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Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series)

Page 8

by Jeannette Winters

  “We’ll stop, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to do so after we’re out of the city.”

  “That’s fine with me. And I’ll be ready.”

  He ended the call and I rushed to my room to do some packing. It was September, and nights could get cold in the mountains. I assumed the cabin had heat, but Jace hadn’t given many details. Even if all we had was a wood-burning stove, I’m sure we’d find ways to keep each other toasty.

  As I packed, my cell phone rang again. It was from a blocked number. Since it could be someone from work, I answered it.


  “My Shannon. Have you forgotten me?” Babboo’s voice rasped.

  I wanted to fling my phone across the room. I had nothing to say to him. But why he was calling me now? It was over between us. I made that very clear when I boarded the plane and left. I never said it to his face, mostly because I had been too afraid to see him again. Even now, just hearing his voice sent a ripple of fear throughout me.

  Mustering all the confidence I could, I asked, “What do you want?”

  “The same thing I have wanted since I first saw you. I want you to be mine,” he stated.

  Over my dead body. If I’d have stayed any longer, that might have been the outcome. He wasn’t a man to play with. But at least while I was in the United States, I shouldn’t have to worry about that. He has no authority here. Of course, I wasn’t stupid enough to rattle his cage.

  “Prince Babboo, I have told you before. I’m not…interested in settling down.” Not with you.

  “I know what you have said. It changes nothing.”

  My hands trembled, and I wished I’d never answered the call. “I do not wish to talk about this any further,” I said in a firm tone.

  “It wasn’t something you needed to discuss. It is a fact. You are mine, Shannon. And anyone who tries to take what is mine, well, you know how we handle things here.”

  I’d never actually witnessed it, but I had heard stories of beheading and all different forms of torture. My mind flashed to Jace, grateful he asked me to go camping and not on a trip around the world. I could never live with myself if something happened to him because of me.

  Don’t think about it. It’s not going to happen. I’m safe here. So is Jace.

  I hung up on Babboo and tossed my phone onto the bed. I knew this would anger him, but I didn’t care. It didn’t take long for my phone to ring again. I wasn’t going anywhere near it, not even to check the caller ID. I wanted to think happy thoughts. Like going away with Jace. If I let Babboo get to me now, Jace might pick up on it and wonder what was wrong. But I’m not so sure I can hide my feelings. I’d tried before, and he had always been able to see right through me.

  That’s one of the things I had missed about having Jace in my life. There was a connection unlike any other. Not that we were psychic, but we could finish each other’s sentences. Knew how to make each other happy. No one else, even my father or friends, ever knew me that well. This trip might show us if it is still there, what we had. Or it might tell us to hold onto those memories, because that’s all they would ever be.

  My phone continued to ring. Was Babboo really going to harass me now? I walked over and answered the phone. “Leave me alone!”

  “Well, that’s not a very nice way to talk to a friend,” Betsy said.

  “Oh, I’m sorry I thought you were…a telemarketer.” Back to lying. It felt so wrong, but no one needed to know what a mess I’d made out of my life by getting involved with Prince Babboo.

  “Oh, God, I hate those. Not sure how they keep getting my number. My husband said it’s because I enter those free trip contests. Never won any of them, but I sure do get a lot of sales calls.”

  “I’m sure that’s what it is for me, too,” I said. “Why are you calling me again so soon? Slow workday?”

  Betsy chuckled. “Now you sound like my boss. Which, by the way? I think I’m going to have some time off. Well, not really, but more of a flexible schedule. Did you want to start meeting up for lunch?”

  “I’d love to say yes, but I can’t. Maybe we can talk about this in a few weeks.”

  “Few weeks? Did they call you back to work?” she asked.

  “No. It’s just not…convenient right now.” Because I won’t be here.

  “Are you traveling?” Betsy inquired.

  Reluctantly I said, “A bit. Nothing much.”

  “Hmmm. You’re traveling. Jace is traveling. You wouldn’t happen to be traveling together, now would you?”

