Book Read Free

Fade to Black

Page 21

by Unknown

  “I know you don’t want to leave Jesse, and I’m willing to tack however many days you’re in Phoenix onto the end of your trip. You just have to be back here in time for ratings.”

  “What about a photographer?” she hedged, not daring to hope and too scared to believe.

  “I’ll have one meet you at the Marriott in Phoenix. The reservations will be in your name, and I’ll have the photog rent a car so there won’t be any extra mileage on yours. Do we have a deal?” She’d never heard Dale excited, but now he sounded almost giddy.

  “Okay, I’ll leave in the morning.” She sounded excited too. She was. An opportunity like this didn’t land in your lap every day. This story could make her career.

  “Thanks, Kate. I’ll text you the address of the hotel. Have a safe drive and call me if you need anything.”

  She closed the phone and turned back to Jesse. He reached out and took her hand. “So, what was that about?” He was trying to keep the accusation and irritation out of the question, but it still bled into his tone.

  Kate relayed what she’d been told about Senator Kelley and Dale’s request for her to cover the story. “This is a fabulous opportunity, covering a political scandal like this could be Emmy material, not to mention how it would look on a resume tape.”

  Jesse shook his head. “You already agreed to go.” It wasn’t a question and he wasn’t happy that he hadn’t been consulted.

  Kate knew she had to soothe Jesse, convince him, or it would be a battle. “I can come back for however many days I’m gone. Let’s not fight about this, okay?” She took his hand and squeezed it. “I didn’t feel like I could tell him no. He’s been so good to me.” She hadn’t wanted to tell him no, but she’d keep that little tidbit to herself.

  The heartbeat and a half of silence was agony. Then Jesse stood, lifted her to her feet, and pulled her into his tense chest. He kissed her head. “When do you leave?”

  “Tomorrow. Can I borrow your dad’s car?”

  “Sure, my motorcycle is still in his garage. I’ll ride that if I need to get anywhere.”

  “I think we should call it a night,” Kate said, waiting for World War III to erupt.

  “No movie?” he asked quietly.

  “No, I’ve got some research to do before tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” was his only response, making the drive back to her parents’ house a quiet one. Kate could tell that Jesse wasn’t completely comfortable with her going to Phoenix. “Who’s your photographer going to be?” he whispered, trying to hide his disapproval.

  “I don’t know. Dale just said that he’d have someone meet me at the Marriott tomorrow afternoon,” she explained in an attempt to make the whole thing as innocent as it was.

  “That sonofabitch.” Jesse’s fist met his thigh.

  She flinched. “Who, Dale?”


  “What does Rich have to do with this?” Kate already knew the answer and had had the same suspicions. Suspicions that both excited and frightened her.

  “Come on, KC, you really don’t think he’s going to be the one at the hotel tomorrow?”

  If Kate defended Rich, it would only cause a fight that she didn’t want to have. If she pretended to disagree with Jesse, they’d both know she was lying. So, she went with the only response she could.


  He eased the car over to the curb in front of her house, and cut the engine. “Kate, he’s already tasted you. That’s something so delicious no man could ever resist it. I should know.” He attempted a weak smile to soften the hard expression and harder words. “I don’t trust that arrogant bastard, but…I trust you.”

  There were those words again. I trust you. Jesse’s greatest form of manipulation. When he muttered them, Kate knew it was because he really didn’t…trust her. And she hated being manipulated.

  “Good night, Jesse.” She yanked the door handle and rushed inside without any further conversation.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “How’s it going?” Nate pulled up a chair, his huge hand clapped Rich on the shoulder. “You look pretty pitiful, man,” he noted as he sat down.

  “I hate that she’s with him.” Rich’s eyes glanced at his unringing cell phone for the millionth time today.

  Nate clucked his tongue. “Dude, he is her boyfriend.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Rich groaned.

  Nate laughed. “You probably don’t want me to remind you that they’re probably having sex right now.”

  A growl rumbled in Rich’s chest. His hand flew out and slammed into one of Nate’s pecs. “Don’t take my thoughts there. I can’t…even consider that.”

