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Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series)

Page 10

by Jeannette Winters

  He’d sworn that one day I’d regret saying no to him. The fact is, I regret ever meeting him. But you can’t go back in time. There are no do-overs in life. I’m just living with the consequences and hoping someday I stop looking over my shoulder, waiting for him to fulfill his sick promises.

  It was good that I still had a bit of cleaning to do around the cabin, otherwise Jace would probably pick up on my jitters. Now I could easily blow off his questions or concerns by saying it was how I get when I’m in a cleaning frenzy. He might actually believe it too, because this place was actually livable now. Sparkling would be a stretch, but as I looked around, I was amazed at the difference.

  Turning to Jace I said, “You know what this place needs?”

  “Indoor plumbing?”

  I snickered. “That too. But I was thinking color.”

  Jace looked around and said, “There’s color in here.”

  “Yes. All different shades of brown. How about something a bit brighter to make it more…”

  “Like a woman lives here?” he glared at me.

  I shrugged. “If that was the case I’d have pink bedding and lace curtains. And the kitchen table would have pretty placemats and a vase filled with fresh cut wildflowers every day.”

  “And any hunter who came by would look inside and laugh.”

  “I’m serious. Does it really need to be so dull?” There wasn’t even a picture on the wall. It was all natural wood. “But I have to admit I’m very impressed you built this yourself.” We had talked about Jace building us a cabin someday. This definitely wasn’t what I had pictured.

  “Okay, I promise that if I ever build another one, you can help,” he said.

  “When you say help, you mean…decorate, right?” I asked. “Because I don’t think I could move any of these logs.”

  Jace laughed. “One thing I know about you, Shannon, is you don’t cave to a challenge.”

  “Well, your challenges were never based on strength. They were always more…fun.”

  Jace pulled me into his arms and asked, “Is that an invitation to…challenge you now?”

  I shook my head. “I was thinking of challenging you instead.”

  He smiled. “Challenge accepted.”

  “You don’t even know what it is,” I grinned. He bent to claim my lips and I turned to give him my cheek instead. “Nope. It’s not that.” Then I felt his hands slide down and cup my ass. “Not that, either.”

  “How about a hint?” he asked.

  I had him just where I wanted. “See those rafters?” He looked up and I added, “They need dusting.”

  I almost burst out laughing at the disappointment written all over his face, but he released his hold on me and said, “Not even close to what I thought you wanted.”

  Oh, I want that, too. Later.

  “While you do that, I think I’ll go for a little walk.”

  I noticed the change within Jace immediately. “Why don’t I go with you?”

  Crossing my arms, I asked, “Are you trying to get out of cleaning?”

  “There is a small possibility you’re right. But I found a spot on my walk this morning that I want to show you. Grab some towels and let’s go.”


  He nodded. “There’s a waterfall with our names on it.”

  “Running water from the mountain?” Sounded great if it was July, but not in September. “Do you know how cold that’s going to be?”

  Jace smiled. “Backing down from a challenge?” he teased.

  Hell no. “I wasn’t thinking about me. I was thinking about…you.”

  “I’m not afraid of cold water,” he stated.

  “Never said you were. Just some parts of you might not enjoy it as much,” I chuckled and pointed to his cock.

  His hand covered the zipper on his jeans and he made a face. “Oh, yeah. That does put a kink in my plans.”

  “So you’d rather stay and dust those rafters?” I questioned with an evil grin.

  He looked up and then to me. “Nope. And I’m sure you can think of someplace I can…put him to keep him…warm.”

  I felt the heat rush between my legs. If I wasn’t careful, we wouldn’t be leaving the cabin again today. Of course, that really wasn’t all that disappointing either.

  Walking over, I grabbed two towels and said, “I’m sure I can think of something.” I wanted to go before he changed his mind. Going for a walk was a good way for me to get over my paranoia about what could be out there.

  It’s probably a moose. Please let it be a moose.

  I knew what the fear was. I was afraid to be happy again. Part of me was still looking for a reason not to be, a defense mechanism preparing myself for the inevitable. Either I’d be called back to work, or Jace would grow tired of all this. I know he’s changed. He’s not interested in the slow-paced life we had dreamed about. He’s big business and chasing after success, not…a family. Not…me.

  The thought of this ending, of us ending, scared me more than anything else. Even more than that psycho Prince Babboo.

  Jace walked up and asked, “Are you cold?” I shook my head. “You’re trembling.”

  I hadn’t even noticed. Was this the time for me to talk to Jace about what I was feeling? It might scare him away. Would ending now be less painful than ending later? Who the hell knows, but either way, it sucks. I could’ve easily made up an excuse for the chill that had run through me, could even say it was building passion. But I didn’t want any lies or secrets between us. I wanted him to feel as though he could trust me just like I trusted him.

  Tossing the towels on the bed, I said, “Maybe we can go to the waterfall tomorrow. There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”

  I knew my tone wasn’t holding the playfulness it usually did, but there was nothing funny about what I needed to tell him. Jace picked up on it and asked, “Want to talk in here or outside on the bench?”

