Book Read Free

Like You Read About

Page 10

by Mela Remington

  Hopping in the car, she plugs in the iPod, checks her directions one last time, and heads out to Dan’s house. Deep breaths, once again her mantra, because passing out on that way over and wrapping Ringo around a telephone pole would probably put a damper on the date.

  Chapter 19

  It’s three thirty; he’s got half an hour to finish getting everything ready. He has the wine breathing, red for him, white for her. He was so glad they played pen pals, he learned so much about her including what not to feed her to avoid giving her a migraine or an allergic reaction. His youngest sister gets migraines and he knows how much they can suck. He hates that Cora gets them, and after learning she got them he spent more than a few minutes researching things on the internet to make sure he avoided anything he could that would trigger one.

  His job, for tonight, and hopefully a hell of a lot longer than that, was to make her feel good, to take care of her, to protect her. He wasn’t sure where all the he-man machismo stuff was coming from, but it didn’t scare him one bit, bring it on Cupid, I can take it.

  At three fifty, he turned on the music. Thankful that Matt was around to help last night and had also helped him with the surround sound and whole house speaker system when he moved in. He wasn’t sure he’d ever need or use it but Matt got the parts at cost and did the labor gratis because he wanted to get the practice. Now in every room in the house, save the two bedrooms and the bathrooms Aaron Neville was crooning. A final walk through to make sure everything was set and he went to sit on the couch and wait. At three fifty-eight, he heard her car pull up. It was all he could do not to run to the door, fling it open and fly down the stairs and grab her and kiss her blind.

  “Show a little restraint numb-nuts, she’s a guest and we REALLY want her to come back.” He wasn’t sure if he was talking to himself, his brain, or his dick, but all three best be paying attention.

  He waited until she rang the bell and then slowly walked over to open the door.

  “Hi,” she said, her voice small and nervous, and her nose and cheeks red from the cold. The snow had started to fall gently.

  “C’mon in, you must be freezing, it’s getting down right arctic out there. You can take your boots off and leave them over there.” Pointing to a rubber mat where there were all manner of men’s shoes laying in a pig pile. “Let me take your coat.” As he helped her out of her coat, he smelled her hair, he couldn’t help it, it smelled fruity, almost like lifesavers candy and it just made him even hungrier for her.

  “The house looks beautiful from the outside, the lighting pieces look original.” She tried not to sound like a gushing fan girl and was failing miserably but maybe he didn’t notice.

  “The ones on the porch are original, the ones on the walkway are very good reproductions. The previous owner really took pride in restoring as much as he could before it just got to be too much and the wife dragged him down to Florida permanently. Can I show you the rest of the house before we have some wine and eat?” He knew he was talking too fast, but he wanted her to see everything at once, to like everything, to see herself here on a regular basis.

  “I’d love to. I want to see if you were as good with your descriptions as you said I was.” She smiled as he took her hand and led the way.

  In the living room there was an overstuffed sofa covered in a weird mix of throw pillows and a fire going in the fireplace. Hanging above the fireplace was a television that put even hers to shame.

  He noticed her looking at it. “My parents and sisters all chipped in and bought it for me as a housewarming and Christmas gift and my cousin, Matt who does electronics did the install while he was here wiring the house for some other stuff.”

  Pulling her through into the dining room, “And this is the table I mentioned that I bought. I hope the paint fumes have dissipated, I just finished this room yesterday, besides the downstairs powder room, it was the only one left to paint.”

  “I can’t smell anything but whatever that is that’s cooking. This is really lovely Dan, did you pick all this out yourself?” She ran her hand along the beautiful tablecloth, touched the vintage Corelle with its green flower pattern. “These dishes are just like the ones my grandparents had when I was growing up, where on earth did you find them? I thought they stopped making them.”

  “They probably did, these were my Nona’s. They’d been sitting in boxes in my mom’s basement since she died a few years ago and my mom wanted me to take them for the house. I’d been resisting because paper plates suit me just fine but I went by yesterday and picked them up. Nona was a hoarder before people knew what hoarding was. I think I have every item ever made with that pattern, in the end there were six crates full.” His inner smile could light New York in a blackout; so far she seems to like everything. He took her hand again and pulled her through the saloon style doors into the kitchen.

  “Wow, okay, I really need a new word, but this is just as I pictured from your description, is that an original stove? It’s green.” She wandered over and started looking and turning knobs and opening doors. “Oh, I am so rude, here I am first time in your house and I’m all up in everything, touching it.”

  “No, I’m glad you like it. I’ve spent a lot of time working in here. I talked the old owner into leaving the stove, which he’d restored himself. It’s an O’Keefe & Merrit, early 1950s model with retrofit for today’s gas lines. I just thought it felt wrong to ditch it and buy stainless like everyone else. The fridge is a reproduction and I had the front panel on the dishwasher made to match, but that sink is the original porcelain on cast iron. The only major change I made was the door and drawer handles. I poked around online until I found something that fit.” He ran a hand over the counter, trying hard not to puff up with pride. He pointed to the door in the corner, “That’s the downstairs powder room.”

