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Clash (The Forever Duet #2)

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by Jennah Thornhill



  Sienna Grant


  Jennah Thornhill



  Published by Sienna Grant & Jennah Thornhill

  Copyright 2020 by Sienna Grant & Jennah Thornhill

  All rights reserved. ©

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, songs, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead is coincidental.

  Written by- Sienna Grant & Jennah Thornhill

  Edited by- Eleanor Lloyd-Jones ~ Shower of Schmidt Designs

  Book Cover- Tammy Clark

  Formatter- Obsessed by Books Designs

  All rights reserved in accordance with the Copyright and Related Rights act 2000.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in anyway.


  To our readers, your unending support means absolutely everything to us.

  Thank you.


  Wow! Well there you have it peeps, me and the wife have co-written our second together. We owe so many thank you’s out to the people who have supported us and helped us on this journey together.

  For starters, Lizzie James. You know we love you massively, but it was you that told us to sort our shit out and write together for that we can’t thank you enough. Here we are now, two books done together.

  Our beta readers, Natasha, Nikki, Karen, and Joy. You guys are there for us when we need you with no questions asked. Your support and love for us is amazing and we can’t thank you all enough.

  Eleanor Lloyd-Jones - We love you massively. You worked your butt off editing this book for us and it’s perfect. Thank you for all your hard work, we know we aren’t the easiest people to work with.

  To all our readers in both of our readers groups, you guys are just simply the best. You’ve waited for this book for what seems like forever and you all have the patience of saints. Thank you for bearing with us whilst we pulled our heads out of our arses and got shit done. We’ll be forever grateful to you all and we hope we haven’t disappointed you.

  If there’s anyone we’ve missed, then we apologise profusely but know that we love you too and thank our lucky stars that we have you all in our lives.

  So, for now, we hope you enjoy Bonnie and Neil's story.


  Jennah and Sienna




  One night.

  One night was all it took for me to become something my best friend hated.

  A cheat, an adulterer.

  Sleeping with a man that wasn’t mine.

  But what happens when two people clash and not in a bad way?

  What happens when two people who aren’t supposed to be together, end up together?

  People get hurt, that's what happens.

  We didn’t mean to fall for each other, and we certainly didn’t intend to cause any of the chaos that followed us along the way.

  Thing is, when you fall… you fall so hard, that you don’t see what’s around that corner until it’s too late.


  From the first moment I met Bonnie, I knew my life was empty and lacking something meaningful.

  She was everything I wanted but couldn’t have.

  I’m not a bad person... but the heart is selfish when it sees something it craves, and my craving for her was more than a want; it was a need.

  The clash of two souls becoming one though, is something that can’t be prevented, no matter how much people try to stop us.

  We’re a case of when love and hate collide, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it from happening.

  Chapter One


  We need to talk about what happened.

  Call me.

  B x

  Closing down my text messages when I’ve sent a message to Neil, I hold my phone close to my chest and wonder what the fuck I’ve gotten myself into this time. I know when it comes to relationships, I’m a walking disaster. I always end up picking guys who are either emotionally unavailable, have commitment issues or are just down right twats and wouldn’t know how to treat a woman right if it came and bit them on the arse.

  But this is something completely new, even for me. In my eyes, I’ve stooped to an all-time low, and not because the guy in question is any of the things I normally go for. No, this guy belongs to someone else. He’s someone else’s love—someone else’s forever.

  I mean, what was I thinking when I let him strip me bare and ravish me within an inch of my life?

  Oh, that’s right, I wasn’t. Not once did I think about the woman who was at home waiting for him—the woman he’s building a life with.

  My vagina did all the talking, and now the traitorous bitch has screwed me over because I’m not that person: the other woman, the woman who comes between a happy couple. I know I’m not the only one to blame here—I mean sex does take two people—but that doesn’t matter in this situation. If and when his girlfriend finds out, I will be the one in the wrong, not him. To her, it will be just a blip in their relationship they can work past, and she will forgive him. Me on the other hand will be painted as a homewrecker, a tart. And let me tell you, from someone who’s seen it happen to other friends of mine, things like that stick to a woman's reputation.

  Still clutching my phone tightly, I zone out, lie back on my bed, and let the extremely hot memories of the night I allowed him to worship my body swarm me…

  Falling through my front door in a tangle of lips and arms as we both try to feel each other up, Neil traces his tongue down the slope of my neck and my knees buckle from under me.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.” His hot breath tingles my skin as he whispers against my neck.

  “Then stop,” I tell him, secretly hoping he doesn’t.

  Throwing my head back against my hallway wall where he now has me pinned, I give him better access to me and say nothing else. If he really doesn’t want to do this, then he wouldn’t be here right now.

  “Fuck, Bon. You taste so sweet.”