  “I think outside. I might just need the fresh air.” He took my hand as we walked outside. Once seated I said, “I’m not sure where I should start.”

  “You have my full attention for as long as you need it. But Shannon, I hope you know you can tell me anything.”

  It wasn’t about that. I just really didn’t want to. I hadn’t been able to share it with Betsy or my father. Yet something in me felt the need to tell Jace. I smiled at him. “I know. It’s just not…easy.”

  He held my hand steady, and patiently waited for me to be ready. I calmed myself as much as I could and then started.

  “So much has gone on in my life since you and I broke up. You know all about medical school and I assume you know I’ve…dated.”

  “Of course. I’d have been shocked if you didn’t,” he said.

  “Well, my job brings me to places that aren’t always…safe. There are rules and guidelines associated with accepting these assignments. For the most part, I follow them.” I let out a heavy sigh. “There was one time I didn’t.”

  “And that’s what you want to talk about?” he asked. I nodded. “What happened?”

  “I met a man. He came to see who people were talking about. They called me a miracle worker. All I did was basic medicine, but it was more than what they were used to getting. See, these people were poor and couldn’t afford medical care. That’s why I was there. To help.”

  “I’m sure what you did felt like a miracle to them.”

  “I guess. When he…Prince Babboo…came, I was elated. I thought this was my chance to make him see the suffering his people were facing, and show him how easy it would be to get them help. We spent hours together talking about their needs. Of course, he didn’t want to stay there among the poor folks, so he brought me to his palace to talk.”

  “And did you get through to him?”

  I shook my head. “He wasn’t interested in what I had to say. He only listened so he could get me into his bed.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “When I started to figure it out, I accused
him of using me. He denied it, of course, and like a fool, I fell for it.”

  “Maybe you wanted him so badly to open his eyes and see things from your point of view that you held onto that hope, not for yourself, but for his people.”

  There it was, Jace seeing me as perfect. I’m not. I make mistakes, some horrible, and this proves it. “Or I was just an idiot. Once I gave him a second chance, he turned. He was cruel in the way he spoke to me and controlled everything, where I went, who I treated in the clinic.” I swallowed hard and choked out the next part. “When I confronted him, he showed me that I…I had no choice but…to…obey him. And when…I didn’t…he…beat me.”

  I felt Jace’s hand tighten against mine and his whole body tensed. I couldn’t bring myself to look into his eyes. I was so ashamed of what had happened.

  “I’m sorry, Shannon. You didn’t deserve that,” he said, his voice filled with anger.

  “But there’s more. He told me he wanted me to stay, that I was his. I made a friend at the clinic who helped me sneak out of the country. Babboo called me and demanded I return. I said no. He said I will always be his and that one day, whether I like it or not, I will return to his bed and pay for my disobedience.”

  I never even felt the tears coming down my cheeks until Jace reached up and brushed them away. “He can’t hurt you. Not here.”

  “I wish that was the case. But he won’t leave me alone. He will never give up. The morning you called and asked me to join you on this trip, Babboo had called a little earlier. It was as though he knew I was with you. And since then, I’ve had this horrible feeling that I’m being watched.” I looked out into the woods and added, “Like he’s out there watching us right now.”

  Jace pulled me onto his lap and said, “Baby, he’s not here. Trust me. You’re safe. There’s just you and me in these woods.”

  I sobbed against him, wishing I could’ve held back the tears, but there was no stopping them. I wanted to believe him. But my gut told me otherwise. If Babboo was here, he wouldn’t just take me back with him, he’d punish Jace for being with me. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to Jace because of me.

  “I…I think we should go back inside,” I suggested. Not that the cabin offered any protection, but at least if Babboo was out there, he couldn’t see what we were doing.

  “We can. Or we can still go for that walk. Maybe the waterfall will help wash away these tears,” he said.

  I thought Jace would be flipping out, threatening to kill Babboo. Instead it was like he didn’t want to talk any more about it. I understood. It wasn’t fun saying it, never mind hearing it. Even if Jace couldn’t deal with it, at least I had told him the truth. If something ever happened to me, someone could tell my father where to start looking.

  I slipped off his lap and said, “Let me get the towels.”

  Jace grabbed my hand and stopped me. “Shannon, thank you for telling me.”

  I nodded and said, “You’re the only one who knows. I trust you not to tell my father.”

  “I won’t,” he said, then let my hand go.

  As I entered the cabin to get the towels, I threw myself on the bed. I needed a few minutes alone, and more tears to flow. I had finally verbalized the ugly truth of what I hid from everyone. I thought I’d feel like a weight had been lifted, but I didn’t. The pain was still fresh. Will it ever lessen? Will I ever forget?

  I buried my face in the pillow to muffle the sound of my crying. I didn’t want Jace to come and hold me. I just wanted to disappear, even if only for a few minutes. Then I could go back to pretending to be happy all over again.

  Chapter 14


  I was glad I had taken her to the waterfall. She needed something to get her mind off Prince Babboo. Shannon laughed and played, even tried to dunk me under the water, which was never going to happen. I let her get close, then made my move and carried her out of the water.