  His lips pulled into a tight line. “Rich, you have got to get a grip. This girl isn’t worth the misery you’re subjecting yourself to. Besides, until you unload the current baggage you’re carrying around, Kate’s not even an option. Speaking of which, have you heard from Shea?”

  Rich rolled his eyes. “Yeah, she’s doing the whole ‘I can’t stand to be around you’ bit again. She saw that I was working with Kate on New Year’s and decided to move out for a few days.”

  “That sucks.”

  “Totally. This waiting for her to freak out on me is going to drive me to a rubber room and a straitjacket.”

  Nate let out a bark of laughter. “She’d just follow you there. That’s exactly where she belongs. Damn, how did you ever get tied up with that woman?”

  Rich’s eyes narrowed into a glare. “She was normal enough when I married her.”

  “Normal?” Nate shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll give you that she was hot.” The cell phone tumbled in Rich’s fingers, and he flipped it open to make sure it was on and had a signal. “Dude, why don’t you just call Kate?”

  “I promised that I wouldn’t contact her.” Rich shook his head, hating that he’d made such an absurd promise. “Dammit, I wish she’d at least text me to say she’s okay.”

  “Maybe she’s better than okay,” Nate muttered as his brows rose suggestively.

  Rich shot him with a warning glare, not trusting himself to make physical contact with his best friend, and tried not to let his thoughts entertain Nate’s suggestions.

  Nate held his hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying. How long have they been together?” Rich’s shoulders lifted in a shrug. “A long time, huh. Be real, my man, you’re not gonna be able to waltz in and expect her to throw away all that history.”

  “If she means that much to him, then why hasn’t the prick claimed her by putting a ring on her finger?”

  Nate shrugged. “How the hell am I supposed to know? Maybe…”

  “Maybe he doesn’t deserve her. Maybe she doesn’t want him. Maybe she…”

  “Rich,” Nate interrupted. His head moved back and forth on his thick shoulders. “You’re grasping at straws, my friend. Maybe he just hasn’t asked her yet. You have no way of knowing the circumstances of why they’re not married. Regardless, you can’t do anything until you’re not married too.”

  “I know that, Nate,” Rich reminded him with a heavy dose of sarcasm. “I’m working on it. If only Shea would give in to her lunatic side.”

  “Hey, you two.” Jordan sauntered in casually. “Dale would like to see the three of us in his office. Can you spare a few minutes?”

  Nate and Rich glanced at each other then nodded in unison. “What’s going on?” Nate asked.

  Jordan shook his head. “I’m not sure. He just called and asked if I could track you two down.”

  Rich’s curiosity was certainly piqued as he followed his friends into the boss’ office. Dale looked up. “Oh, good. Have a seat.” After a few more clicks of his mouse, he cleared his throat. “I’m sure you know what happened with Senator Kelley.” When the three of them nodded, he continued, “I’d like to have our own crew covering the story. So, which one of you two wants to go on a road trip?”

  “I’ll do it,” Rich volunteered. If the choice really was only down to the two of them, th
ere was no sense tearing Nate out of Roxy’s warm bed and loving arms. A change of scenery would probably do him good. “When do you need me to leave?”

  He picked up the phone and pressed some numbers. “Gladys, I need you to book a roundtrip ticket for Rich Spencer to Arizona.”

  Warning bells blared in his mind. A senator from Arizona had been caught doing inappropriate things in a men’s room on Capitol Hill. Rich assumed that he’d be headed to the east coast. Instead it looked like he was heading to Arizona. To…

  “Okay, Rich, your plane leaves tomorrow morning. Gladys has your itinerary.”

  “Um…which reporter is going with me?”

  “Oh, there won’t be one going with you. She’ll be meeting you in Phoenix.”

  “She, who?” he asked the question as his heart pounded with the answer, Kate-Kate. Kate-Kate.

  “I spoke with Kate just a bit ago, and she will be meeting you at the Marriott in Phoenix tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Does she know who she’s meeting?”

