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Take a Breath (Take 1)

Page 23

by Jaimie Roberts

  I make a run for it and I hear Tony shouting my name from the house. It spurs me on further as the adrenaline is pumping through me now. There’s no turning back. The screams of my name are getting louder, as I realise he’s looking for me outside the house. It’s not long before he will spot me. I turn round to see if I can glimpse a view of him at all. I’m half way there and Tony can’t be seen as yet. If I can just get in the trees without being spotted, he will not know where I am. I don’t know what’s out there, but this has to be a much better prospect than Tony any day. I get to the entrance of the trees and a loud screaming voice shouting 'Ana,' makes me jump out of my skin. I turn round and Tony is standing by the house, gun in hand. His face contorted in anger. He lets off a shot which I instinctively duck for. There’s no time, if he catches me he will kill me. If I get shot I get shot, I have to move forward. Tony then starts running towards me and I will my jelly legs to move. I clamber deep into the trees and trip on a branch, which twists my ankle. I start to sob, no this can’t be happening to me. He’s going to catch up with me now. By pure adrenaline I force myself up and I limp on, trying to gain as much pace as I can so I can hide somewhere. In the distance about some 20 yards I see what looks to be a house. Maybe someone is in there. I pick up the pace grating my teeth together to get through the throbbing pain in my ankle. My hands, arms and legs are bleeding still from the cuts on the thorns from the side of his house. I get closer and closer to the little wooden chalet and all is quiet. I don’t know where Tony is and I’m not sure if that’s a comforting thought or not. I hide behind the tree and look around me. I still can’t see him, and I hear nothing but the breeze through the trees and the occasional crow squawking way above my head.

  I quickly run as fast as I can to the next tree and push my back up against it. With each tree I throw myself on to the pain in my ankle is practically willing me to scream out. I finally manage to get to the house panting; the urge to be sick taking over more violently. I knock as silently on the door as possible. Please let someone be in. I wait a couple of seconds, but there is nothing. I try the handle and the door pushes forward. Dust and cobwebs, a sure sign it is unused. I see a small living area with a little table in the middle and a couple of chairs. I close the door behind me and sneak around the house trying to see if I can find a phone, anything that can help me out of here. I get to one of the bedrooms, where I can’t believe my eyes as I spy a black old fashioned turn dial phone in the corner. Please say it works, please. I limp over to it and pick it up. It’s dead. Oh god, so am I.

  Tony stands in the doorway gun in hand. A face contorted into such evil I have never seen before in my life.

  “Ana, why the fuck did you run away? What are you trying to do? I thought you wanted me.”

  He comes over and grabs my hair, squeezing and yanking at me. I yelp. He slams me on the bed and the dust puffs up making me choke.

  “Bitch. I thought you were special, but you’re just like the others aren’t you Ana? Just a bunch of fucking slut whores, all of you.”

  I frantically shake my head as he straddles himself on top of me. “No, Tony please no. I was afraid. I’m not used to this. I can love you, I will love you. Please believe me.” He rears his hand back and slaps me hard across the face.

  “Liar, you’re a fucking whore. I never should have trusted you.”

  I’m trying to get over the sting on my face, as he places the gun on one of the bedside tables and puts his hands around my neck. Oh no, this is it. This is the day I die and I never get to say goodbye to Jake. Oh sweet Jake. He clasps his hands tightly around my neck and instinctively I grab at his hands to try and yank them off me. My legs begin to move in all directions as I’m choking. I look into his eyes pleading but he is beyond any reasoning now. He wants me dead. His eyes are deep black pools of evil as he strains his grip tighter around my neck. I can feel my life flashing before my eyes as the gulping sounds leave my lips. Finally my body gives into exhaustion as I start to go limp. My last sound is a loud commotion, screaming and shouting, and then my last thought comes across my mind, as I sink into nothingness. ‘I love you Jake.’

  Chapter 27

  I can hear noises, lots of different noises. I feel like I’m moving. Where am I, in heaven?

