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Take a Breath (Take 1)

Page 5

by Jaimie Roberts

  “Ana, don’t make me cry you’ll smudge my makeup.”

  I put my arm around her, bringing her in for a hug. “See you soon and enjoy your weekend.”

  She pats my back, “You too Ana.” We say our goodbyes and I head out to my Honda.

  I get back to the house and its all dark. I switch the alarm off quickly realising I’m the only person in the house. I switch all the lights on and put my bag on the counter. I dig around the fridge and cupboards for something to eat and later settle on some leftover chicken and some savoury flavoured rice mixed with vegetables. I boil the rice up and pick some bits of chicken off into a bowl ready to mix. I stir the rice and look in the fridge for some wine. I find an unopened bottle of Pinot Grigio and pour myself a glass. I settle down on my own and start eating. It’s 6:45pm and I’m eating on my own. I think Jake is not due in until 7:30pm and I assume Matthew is out with his friends. I finish my glass of wine and pour another. I’m feeling full and there is still a lot of chicken and rice left so I put some aside for Jake to eat just in case he wants it when he returns. I take my glass and head for the sofa. I remember I have to check the mail so I wander outside to the mailbox and see a few items hidden in there. I head back flicking through all the letters, most of them are for Jake of course, but I spot one with familiar handwriting on and stop in my tracks. It’s my mother’s writing, I would recognise it from anywhere. It’s very bold and big and she curves her A’s in a certain way. I put the rest of the mail on the side and sit on the sofa to open the letter.

  Dear Ana,

  I’m sorry I left without a goodbye but I needed to get away. You’re old enough to look after yourself and I’m sure you would have preferred to stay where you are now. You’re settled with a good job and have your whole life ahead of you. I, as always get itchy feet and need to keep moving. Please tell Jake that I am sorry for everything and that I didn’t mean to hurt him. I think it was for the best anyway.

  Take care sweet Ana and I’ll be in touch soon.

  Love Mum. xx

  I’m snapped from the letter with the sound of Jake coming through the door.

  “Hey Ana.”

  I don’t look round. “Hi Jake, I left some rice and chicken on the side for you to eat.” I hear him walk past.

  “Thanks, I’m really hungry.”

  He disappears into the kitchen for a while and I sit on the sofa with my head buried in my hands and the letter in my clutches. I can’t believe my mother has done it, again. She’s just taken off without a goodbye, without anything and then three weeks later she decides to send me this crap. How could she do this to Jake and Matthew, how could she do this to her own daughter? After a few minutes I feel a dip in the sofa realising Jake is now sitting next to me.

  “Are you ok Ana?”

  I look up, tears in my eyes. This man is so beautiful. He oozes sex from every pore of his body. I can’t believe he asked me this and I can’t believe how mum could have possibly left him. He spies the letter in my hand. I look at him and then the letter. I pass it to him to read, he has to know. He reads expression quickly turning into a frown and sighs. “I’m sorry Jake; I expected this from my mum. I didn’t think she would do it this time but she has. I thought she really loved you and that she would stay. I’m so sorry.”

  He looks confused, “Ana, what do you mean?”

  I can’t bear to keep it in any longer. “She has been doing this my whole life Jake, she moves from one man to the next and has been dragging me along for the ride. I’m so sorry, you probably hate me now. I’ll find a place to stay and move out as quickly as I can. I know you can’t possibly want me around any longer, especially now you know she’s not coming back.”

  He looks at me in shock and shakes his head, “I don’t want to hear another word about you moving out Ana. This is your home and I could never punish you for what your mother has done. She has left the family, your family and we must move on. I just hate the fact that she has left you without at least saying goodbye.”