  Dale looked dumbfounded for a moment before shaking it off. “Um, no. Would it make a difference if she did?”

  Probably. “No.” I hope not.

  “Good. Now, get out of here. The next time I see you will be on TV.” He laughed. “Well, I guess I won’t see you. Do me proud, Rich.”

  “Of course.”

  Nate’s brows raised and his eyes asked the questions Rich knew would be voiced as soon as he could get away and dial his phone.

  Sinking down in the driver’s seat of the car, Rich debated on giving Kate fair warning. Offering her an out. But as he dialed the numbers, his thumb refused to hit that send button. His heart ached to be near her. His skin craved the feel of her. Every part of him missed her. Her silence scared the hell out of him. He had never felt so vulnerable in his entire life.

  The phone buzzed in his hand. “Hey, Nate.”

  “You okay, man?”

  “Yeah,” he lied.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to go? It might be more comfortable for her—for you.”

  “No!” Rich nearly shouted. “Sorry, I just…”

  “I get it, buddy. I was just making sure you’re not getting in over your head.”

  “Hell, I was in over my head months ago,” Rich pointed out the obvious. “Dammit, my life sucks.”

  Nate chuckled. “Whatcha gonna do when Jesse shows up with her.”

  “Shut up!” He couldn’t bring himself to think of that. If Jesse did show up, Rich was sure it wouldn’t be pretty.

  Nate’s laughter continued as he tried to speak. “If you…need to talk…I’m here.”

  “Yeah, you sound really convincing, friend.”

  “Good luck, Rich.” He was still laughing as the line went dead.

  When Rich pulled into the drive at home, the house was dark. He went straight to his den and locked the door. He lay down on the couch, throwing an arm over his eyes. His thoughts drifted to Kate, and he didn’t even attempt to persuade them to stop. How pitiful his life was. He had to create fantasies to keep himself from going crazy. What were the odds that she’d bring that nightie to wear for him?

  A half laugh, more pathetic cough, came out of his body. Yeah, right. He slammed his fist into the pillow more times than necessary and rolled over, determined to get some sleep.


  Morning came with an annoying buzz of the alarm clock. Although he’d gotten little sleep, Rich was more than ready to hit the shower and start the day. It was almost as if every cell in his body knew exactly where he was going today.

  He wrote a quick note to Shea and re-read it as he stuck it under a magnet on the fridge.

  Went on an assignment.

  Be back in a few days.


  That way if she came home, she couldn’t accuse him of just running out on her. Further complications weren’t what he needed right now.

  Three pairs of jeans, a pair of slacks, boxers, socks, a half dozen shirts—two of which were the button-up kind she wears in his fantasies—and a pair of pajama bottoms were thrown into a duffel bag. After adding a Zip-lock filled with all his three-ounce toiletries, he was off to the airport, more than eager to get to his destination.

  The plane couldn’t land fast enough, and he was grateful he’d gone the “carry-on” route. Waiting for inept baggage handlers to take their time getting a suitcase to the carousel would have been more than he could have handled.

  His skin buzzed when he eased the rental car into a parking space at the hotel. He grabbed his bags, walked through the revolving door, and stepped up to the reception desk.

  “May I help you?” a cute brunette with big brown eyes asked.

  “Rich Spencer from KHB to check in.”

  She typed for a second then smiled. “Here you are, Mr. Spencer.” She handed him a keycard to room 1040.

  “Thank you. Has…um…has Miss Callahan checked in?”

  More typing. “Not yet.”

  Rich flashed a smile and picked up his bag, heading for the elevator with every intention of just being good and going up to his room. But he couldn’t. Not when the woman he loved more than anything was going to walk through that door at any moment.

  The bar looked really good right now.

  “What can I get you?” asked a large man with muscled, tattooed forearms.

  “Dr. Pepper, extra ice.”

  His brows pulled together as though he didn’t understand the innocence of the drink. But being even remotely intoxicated when Kate arrived would not bode well. Rich needed to be in complete control. The glass made a light thud as it came to rest on the bar.