  Taking her hand again, god, how he loved holding her hand. Next time he grabbed it, he was going to lace his fingers through hers. Maybe he’d throw in some romantically suave move like kissing the back of her hand, she deserved the full court woo and he fully intended on delivering, besides, after learning from the master last night, THE Lloyd Dobler, he knew the deal. He’d mentioned it when he called Maria this morning and he was pretty sure she swooned when she mentioned his name. Whatever this dude had, he needed to get him some.

  He took her back through the living room and up the stairs.

  She stopped for a moment and ran her hands over the bannister. “I can’t believe all this original wood is intact, they just don’t build houses like this anymore,” she said with quiet awe.

  “Just wait and see, Cora girl, the best is yet to come.” He showed her the office to the left, and the spare bedroom to the right which held his old full size bed, which he also made this morning; two beds in one day was a record for him, hell two beds in one month was a record—this girl was so worth it.

  When they got to the end of the open landing, he opened the French doors with the leaded glass and curtains and just stepped back and let her walk in by herself. This was one room where he didn’t want to say anything or put on any pressure.

  “Wow, okay, seriously I usually know more words than that but this room is amazing and the furniture you picked is perfect, just like you described. Did you pick all this out yourself?” She looked at him quizzically; this was not the touch of a bachelor’s decorating skills, the drapes matched the bedding and there were throw pillows.

  Sheepishly he ducked his head, “I could lie and say yes, but yesterday I took a trip to Bed Bath & Beyond and made some sales person’s day by describing my house and the colors I wanted and then letting him wander and pick out stuff with me.”

  “I hope you didn’t go through all this trouble for me? I’m certainly not worth the effort,” she said suddenly feeling very self-conscious and a little bit guilty.

  “Well I disagree, you are worth any effort, but this wasn’t for you specifically. I had a STACK of gift cards from housewarming and Christmas that I had yet to u
se, and inviting you was the impetus for me to get my lazy ass in gear and get things done. That was part of the reason I didn’t email yesterday I totally lost track of time taking care of stuff.” Taking her hand again and lacing his fingers, he gave her a squeeze and pulled her along, “but THIS is the best part.”

  He slid the pocket door open to reveal a good-sized bathroom with small black and white tiles and a pedestal sink and the deepest, most beautiful claw foot tub she’s ever seen.

  “You weren’t kidding, I want to crawl in to that tub and sit there for about a year and half and do nothing but soak in bubbles. I have a nice tub but that is amazing.” She walked towards it and reverently ran her hand along the porcelain-glazed edge. “I am so glad you kept this, so many people now come in and strip these houses bare. I hate watching home shows where they gut something that just needed TLC and restoration. And getting this thing out of here would probably have been a bitch.” She smiled as she ran her hand over the edge of the tub again.

  He took her hand once again, and led her back through the bedroom and down the stairs before he was tempted to forget dinner all together and throw her down on the bed and ravage her until the sun came up. But a couple of deep breaths and reciting baseball stats helped him get his wayward libido and erection under control—for now—so he could feed her.

  Down in the kitchen he poured them each a glass of wine while she put her dessert ingredients in the fridge. She sat down at the little table and watched him get to work on dinner. There was music piping in here too, it seemed to play all over the house.

  “How is it that there’s music everywhere?” She was tapping her toe, in its green knit sock along with the beat. He’d have to thank Matt again, send him a case of beer.

  “My cousin who did the TV work, also wired most of the rooms with speakers that feed music from my computer upstairs or from the TV. I know how much you enjoy music so I thought I’d give it its maiden voyage tonight.” He walked over with the bottle of white, topped off her glass and gently kissed the top of her head. It was such an intimate gesture but her being in his kitchen felt so right. He needed to convey in subtle and not so subtle ways that he wanted her here, tonight for starters and other nights too, if she was willing.

  “For someone who doesn’t claim to know much about music this is a really good mix you’ve got, are you streaming radio?” She took another sip of her wine; it was crisp and tasted of pear. She resisted the urge to go and stand behind him and wrap her arms around his waist and squeeze him tight. He was amazing, and he’d obviously gone through a lot of effort to make tonight special.

  “Can’t take credit for most of the music, while I did pick some of the songs the rest are all from my cousin Matt, he’s a DJ. I called him up and asked for some guidance. I had to explain why I was asking and took a little shit for it, but it was worth it if you’re enjoying it, Cora girl.” He turned and winked at her.

  “I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, Dan, no one has ever turned the moves on quite so strong for me, I’m not sure how to respond,” she said shyly picking at a piece of non-existent lint on the table cloth.

  “There isn’t a right or wrong way to respond, just be yourself and I’ll do the same. You laid it out there yesterday and I’m going to do the same.” He put his knife down and turned to look at her, keeping some physical distance between them so he could think somewhat clearly as he put it out there. “I like you, and not in the seventh grade I’m sending Joe to talk to Kaelyn to see if you like me, like me, or if you think I have cooties. You have invaded my brain, Cora, waking and sleeping. When I touched you Friday night, I was going for the high five, I swear it, but the second our hands touched; I had to have you closer, and as corny as it was that song started and I just pulled you in my arms and there was no one else but us. Walking down the stairs Friday night after kissing you goodnight was hard, figuratively and literally.” The corner of his mouth canted up in a cheeky half grin. “You move me, I want to take everything slow and at the speed of light with you all at the same time. I am standing here gripping the counter to keep from coming across the kitchen, yanking you up and kissing you senseless.”

