be. I would think he would pick beer and you can’t get much more boring than beer.

  “Well at the moment I’d have to say tequila as I’m having so much fun with you this evening. You make an excellent contender, a little easy but so much fun nonetheless.”

  I huff my annoyance, “This game is rubbish. Why don’t you just take a shot already?”

  His lips curve up into that sexy grin of his, “Did you not like my answer then? Are you saying that my enjoying your company is not a good answer?”

  He’s good, he’s very good and I hate him for it. “You’re determined aren’t you?” He stands there still staring.

  “I take that as a no then? Do you want to just take the next shot anyway and avoid the disappointment?”

  I nod my head and chuckle. “You’re a little shit Jake Bennett, do you know that?” He brings his finger up and shakes it in front of me.

  “Ah, ah now Ana, we’re just being a sore loser. Right now where are we? Ok, what is your favourite car?”

  That one I find an easy one to answer, “Well, that’s not hard, an Aston Martin DB9. I think they’re beautiful.” I smile thinking he can’t honestly think that’s a boring answer. I was wrong.

  “But it’s British. I can’t be having that. Drink.”

  What the hell, “Are you serious? How is that relevant to the game whether something is British or not?”

  “Well, you could have said a more muscle bound car like a Dodge Challenger or a Ford Mustang.”

  Oh hell no. “Jake, those cars are just what you said, muscle bound and that’s it. The Aston Martin DB9 has plenty of power and finesse and her beauty is refined. The car is elegant and very sexy. You cannot compare an Aston Martin to a Dodge Challenger. You must be off your rocker.”

  He bellows a hearty laugh, “Ok, you don’t like it I tell you what. You admit losing this round and whatever question you ask me next, if you don’t like the answer I’ll take two shots in one go. How’s that?”

  I pick my third shot glass and down it again crashing it back down on the bar. “Fine. What is your favourite fruit?” Ha, ha, I think I’ve got him there. “Well, that’s another easy one. It’s pineapple and the reason being is because I’ve always wanted to go to the Caribbean ever since my grandmother told me of her wish to go. She never made it there before she died and I would like to one day complete that dream for her.”

  Did he really just say that shit to me? “Jake, seriously come on. Did your grandmother really give you that action man or are you just going to use her for every answer you make?” His cheeky grin is still set on his face making my heart flutter.

  “My last answer wasn’t about my grandmother, it was about me enjoying your company. I’m having a great time.”

  I try to express my irritation. “This is seriously Fubar you know that?” He starts laughing again and grabs himself a drink.

  “I know I still won, but just to play fair I’m going to take one shot.” He picks the shot glass up and quickly drinks the contents. “Ok, next round double or nothing, agreed?”

  I nod my head realising despite the frustration of the game I am having so much fun.

  “What was your favourite subject in school?”

  Well, that was another easy answer. “English as I love to read and write.” He looks on at me obviously not amused by my answer. “What?” He puts a hand up to his mouth and pretends to yawn. “Jake, come on.”

  “I’m sorry but Math and English are the two most boring subjects at school. You could have thought about something more interesting than that.”

  Feeling a little tipsy I became brave, “Well, my grandmother always loved the subject of English and before she died she asked me to honour her dream of enjoying the written word.”

  He nods his head at me and smiles, “See now you’re just making fun of me but I can see you’re slowly getting the hang of it.”

  I smile mentally patting my back. “So I can forfeit these last two shots then?”

  He shakes his head, “Oh no, I never said that. You used my grandmother as a way of answering my question. Drink.”

  It didn’t surprise me that he took this stance. I didn’t care I was enjoying myself too much to argue anymore, plus the shots were going down a treat. I quickly downed the two I had left and wiped my mouth.

  “Now, I still have 4 left so you better make the next question a good one.”

  I sit for a while contemplating my next move. My head is becoming very fuzzy now so my thought process is slower than normal. “I think I’ve found one. What is your favourite household chore?” Hopefully I have finally got him now as you can’t get more boring than any household chore.

  “Well, I am partial to a bit of dusting. I like to get the feather duster out and dust all the cabinets and photos when no one’s in.”

  I laugh so hard I nearly fall off my chair.

  “Steady there Ana. I don’t know what’s so funny?”

  I look up at his 6’3” frame, his solid chest and the stance that makes Jake all man in every sense of the word and I almost pee myself laughing. “You with a little apron on going around with your little feather duster, this I would have to see.” I think I’m going to die of a heart attack.

  “I never said I wore an apron. I might just do that next time though.”

  The hysterics get louder as I realise I’m feeling a little drunk now.

  “I take it that you quite like that answer which means I win.”

  I nod my head, “I think having me almost wet myself laughing proves that point. Let’s not forget that I’ve drank all my five and you still have four left.” I pick up one more of his shots and down it, “There, that helps you out a bit,” I giggle.

  “Are you saying I’m a lightweight?” He asks amused.