  “Ana, listen to me, you have to breathe for me. Take a breath, just one breath. Please don’t let her die. Please.”

  Jake? Jake is here so I must be in heaven.

  “We’re doing all we can to save her sir please. You have to let us work on her. I promise you she is in the best of hands.”

  I slip back into a sleep. What on earth has happened? Am I dead? I hear voices again.

  “Mr Bennett, she is in a coma and maybe for some time so her body can heal from the major trauma it’s gone through. We have checked her heart and lungs and all seem fine. She is stable. Please go home and get some rest. We will contact you if there is any change.”

  “I’m not leaving her. I’m staying here until she wakes up.”

  Jake, my sweet Jake. Why can’t I wake up and talk to him? My mind is willing, but my body won’t let me. I feel shut down but my mind is racing. I want to wake up, please wake up.

  “Ana, yesterday when I told you that you spoke in your sleep, you told me that you loved me. I want to hear you say those words. Ana please. I love you, I always have. When I heard you say those words it was like hearing the most precious thing I have ever heard in my life. I want you to wake up for me so you can look me in the eyes and say it. Ana please, I have never begged for anything in my life before, but I’m begging you now. Please wake up and tell me that you love me.”

  My head is screaming at me at this point. He just told me he loved me. Those precious three words I have been longing to hear for what seems like a lifetime, and I’m fucking sleeping. Wake up goddammit, just fucking wake up already. I’m willing my body to move and my eyes open but soon the blackness takes over me again, my body giving up.

  Light is hurting my eyes. I try to open one and realise that I can. I look around the room feeling disorientated and blurry. I manage to open the other eye and see a fan above my head moving, and the gentle humming sound as it goes around. To the left I see a window, the sun shining brightly through it. I move my head and it is then I notice how painful my throat feels. My hand goes around my throat as I try to rub it, but that’s sore also. It is then I realise I can feel a weight on my chest. I look down and find the back of Jake’s head and I realise he must be asleep. I stroke his hair and try to speak. I manage to whisper. “I love you too Jake,” when he stirs.

  “What?” He’s half asleep.

  “Jake, I love you too.” The pain to talk is excruciating, but I have to get those words out. I need him to know that I do love him. I have always loved him. He turns to face me startled and I notice then his unshaven state. He looks exhausted but still somehow manages to be as sexy as hell with it. It makes me sick.

  “Ana, oh thank god you’re awake. I never thought you would…”

  He scrambles up to get a doctor, opening the door he screams at someone to come in. A lovely nurse steps in with shiny brown hair and starts to take my vitals.

  “I’m Betty, how are you feeling this morning?”

  I try to shake my head and I point to my throat. “It feels sore,” I manage to whisper.

  “It will do for a while, that’s natural. You made a lot of people scared but you pulled through. You’re a fighter Miss Sinclair; we’ll have you up and running around the ward in no time.”

  I try a smile but it hurts. “Water,” I whisper.

  “Try not to talk too much Ana, you need your rest.”

  She pours me a glass bringing the cup to my mouth, and I try to sip. The pain evident in my face once I swallow. I motion to the nurse that I want a pen and paper. She nods and heads out the door. Jake sinks down into the chair next to me and grabs my hand.

  “I was so scared when I realised you were gone. I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t
have found you when we did.”

  The nurse comes back in and I free my hand to grab the pen, eager to write down the words I have been longing to tell him. ‘I Love you Jake ‘Caveman’ Bennett.’ I turn the paper over so Jake can see, he smiles and lets out a chuckle. He strokes my cheek.

  “I love you too Ana ‘insubordinate’ Sinclair.”

  A tear falls down my cheek and the nurse looks on with glassy-eyed endearment.

  “I’m going to leave you two for a few minutes. I will let the doctor know now that you’re awake, but I think I can safely say that you’re well on the way to the road to recovery.”

