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Fade to Black

Page 22

by Unknown

  In this case, you’re probably right. At the little table, Kate turned on her laptop and logged on to the hotel’s wifi connection. “So what are your plans for tonight?”

  “I gave Nancy the night off.”


  “I thought I could save myself the money, since you’re not here to keep me preoccupied.”

  “Sure, blame me.”

  His warm laugh flooded through the phone, making her smile. The laughter dwindled and he paused, his breath filling the silence. “Have you met… Who’s your, um… What time is the press conference in the morning?”

  There was little doubt where his question was going before he shifted gears. If he was willing to avoid the subject of Rich, then she certainly was. “9:30. But I want to get there long before then, just in case something happens.”

  “Well, I’ll let you go. Just remember that I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “And Kate?”


  “I trust you,” he whispered just before the line went dead.

  There was a soft knock on the door and she answered it not even wondering who would greet her. “Hi,” Rich said with a forced smile. “I just wanted to check on you. Is everything okay?”

  She tried to swallow her heart which had jumped into her throat. “Yes, everything’s fine. I was just going to do some more research, so I’m ready for tomorrow.”

  He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and wrung his hands. “Can I come in?”

  “I don’t think that’s the best idea, Rich.” It was a horrible idea.

  “Kate,” he said as his eyes smoldered. “I’ll be good. I just want to talk.”


  He laughed, a real belly laugh. “Yes, Kate. Just talking…unless you want more.”

  “Rich,” she warned, starting to close the door.

  His palm smacked against the wood. “I’m sorry. I won’t do that again. Please, I’d like to hear about how the last week went.”

  Kate sighed and resigned herself to the fact that this conversation would have to take place sooner or later. May as well get it over with. “Fine. Come in.” She opened the door and closed it once he was in the room.

  He walked over and sat down in the chair opposite her computer. “So I’m guessing things went well with Jesse then?”

  Kate nodded, positioning herself in the chair across from him, with the table between them. “Things did go well with Jesse.”

  “Did you tell him…?”

  “I told him what happened between us.” Well, not quite everything, but any more than what had already been divulged would have only caused World War III.

  If Rich was surprised that she’d told Jesse about the sweet intimate moments they’d shared, it didn’t register on his face. “How’d he take it?” he asked quietly, his eyes focused on her.

  Kate tipped her head and glared at him. “He wasn’t exactly thrilled by the thought of you kissing me.”

  “You kissed me, too,” he reminded her as his lips pulled into that trademark grin of his.

  She shrugged, unable to deny that. She had been a willing participant. Her eyes avoided his full lips as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “Regardless, I’d avoid Jesse like the plague if I were you. Despite my part in what happened between us, he blames you.”

  A bark of laughter accompanied his huge smile. “Of course, he blames me. Hell, I’d blame me, too.”

  “Rich, I need to say this…” She paused and he nodded. “Please don’t interrupt until I’m finished.”


  “I love Jesse.” He winced, but didn’t react further. “I won’t deny that I had feelings for you, but I can’t continue to let my heart bounce back and forth between two wonderful men. I had to make a choice.” Behind the controlled façade, his eyes betrayed the hurt he felt and she loathed herself for causing it.

  “Jesse’s a lucky man,” Rich whispered with a voice that cracked. “I won’t make our working together more difficult than it already has been.”

  Guilt was an excruciating emotion. “Rich, working with you hasn’t been…difficult.”

  “You know what I mean. I won’t tell you that I adore you, nor will I tell you that I wish things were different and that you were choosing me.” His muscular chest lifted and fell with the deep breath he’d taken. “Well, goodnight, Kate.” He stood and walked to the door. “What time do you want to leave in the morning?”

  “I was thinking 8:00. Is that too early for you?”

  “That’ll be fine. I’ll meet you in the lobby. You’ve got my cell number if you need anything.”

  The door opened and Rich stepped out into the hall. And then he was gone.

  Her heart was relieved and pained at what had just transpired. She hated that she’d caused him any semblance of pain, but it was better that he got over his obsession with her now versus later when he came to his senses and Kate ended up being the one devastated by his nonexistent feelings. He would realize he didn’t love her, that what he felt for her was nothing more than an attraction to a girl who was actually civil to him. But would she ever get over him?

  The rest of the evening was spent trying not to think about Rich. She read all she could on the internet about what had happened with Senator Kelley, Googled the intern’s name, and had gotten a pretty good idea of who he was.

  Kate crawled onto the bed that was way too big for one person, grabbed the notebook from the nightstand, and jotted down some questions for tomorrow’s press conference. Her eyes were heavy, and she finally gave into the exhaustion that was more emotional than physical, letting her lids drift closed.

  Beep. Beep. Beep. The alarm went off at 6:30, and Kate rolled over, stretching. The room was still dark except for the red numbers on the nightstand. She flipped her phone open and dialed the familiar number.

  “Mornin’ baby.” Jesse’s voice was like gravel. He cleared his throat. “How’s that big ol’ lonely bed? Still lonely?”

  “Yes,” she groaned, choosing to ignore the insinuation. “I just wanted to call before I started my day. I’m not sure I’ll have the chance to talk to you before tonight.”