  As I push his jacket from his shoulders with my hands, he frees himself from the confines of the material and discards it on the floor behind him.

  “Yes, I can’t wait to feel your skin against mine.”

  “For fuck sake, Neil. Stop talking and just touch me will you. I’m a wet, wanting mess so either give us both what we want or leave,” I manage to strangle out, giving him the chance to walk away if he wants to.

  Instead of verbally answering me, he finally gives in and touches me where I need him to. His fingertips skim up my thighs and zone in on the motherland. My knickers get pushed to the side and his thumb starts the most erotic rhythm across my clit before he inserts two fingers inside of me, my knees practically giving way again as he continues to stroke me to the brink of orgasm.

  “Holy shit, yes,” I practically scream.

  “Oh no you don’t, lady. The only time you will be coming is when my dick is inside you and you’re riding the fuck out of me.” Pulling his hand away from under my dress, Neil grabs me around my waist and lifts me up so I’m hanging over his shoulder with my arse practically falling out of my dress.

  “You’re a bastard.” I screech.

  “That may be so, but I’m a bastard who’s going to be buried inside you in about thirty seconds.” He gives my arse a swift slap, causing me to yelp. “Now which one is your room?” Pointing to the last door on my landing, I’m carried through the door, a
nd after he’s closed it with his foot, I’m thrown in the air and land flat on my back on my bed.

  “Now this can go one of two ways: you can either strip and let me devour you slowly, or I will do it for you and ravish you till you can’t walk properly. What’s it to be?”

  My thoughts of the way I rebelled against him, letting him ravish me and make good on his threat that I wouldn’t walk properly afterwards, are interrupted when my phone starts ringing in my hand. Pulling it away from my chest, I'm disappointed when I see it’s Serena calling me and not Neil. I haven’t told her what went on with him and me, I wouldn’t know how to tell her, and I don’t want her being disappointed in me for messing around with a taken man. She hates cheating, and I don’t blame her after what she went through with her scumbag ex, so for now I must keep this secret exactly that: a secret. When she’d turned up at mine the night, we’d ended up in bed together and nearly caught us, I’d shit myself. She knows me better than anyone, and I’d been certain she would see through the lie me and Neil told her. As if luck were on my side, she’d turned up at my door upset and heartbroken and hadn’t spotted the fact that we both looked thoroughly fucked.

  Thing is now, what the fuck am I going to do?

  The man is spoken for and belongs to someone else.

  Only, I wish he weren’t. I wish he were mine.

  Chapter Two


  My phone buzzes at the side of me. Glancing down, I notice Sarah is fast asleep and open the message that’s just come through. When I see who it’s from, I can’t help but read it, over and over again. I’m at a total loss with what to do. If I answer, I’m admitting what I’ve done; if I ignore it, I can keep it as a memory—a fantastic memory, but a guilty one all the same. Again, I turn to look at the woman lying next to me.

  What happened with Bonnie should never have happened. I hadn’t even been drunk; I’d been driving. What I do know, though, is that it was one of the best times of my life. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to analyse. If I’d have been pissed, it would have been easier to lay blame.

  “Hmm, was that your phone or mine?” Sarah groans as she rolls towards me.

  “Erm, mine. Go back to sleep.”

  Squinting up at me she frowns. “Who’s sending texts this time of night?”

  “Oh, it’s just Dylan about work.” I have to think quickly.

  “Should’ve guessed really. Does he not sleep?” Sarah grunts. She’s really taken a disliking to Dylan, well, to all my friends but Dylan in particular. He’s my best mate, my associate at work. You’d think she’d try and make an effort, but no. I’ve given up complaining. I don’t say much these days—I like the easy life where Sarah is concerned—but for some reason her disgruntled comments about Dylan are really beginning to piss me off.

  “It’s not exactly late is it?” I snap back. “And why would it be yours?”

  She totally ignores my diverted question and pulls the duvet up over her shoulder, rolling onto her side and tucking it under her chin, snuggling back down. It’s not long before she’s dozing back off. Instead of disturbing her anymore, I grab my phone, slide from the bed and head out to the living room.

  Once I’m on my own, I open Bonnie’s text back up. I know she’s right: we do need to talk. Once I let my mind go back to her and that night though, I remember the way I’d almost torn every single piece of clothing from her body. I remember the way I’d sunk my dick inside of her and how she’d welcomed it, begging for more.

  An ache I haven’t felt for a while stirs in my shorts.

  Finding her number, I click call and wait…

  “Hey.” Bonnie answers sheepishly.

  “Hi. I can’t really talk right now because Sarah’s in bed, asleep…”

  “Okay then. So how do you suggest we talk?”

  “I’ll call you in the morning, once I get to work.”