  Jake thanks her and she leaves. I grab my pen and write. ‘What happened? How did you find me?’ Jake lets out a deep breath and looks to my watch and starts playing with it.

  “This watch is what saved your life. I know you’ll be angry with me Ana, the watch means more I swear, but I didn’t want you to know.” He closes his eyes briefly like he’s trying hard to think what he can say. “I bought the watch for you that Sunday when I saw that poor woman and what that bastard Tony had done to her.”

  Tony, I suddenly wondered where he was and what happened to him.

  “I took the watch into work where I got a tracking device installed. I’m sorry I did that Ana, but I’m not sorry. It was how we found you, otherwise I dread to think how long it would have been if we hadn’t. Anyway when I quickly realised that the call to the FBI was a false alarm, I went fucking wild with worry. I tried to call you a bunch of times but you didn’t answer, and then I called the house but Matthew told me he saw you leave in a car with Tony. That’s when I knew something wasn’t right. I called a team with me and we tracked you to this little location in Chesterfield. We got to the house and we knew you were very close. We had a quick sweep and then made our way into the forest. We saw the little house up ahead and decided to check in there. When we got to that bedroom and I saw him, what he was doing.”

  He stopped, anger rising through his body as he went rigid. I stroked his hair to try and calm him and he relaxes a little.

  “We shout at him to move, but he is fixed on you. He’s like a wild animal. I’ve never seen that side to Tony. I was so frightened I was going to lose you. I took a shot at him and it hits him in the neck. He comes running over to me like a wild animal ready to attack, and I manage to get another shot to the chest. He’s gone now Ana. You never have to worry about him again. It’s all over now. You’re safe.”

  I lift my hand to stroke his cheek and he presses his face into it. I should have been angry about the watch, but how could I when it saved my life? I could read too much into it and believe he didn’t buy me it because he loved me, but only just so he could keep tabs on me, but he has declared his love through his actions, and that’s all I need from him. I don’t need the watch to know that he loves me. I just need him. My Jake. I grab the pen again remembering poor Joe. ‘What happened to Joe?’

  He smiles at the paper, “He’s fine Ana. When Tony arrived at the house he told him there had been an intruder and wanted to look around outside. Joe said he thought it strange as he had nothing on the radio, but Tony told him that you had managed to phone him to let him know. Joe obviously believed him and he followed the asshole round the side of the house. It was there Tony got him to look up front at something he saw, and then thumped the back of his head. Joe was found by the side of the house, unconscious, but fine. It’s funny really; Tony murdered all those women, but couldn’t come to hurt one of his own. I wonder if he drew a line there, or just did it so he could get to you quicker. No one will ever know now. He’s gone for good and I’m glad. I killed him and I’d do it all over again if it meant you were safe.”

  I smiled weakly feeling tired already, but a more urgent need takes over. I took the pen and began writing on the paper, ‘I need to pee.’ Jake nods and gets up.

  “Let me get the nurse as I think you have a catheter fitted. You’ve been here for three days now.”

  Three fucking days, jeez. What have I missed since then?

  The doctor comes through the door with Betty the nurse. The doctor, in his 60’s, very tall with glasses’ hanging down towards his noise, see’s me trying to get up.

  “Ana, no you can’t do that for now. Listen we need to take the catheter out ok?”

  I relax back down on the bed.

  “My name is Dr Robinson, it seems you been through the wars the last few days, but your vitals are getting stronger and stronger. It would seem you are made from fighting stock.” Everyone lets out a low laugh. “Now Mr. Bennett, if you wouldn’t mind waiting outside a minute so we can give Ana the once over.” Jake looks reluctant, but does as he’s told.

