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Love's Fury (Immortal Ireland Book 2)

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by Kristen Cobb

  Alana’s serene demeanor could be due to the fact that she hated Nessa. The possibility that Alana was lying crossed his mind but he could not take the chance with Nessa’s life. Conri tightened his knees against the animal’s sides until the stallion reached a breakneck pace.

  Once they rode through the cluster of cottages that most people called the village Alana pointed toward the river, the exact route he mapped out for Nessa. Conri began to think Alana might actually be telling the truth.

  The last of the daylight was fading below the horizon in a jagged slash of deep orange by the time they headed upriver. Just before opening his mouth to ask Alana how much farther he spotted a group of men on horseback, whether friend or foe impossible to tell from this distance in the waning light. “Is this where you found her?”

  “Yes. They are keeping watch over her. I have been… well, spending time with one of them.” Alana gazed straight ahead at the men rather than adoringly up at him.

  One question immediately bothered him. Why couldn’t one of these men have transported Nessa back to the castle or ridden Alana to come find him? He did not see Nessa or Will laying on the ground anywhere in sight but it was growing dark. Perhaps the men and their horses were blocking his view.

  Conri slowed the horse to a trot as they rode ever closer to the unknown warriors. There were nine men on horseback, all armed with swords. Two of them also carried a battle-ax. A brutal weapon whose only purpose was to hack a man to bits.

  He suddenly had a bad feeling about this entire situation. Conri pulled back gently on the horse’s mane, stopping his mount a few steps away from the small band of warriors. One man cantered his horse away from the pack to meet him. Deep blue eyes the color of the ocean on a clear sunny day with just a hint of violence lurking in their depths met his. Dark black shoulder length hair provided a startling contrast to his eyes. “Declan.” Conri knew immediately that Alana’s tale had been nothing but lies to draw him here.

  Declan could be called a childhood friend of sorts. They were close to the same age, growing up together at Knocknashee. Declan had been cast out first as he was a couple of years older. Their friendship existed more out of necessity than any true affinity for each other. Glenna and Declan were the only other children at Knocknashee while he lived there.

  Declan grinned. “Come here Alana.” Declan’s eyes remained locked on his even though he spoke to Alana.

  Alana pulled her arm out from behind his back, slowly sliding down from the horse, dutifully walking over to Declan. Two of the men hopped down from their mounts to help Alana up onto Declan’s horse in front of him, just the way she liked. They clearly knew her well. Alana slid an arm around Declan.

  He could not imagine this ending well. Even as a child Declan tended toward brutality, killing small animals and bugs for enjoyment. Conri considered making a run for it but his horse would never be able to outrun all of them. At least one of their mounts was likely to be faster than his. At the moment he regretted allowing Nessa to take his horse. His white stallion possessed an unmatched bounty of strength and speed.

  The two men who helped Alana up onto Declan’s horse walked over to him. Before he realized what was happening they both drew daggers, slashing at his horse above each front flank. The injured beast attempted to run away but wound up collapsing within a few steps, sending him tumbling to the ground.

  Conri pulled his sword from its sheath, rolling on the ground to keep from being a stationary target while attempting to stand. By the time he reached his feet, sword in hand, the rest of Declan’s men had dismounted. With no possible way to successfully fight so many alone he decided to try and talk his way out of the situation. “What is this all about Declan?”

  “You have something I want.” Declan might be grinning but there was nothing amiable about his demeanor.

  All eight of Declan’s men moved into position around him, forming a tight circle. The three men standing directly in front of him held swords. Out of the corner of his eye Conri could see that a few of the others only held daggers. He knew there were also men behind him ready to attack.

  Nessa. Her love was the only thing of value he possessed. Declan wanted Nessa and her powers. “You will never be able to control her.”

  “From what I hear she is quite taken with you. If I have you I am guessing she will do just about anything.” Declan nodded ever so subtly.

  Conri felt himself being stabbed in the back by more than one dagger before he could even react. Screaming out in pain he fell to his knees. Trying to hang onto his sword proved useless. The weapon fell to the ground as his grip failed, an intense burning pain coursing through his body. One of the men standing in front of him plunged a sword through his abdomen.

  Declan’s voice reached him through the haze of pain. “As soon as your lady love bonds with me, sharing her powers, I will set you free. It is the least I can do for an old friend.”

  Conri nearly stopped breathing as the sword was slowly drawn out of his midsection. He felt the flat of the metal blade being wiped off on his tunic as the man cleaned his weapon. Two men looped their arms beneath his armpits, lifting him up onto his feet. He did not have enough strength to resist. Warm blood pouring from his wounds began soaking into his clothing, the wet cloth sticking to his skin.

  Soon he would not be able to open his eyes or talk. He had been through this before, more than once. His body would shut down to conserve energy while trying to heal itself. He was completely helpless at this point.

  As they threw his body over the top of a horse he could hear Nessa saying she would do anything to protect him. She had been right about the danger but wrong about the source.

  DERMOT REFUSED to meet with her. Sitting on the grass beside the dirt road leading to his main stronghold Nessa contemplated her next move. Apparently the guards had orders to refuse her entry, banned from the only real home and family she’d ever known.