  He looks pained like he wants to say more but bites his lip. A tear falls from my eye and Jake tenderly removes it with his thumb. The electricity from that one tiny touch sends my blood rushing through my whole entire body. I’ve never had this with anyone before. Jake sucks in his breath like he felt it too and he looks on at me with a pained expression. I touch his hand and then everything goes silent. Jakes bends down towards my lips and the flames between my legs are burning hotter than the sun. Is he really going to kiss me after all this time of dreaming he would? He moves in further and the further he does the more my heart is racing with such intensity I can almost hear it screaming through my ears. Our lips touch tenderly at first and the moan that escapes my mouth is like a sound of desperation. The hunger soon sets in as the moan I released has somehow opened the floodgates for him to push on. I feel him slide his tongue in my mouth and I let out yet another sound. This seems to drive him forward as I push my hands through his hair and squeeze him into me harder. I think I’m going to pass out with the intensity and heat rising through my whole being, but I can’t stop this, I don’t want to stop this. I have dreamed of this moment and it is here, finally it is here. He pushes me down onto the sofa with such force that it takes my breath away. I wrap my leg around his waist and pull him into me; our hips meeting and his hardness digging into my flaming hot, soaking wet pussy. He grabs my thigh as his hand eases up my leg; he stops at my hip squeezing it hard. I think I may orgasm just at his slightest touch, I’m bursting with adrenaline and I let out another moan. I dig my nails into his back; I can’t get enough of this man. He squeezes my breast kissing my neck and I can’t hold back the words that come out of my mouth, “Oh Jake, please.” He growls in my ear and I desperately try to get to the belt of his trousers so I can feel him inside me as soon as possible. I have to have him and it has to be now. I pull at his belt and manage to release it. I try to undo his zip so I can move my hand in and feel his beautiful cock. At that moment I am yanked into reality when I’m all alone on the sofa breath coming out in gasps and another lion of a male over the other end of the room doing the same. The tears threaten again as I look at him in agony.

  “I’m so sorry Ana. I shouldn’t have done it. This is all wrong, the situation is wrong. I was supposed to be your stepfather shortly.”

  I give him a hardened look and he winces. “I’m glad this was as easy for you then it could ever have been for me. You’re just going to leave me like this?” I can’t believe what I’ve just said. I’m practically begging for sex, making it plainly obvious that I’m desperate for him. I’m just beyond mad with lust, I can’t help it. He looks lost and desperately tries doing his belt up, hiding his obvious arousal.

  He catches me staring and mutters, “I’m sorry Ana,” before disappearing quickly up the stairs.

  I take deep breaths trying to gather myself up to some sort of normal way of thinking. I’m starting to feel stupid and so wish in a way I had never met Jake. I’m never going to be able to look at him in the same way ever again now. I really must move out as I can’t keep going on like this, behaving like the panting lap dog that I feel I’m becoming around him. I sit there a few minutes trying to calm my erratic heartbeat and I think it may be best if I just watched a movie, maybe a good slasher film that will certainly snap me out of my reverie. Not long into settling with Total Recall the door goes and Matthew comes in. “Hey Ana, how’s it hanging?” He looks over to me and see’s my obvious distress.

  “Your mom has a lot to answer for.” He sits down and gives me a big hug, “No one hurts my big Sis Ana.”

  Oh, if only he knew! I let out a laugh and he smiles at me. “Thanks Matthew, I appreciate that.” Matthew is a very good boy, a typical teenager who likes to hang out with his mates and I should imagine the girls too. Jake doesn’t seem to mind as long as he doesn’t get into trouble and gets on at school. Matthew is very clever though. He could give the teachers a run for their money. “I hate to tell you Matthew, but My mum’s
gone and not coming back. I’m really sorry; she sent me a letter to let me know as much.”

  He looks at the piece of paper in my hands, “Am I allowed to say your mom is a bit of a bitch?”

  I burst out laughing at this statement and put my hand on his shoulder. “Matthew my dear, don’t worry, it’s along the same lines I’m thinking also.” He smiles at me and pauses like he’s got something on his mind.

  “I hate to do this to you now Ana, but can I ask a favour?”

  I look at him sceptically, “What is it Matthew?” I ask.

  “You’re off tomorrow, aren’t you?”

  I raise an eyebrow, “Yes, go on.”

  He bites his lip, “Well, you know I’m going on this camping trip for the weekend?” I nod. “A few of my mates are coming round tomorrow and you know Clive has a big crush on you?”

  I blush at this but remember Clive who was 14 at the time asking me on a date. It was quite flattering but I obviously had to let him down gently. “Don’t be acting like my pimp Matthew, I’ll kill you!”

