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Clash (The Forever Duet #2)

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by Jennah Thornhill

  After a stern talk with myself, I drain my cup and place it next to the sink before stripping out of my pyjamas and getting into the shower, washing my hair, and lathering myself in my coconut shower gel. I wash away all thoughts and memories of the way it felt when he touched me, the way he made me feel.

  Stepping out twenty minutes later, I dry off and smother myself in my body lotion before slipping on a pair of skinny jeans and my Rolling Stones T-shirt. Just as I’m stepping into my converse, I hear my phone ringing from the kitchen and my heart starts to race a million miles a minute as I run to get it in case it’s him.

  Yeah, so much for a fresh start.

  Way to go me.

  Disappointment washes over me when I swipe it up from the table and see Serena's name flashing on the screen. I stare at it for a few seconds before I decide to answer because I know if I don’t, she’ll keep badgering me until I pick up. Also, that woman is like a fucking bloodhound: she’ll know I’m not myself if I don’t answer. Pressing the green button, I bring it to my ear and in my best brightest voice I say, “Hey, you dirty bitch! How is it being Dylan's personal fuck slave at work?” We both laugh down the line at my sarcasm, but we both know it’s true. Since she’s been made partner at the advertising firm he owns, I’ve had to listen to all the stories about the great office sex she’s been getting.

  “Don’t judge. At least I’m not miserable.”

  “This is true my friend. So, what can I do for you today?” I ask her.

  “Well, how do you fancy lunch with me? I need to get out of this place before I murder someone. Shall we say one o’clock at Bernie’s?”

  Lunch. Yes, that’s just what I need: girl time. “Most definitely, I’ll be there.”

  We hang up, and I go about my morning, sorting out designs and fabrics for my own clothesline I’m trying to put together in the store I own.

  At half twelve, I jump in Betty, my VW Beetle, and make my way to Bernie’s. I’d planned to walk so I could have a glass of wine with my lunch, but then I’d remembered what happened the last time I was intoxicated so decided against it.

  After driving around the block a few times, I finally find somewhere to park Betty before grabbing my bag from the passenger seat and exiting my car. Just as I round the corner, the excitement I’d felt earlier for a bit of girl time with Serena dies a thousand deaths because standing outside Bernie's waiting for me is Serena, Dylan, and Neil.

  Fuck my life right now.

  Chapter Four


  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  Leaning against the wall outside Bernie’s with Dylan and Serena I look up and see the cause of my hard on running across the road to get to us in the tightest pair of fucking jeans you can ever imagine on a woman.

  Did she paint them on?

  A high-pitched squeal comes from both Bonnie and Serena as they greet each other.

  Dylan rolls his eyes turning to me.

  When Serena has released Bonnie from her tight grip, Dylan kisses her cheek saying hello and I know I have to do the same.

  “Neil.” She nods, leaning across with a tight smile, and me being the gentleman I am, I do the same.

  “Come on then, I’m starving,” I say clapping my hands together and pull on the door holding it for the others.

  Serena and Bonnie find us a table in the corner, Serena slides in first and Dylan follows her, leaving me to sit next to Bonnie. Holding out my arm I let her go first and I sit opposite Dylan.

  Once we’ve all decided on what we’re having for lunch, I make my way to the bar to order for us all. Just being near her gets me worked up. Minding my own business and glad that I’m away from her close proximity for a few minutes, my silence is disturbed.


  I know who it is, obviously, before I even turn my head. Her voice is on a constant loop and I’d know that perfume anywhere.


  The waitress comes over and waits patiently to take my order.

  “Two bottles of bud and an orange juice, please.” I turn to Bonnie. “Bon, what are you having?”

  “Erm, I'll have an orange juice, too, please.”

  From the corner of my eye, I see her rest her forearms on the bar at the side of me.

  “So, fancy seeing you here,” I joke as the waitress behind the counter slides the card reader to me, waiting for me to pay.

  “Tell me about it. I thought I was getting a girl date.”