  I really didn’t want anyone to know. At least not yet. If Betsy didn’t work for Jace, this would be less complicated. Unfortunately, there was no hiding it. “Yes, but I haven’t told my father yet. So if you don’t mind not saying anything, I’d appreciate it.”

  Betsy sighed. “I already placed my shopping order for dinner tonight. Now what am I going to do with all that food?” Before I could even respond she added, “I’m only joking. I hope you two have a wonderful time. But don’t go and get married without inviting me.”

  Married? “Betsy, you don’t have to worry about that. There won’t be any justice of the peace where we are going.”

  “Oh. That sounds romantic!”

  “I didn’t even give you any details,” I chuckled.

  Betsy laughed. “You don’t need to. I can hear it in your voice. You’re excited and Jace –well, I think he is too, even if he won’t admit it. Now go pack and we’ll talk later.”

  That was exactly what I needed to hear. It meant I was making the right choice by just running off with him. With any luck, it would be in a place my cell phone doesn’t work, because I don’t want another call from Babboo. There was only one voice I wanted to hear for the next two weeks and it was Jace’s.

  Once I had packed, I wrote the note for my father. Then tore it up and wrote another. Same outcome. I couldn’t just leave like that. Even though he would be pissed off, I had to speak to him personally.

  I called and he picked up on the first ring.

  “Hello, Shannon. Is everything all right?” he asked.

  I hope so. “Yes. I wanted to let you know that I’m going out of town for a few weeks.” I held my breath.

  “I hope it’s not about the…argument we had this morning.”

  “No. Not at all.” Of course, if he asked me too many questions, the argument might continue.

  “That’s good. Shannon, you know I love you, right?”

  I closed my eyes. Those were wonderful words that my father didn’t voice very often. “Yes, I do. And I love you, too.”

  “Have a good time. And you know you can come home anytime you want. Just call me and I’ll even come get you if you need me to.”

  “Thank you, but I’m sure I will be okay. I’ll see you when I get back.” I ended the call while it was still on a good note.

  Everything was going so well that I was actually happy. I’d almost forgotten about the call from Babboo. A sinking feeling came over me – something wasn’t right. Babboo talked as though he knew I was seeing Jace. I know that’s impossible. Babboo was on the other side of the world. Even that’s too close.

  Please, Jace. Get me out of here before I drive myself crazy thinking about things I shouldn’t.

  Chapter 10


  What the hell was I thinking, bringing Shannon here? I knew I had to get her the fuck out of Boston, out of Prince Babboo’s reach, but this wasn’t the answer. I know what she must have thought when I invited her. We’d be off hiking the woods during the day and spend our nights fucking until we couldn’t remember our names. One look at this place and sex would definitely be off the table.

  The cabin hadn’t been used in ten years. Granted, the roof and windows were intact, but it looked like something an unwashed and unshaven, mountain man would live in. Cobwebs hung from the rafters, and dust seemed to have covered every damn inch of the place. If I’d had more time to prepare, I could’ve sent someone ahead to clean and prep the place.
But time wasn’t our friend.

  After a quick scan of the cabin to confirm there were no unwelcome wild creatures, I blurted, “Fuck. I should’ve rented a place.” Even a one star motel would be an improvement.

  Shannon laughed. “I’m glad you didn’t pay for this one or I’d say you were overcharged.”

  I knew she was teasing me, trying to lighten the mood, but there was no fucking way she wasn’t shocked about our living quarters. Quickly I ran through options to fix it, but it’d take me a week to get this place in shape. The sun hadn’t set yet, but it would within the next hour. These woods got mighty dark at night and I couldn’t risk getting the truck stuck on that overgrown dirt trail.

  “It’s too late for us to turn back now and head to a hotel. But we can leave first thing in the morning.” I felt like an ass. Shannon should be swept off her feet and be romanced. The closest thing I’d done in that sense was bring a bottle of wine. There’s not enough alcohol in the world to make this place seem like a romantic getaway.