  He looks abashed, “No, no, it’s not like that, I just want to wind him up. He has been winding me up something awful lately and I am just dying to get him back.”

  My lip curls into a smile, “Right, so what’s the plan my dear?” Looking like he has won the lottery he tells me what he has in store for Clive and I agree. It sounds like harmless fun.

  Chapter 9

  I go to bed hardly sleeping a wink thinking of Jake and his every touch, eventually through pure thought exhaustion my body gives in. I wake with one eye open and see the sun is shining, it’s another beautiful day. I glance at the clock and I can’t believe how long I’ve slept, it’s after 12pm already. I get up remembering that Matthew wants me to execute my plan at around 1pm just before all the boys head off. I have a shower and shave my legs. I put on some sun cream and I get set putting my bikini on. I blow dry my hair and apply a bit of makeup before making my way downstairs. It is all quiet in the house but I can hear voices outside by the pool. I make my way outside and the conversation has soon gone deathly quiet as they all spot me coming towards them. I halt in my tracks as I see Jake by the barbeque tidying things up. His piercing green eyes are looking over me and I inwardly quiver. I must not think about Jake and just get on with the task in hand for Matthew’s sake. I said I would do it for him and I like to keep to my word. My feet find movement again and I walk over. “Hello boys, how are we this fine beautiful day?” I look over to Jake and he is standing there with a spatula in his hand. By the looks of it he will snap it in half if he tightens that thing any further. He looks hopping mad but I feel determined. It serves him right.

  “Great,” they all say in unison.

  “I have a situation that needs attending to boys. I can’t reach my back to get any lotion on, could one of you possibly help me with this?” Clive virtually flies in the air to snatch the sun cream from me. I try to hide the little laugh that escapes my lips but it is so hard. This is more fun than I thought it was going to be. A sound makes me jump and I see that Jake has now snapped the spatula in his hand. He’s about to pop his vein, but nobody has noticed this little occurrence. They seem to all be too wrapped up in what is happening with me.

  “No, Clive you can’t, as she is my sister, I must do it.” He grabs the sun cream from Clive who now has the same vein popping out his head as Jake does.

  I position myself on top of the sun lounger face down and reach my hand across to undo my bikini top.

  All the boys gasp and at that point Jake shouts out, “Right, I think it’s time you boys get ready now don’t you?”

  Matthew looks at his dad, “I think we have another five minutes yet Dad.”

  Jake fumes, “Now, Matthew.”

  Matthew looks perplexed but a wave of knowledge seems to cross him and he smiles at me and winks. I gasp and look away. “Ok, Dad, we’ll be off now, see you on Sunday Ana.”

  The boys all look a tad annoyed as I tie my bikini top back on. I say my goodbyes whilst Jake sees them all out and I run upstairs to put a dress on.

  I’m in the middle of getting ready and I’ve just got the dress over my head when the door slams open. I jump out of my skin at the violent thud. I pull my dress down over me and Jake is standing there glaring. He looks like a bull about to charge. He’s red in the face and his breathing is erratic.

  “What the fuck was that Ana?”

  I’m shocked; I think that’s the first time I’ve heard him swear like that. He is normally so laid back. “Jake, I don’t know what you mean. Why are you so angry with me?”

  He takes a deep breath, “You come outside dressed in something that leads little to the imagination and nearly give five teenage boys a show they’ll probably never forget, what were you thinking? Are you trying to get me angry? Well, it worked.”

  I don’t know where to look, “I’m sorry Jake, I didn’t mean to make you angry, it was a joke.” The vein is popping again.

  “A JOKE, a fucking Joke, Ana you’re walking around like a fucking little prick tease.”

  I feel like I’m the one popping the vein now, I’ve had enough. I walk over to him and lunge for him ready to give him the slap he deserves but he grabs my wrist holding on to it firmly. I try to struggle but it’s no use, he’s too strong. He pushes me up against the bedroom wall with such force all the air escapes my lungs and before I can react he’s crushing his lips to mine. The rage and anger I felt quickly turn to pure unadulterated lust. He lets go of my wrists knowing I have completely given in to him as I pull at his hair and squeeze his back into me with my leg. He groans into my mouth and my whole body ignites with fire. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to the bed and drops me down. He pushes my dress up with his hand and squeezes my thigh again, it’s delicious. A moan escapes me prompting him to move his hand to the top of my dress and I feel the tug as he rips it from my chest, exposing my hard nipples through my bikini top. He’s destroyed my dress but I just don’t give a fuck. I will let him destroy a hundred dresses if it’s going to feel this good every time. He quickly unties the strings from my neck and pulls one side down to reveal my heaving breast.

