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Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series)

Page 7

by Jeannette Winters

  “I don’t know his friends. Remember, we’ve been out of touch for a long time.” There was so much I didn’t know about his life. Did it matter? Since we don’t have a future together, why bother talking about the past? “But if you even try to set me up with another man, I’m going to kill you. This has been…awkward. And I’m sure there’s some HR policy about messing with your boss’s love life. I wouldn’t want to see either of you get in trouble.”

  “I’m not at risk of losing my job.”

  “And how about Jace? You might not turn him into HR for being so grumpy at work, but maybe one of his coworkers will.” It was something that concerned me. What I didn’t understand was why he was so upset in the first place. Granted, we didn’t get much sleep, but he had a smile on his face when I saw him last.

  “I don’t think he’s going to fire himself, either.”

  “What do you mean, fire himself?”

  “He’s the boss,” she said.

  “I know. You work for him. But I’m talking about his boss,” I explained.

  She laughed. “Guess that would be the IRS because Mr. Goldstein is the owner.”

  My mouth fell open. I knew he was doing well for himself, but he ran his own business? What happened to the guy who wanted to live in a log cabin? “I…I didn’t know. And surprisingly, you failed to mention it before now. Is there anything else you want to share with me?”

  Betsy giggled. “I’d love to, but I’m at work and I don’t want to get fired for screwing off on company time. Maybe we can discuss it when you two come for dinner tonight?”

  “Good try, Betsy, but the answer is still no.” My phone beeped and I knew another call was coming in. It was work. I didn’t want to answer, but I had to. “I’ve got to go. I have another call. We can talk later.”

  “Yes, at dinner,” she teased before ending the call.

  Damn you, Betsy. You don’t give up. That didn’t mean Betsy was getting her way. Not where Jace and me are concerned. Especially with what I just learned.

  Forcing thoughts of Jace out of my mind, I picked up the other call.

  “Hello, this is Dr. Hamel.”

  “Hi. This is Grace. I’m calling with an update on your next assignment.”

  I knew the call would come, but I was hoping for a few more weeks with Jace. One night with him didn’t curb my appetite. If anything, it fanned the flames of my desire.

  “When will I be leaving?” I asked, holding my breath for the dreaded news.

  “There’s been an issue with our documentation. It might be longer than we anticipated. Instead of another three weeks, it now looks more like six. Hope this doesn’t cause any issues for you.”

  I was elated with the news, but didn’t want to sound as though I wasn’t prepared to return to work. “Not at all. Just let me know when things have been sorted out. Thank you so much for notifying me, Grace.”

  When the call ended, I placed the phone on the stand beside the tub again. The water was beginning to cool, but I wasn’t ready to get out. I was finally relaxed enough to start enjoying it. I turned the water on hot and leaned back. Only two things were missing, a glass of wine and Jace.

  The next hotel needs a Jacuzzi.

  Chapter 8


  After last night, I absolutely expected a call from Carlton, but waiting for me in my own office was too fucking much. I was trying to respect the fact that he was doing his job, but he was interfering with my plans.

  “I think you’re forgetting who her father is, Jace. Mr. Hamel was not happy to hear she was at a hotel. And less than pleased when I told him I didn’t know with who,” Carlton stated. “You could’ve gotten me and my team fired.”

  “Not telling Ralph she was with me was your choice. I personally don’t give a fuck if he knows.” I felt a twist in my gut. Shannon might not feel the same.

  “My text message this morning confirms he does. Since I didn’t tell him, I assume Shannon did. He was adamant that he would not leave the house until she returned home. I’m sure it was an unpleasant conversation.”

  “You think? Ralph can be one tough bastard.” I felt like shit for just dropping her off and letting her go in to face that asshole alone. Then again, he wouldn’t have liked to hear anything I had to say to him.

  “This isn’t about what he thinks. It’s about what Shannon doesn’t know. If she decided to move out of his house, who would be there at night to watch over her? Oh, I guess that would be me. Because besides me and Mr. Hamel, no one knows what that fucking asshole Prince Babboo is trying to do.”