  Maybe that was a good thing. I didn’t want Shannon falling in love with me again. When this was all over and Prince Dumb Fuck was no longer a threat, I needed to focus on my own needs. Problem was, anytime I was near Shannon or even thought of her, the blood rushed to my cock, overruling all logic.

  In her sweet-as-ever tone, Shannon said, “Jace, it’s really not that bad. A little cleaning tomorrow and this place will be fine.”

  Always optimistic. But me? I call it like I see it: a fucking dump. “Was it water or vodka in that bottle?” I teased. My body reacted to her cute giggle and I wanted to clear off that kitchen table and fuck her right there. But I had to stay in control – sex wasn’t happening tonight. Hell, maybe not ever again after bringing her to this shithole. Maybe that was a good thing, since I could barely control myself now. In a serious tone I added, “We can sleep in the truck tonight.”

  “With all the gear you brought, I don’t think we’ll be very comfortable. But you have clean linen. If you go empty the truck, I’ll tidy up a place to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “You really think you’ll be able to sleep in here?” Most women would be freaked out thinking of creepy crawlies hiding in unswept corners and dark crannies. It didn’t seem to bother Shannon in the least.

  “All I need to do tonight is take care of the bed. Besides, all this fresh country air makes me tired. I could probably sleep in a tree if I had to.”

  “Might be cleaner,” I half joked.

  With a quirky grin she added, “I like to sleep naked and that bark is a bit rough on my backside.”

  She rubbed her hands over her ass. I’d kiss it better. “You could always sit on me,” I said.

  Shannon shook her head. “Didn’t you hear me say I was tired? Because you know what happens if I sit on you, especially naked.”

  I fucking did. The way she slid up and down onto my cock while her breasts slapped together just inches from my face drove me fucking wild. Great. Now I’m fucking horny and she’s tired. Can this day get any worse?

  Since I didn’t provide one of my usual snappy retorts, Shannon suggested, “Before that sun is gone, let’s get moving. Why don’t you grab the stuff from the truck while I use the bathroom?” I watched as she looked around. “Where is it?”

  I had solar panels to generate electricity, but indoor plumbing was a different story. I never imagined myself bringing another person here, never mind a woman, so it wasn’t a necessity back then. “You might want to reconsider your comment about staying here.”


  “Your choice of bathrooms is any tree.” Her eyes widened, and I added with a grin, “I did, however, bring toilet paper.”

  Shannon burst out laughing. “Good thinking. Poison ivy on your ass really sucks. And don’t ask me how I know, either. Let’s just say some of the countries I’ve been to make this place look like a palace.”

  I hate thinking of her in those types of environments. She deserved to be pampered, cherished, and loved. I’m a prick to bring her to a place like this. I wanted her to be angry, to demand I bring her back immediately. But she didn’t, and it reminded me of why I had fallen in love with her back then. She might have grown up in a rich family, but she was the most down-to-earth person I knew. It only made her sexier.

  “I’ll be right back. I’d say make yourself at home, but…”

  Shannon walked over to me, reached a hand up and placed it on my cheek. “Jace, it might sound crazy, but this is…perfect. Reminds me of when we were...first together.”

  “You mean when I was so broke this was considered a date night.” I hated thinking of what I lacked back then. Ralph had been right. I wasn’t good enough for Shannon back then. I’m not sure I am even now.

  Sadness filled her eyes, and when she spoke her voice sounded choked. “No. It was when I…was happy.”

  Looking down at her, I was filled with regret all over again. She wasn’t the only one who’d been happy then. It was the only time in my life that I’d ever felt…loved and wanted. I never had to be anyone but myself with her. Placing my hand over hers, I said, “I was, too.” But I didn’t want to give her hope that we could have it again. Things had changed. I had changed. I dropped my hand from hers. “But we were young, and the reality of life hadn’t set in yet.”

  “I know, but I still see that man when I look in your eyes, Jace.”