  “Are you kidding? Those two are joined at the fucking hip. Try working with them.” I smirk, scanning my gaze over her before I take my greedy eyes off her to put my card into the machine. “I was kind of hoping to see you but honestly, I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

  “Well if this is the only way to get you to keep it in your pants, Montgomery, then this is the way it has to be.”

  “What’s up Bon, scared to be on your own with me?” I whisper, dipping my head to the side and putting my lips on the shell of her ear, playing with her a little.

  “Tsk, no.” Bonnie scowls.

  I enter my pin and take out my card, thanking the waitress.

  Our shoulders briskly touch as Bonnie grabs my tie pulling me closer. “But I bet if I were to rub my hand over your cock, I’d find it so hard that it’s throbbing.”

  I’d argue if she wasn’t right.

  “The thing is Bonnie, I can control it, can you? I’m not the one who has to sit around in wet knickers thinking about my cock inside you.” Glancing across, smirking, I watch her jaw tense as she eyes me. If it weren’t so crowded and the fact that our best friends are here, I’d drag her into the toilets and take her now.

  Bonnie grabs hers and Serena’s drink and turns around before hesitating and looking back over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eye. “Then It’s a good job I’m not wearing any…” she whispers sexily.

  Well fuck me.

  She flounces away in her converse putting an extra sway in that sexy arse of hers, which pretty much leaves me drooling. With a shake of my head, I go back to our table and put both beers down, pushing one across to Dylan.

  “Cheers dude.” Dylan watches me closely as I slide back onto the seat, slyly adjusting myself at the same time and take a swig of my beer.

  “What the fucks wrong with your face?” Dylan asks bluntly.

  I try to keep my eyes off the feisty brunette who’s sitting next to me and concentrate on Dylan. Her whole existence is crowding me. I guess this is what it feels like to be claustrophobic. Bonnie is acting like there’s nothing going on with us and is lost in conversation with Serena. I don’t see how we’re going to do this, acting normally around each other, because it is fucked up. Every time I see her, I’m gonna be walking around in a fucked-up state of arousal.

  Chapter Five


  Lunch is pure fucking torture.

  I’ve been sitting at this table for thirty fucking minutes, and instead of spending time with my best friend, I’ve had to sit here and watch her suck face with the love of her life whilst I’m trying to ignore the fact I want to jump Neil’s bones.

  What the fuck has gotten into me?

  If I’d known he was going to be here, I’d have lied through my back teeth and made an excuse as to why I couldn’t make it.

  Straightening my shoulders back, my spine stiff, I pick up my glass of orange juice and take a sip. I repeat the action twice more—anything to keep my hands busy and from looking at him.

  Our lunch arrives and we all thank the waitress as she places down our plates.

  “This looks amazing; I’m starving,” Serena declares as she rubs her stomach.

  I’d been hungry until I’d seen him here. Now I’m just hungry for something else. I can pretend all I want that I’m okay, that he didn’t totally tip my world on its head, but I’d be lying. Picking my fork up, I twirl some pasta onto it and pop it into my mouth. Pulling the fork from between my lips I hear the mo
st animalistic growl come from beside me.

  “You alright there, mate?” Dylan asks Neil.

  Covering his mouth with his hand, Neil coughs. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “You sure? You look like you’re about to eat poor Bonnie’s lunch for her.”

  “I said, I’m fine.” Neil slams his fist on the table, making the dishes rattle causing us all to look at him in disbelief.

  “Ok, mate. I get it.” But I can tell Dylan doesn’t believe him. I should have left the second I saw him here. He’s clearly on edge just like I am.

  “Anyhow,” Serena mumbles around her mouthful of food, swallowing and then continuing, “I asked you to lunch today, because me and Dylan have had an idea.” She pokes at some more of her food and then looks at me. “We want to run an advertisement for your store. Now, before you refuse, just listen to us please?” She pins her stare on me, her eyes pleading with me to listen.