  “You can add me to that list. And what the fuck kind of name is Babboo?” Sounds like some kind of cartoon character.

  “I wish he was as innocent as his name sounded. You wouldn’t like the things we’ve learned about him,” Carlton said.

  “You already told me he’s intent on making Shannon his.”

  “Let’s just say if Prince Babboo knew Shannon was… let’s call it ‘dating someone,’ he might decide to take a different course of action,” Carlton stated.

  “You mean fuck with me?” I wasn’t concerned with someone going after me. I’ve pissed off enough people in my own lifetime to know how to watch my back and take care of myself.

  Carlton shrugged. “I wouldn’t be surprised. The issue is he might feel he’s lost Shannon for good and decide to make that loss final.”

  “You mean kill her?” All the air left my lungs. I could hear my own heartbeat for a second. My mind was racing. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her happiness, never mind her life. But I did last night. Fuck! “I need to know she’s safe,” I demanded.

  “That’s what we’re trying to ensure,” he replied.

  “Trying? That’s not good enough,” I snapped. That meant Carlton couldn’t guarantee that Shannon wouldn’t be hurt.

  “We’ve taken some actions, mostly right now to keep her in the States.”

  “How are you pulling that off? She takes her work seriously. I don’t think anything will stop her from continuing.” Not me, or her father.

  “There may be an issue with paperwork. A snag, if you will. It’ll buy us some time to figure this out.”

  Genius. I might have to give Carlton more credit. It seemed like he had taken the time to know his client. Not sure I like any man knowing Shannon that well. Fuck. I can’t be jealous of Carlton for doing his job. It wasn’t personal. But Carlton knew what time Shannon brushed her teeth and what she wore to bed, and that didn’t sit well with me.

  I had so much on my plate right now – some big deals, some new programs – and I still needed to figure out how to get into the Bachelor Towers. Carlton was basically telling me to back the fuck off and let him do his job. Keeping my distance would make things not just easier for Carlton, but better for Shannon. But that wasn’t going to happen. I needed to know she was okay, and I couldn’t turn my back on her now. She needs me, even if she doesn’t know it.

  “You think you can gain control of this situation in just a few weeks? I mean, you’ve been dealing with this asshole for almost three years and Prince Babboo is still breathing.” I’m cutthroat in business, but not once had I ever thought about killing someone. Then again, logic said to just take the fucker out and be done with it. I could handle competition and misfortune and disaster in my business – those I could recover from. Shannon being hurt or killed would end me.

  “I wish I could say yes. But unless Mr. Hamel agrees to tell Shannon the whole history of her stalking, surveillance, and protection, I’m not sure what else we can do but continue as we have. It’s not what I suggest, but it’s also not my decision.”

  Fucking Ralph. I wanted to go over there and tell him to open his fucking eyes. Before doing that, I needed a plan of action. Ignoring Shannon would be a red flag to her that something wasn’t right. Then again, I had ghosted her years ago. It might not be that much of a shock to her a second time. But I didn’t want to hurt her – that was the whole point. There has to be
something else.

  “Would her living here with me change anything?” I was shocked that suggestion had come out of my mouth. I’ve never had a woman at my place for dinner, never mind overnight.

  “Unless you plan on locking yourself away together and not going anywhere, I think it’s a bad idea. I also don’t believe Mr. Hamel will approve that course of action.”

  “This is not about Ralph. It’s about Shannon. I don’t give a fuck what he thinks.” Never have.

  “She won’t be any safer at your place than she is with her father,” Carlton responded.

  But she’ll be with me.

  I’m not in the market for a serious relationship, yet here I am, unable to get Shannon out of my mind. With her life at risk, I know I won’t be able to concentrate for shit. But Ralph would never agree to let me help protect her. I knew I could be the richest man in the world and he’d still look at me as the same kid he didn’t like years ago. I’m not after his approval, or even Shannon’s. This is so much bigger than that. If I could guarantee her safety, she could hate me for eternity. It’d be worth the price.