  Dermot’s home in Ferns could not compare to Rory’s compound. It was made of stone but had only one level. Built on an elevated spot no wall surrounded the building. Just like Dunamase it used the landscape for defense. Building on top of a hill made it impossible for invaders to mount a surprise attack. Certainly not as effective as a stone wall but a defense nonetheless. She could see the grey stone structure from where she sat although it might as well be a world away.

  Dermot’s refusal to see her while disappointing was not entirely surprising. He had never been the forgiving sort. She would be back in her husband’s arms in a matter of days. To say she missed him could easily be called an understatement. Her thoughts were consumed with the desire to have Conri riding beside her and sleeping beside her. Nothing felt right without him.

  “Do you want to leave now? There is still plenty of light left.” Will’s voice sounded behind her as he returned from leading the horses to a nearby pond for a drink.

  “No. We have come this far. I will try again tomorrow. He might change his mind and agree to see me.” That scenario seemed unlikely but nevertheless possible.

  Will sat down next to her on the thick grass, leaning back on his hands as he stretched out his legs. “I for one would welcome a break from sitting on that horse.”

  “I have no idea how to save Conor.” Saying the words out loud somehow made the situation real. Up until this very moment she’d been deluding herself into believing that somehow it would all work out. Killing Rory seemed the only way to save Conor’s life but the very thought caused a multitude of unwanted feelings she refused to acknowledge.

  “Maybe you were not meant to. Did you ever consider that your real destiny might be Conri, not saving Conor?” Will’s eyes were closed, his face turned up toward the sun.

  Nessa found her first smile since they left Rory’s castle. Will had suddenly grown up and become a real adult lately. Oddly enough being rendered destitute by his father proved to be a precious gift disguised as a hardship. “Since when did you become so wise?”

  “I have always
been wise. You simply never noticed.” Will opened his eyes and pushed her over. Before she could get up he sat on top of her, legs straddling her midsection. “I am not letting you up until you admit that I am the wisest man you have ever known.” Will’s light brown hair fell about his face in the most appealing way, no longer quite as wild now that he spent all of his time on land rather than battling the ocean winds.

  It reminded her of their childhood. She tried to push him off but Will held firm. “Get off me.” The grin spread across her face likely negated any force the statement might have in removing Will from his position above her.

  “No. First you must submit.” Will puffed out his chest as if he were the strongest warrior in the world.

  “Never.” She could easily throw him off using her powers but where was the fun in that. They had not enjoyed such a comfortable rapport in quite some time. In the end falling in love with Conri saved her relationship with Will.

  “Then you must answer one question with complete and total honesty.” Will peered down at her with a very serious expression, as if the question were of the utmost importance.

  “Fine. Ask your question brave warrior.” Nessa tried to imagine what his question would be. Most likely something incredibly silly like am I the greatest man alive.

  “Why is Dermot so angry with you?” She could almost see Will mulling over the problem in his mind, turning it around a different way to try and find the answer.

  Rory and Conri were the only two people aware of Dermot’s assassination plot.

  “I was wondering the same thing.” Aoife’s voice came from behind Will.

  “Would you please get off me now. We have company.” There seemed no point in pushing Will again. He would move when he chose and not a moment before. Removing Will was not a valid reason to use her powers in front of Aoife.

  Will stood, his legs still straddling her body, reaching down to help her up. Nessa glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “It is good to see that some things never change. Are the two of you ever going to get married?” Aoife’s comment told her Laurence refrained from sharing any information concerning her marriage to Conri.

  Will turned around to face Aoife, freeing her to stand up at the same time. “Actually Nessa has…”

  “No plans to marry at this point.” Conri’s life could easily become a weapon to use against her in Dermot’s hands.

  Will turned his head quickly to look at her, eyes narrowed, silently disagreeing with her decision to lie.

  Nessa pat the ground in front of her, smiling sweetly at Aoife. “Come, sit with me. There is much we need to discuss.”

  “Like why my father is so angry he will not even allow you inside?” Aoife lowered her body to the thick grass. Crossing her legs Aoife gently arranged the deep-green material of her dress so it lay perfectly surrounding her body.

  Nessa was shocked into momentary silence when Will sat behind her, one leg stretched out on either side. Wrapping his arms around her waist he laid his chin on her shoulder. “What are you doing?” She jabbed him with an elbow but he held on tight.

  “Since you are not married there is still a chance that I can win your heart.” Will hugged her even tighter, his chest pressed against her back.

  “I am trying to protect him.” Nessa turned her head just a bit toward Will. “Why are you doing this?” She fairly hissed the words at him.

  “He does not need your protection. You should have brought him with us.” Will moved to sit beside her.

  “You married?” Aoife’s brown eyes opened wide in her perfectly proportioned face, leaning her petite body forward just a bit in anticipation.

  “Yes, but I would rather your father not know about it. Can you keep this between us?”

  “Of course. Now tell me all about him.” The smile on Aoife’s face proved infectious.

  Nessa found herself smiling back. “He is handsome and brave. The kindest man I have ever met.”

  Will coughed and turned away, apparently disagreeing with that particular assessment.