  What the fuck?

  I’ve never needed help before. I do pretty well for myself, so I can’t complain. My fork clatters to the table and I just glare at her, waiting for one of them to start explaining shit to me.

  “What Serena is saying is, we know you’re trying to get your clothing line off the ground as well. What we’re willing to offer you isn’t your normal advertisement deal: we want to back you, put on a show with models wearing your clothes. I know a lot of big names who we can invite.”

  Holy shit.

  I’m speechless right now. Shit like this doesn’t happen to me, and I definitely wouldn’t ever have asked Serena for help. It’s built in me to be independent, but something like this is just what I need. I’d be crazy if I turned this down.

  “I don’t know what to say… Thank you, I guess. I love you guys,” I gush.

  “It’s fine, honestly, Bon. We want to do this for you.” Serena leans over the table and takes my hand in hers.

  “Now, Neil.” Dylan looks at his best friend and my stomach bottoms out of my arse. “You’re my lawyer and best friend; I want you to oversee all of the legal side of things for her. Make sure the models that are hired have insurance, you know, that kind of thing. I need you to make sure things run smoothly for Bonnie. This is one massive opportunity for her. I don’t want it fucking up, and you know I only trust my best guy.”

  Neil chokes slightly on a piece of bread and his eyes bug out of their sockets. "You want me to work side-by-side with Bon?"

  "Yeah, man. I do. You'll make sure she's taken care of and everything is all above aboard." Dylan looks at him slyly.

  He's not stupid, he knows exactly what he's doing, making us work with each other. For fuck sake, could shit get any more complicated? I can't exactly say, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,’ can I?

  Chapter Six


  Are they fucking with me right now? After nearly choking on the food in my mouth, I decide it’s safer to swallow before I answer. I cast a side glance at Bonnie as I put my cutlery down. She still has hold of Serena’s hand but now there’s water filling her eyes… bollocks!

  “Aww, babe, don’t cry. I didn’t mean for that, but you’ve been so good to me I wanted to give something back. We”—she points between her and Dylan— “wanted to give something back to you.”

  Well that settles it. If I say no I’m going to upset her, and those happy tears are going to turn to either sad ones because she wants this or angry ones, and she’ll give me a right kick in the fucking dick for not believing in her. It’s a no-win situation—lucky me. Pushing back everything I believe in for the sake of my best friend and the woman that seems to have me by the bollocks, I point a grin at Dylan. “Of course.”

  “This is exactly why we’re doing it because I have the best man on the job.”

  “Alright, suck up, you’ve got me to say yes.”

  Knocking back the rest of my bottle, I stand from the bench. “Anyone for another?” I can’t get to the bar quick enough and as I stand, Dylan stands with me.

  “Yes.” Dylan slaps his palms on the table. “This calls for a celebration. I’ll get these.”

  He slides out from the bench and Serena follows him. “Just popping to the ladies.”

  As soon as Serena is out of sight, I turn to Bonnie. “What the fuck has just happened?”

  Bonnie rests her elbows on the table and drops her face into her hands. “I have no idea.” She mumbles through her fingers.

  Glancing over to the bar, I make sure Dylan isn’t watching us and circle her forearm with my fingers pulling her hand away. “Hey.”

  Bonnie drags her hands from her eyes and focuses on someone over my shoulder. She smiles through her teeth as a gentle hand settles on my shoulder, and instantly I know it’s Serena. I turn to look at her and try to fix a smile on my face.

  “Neil, thank you for agreeing to help her; obviously, we’ll cover all the costs.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  I’m fucking done for…

  “Excuse me a sec—I’ll help D with the drinks.”

  Serena places her hands on my shoulders and pushes up to her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek as I stand from the bench. Giving her another grimace, I head to the bar with Dylan.

  “Do you need some help?”

  He turns to face me and smirks. “Something you wanna tell me, mate?”

  I shake my head, keeping my eye on the telly on the wall, watching Sky News.