  “No, of course not Jake, never,” I say sarcastically. This prompts Jake to pick up the remaining three shots and he downed them one by one. I clap my hands, “Way to go lightweight.” I pull my finger up in the air and wiggle it at him. I stare at it for a moment and I don’t know why but I decide to bring my finger to my nose. Jake laughs at me as I must look comical going cross-eyed. “Jake, I can’t find my finger. It’s gone. First it was there right in front of me and now it’s disappeared.” He comes around the bar and grabs my finger pulling me out of my stare. “Oh there it is.” He wraps my arm around his shoulder and hoists me up.

  “I think we have had enough to drink now don’t you?”

  I try to nod but it seems to be more difficult than normal. “You saw me nakeeeeeeed.” I giggle into his chest and breathe in his beautiful scent.

  “Yes I did.”

  I start to blow raspberries into his chest and giggling like an idiot he somehow manages to haul me up the stairs. I grab his nose and wiggle it. “You’re so cute Mr Bennett you know that? Your lips look so soft and kissable.” He sets me down on the bed and pulls my feet over to slide them under the covers. “You really have had too much.�

  He makes sure I’m settled before moving to leave. “Don’t go please,” I whisper. He stops in his tracks and swings round. “Hold me for a bit just until I fall asleep. Please.” He stands there hesitating for a few moments but I soon feel the weight of his body pressed against mine. He’s careful not to get under the covers but he brings me to his chest and again I breathe in his sweet scent. I sigh contently, “You know what my favourite thing is in the whole wide world?” I ask, thinking I’m in a dream all of a sudden.

  “What’s that?”

  I wiggle my nose on his chest snuggling into him as much as I can. I want to savour this moment as much as possible. “You Jake, you’re my favourite thing.”

  Chapter 7

  I wake up with my head banging unable to remember how I got to bed. I look towards the window and curse then sun for shining so brightly through my window. I glance at the clock on my bedside and notice a glass of water and a note propped up against it. ‘Drink me,’ it read. I looked down and saw a couple of tablets sitting by the glass of water and another note underneath it saying ‘Swallow me.’ I smile despite myself as I wonder how wonderful it would be to swallow him up in every which way. I look down at myself as I wonder whether I’m wearing a blue and white dress just like Alice did in Wonderland. Had I ventured into the land of fairy tales since last night? I take the tablets and down them with the whole glass of water in one go. It’s midmorning already. I haul myself up to head towards the shower hoping that this would make my head a little better.

  With the shower fixed it was working better than ever. I stayed there for a while enjoying the spray until the throbbing in my head died down a bit. I threw on a beach dress as I felt like lounging around today and headed toward the stairs. When I got nearer to the kitchen the smell of bacon hits me. Suddenly both my head and my stomach started to grumble in the anticipation of the great greasy hangover cure. I swing open the door and Jake is greeting me with another tight T-shirt and a pair of knee length shorts that are just placed perfectly on his hips.

  “Good morning Ana, how are you feeling today?”

  “Not too bad, thanks for the tablets and water. Alice is feeling much better now.” He starts laughing as he sets out a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me. “Thanks Jake, you didn’t need to do this for me.” We both sit down and his face turns a little sad.

  “I feel kind of bad in a way for last night. I didn’t mean for you to get like that. I’m sorry.”

  “Jake, you can’t apologise for last night, it was a game and it was fun. I enjoyed it despite the fact you were a tad annoying, but with all that said I had a great time. You didn’t force those shots down my throat. If I really didn’t want them, I wouldn’t have drunk them. Remember also that I willingly took a sixth one from you?” His lips curve up into a smile and I have this sudden jolt of memory about me telling him how much I wanted to kiss them? Or was it that they were kissable? I can’t remember. All I do remember is that something was said. I wonder if it was a dream. I dream about Jake a lot and often wake up horny as hell and having to relieve myself. No, it wasn’t a dream was it? I actually did say that to him. Shit, what now? I look on in horror realising just how much of an almighty cock up I must have made. My face begins to flush and sudden nausea erupts in my stomach.

  “Ana, are you alright, you don’t look very good?”

  Before I can answer I throw my fork down and rush to the toilet just managing to reach it in time to hurl the contents of my stomach back up again. Jake is quickly by my side helping to pull my hair back so I can be sick. He gently rubs my back and hands me some tissue.

  “I’m so sorry,” he says to me again. “I did this to you. I want to take care of you today so I don’t feel so damn guilty.”

  Thinking I’ve been sick as much as I can, I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet. “Would you stop blaming yourself for what I did? I had fun, it’s ok. No need to take care of me. You’re off the hook.” I raise a smile for him which he returns.

  “Well, let’s put it this way, it would help me feel better to know I’m taking care of you.”

  The embarrassment of knowing what I said to him again last night rears its ugly head again. How could I have been so stupid? I feel the only way forward is to try and make light of the situation. “So I have to humour you now just so that you will feel less guilty about last night?” He nods his head. “So you’re doing this only for your own selfish reasons?”