  “Thanks,” Rich muttered, not taking his eyes off the revolving door that was fed people into the hotel lobby.

  With every tick of the clock, his pulse increased and his heart pounded harder in his chest. Anxiety and excitement intermingled in his bloodstream. If she didn’t get here soon, something might just explode.

  Then… the glass doors started turning again. A woman with auburn hair pushed her way in, followed by a suitcase, and Rich’s breath hitched. She looked out of sorts as she pushed her fingers through her hair. Rich watched the door continue spinning, praying that she was alone.

  She was.

  His body couldn’t get out of the chair fast enough, knocking it backward. His hand flashed out and caught it before it hit the floor. He hurried to the lobby just in time to hear her pulse-stopping voice. “Hi, I’m Kate Callahan with KHB.”

  The girl pulled the same routine as she had with Rich. “Yes, Miss Callahan, here is your key. Room 1042.”

  “Thank you. Um…has anyone else checked in from KHB yet?”

  “Yes, he was here just a bit ago.” Her cheeks tinged pink as she smiled. “He’s really cute, too.”

  Kate winced and Rich cringed. “Do you remember his name?”

  “Um…” Those brown eyes met his, and the check-in girl tipped her head toward him, smiling. “He’s right over there.”

  Kate hesitated for a moment before turning around. Their eyes locked and her face remained emotionless. Rich raised his hand in a pathetic wave. “Hi.” Refusing to give into the urge to rush over to her, to kiss her, Rich walked over slowly and tried to smile. “I’ve missed you.”

  She blinked, that same emotionless look on her face. “I’ve…uh…I’m tired and need to get to my room. Good night, Rich.” Her eyes dropped to the floor and she pushed past him without another word.

  Rich wanted to argue that it was 2:00 in the afternoon. Instead he opted for sulking behind her, fighting the need to hug her. Obviously that wasn’t what she wanted. He stood in the corridor watching her, and as the large silver doors began to close Kate’s eyes remained fixed on the floor beneath her feet.

  Look at me, his thoughts pleaded. She didn’t.

  When the light went out above the elevator, indicating that she was on her way up to her room, his lungs released the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. The rest of
his body started to react to seeing her, being so close to her, and ultimately, being denied by her.

  There was no doubt that Kate’s time with Jesse had gone well. It seemed that her inner conflict was now over and that his chance had ended just as he feared it would. This was most certainly going to be an excruciating couple of days. And a painful rest of his life.

  Seeing Rich standing in the hotel lobby shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Kate was as certain as Jesse was that he’d be the one to volunteer for the assignment. Yet, seeing his handsome face again made her realize what a fool she’d been. He was married for heaven’s sake. Married to a crazy woman, but married nonetheless.

  Her inner dialog was screaming, causing her emotions to rage and her brain to ache. She was nervous to be alone—in a hotel—with Rich. She hated the sadness in his eyes, knowing she’d put it there. But mostly, she was angry—pissed, really—that she let him get to her.

  She slid the key card into the lock and turned the knob when the green light flashed. A king-sized bed took up most of the room, with a small table and two chairs near the window. A television sat propped up on the dresser that was next to a door leading to an adjoining room. Her heart jumped at the thought that Rich might be sleeping on the other side of that door.

  Just like Jesse, Kate knew that this reunion with Rich was going to be difficult, and she worried about how her heart would react. So far, so good. But unlike Jesse, she knew that Rich would respect her wishes, her decision to be with the only man for her.

  Her phone rang, and she knew who would be checking on her—for the millionth time today. “Hi, Jesse.”

  “Hey, baby, everything okay?”

  “Yeah, just got checked in, and I’m in my room, getting settled. The drive kinda wore me out, so I’m going to just hang out and watch some TV before turning in early.” The truth was that the drive was only two hours and wasn’t a big deal at all, but she didn’t want to deal with Jesse’s accusations again.

  “So, um… Is your room nice?”

  “Yeah, it’s okay. There’s a king-sized bed that’s gonna seem awfully lonely.”

  “Lonely is good, KC,” he laughed, but she didn’t miss the suggestive undertone.


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