  He cleared his throat. “That’s okay, I’m not gonna be reachable today anyway.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I was going to spend the day with my motorcycle.”

  “Have fun. Call me tonight?”

  “You know I will,” he assured her before the line went dead.

  After a quick shower, Kate blew her auburn hair dry, and applied a light coat of make-up. She dressed in a pants suit and headed toward the lobby. The elevator doors opened and Rich was waiting, just as he’d promised. “Ready?” he asked.

  “I am, if you are.”

  He nodded. “Come on, the rental car’s parked over here.”

  Kate followed him out into the parking lot, pausing while he unlocked the door. He held it while she slid into the passenger seat then closed her into the confined space. Rich was a gentleman to his marrow. He couldn’t help it. It’s just how he was, who he was.

  They pulled up to the state capital, and the media frenzy had already started. Satellite trucks from all over the nation were parked out front. This could be tricky, but Kate liked a challenge. She looked at Rich. “Who’s sending our signal back?”

  “Dale bought some time with CNN’s truck.”

  “Good. Let’s go get our story.”

  “Go get ‘em, girl.” He winked and opened the door.


  Ten hours later Kate was tired and hungry, watching nothing in particular out the window on the way back to the hotel. Rich had been professional and quiet all day, which made her both irritated and grateful. Even now, she could feel the tension crackling in the air between them.

  In numb continued silence they entered the hotel. “Would it be okay if I walked you to your room?” Rich asked quietly.

  Her heart pounded at the thought of Rich anywh
ere near her room. She should have said no, should have told him to stay as far away from her room as the hotel would allow, but her mouth opened and, she said, “Sure, thanks.” Minutes later, they stood at her door and Kate wondered where Rich’s room was, but didn’t want to ask. It was safer not to know.

  He reached for her only to pull his hand back. “Goodnight, Kate. Sleep well,” he said on a sigh.

  “You, too.” Kate walked inside and closed the door, grateful that he hadn’t tried to do anything, because she wasn’t sure she had the strength to stop him. Her cell phone rang. It was a number she didn’t recognize, one with an 801 area code. “Hello?”

  “Kate, it’s Dale. I just wanted to thank you again for covering this story. The choice to have you do it was a good one. Great job today.”


  “Tomorrow, instead of covering the press conferences, I’d like you and Rich to do a background piece. Find out what you can about Senator Kelley, his past, his family, whatever you can dig up…even if it turns out to be a fluffy, humanitarian piece. Okay?”

  “Okay. I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know which way it’s going.”

  “Sounds good. Goodnight.”

  Kate sat the phone down on the nightstand and picked up the hotel’s phone, dialing room service. A burger, fries, and a large Coke would be here in about a half hour. She would have just enough time to catch a shower and wash off the grit of a busy day.

  Standing under the spray helped her to focus, to think. Even though Jesse had said he would be unreachable, and even though, she wouldn’t have had a chance to talk to him even if he had called, she worried at the lack of contact. It was so unlike him.

  After she toweled off and brushed out her hair, she walked out into the room and picked up her phone. If Jesse wouldn’t call, then she’d just have to call him. His phone rang once then dumped her into his voicemail.

  “I love you,” was the only message she left.

  Her body relaxed as she lay back on the bed with the soft pillow cradling her head. Kate was just about to drift into oblivion when there was a knock at the door. Her stomach grumbled in response. Dinner.

  Kate would eat, then, if she hadn’t heard from Jesse, she would call him again… and again, until he picked up his damned phone.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Working with Kate today had been excruciating bliss. She was beautiful as always, and completely competent. Her ability to get to the heart of a story never ceased to amaze Rich.

  He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, refusing to think about her anymore, because thinking about her didn’t do anything but drive the stake further into his heart. Knowing that she was in the next room, only two flimsy doors away, made things all the more tempting.

  A knock on Kate’s door caught his attention. His first thought was Shea. He tried to stamp it down, but his instincts forced him toward the door. It didn’t matter that he was stepping out into the hall in only his boxers. Being buck naked wouldn’t have stopped him from protecting Kate.

  His heart pounded with fear and adrenaline, only to crash through the floor as Jesse pulled her into a hug, lifting her off the floor. Deep bass laughter resonated through the hallway. The white robe she wore pulled up to reveal a perfectly toned thigh. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her.

  “I brought something you promised to model for me,” he said in a husky whisper.

  The door closed softly and Rich’s hands sought the wall for support. He knew exactly what he’d brought for her to wear, and why he was here. Jesse had come to claim his prize; the priceless treasure that had been his all along, Kate’s heart.

  Rich walked into his room and could hear the muffled sounds of the lovers talking, Kate laughing. Against his better judgment, he opened one of the two doors that adjoined their rooms. The action made their voices that much more audible, and he hated himself for the self-imposed torture.

  Muffled laughter vibrated through the wall, and his body ached to be the one pleasuring her. His mind pictured her under him, covered only by a black negligee and his naked skin. His lips would kiss her shoulder as the fabric moved down her arm.

  A masculine chuckle rumbled through the door.