  Clicking off the call quickly, I blow out a ragged sigh and scrub my hands over my face. Going into the kitchen, I turn on the cold tap and let it run, grabbing a glass from the overhead cupboard. Once the water is freezing cold, I place the tumbler beneath the flow of water and fill it up, drinking it straight down. I’m hoping it will stop the twitching in my shorts, but there’s no chance of that when I can still taste her on my tongue, all sweet like honey, and don’t even get me started on the way her inner muscles clenched down on me so tight, I thought I was going to explode like a goddamn teenager having sex for the first time.

  How the fuck have I got myself into this situation?

  Heading back to bed, I gently slide in and place my hands behind my head, watching the minutes tick by until eventually I doze off.

  Once I’m at work and downing my first cup of coffee, I look through my schedule for the day first. I have a woman coming in about inheritance and a husband coming about a divorce—that should be fun. Knowing I’ve got some time before my first meeting, I grab the receiver to my desk phone and call through to my secretary. “Amanda, can you hold my calls for half an hour? I have something to sort out for Dylan.” I know I shouldn’t use him as an excuse, but she won’t question me and won’t offer her services to help me.

  Putting down the phone and pulling a deep breath in, I pick up my mobile phone and click on Bonnie’s name. She answers after two rings, and just hearing her voice gets my dick in a situation he shouldn’t even be thinking about.

  “Hey, sorry about the late call last night.”

  “It’s fine. You didn’t get into trouble, did you?”

  The sleepy husk in her voice doesn’t do me any favours whatsoever. I can see her now, her hair all messed up from sleep.

  “Me?” I chuckle. “I’m always in trouble; it’s just the depth that varies. I’m either up to my knees in shit or up to my neck in it.”

  “Look, Neil. I’m not sure what to say to you at the moment. I know I messaged you first, but honestly, I’m not in the habit of wrecking relationships, and Serena will bloody kill me.”

  “What’s it got to do with her?”

  “Do you not know anything about her? She hates cheats, Neil.”

  “It was one night, Bon…”

  “So, it meant nothing, is that what you’re saying?”

  “Stop putting words into my mouth. I’m not saying that at all.”

  God this woman is fucking hard work.

  “Fuck, it’s too early for this; I need coffee.”

  I hear movement at the other end, so I guess she’s getting up and on hearing the click of the kettle and what sounds like a chair scraping along tiled floors, I know she’s downstairs. “I’ll come round and make you one if you want. I could offer more than coffee, Bon.”

  “I’m not awake enough for you at the moment. You need to let me think.”

  “Bonnie, I’m not in the habit of cheating either: I’m the good one, remember? I wasn’t even drinking, and because of that, I’ll take the blame in all this.”

  “For God's sake, Neil. Stop trying to do the right thing. It takes two, remember?”

  “Then what do you want me to do? I’m at a dead end. If you want me to be really honest, I loved what happened between us, and I’d do anything to be buried inside of you every single day… but I can’t.”

  “And there lies the issue. I’m stopping this, right now. I’m going to have my coffee, have a shower and think.”

  The beeps coming through my speaker indicate an incoming call. Taking my handset away from my ear, I see Dylan’s name flashing across the screen, but he can wait. “We can’t leave this here, Bonnie. We are going to have to sort this.

  “Please, don’t leave me to make the decisions. That’s not fair.” Bonnie groans.

  Those same beeps cut through our call; Dylan’s never been patient. “I have to go. I have a call to take.”


  Letting her say bye, I cut off the call and conclude that it was totally, fucking pointless and skim my phone on to my desk in front
of me. If Dylan wants something urgently, he'll have to ring back again. I can’t be arsed to speak to him yet.

  Every time I hear her voice, I get stuck with images of her in my head begging me to make her come.


  Chapter Three


  Hearing him tell me that he basically doesn't regret what we did and wants me again has my pulse racing and my heart beating that little bit faster. I'm conflicted. My emotions are a fucking mess, and my head is saying one thing, whilst my vagina is wanting another. Since that night, I’ve been like a lovesick puppy when I’ve been on my own. Serena will kick my arse from here to China if she ever finds out what I’ve done—what we’ve done.

  Quickly making myself a coffee, I sit down at the kitchen table and hug the hot mug in my hands, hoping the warmth and the delicious smell will balance me out—bring me back down to earth.

  Neil isn’t the type of guy I normally go for—all suits and desk job—but a suit can be deceiving. Underneath all that material is a body of epic proportions: solid muscles that define his broad shoulders, abs that have so many ridges in them, they should be illegal and don’t even get me started on the two indents at his groin that lead to the holy grail that is his dick.


  I get up out of the chair and make my way to the bathroom. I can’t think about him like that: he isn’t mine. He belongs to someone else. It was a one-time thing that will never happen again.

  I’m a walking, talking contradiction.


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