  He looks on and frowns, “Well, it sounds horrible when you put it like that but yes, I guess I am selfish then.”

  We head back to the kitchen and sit back on the breakfast table.

  “I understand if you don’t want to eat that now.”

  I stare on at him lingering on those eyes and lips of his. I can’t believe that anyone could be this sexy. He should be illegal. “I’m fine now that I got that out of my system. I think it will do me good to get this inside me.” I don’t have the heart to tell him I only puked because of how embarrassed I am at what I possibly said or did. I start to wonder if there is anything else I could have said to make this hell even worse than what it is. Maybe I don’t want to know. I take a few bites easing myself in gently and waiting to see if my stomach protests. I’m glad to feel its satisfied so I carry on. His eggs are so nice, and now he does good bacon too. He’s beautiful, powerful, funny, kind, he’s sex on legs and now he can cook. Is there anything more to add to his many talents? I finish up my breakfast and Jake clears the table for me. I get up to do the dishes and he promptly tells me to sit back down. I do as I’m told staring at him for a while whilst his back is turned to me and my mind is full of what on earth happened last night. I flash of him lying in bed with me comes back. Shit, did that really happen? He obviously didn’t stay as he was gone this morning. Curiosity seems to get to the better of me as there is only one person who can answer that in a hurry. “I didn’t do anything silly last night did I?” He briefly stops washing the dishes and turns to me.

  “No, of course not, in fact I would go as far as saying you were kind of sweet, and funny.”

  He turns his attention back to the dishes and quickly he’s all washed up. Sweet, when have I ever been sweet? I suppose I should be thankful because at least he didn’t say I was a complete numpty. I try to put this out of my mind as it would only drive me crazy. I can’t help thinking that I said something I shouldn’t have, apart from the kissable lips comment of course.

  The rest of the day was as much fun as it was yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed Jake’s company. We watched movies together; we laughed and poked light hearted fun at each other. This weekend would definitely go down in history as being one of my favourite weekends of all time and unfortunately I haven’t had many of them. That’s another favourite to add to Jake’s game now. There were a couple of moments when he tickled me after I poked fun at him and I thought he was going to kiss me again, but again I was bitterly disappointed. I don’t know why he’s pushing this. Things just seemed to get worse when Matthew arrived. All of a sudden Jake was putting his walls back up again. I don’t know why he does it. Maybe he’s embarrassed to be seen having fun with me in front of Matthew, I don’t know. I tried to not let it get to me and instead just went with the flow. I spent the rest of the evening talking and having a laugh with Matthew.

  Chapter 8

  The next few days go by in a haze. Nothing much has happened apart from the night I went out with Jessie and wore those red shoes. Jake saw me and the reaction it provoked had my head spinning for the rest of the night. He was not happy about me wearing them, but he gave me the number for a reputable taxi firm and asked me to promise him I would use it on the way home. He also asked me to promise him to call if I needed him. The look he gave me was one of such desperation; I had no choice but to tell him that I would of course honour his wishes. I thought it was kind of sweet of him anyway to care so much. Once I got home a little tipsy, Jake was still up and he looked as though he’d been pacing the floor.
He certainly wasn’t someone who looked to be close to going to bed at after midnight. I couldn’t believe he had actually waited up for me. He immediately came over to me and asked if I was ok and I told him yes. He took care of me again taking me to my bed and making sure I had plenty of water to drink before I got up the next morning.

  Jessie had a few dates with Jerry and they were all successful, so much so she is still seeing him, which I think, is a record for Jessie. Jake has been doing his best again to avoid me and the killer is still on the loose, but all has gone quiet. No more murders since the apparent ghastly one last time that everyone felt uncomfortable talking to me about. I decided that it was time I took some time off also, so booked the Friday off before the barbeque, same as Jake. There appears to be quite a few going now and I’m starting to look forward to it in a way. Today is Thursday and I am feeling good that a welcome rest is upon me. I clean up my desk at the end of the day and say my farewells to everyone. Jessie is still sitting at her desk but it looks as if she is heading out shortly herself. “Do you want a lift back Jessie?”

  She spins round, “It’s ok thanks, I have my car.”

  I frown at her, “I wish you were coming on Saturday.”

  She pouts, “Me too, I really do not want to be going to this wedding on Saturday but Jerry’s coming with me so should be ok. I’m just dreading him seeing me in my bridesmaids dress. You should see it Ana, I look like a lemon.”

  I let out a giggle, “I’m sure you look fantastic in it Jessie. So Jerry’s coming eh? Sounds like it’s serious.”

  Jessie sighs, “I really like him Ana. Despite all the joking and everything, he’s a nice guy and the sex is phew.”

  She waves her hand in front of her face like it’s burning up in here. “Ok, now I’m off.” She laughs and turns to get her bag. “I’m glad you’ve found someone who can make you happy Jessie. You deserve it.” Jessie swings round and gets up out of her seat.


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