  “I think you see what you want to see.” I stepped away, putting a little distance between us. “I’ll get the stuff from the truck.”

  Leaving her standing there was an asshole move. She might as well learn that’s who I was now. The guy she had once loved didn’t exist.

  It didn’t take me long to grab all the bags and boxes from the truck. I stacked them inside the doorway. Shannon was still standing there as though she had no idea where to start. When she turned to me she asked, “How about running water?”

  “I have that. Let me check the rain barrels and then I’ll go grab firewood.” Before I left her again, I added, “Sure you don’t want to reconsider sleeping in the truck?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I plan on enjoying this vacation.”

  I chuckled and walked out the door. Vacation? That was such a funny term to use when in fact this was a safehouse. I already knew we had plenty of wood, because it was the first thing I had checked. But I needed this time to touch base with Carlton.

  He was damn good at not revealing himself until he wanted to be seen. I hadn’t noticed him in the woods until he signaled me. I made my way down the path, and once the cabin was out of sight, he approached.

  “I thought we had the wrong fucking place when we showed up before you guys. Shannon must be flipping out,” Carlton said.

  “Actually, the opposite. Are your men in place?” I asked.

  “Yes, and we have secured the perimeter. Anything living or breathing will trigger our heat sensors.”

  “You’re a lot more confident than I am.” Then again, Carlton was doing this as a job. I was doing it because Shannon was the only person who had ever meant anything to me.

  “This is what I do, what we do. Trust me, no one is making it anywhere near that cabin. And our satellite phones aren’t traceable either. In case she asks why her phone isn’t working, it’s the network. We put a block on both hers and yours.”

  “I get hers, but why the fuck mine?” I didn’t like losing the control of reaching out if I needed to.

  “Prince Babboo will use anyone he needs to in order to get what he wants. If you’re not careful, you’ll become a liability instead of an asset.”

  I could lay his ass out for talking to me like that. But this wasn’t about my ego. Carlton and I were on the same side. It wasn’t easy for me, but I was going to need to trust him. I just hope I’m not wrong on this, because it is Shannon who loses if I am.

  “Looks like we’re staying, at least for the meantime,” I said. “Keep me abreast of any new developments.”

  “Will do.” Carlton turned and headed back deep into the woods.

  I collected a bit more wood so I wouldn’t have to lie later. When I returned to the cabin, it was almost dark. I could see through the window that Shannon had found the lights I had brought, and with the smoke coming from the chimney, I could tell she’d started a fire in the woodstove. She never ceased to amaze me. She wasn’t a needy woman. In fact, she was pretty self-sufficient. Many men would be intimidated by her competence. Fools. She wasn’t out to be controlled or to control anyone. All Shannon ever wanted was to be a strong partner in life. She’s going to make some lucky man one hell of a wife someday.

  I felt jealousy building up within me. Why? I’m not looking for a wife. I don’t even want a girlfriend. I’d chosen a different path. It was too late to change it now.

  Opening the door, I walked inside and had a look around. I’d been gone about an hour, and she had already cleaned up a good portion of the cabin. I shot her a smile and said, “I guess you weren’t as tired as you led me to believe earlier.”

  She spun around and said, “I got a burst of energy.”

  I looked over and noticed the bed had been made, and she’d even found some wildflowers to put on the nightstand. I normally wouldn’t notice such details, but right now it meant she had left the cabin to do some exploring.

  Fuck. I hope you didn’t see me talking to Carlton.

  I wouldn’t be able to explain it – I’d have to tell her the truth. If she knew, she’d have her ass right back in Boston to confront that Prince Babboo herself. She might be brave, but bravery could be deadly.

  Trying to keep the mood light I said, “Maybe I should have asked you for help with the wood. At this rate you probably could’ve hauled an entire cord of it.”

  She laughed. “There’s only one piece of wood I’m interested in tonight.”

  I walked over and scooped her into my arms and carried her to the bed. “I think I can help you with that.”


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