  Rich’s stomach rolled and threatened to heave up the food he’d just put in it. He thought he would be okay with not having Kate as his. He thought he was okay with her loving another man. But actually having to witness that love, to hear it with his own ears was more than he could handle.

  When another round of laughter filled the silence around him, Rich closed the door and locked it, vowing he would never open that door again. He prayed that Jesse wouldn’t stay the entire time they covered the story. His already screwed up insides couldn’t handle days of feeling like this.

  In that moment Rich realized that he had two choices. One, he could lay there and endure the misery of waiting for the headboard to bang on the wall. Or two, he could go down to the bar and get a little liquid relief. At least if he was drunk off his ass, he wouldn’t have to feel the excruciating reality.

  Numb. Yep, that was definitely the option.

  His eyes still stung as he shoved his body into some clothes. When he got on the elevator and checked his appearance in the silver doors, he was grateful that he didn’t look as bad as he felt. At least his clothes matched. But it was hard to screw up jeans and a t-shirt.

  The hotel’s club was nearly empty as he stepped inside. Instead of sitting at one of the tables, Rich opted for a place at the bar with close proximity to the guy in control of the alcohol.

  “What can I get you?” asked the same bartender that had served him earlier.

  “Jack Daniels. A lot of it.” The glass hit the surface of the wood bar and amber liquid was poured into it. Rich lifted it to his lips, downed the contents, and sat the glass back on the counter. “Give me another one.”

  “You’re throwing that stuff back like you got girl troubles,” observed the bartender, filling the glass again.

  “That obvious, huh?”

  “Is it the one you were waiting for yesterday?”

  Kate’s smiling face entered Rich’s thoughts. He downed another swig, trying to rid his mind of the image. “No offense, but I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Hey, no problem, man.” He made a quick swipe with his rag. “Just let me know if you need anything else.” And he walked over to help a guy further down the bar.

  Rich nodded then slowly nursed the drink in his hand. His system wanted to pound them, to eliminate the pain quicker, but he forced himself to drink enough to be numb and still be able to get himself back to his room under his own power.

  One hour passed much the same as the last. The only excitement was the two girls who came in and offered him a three-way. Nate would be so disappointed that Rich didn’t traipse right up to room 935 and get it on with total strangers…no strings attached. Except Rich knew that if he had, regret would have been the only thing he felt in the morning. Especially if Kate…

  Stop that thought right there, chief! His head dropped into his hands, his fingers plowing through the front strands of his hair.

  “Hey, my friend,” the bartender said softly from across the counter. “Last call.”

  Rich looked up. “No more for me, thanks.”

  He took the glass. “I’m afraid you’re not going to be able to hide out in here anymore.”

  Rich laughed bitterly. “Fair enough.”

  After paying his tab and giving his new BFF a hefty tip, Rich headed out into the lobby. The elevator doors opened with a soft ding and a man Rich recognized strolled off. His dark hair was disheveled and the smile on his face spread from one side to the other. Jesse walked like a man on a mission, but it confused Rich as to why he looked so happy to be leaving Kate.

  Rich hoped Jesse would just keep right on walking and not go the route of gloating. The exact moment of recognition was obvious. Jesse’s face melted from elation to hatred in less than a second. H
e stopped dead in his tracks and glowered at Rich. Rich watched the battle between the little angel and devil on Jesse’s broad shoulders as he debated what to do about the fact that they were finally face to face. Rich had no doubt that Jesse knew exactly what Rich had tried to do with the woman he loves. The woman they love.

  Jesse’s jaw worked violently. His teeth audibly ground against each other. His eyes were full of loathing. His chest strained against the t-shirt he wore as he took breath after deep breath, then he closed the distance between them in three strides.

  Rich’s lungs filled with a cleansing breath, and he braced himself for the coming confrontation. Jesse stood in front of Rich, seething. He opened his mouth to speak only to close it again, not that Rich blamed him. Not at all. If the roles were reversed Rich’d be pissed too.

  “I know exactly what you’re trying to do, Rich,” he growled.

  “Do you?” Rich didn’t mean to provoke the gloating bastard, but controlling his tongue wasn’t something his brain could handle at the moment.

  “You can’t have her.” Jesse cracked his knuckles. “The game’s over. She’s made her choice…and you’re looking at him. I will propose to her, soon. We will be married, and I will give her the happily ever after that I’ve always promised her.”

  Rich’s eyes began to sting, and he hated that he was showing any kind of weakness to this man, his enemy, as they stood only inches apart. Rich stepped forward and Jesse braced himself for the receiving end of a punch. Instead, Rich offered his hand. “You’re right, Jesse. You’ve won.” His hand still stuck out awkwardly in the air, and he dropped it back to his side. “Heaven help me, I would love for things to be different…for Kate to love me, to want me. If she were to change her mind, I would take her away from you in a heartbeat.” He laughed bitterly. “Hell, it wouldn’t even take that long.”

  Jesse tipped his head and scrutinized Rich through narrowed eyes.

  “Not that I’ve given you any reason to trust me, but I give you my word that I won’t push her anymore. I can’t hurt her like that.” Rich laughed bitterly. “Besides my ego can only handle so much rejection.”


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