  At one point, I wanted to make love to her, but something held me back. Her words echoed in my mind and I became enraged. If I got my hands on the fucking coward, I would show him my pearly whites and tell him to take a swing at me. The first punch would be a freebie and it would also be his last. I knew if I got my hands on him, I wouldn’t be able to stop.

  I turned the bend and looked back at the cabin one last time. Shannon was still inside. I had given her the excuse of needing to take a piss. This was further than she probably thought I’d go, but at least she couldn’t see me using my phone. I couldn’t take too long, or she’d give me the third degree when I got back.

  Quickly, I called Gabe. Thankfully he picked up. I filled him in with what Shannon had told me.

  “That’s fucked up, but unfortunately, more common than you’d think.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel any better,” I retorted. “I need this asshole dealt with. There is no way he’s ever going to say her name again, never mind see her.”

  “You do know what you’re suggesting we do could very well result in a fatality.”

  “We’re not killing anyone,” I said.

  “No. But when his father believes his son is a traitor to the crown, the punishment might be harsh,” Gabe stated.

  “Are you backing out? Because I’ll fucking do this myself if I need to,” I snapped. It’d be more difficult, and I might get caught, but that wouldn’t prevent me.

  “I didn’t say that. It’s my job to make sure you’re well-informed. Okay, that’s really more my brother’s thing. He’s all about making sure you don’t end up regretting anything later.”

  I was riddled with regret already. If I hadn’t crumbled to Ralph’s demands to stay the fuck away from Shannon years ago, none of this would’ve happened to her.

  “Don’t worry about what I feel. This is about Shannon,” I snarled.

  “Then you need to consider her feelings. What will she think if she learns about the actions you took?” Gabe asked.

  “Are you planning on telling her? I sure as hell am not.” I had already warned Carlton what would happen if he opened his mouth.

  “Jace, one thing about secrets in a relationship is they always come out. My advice would be to tell her ahead of time. It beats the fuck out of trying to explain your actions later.”

  “Great, Gabe. I’m not paying you for your advice, just your knowledge and skill,” I said firmly.

  Gabe chuckled. “Sorry, it is the husband in me that didn’t want to see you fuck up like everyone else. Guess we all make the same mistakes. Hope you don’t lose her in the process.”

  I knew what she’d say if she knew I was doing this. She was a doctor, and had taken an oath to do no harm. Even though she might hate Babboo, she wouldn’t support what I’m doing. Hell, if I thought about it too much, I might not either. But I didn’t see any other way. Carlton couldn’t spend the rest of his life watching Shannon. And all it would take would be one slip and she’d be gone. The fact that Carlton didn’t know about Babboo’s phone call was all the confirmation I needed. No one could watch everything, and Shannon couldn’t spend her life in a bubble, either. My choices were limited – walk away and pray nothing happened to her, or risk it all and make sure nothing did.

  “I’ll take my chances.” We were wasting time that could be better spent on planting data for the King’s security advisors to find. “How close are you to getting into their system?”

  “I’m in. All I need to know is when to push the button. Once I do, we wait until they come across the information. It’ll look like Prince Babboo has not only been embezzling from his father’s personal accounts, but planning to topple his father’s reign. We need to let them find the information organically, though. If we force it, it’ll be flagged as a conspiracy. The point is for Babboo to look guilty as sin.”

  He was. Maybe not embezzlement and treason, but beating women and forcing them against their will was a hell of a lot worse in my book. “Do it. And keep me abreast of anything you learn.” I peered around the tree and saw Shannon
still standing there. “I’ve got to go. Update Carlton for me. And have him beef up the patrols. We don’t want Babboo making a move before we can shut his ass down.”


  I slipped my phone into my back pocket and turned to head back to the cabin. As I approached, Shannon crossed her arms. Does she know? Damn, I fucking hope not.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  “Yes. It appears that you are avoiding doing something?”

  I had no idea what that meant. Maybe to finish what we started at the waterfall? I reached for her, but she stepped to the side. I cocked a brow and she smiled. “You have to be kidding,” I said.

  She shook her head. “Nope. A challenge is a challenge.” She pulled a damp dust rag out from behind her back and handed it to me. “I’ll inspect your work later.”

  “Hey, I said I’d do it, but no one ever mentioned Quality Control was watching.”

  Shannon teased, “Keep it up and I’m sure I can find more for you to do.”

  Laughing, I went into the cabin and waited for her to join me. She didn’t. I peered out the window and noticed she was glaring into the woods. Fuck, Carlton. I told your team to back the fuck up.

  I opened the door again and played off my concern with a joke. “Miss QC, are you coming to supervise or not?”

  Shannon turned and the serious look on her face quickly faded. “It’s not a good sign if you already know you need me.”

  I need you more than you’ll ever know.

  It wasn’t how I wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon, but at least I didn’t need to worry about her wandering off. She sat in the chair and pointed out every place I missed. When the task was complete, I tossed the rag in the trash. “We won’t need that ever again.”

  “Why? Do you only do a once-a-decade cleaning?”


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