  The doctor checks my chest and my eyes. They had noticed my ankle was a bit swollen when I came in, so they x-rayed it and all was fine, just a very bad sprain. He checked my bruising and asked me about the cuts, which I told him about. He asked me to wriggle my toes and checked to see if they reacted the way they should, all seemed fine. It was then he was satisfied that the catheter could be taken out so I can finally get up on my own accord and pee. I wasn’t going to do it through a tube, no way. I wanted to go naturally. Dr Robinson removed the catheter, which was a little uncomfortable but a relief, the nurse then helped me up and moved me to the edge of the bed. The doctor opened the door for Jake to come in, and he had visibly been pacing up and down the halls outside. I had to let out a little chuckle although it hurt all over to do so. Jake notices and comes running over to me.

  He helps me up and takes me towards the bathroom. I motion to him that I think I can do this by myself and shut the door behind me. I walk over to the toilet, my ankle still sore and my legs wobbly, but I manage it all still the same. The relief when I go is enormous, but when I get to the sink to wash my hands, I freeze when I see the sight in the mirror. I can hardly recognise myself. I have bruises on the side of my head and finger mark bruises on my neck. My eyes are puffy and red, and my hair looks like straw. I let out a sob and Jake shouts my name through the door. When I fail to answer he lets himself in and see’s my face through the mirror. He immediately understands what I’m feeling and his stance softens. He walks over to me and lifts me into his arms and just holds me whilst I cry into his shoulder, but the pain in my throat is excruciating. He strokes my hair and rubs the tears from my eyes. I nod at him that I’m ok so I can wash my hands, and he helps me back to bed.

  “I just spoke to the doctor. He said all going well you could be released tomorrow.”

  I throw my fist in the air to show my enthusiasm which makes Jake smile. It is then I wonder where I am exactly. I grab the pen again, ‘What hospital are we in?’

  He frowns at the note and answers, “You’re in St Francis in Midlothian. I can’t wait to get you out of here so I can take you home and take care of you.” Neither can I. I’m not sure why but a flash of memory comes in my mind of that picture on the mantelpiece. It just made me wonder about that night. I pick up the pen and begin writing again, Jake notices and waits patiently for me to finish. ‘Do you remember the Christmas party?’ Jake nodded. ‘Tony had a picture in his house and it reminded me of our dance.’ Recognition runs across Jake’s face.

  “I remember that well. That dance was the most difficult one I have ever had to endure. It took everything in my willpower not to pick you up, drag you out of there and make love to you over and over again.”

  Tears begin to well in my eyes. I don’t know why this is making me cry, but it does. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t the only one after all.

  “Why are you crying Ana?”

  I pick up my pen and jot down, ‘Because it is everything I have always wanted to hear.’

  Agent Marcos turns up a little later with a couple of other agents wanting me to relive my whole story over again. Jake told them to take a hike, but I reasoned with him. If I had to do this, better to do it now than having to do it later. They seem satisfied they had everything they need and wished me well. Agent Marco
s certainly seemed to have a spring in his step. I had hoped it now brought an air of finality in this awful case that seemed to have been going on for years instead of months. Finally the blonde ladies of Virginia were safe again and life can return to normal.

  As the evening comes, I order Jake to go back to a hotel so he can rest. Exhaustion is taking over and although I want nothing more than to feel him next to me in his arms, I am acutely aware that he must be a zombie on his feet. After my pleadings and the nurse’s assurances that I’m in the best of care, he reluctantly leaves the hospital with the strict instructions he was to be called if he is needed during the night. He kisses my forehead and lingers there a while, finally whispering. “Ana did he?” He pauses and I know exactly what he’s trying to ask, the pain evident in his voice. I shake my head and whisper no. He places a finger on my lip as if to silence me and I feel his sudden relief. His forehead touches mine as he grabs my hand and kisses it tenderly before he leaves.

  Chapter 28

  I was in my hospital bed asleep when I hear a sound I can only describe as clinking. It seemed determined to wake me up. I don’t want to wake up now but the incessant noise just keeps going and going, on and on. I finally decide to open my eyes and a shadow of a man is sitting in the far corner of the room, holding what looks like a gun. He is tapping it against the side of the radiator on the wall. I try to scream but no sound comes out. The man stands up, but I still can’t see him.


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