  Since none of their plans had worked, I needed to think of something Carlton and Ralph had missed. What would Shannon want? What makes her happy? Going back to work overseas was definitely out. I spun around in my chair and looked out over Boston. Carlton was right. There might be busy streets and thousands of people, but hiding wasn’t easy here. Not if people knew who you were.

  “Is this your way of saying the conversation is over?” Carlton asked the back of my chair.

  “I’m thinking,” I said.

  “Should I leave?” he asked.

  “You should shut the fuck up and let me think,” I ordered.

  Carlton chuckled, but said nothing.

  I needed to think like Shannon, not like Ralph, Carlton, or Prince Babboo. That was the only way any of this would work. Whisking her away to a tropical island was not her style, at least it hadn’t been way back when, not that I could’ve afforded to even if she had wanted it. Shannon even opted for burgers and fries instead of some fancy restaurant. She enjoyed the simple things in life. God, we are so fucking different. Who would’ve thought I was the high-maintenance one? But I enjoy having things that make my life easier. Work smarter, not harder. Even my vacuum cleaner was automated. These hi-tech gadgets have made me millions. They all function on software I developed. None of them, however, would protect Shannon, nor would she allow them to. Hell, even her cell phone was out of date.

  “All that growling sounds as though you’re not making any headway. Want to bounce your ideas off me?”

  I looked over my shoulder and glared at him. “I know her better than either of you do, so just shut the fuck up and let me think!”

  Where was all the silence when I needed it? The last time I was in a place that was actually quiet and stress-free had been…. In the mountains with Shannon. That was the answer. All I needed to do was get her to go with me.

  I turned back to Carlton and said, “Get your hiking gear ready.”

  “What for? We’re in Boston.”

  “Not for long. We’re about to take a trip.”

  “Me and you? Because you’re really not my type,” Carlton joked.

  Any other time I might have had a few smart-ass remarks for him as well, but not when it came to Shannon.

  “I’m taking Shannon out of town. There’s a cabin off the grid that I had built.”

  Carlton cocked a brow and looked shocked. “You built a cabin? Not had it built?”

  “It was years ago, before I even went to college. I lived there a short time.” It was when I needed to pull myself back together after running out on Shannon. I never thought I’d be able to be around people again. I resented Ralph and everything he stood for. Power, money, and intimidation. Fuck, look at me now. I’m all three. There was one difference between Ralph and me: I wasn’t manipulating Shannon for myself. I was doing this for her.

  “You’re taking her camping?” Carlton asked. I nodded. “I am not sure Mr. Hamel will go for that suggestion.”

  “I’m not suggesting it. I’m doing it. Your job is to make sure no one finds us,” I said firmly.

  Carlton asked, “And you really think Shannon is going to pack up and go away with you after just a few dates?”

  “I do,” I replied confidently. “I’ll text you when I have our departure set.”

  He laughed. “I’ll believe it when I see it. My bet’s on Shannon staying just where she is.”

  “Then you’ll lose.”

  Carlton got up, laughing his way towards the door. “You’re still the crazy bastard you used to be.”

  He was wrong. I did things in college out of fun, for the challenge and the glory. Now I strive for one thing: success. I achieve it at all costs. And keeping Shannon alive and well was the goal at hand.

  When the door had closed behind him, I buzzed Betsy.

  “Good morning, Mr. Goldstein. However can I help you?”

  We had already spoken today, and when she used that overly sweet tone, I knew she was up to no good. There was no time for her games, so I got right to the point. “I need you to clear my schedule.”

  “For the morning or for the day?” she asked.

  “The next two weeks. I’ll let you know if it needs to be more after that.”

  I could hear the shock in her voice. “Two weeks? Has something…happened?”