  “You should let go of the counter, Dan,” she said softly as she put her glass down and stood up.

  He crossed the kitchen in five steps and pulled her into his arms, he grabbed her chin in just that way and tilted her head back and lowered his lips. He was soft and tender to begin, but in no time, the sparks ignited and they were devouring each other in a kiss for the ages. Pulled snug against him she could feel his erection straining behind the zipper of his jeans, her nipples in tight peaks were being roughed up by the lace of her bra, moisture pooled at the apex of her thighs. She wound her hands up and around his neck holding him closer. He slid one hand into her red curls and the other he placed on her hip and gave a squeeze.

  Slowly he slid his hand up her side and gently palmed her aching swollen breast, giving her erect nipple a little pinch, the sensation shooting right to her clit and making her squeak into his kiss. They went on like this, hand roaming, his lips trailing from her ear and down her neck and over the rise of her breasts, which between the bra and his tight hold were now on tantalizing display.

  A loud beep sounded, ten times, startling them apart, both struggling to catch their breath.

  “What the fuck was that?” she gasped.

  “Oven timer, baked potatoes are almost done, time to thrown the steaks under the broiler.” His hands trailing along hers as they slowly separated. “We will pick this up again later.” He then turned and walked over to the stove, adjusted himself a little and opened the door and slid in the steaks.

  Cora crumpled into her seat. She wanted later to be now, but she wouldn’t pout. Taking another long sip of her wine, she tried to jumpstart her brain to pick a conversation topic that didn’t include stripping him and fucking him on the kitchen floor that very second.

  “You said your cousin helped you with the wiring, how many cousins do you have?” There, family was a safe, libido cooling topic.

  “Forty-seven first cousins, both of my parents came from big families and they all had big families, and now my cousins are starting their own families, although the consensus among my generation is two kids or less.” He opened the broiler and flipped the steaks. “How do you want it cooked?”

  “Medium rare, please. How about you and your sisters, are they all married except you?” This was a fishing expedition on her part, if he declared he wanted ten kids she’s have to find a way to walk away from this, no matter how much it would suck, how hard it would break her.

  “Five out of six sisters are married and four of them have two kids each and seem settled. Anna-Louise is gay and lives with her girlfriend, well fiancée now I guess, Denise asked her to marry her at Christmas. My parents weren’t thrilled to begin with but they’ve come around and they plan to have kids, and Sophia converted to Orthodox Judaism and married a Rabbi. They have six children already. Sophia is the oldest. My parents were more upset about that than Anna-Louise, but over time they’ve come to some semblance of peace and after protracted negotiations we’ve figured out most of the holidays.”

  He reached over and grabbed his wine glass and took a big gulp and then another. “I’m the only unmarried one left, like I said, the elderly aunts all think I’m probably gay. As for kids, I don’t feel a strong pull to it, if it happened and I found someone I really wanted to have a family with, or who really wanted kids I’d consider it, but I’m thirty-eight, and at this point I’m kinda set in my ways.”

  He didn’t turn around, he was afraid to, the last couple of casual dates he’d had the women had freaked out when he said that, and they’d never called him back. He was holding his breath waiting for Cora to say something, anything.

  She took a deep breath. “We’re covering all kinds of topics this weekend, work, parents, music, antique stoves. As for the kids things, it’s not a big deal for me.”

  He finally turned aroun
d, refilled wine in hand and looked at her curiously. “Can I ask why?”

  “I’m thirty-five, if it hasn’t been a big deal for me by now it’s probably not going to be an issue. I guess I figured kids weren’t in the cards for me, and that’s okay.” There was so much more to say, but she was not ruining this night. There would be time for the heavy shit later, she deserved some of the good stuff.

  Something was off, her tone of voice, maybe her answer, but he wasn’t going to press her, he just walked over to her again, pulled her up and pulled her into what started as a sweet kiss and quickly turned into a blazing inferno. He burned for her on so many levels. Oh crap, while he was burning for her he was also burning dinner.

  With more resolve than he thought he had, Dan pulled away and walked over to the stove and took out the now well-done steaks and pulled out the potatoes. She could tell by the deep breaths he seemed to be taking that he was collecting his own thoughts, trying to decide what to say.

  He turned and walked back to the table and sat back down taking both of her hands in his. He gave a squeeze.

  “Well I didn’t say I was a good cook.” They both chuckled and the tension eased. “Clearly I’m easily distracted by shiny things, like your eyes, and your lips, then there is that cleavage. You’re killing me, girl,” he grinned. He picked up her hands and kissed each one.

  “Now let’s try and eat some dinner and then cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie on my obscenely large TV.” He put the steaks and potatoes on a platter, motioned for her to grab the salad and the dressing, and then went into the dining room.

  After setting everything down, he pulled out her chair and then went to get their wine glasses.


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