  “Fuck,” he gasps as he takes my nipple into his mouth and starts to suck.

  I can’t help but cry out. How can he make me feel this close to orgasm just from having his mouth to my nipple? “Jake, please,” I beg as his hand moves swiftly down to my bikini bottoms and in one rigorous tug he rips it off. I very nearly orgasm just from this one little movement he makes. I have never managed to orgasm through sex but this one man has me like mush just through his simple touch. I reach down to his belt and yank at it. I wrap my legs around him and pin him to me so he can’t escape. A little chuckle escapes him as he knows exactly what I’m thinking. I remove his jeans and he helps guide them down. He reaches up to find my breast and squeezes my nipple gently, I think I’m about to explode. He positions the tip of his erection at my entrance anticipation of what is about to happen next clawing away at my insides. He plunges deep into me and I gasp out loud as Jake grunts this beautiful sound in my ear; he feels so big. He finds my mouth again and starts a delicious rhythm inside me. Pounding harder and harder, I feel like I’m going to scream. I push my hips up to meet him more, never seeming able to get enough of him. I’m climbing and climbing and my head is spinning with everything Jake. I can feel this familiar sensation rising up inside my very core and I feel like my whole body is about to go up in flames with the pressure and the heat of this beautiful man inside me. The feeling is a familiar one, but so intense I have never felt anything else like it. I can’t hold on any longer as my walls begin to tighten and my legs go rigid at my impending orgasm. I explode the most intense climax I have ever felt in my life and I scream out his name.

  Jake growls loudly, “Fuck, Ana,” as he thrusts inside me a warm feeling of his own release.

  We lay for a while, Jake on top of me trying to catch our breaths. I can’t believe t
his has just happened and I feel delirious from the come down of the most mind blowing orgasm. Nothing can get much better than this. If this is a version of heaven then I never want to leave. I’m feeling so high and I can’t escape the smile sweeping across my face. It doesn’t last long as once realisation kicks in; Jake has to spoil the whole moment.

  “Oh shit, Ana, what just happened, I can’t think properly when I’m around you?”

  I’m not quite sure what he means by this, is he regretting it now?

  “I’m sorry Ana.” Oh no, those words again. “Are you on any contraception, your mother and I never.”

  He stops what he’s saying, realising the almighty fuck up, he’s just made. I’m lying there half naked and I start feeling sick all of a sudden. They never what, do I really want to be hearing this? Fantastic timing Jake, well done.

  “I’m sorry Ana, I need to get away, I can’t do this, I can’t be doing this, it’s wrong.”

  Oh god, I think I’m going to die. Why does he keep doing this to me? “Get out Jake, please.” I can’t help the tears that sting my eyes. He gets up and quickly pulls his trousers up. I’ve never felt so used in all my life. He looks over to me and winces when he sees my ripped dress.

  “I never meant for this to happen Ana, I’m so sorry I can’t do this.”

  The anger I feel just keeps building, “I said get out Jake, just GET OUT.”

  He timidly shuts the door and I throw myself into the pillow and sob my heart out. I feel like the world around me is ending and I just want to get away, I’ve had enough of feeling for this man. I can’t believe he mentions my mother after we’ve just, oh god, is this sick? Am I sick? What did he mean they never, they ever what? I can’t get my head around what he was trying to convey and I don’t think I really want to. That’s a territory I need to quickly get out of my head and fast. I lay there for a while until I have the sudden urge for a shower. I run into my bathroom taking off my ripped dress and I get a wash. I can still smell him everywhere and I don’t want to wash it off, but at the same time I feel dirty after what he’s done to me. I can’t help what I feel for this man, it has grown and grown and now that this is has happened, I’m not sure what I’m going to do next.


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