  “No. I’m going out of town. That’s all you need to know.” She was a weak link, and if Prince Babboo did try to find Shannon, I didn’t want Betsy to accidentally give him any information. I wasn’t sure if Betsy knew about the guy, and I wasn’t about to ask. Her answer wouldn’t change a damn thing.

  “And will I be able to contact you if there are any emergencies?” she inquired.

  “No. I’ll contact you if I need anything. You just do what you always do. Blow people off that I don’t want to speak to.”

  “My pleasure. But…but what about Shannon? Are you going to tell her you’re leaving?”

  “She will be informed.” That’s all I shared.

  I heard the heavy sigh and she said, “Don’t be gone too long. I just found out Carlton is single. He might steal her away while you’re gone.”

  I clicked the intercom off. No chance of that happening. The chemistry between Shannon and me was stronger than before. Hell, even after spending the entire night fucking our brains out, I still wanted her. There was no getting her out of my system. From the look in her eyes when I dropped her off at home, I’d say she had a similar feeling.

  It’s not nice, but I’d have to use sex and a bit of charm to lure her away with me. I saw no reason she’d ever need to know the truth behind this sudden adventure. It would be a secret between me and Carlton. And it’d better stay that way or that fire in her eyes might go out.

  Chapter 9


  I wasn’t sure I’d heard correctly. No way after Betsy informed me that Jace was the CEO of his own company could he be asking me to rough it in the woods. If this was the old Jace, I would’ve expected that – back then we didn’t have money for anything else. But his tastes had changed. Even though he drove an old car, I’m pretty sure most people couldn’t afford that particular model.

  “When you say, ‘roughing it’, what does that mean to you?” For all I knew it might mean he doesn’t get dry cleaning delivered each day. Either way, I still didn’t know why he was inviting me to go away with him. My job might have been on hold, but his wasn’t.

  “I have a cabin. It’s nothing fancy. But I remember how much you enjoyed being out in nature. I thought it would make a nice change from Boston.”

  It sounded wonderful to me, but once again, I gave him a chance to back out. Not because I didn’t want to go, but I wanted us both to enjoy ourselves. “And you’d rather go there than maybe…the beach?”

  “For some reason, I thought you’d be more excited about this,” he said.

I didn’t want Jace to think I didn’t appreciate his effort. I was only trying to respect his schedule and business needs as well. I needed to fix things before he regretted asking me.

  “I am. It’s just that you’re picking something that I would’ve chosen. It feels…”

  “Are you forgetting that I know you? I know what makes you smile. What makes you happy,” Jace stated.

  You sure did last night. But the cabin wasn’t about sex. It was the type of place people go to connect on a different level. They wouldn’t have any interruptions unless a bear decided to come knocking.

  “Will there be fishing?” I asked.

  Jace laughed. “Will I still have to put the bait on your hook?”

  “Only if you want me to catch something. You know me. I just enjoy the cast and reel part.” It was silly. I’ve performed surgery on children, but my hands shake taking a hook out of the mouth of a fish.

  “It’ll be just like the old days,” he said.

  Nothing will ever be that good again. “Well, I’m game if you are. When do you want to leave?”

  “I can pick you up in a few hours.”


  “Yes. Unless you have something pressing to do?” he asked.

  “I guess I can leave a note for my father. And if you don’t mind stopping at the store on the way, I’ll like to grab a few essentials.” I could text my father, but that would mean getting a ‘don’t you dare leave with him’ response. I not only wanted to go, I needed to. Being home wasn’t a vacation. Hopefully, going with Jace would be. And it would give us some time to figure out what exactly was going on between us. Was it just the freaking amazing physical connection, or something more? Either way, I was looking forward to waking up in Jace’s arms for the next few weeks.

  “If you text me your list, I’ll have it picked up for you,” Jace offered.

  I laughed. “Although that is thoughtful, there are things a woman likes to pick up herself.”

  Feminine products were probably something Jace had never bought before. I might be in the woods, but still liked to have certain things with me.


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