  “Okay. So, what was that over there? You seem a little… frustrated.” He grins.


  “Yeah... well I’m not.”

  “How’s Sarah?” Now he gets my attention. Dylan knows when I’m lying, he’s known me long enough.

  “She’s fine, mate, same old Sarah.”

  “Am I allowed to comment on that?” he laughs.

  “Maybe not eh?”

  “If there’s something on your mind, you know you can talk to me, don’t you?”

  The waitress puts the glasses on a tray and the champagne in a bucket of ice.

  “Of course, mate.” Patting Dylan on the shoulder I make a quick getaway with the tray and head over to the girls. I don’t sit in my own seat as Serena has taken it, so I take my place on the other side. Only now, I’m sitting opposite the woman who’s causing all my frustration; I don’t know what’s worse.

  Dylan slides in next to me and announces a toast to the four of us working together. It’s not long after that Bonnie cuts the lunchtime rendezvous short and struts off back to her car and we go back to the office.

  I’ve never known such a long and pointless afternoon. I’ve got jack shit done, and to top it all off, I can’t concentrate—only on the one person that I shouldn’t be.

  I pack up my shit, grab my jacket from the back of my chair, my briefcase from the floor and break free from the walls that are closing in on me. I can’t think, and the only brain that does seem to be thinking is the one in my boxer shorts.

  That bastard thinks way too much.

  Once I’m in my Audi, I start the engine and listen to her purr for a minute before pulling away and I crank her up to third before I’ve even reached the exit of the underground car park.

  After driving around the block a few times I end up back at the place I know I shouldn’t be at, but I need to. Locking the car and setting the alarm, I walk up the path of her drive and bang on the door. The hallway light turns on and the door cranks open an inch. As she opens it fully, I don’t give her time to ask what I’m doing here. I step up, take her face in my hands, and pull her to me. With her soft body against mine and my lips settling on hers, the sudden relief of just being near her, flows through my whole body.

  Chapter Seven


  No, no, no. This can’t be happening again. The last time was the one and only time I was going to sleep with him. He can’t be here doing this to me. I should never have opened the door to him, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been curious as to why he was on my
doorstep when I saw him through the peephole.

  The moment his lips clash with mine, I feel like something is right for the first time since he left my place the night that we’d ended up in my bed together.

  Pulling my head back from him slightly, my breaths coming quick and fast and with my hands wrapped around his neck, I know I have to be the responsible one. “Neil, no. We can’t do this again; it’s wrong.”

  “Bon. Please don’t tell me to stop. I’m begging you. Nothing that feels this good can be wrong, surely?” His lips mash to mine and it’s like we’re playing a battle of the tongues. We’re desperate, and the tiny amount of willpower I thought I had to deny him goes right out of the door that he’s just barged through.

  A growl tears from his throat when I unhook my hands from his neck and untuck his shirt from his trousers before scraping my nails down his lean muscular back.

  “Neil… I—” My words are cut off when he pushes his hand inside of my jeans and starts to run his fingers through my core, and the greedy little fucker betrays me when it responds immediately to his touch. Without even thinking about what I’m doing, I remove his suit jacket, then his tie and my hands go to the collar of his shirt, only I’m too impatient to unbutton it, so I take the material in both hands and rip it open, causing the buttons to scatter all over the hardwood floor in my hallway.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t want me, Bonnie, because this”—he rubs at my clit and my legs almost give way— “tells me you’re lying.” His mouth goes to the junction between my neck and my shoulder and I almost cry out with the pleasure.

  The twat knows my weak spots.

  “W… We need to talk.” I’m trying to be strong, but I’m losing the battle miserably.

  “We can talk later. Now, I’m going to fuck you, and you’re gonna scream my name as you come on my dick. Do you understand?”

  My mouth goes dry; he’s never spoken to me like that before, and I think I like it. As I give him a silent nod of my head, he wastes no time in stripping me from my jeans and T-shirt, swiftly followed by my bra and knickers.


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