  Nessa narrowed her eyes at him. “He is kind and compassionate and…”

  “He is only kind and compassionate with you. To the rest of us he is a cold arrogant demanding tyrant.” Will grinned as he said it, his affection for the cold arrogant tyrant evident.

  “Well she is the only one who matters.” Aoife stuck her chin up in the air as if quite certain her proclamation was true.

  “I should have brought him with me.” Nessa avoided Will’s I told you so grin by not even glancing at him.

  “I would have liked that. Who were you trying to protect him from? My father?” The sadness in Aoife’s eyes told Nessa she knew the answer to her own question.

  “I was supposed to kill the high-king for him. Your father is angry that I told Rory about the plan rather than murdering him.” The rift between her and Dermot might never be mended. Although rather tragic she would not change a thing even were she able to go back in time.

  “Rory O’Connor?” Aoife’s eyes opened even wider.

  Nessa nodded at Aoife then turned to look at Will. “That was the bond you and Glenna suddenly noticed. Rory has kept the plot a secret to protect me. He has kept all of my secrets.” Aoife remained unaware that her powers were real and she wanted to keep it that way. Rumors were not the same as knowing for certain.

  “The man has feelings for you. I am not certain whether it is love or not but he is definitely smitten.” At least Will was no longer accusing her of having an affair with Rory. He appeared to be pondering the situation even as he spoke.

  “The high-king is in love with Nessa? He is not the one you married is he?” Aoife’s eyes could not possibly open any wider.

  “No. I married the captain of his guard. His name is Conri…” Nessa looked pointedly at Will for the rest of her statement. “And I love him very much.”

  Will rolled his eyes. “I know you love Conri. Everyone knows you love Conri but what happens when Rory sets the date for Conor’s execution? How far will you go to protect him?”

  “Rory O’Connor is going to kill my brother?” Aoife’s generally calm collected demeanor fell apart. “You cannot allow that to happen.” Aoife reached out, grabbing both of her hands. “Please Nessa, convince the king to change his mind. Do whatever you must. You cannot let him kill my brother.”

  Nessa pulled her hands away, tired of the responsibility for this situation being settled on her shoulders. “This particular tragedy is entirely your father’s fault. I begged him to honor the treaty. He refused. I warned him that Rory would execute Conor if he violated the treaty. He did it anyway. Your father recently sent Rory a taunting missive, threatening to unseat him as high-king. Now I have come to tell him Rory is ready to set the date for Conor’s execution and he refuses to even let me in. There is no more I can do. If you are suggesting I sleep with Rory to manipulate him into sparing Conor the answer is no. I love my husband and would never, ever hurt him in such a way. Tell your father to honor the treaty and apologize to Rory. That is the only way to save Conor.” Nessa stood up, angrier than she’d been in a very long time. “You may also inform your father that I have pledged my loyalty to Rory. There will be no assassination of our king.”

  Nessa looked into Will’s familiar blue eyes, attempting to cool the worst of her anger. It only helped to a point. All of the times Dermot used her over the years began running through her mind. He never actually cared about her. She was simply a weapon to be used, like a sword or a battle-ax. “I would like to leave now.”

  Will stood up and hugged her.

  Nessa threw her arms around him, burying her head against his shoulder. That tirade had been a long time in coming. The emotions behind the words were painful to accept.

  Will pulled away, throwing an arm across her shoulders. “I do believe it is time to go home.”

  They began walking toward the horses together, Will’s arm draped protectively around her. Home. How odd that R
ory’s castle actually felt like home now.

  HE COULD HEAR THEM TALKING. Sitting on a dirt floor the cold stone of the wall behind him let Conri know he was still alive. His hands were chained together as were his feet, the iron manacles a constant reminder of his predicament.

  He wanted to open his eyes but knew all too well the dire consequences of that action. Opening his eyes informed Declan’s men their captive was beginning to recover. Once he finished eating, which they only did to keep him alive at Declan’s orders, the game would begin again, stabbing him repeatedly until his body shut down.

  They enjoyed tormenting him. He could still hear their laughter in his mind and feel the cold steel of multiple blades slashing into his body. There were stab wounds almost everywhere at this point. The mere thought of opening his eyes created a wave of terror that flooded through his entire body. It felt as if he were drowning in fear.

  The smell of excrement and urine assaulted his senses. They never unchained him nor were they bothering to clean him. All he could do at this point was wait helplessly for Nessa to save him.

  Conri had complete faith in his wife. She would eventually get him out of this unfathomable predicament. Hunger gnawed at his insides, the will to survive stronger than his desire to avoid the burning pain of numerous stab wounds.

  Opening his eyes Conri tried to speak. All that came out was a hoarse whisper. “Hungry.”

  Alana turned angry eyes on him, glaring for a moment before standing up. She sat at a cluttered trestle table in the center of the one room cottage with a few of Declan’s men.

  Would Declan actually release him if Nessa complied? Doubtful. Declan’s word was likely worthless. Once he possessed Nessa’s powers there would be no stopping the evil outcast. Right before she left for Leinster Nessa said she would do anything to protect him, hopefully that did not include bonding with Declan. He would rather die than see her bonded to someone so evil.


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