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Love's Fury (Immortal Ireland Book 2)

Page 3

by Kristen Cobb

  If Nessa refused to bond with Declan finding him could take some time. The real problem with that being there was a limit to what his body would be able to endure.

  Alana sauntered over with a plate of food and a cup of water. She set the wooden plate on his lap then thrust the wooden cup into his hands. His arms trembled as he raised the cup to his lips, holding it with both hands because of the heavy iron shackles. His hands shook, sloshing water onto his shirt. Weak from lack of food as well as the wounds sapping what little strength he did have, even lifting the cup to his lips proved to be a struggle. Once he consumed every drop of water Conri set the cup down on the floor between his legs.

  “You smell.” Alana wrinkled up her nose in disgust, turning her head away ever so slightly. “I cannot imagine why I was ever interested in you. When I am queen of the immortals you will be put in your place. You and that annoying wife of yours.”

  Conri picked up a slice of roasted pork. Biting off a healthy portion he slowly chewed. His body could not seem to accomplish anything quickly at the moment. Apparently Declan promised Alana she could be his queen and they would rule all of the immortals once he possessed Nessa’s powers. The woman was a complete and total fool if she believed that. No matter how this played out Nessa would kill Alana. Declan needed Nessa alive to access her powers. Alana would be completely unnecessary unless Declan really did care for her. He found it difficult to believe Declan could actually love anyone. No, his plans for Alana had nothing to do with being queen of the immortals. Conri envisioned a heavy price to be paid by Alana for her foolishness and greed.

  Chewing another bite of meat he looked down at the wooden plate in his lap, one more slice of meat and a few carrots. Not exactly a feast but it would keep him alive for another day.

  Picking up the other slice of meat he watched two of Declan’s men stand up and walk across the room, daggers in hand. His stomach clenched as he tore off a sizable chunk of the pork with his teeth. It was nothing short of a miracle that he usually managed to keep his food down while they stabbed him.

  Conri shoved the last of the meat into his mouth as the men reached him. They watched him chew for a moment until one of them grew tired of waiting. He did not know any of their names, nor did he care. They all looked the same, angry.

  The man reached down, grabbing the carrots off the plate. Conri barely finished chewing the meat when the man shoved the carrots into his mouth. “Eat faster.”

  When the others laughed his anger exploded. Reaching up he wrapped the chains binding his wrists behind the man’s neck. Pulling his captor’s face close he spit the carrots at him then smashed his forehead into the man’s nose, grateful they were not smart enough to bind his hands behind him.

  Conri could hear the others running over as the man’s dagger plunged into his side. “You will regret that.” The man pulled his head out from under the chains, blood flowing from his nose, twisting the dagger before removing it.

  The others all began stabbing him. He felt a dagger plunge into his flesh just below his right arm then into his left leg. Another sliced open his left arm above the elbow. Feeling himself being pulled up into a standing position Conri knew he was in serious trouble.

  Alana stood watching, smiling as if she enjoyed seeing him suffer. “Do you wish you had chosen me now?”

  He managed to lift his head just enough to spit in her direction.

  Alana’s face contorted in fury. Grabbing a dagger from one of the men she plunged it up into his groin. Surreal pain jolted through his body. A scream escaped despite his attempt to hold it in.

  They held him upright when his body went limp. His eyes closed but unconsciousness would not be saving him from this torment. His body would appear to shut down but he could hear and feel everything. That meant there was no escape from the pain. Eventually sleep would claim him but not until the pain subsided. That did not happen very often lately.

  Alana had not removed the dagger stuck in his groin. The men cheered each other on as someone stuck a dagger in his side, leaving that one in as well.

  In his head he began screaming his wife’s name. Over and over silently screaming Nessa as another dagger plunged into his body.


  Nessa desired only one thing at the moment, to see Conri. It felt good to be home but for some reason everyone seemed to be staring, almost as if they were terrified of her.

  Will walked beside her as they headed into the castle. “Have you noticed the way everyone is looking at you?”

  “It is every last one of them. How could I not?” The tension inside her pulled tight, fraying her nerves as they neared the castle. Something was seriously wrong. She could feel it.

  Sedric came running out to meet her, moving surprisingly fast for such a large man. “Rory wishes to speak with you, in private. He has asked that I take you to him immediately.”

  “I would like to see my husband first.” Nessa continued walking toward the front door. One of the guards held it open, the same nervous expression on his face as all the others.

  “You need to meet with Rory.” Sedric gently laid a hand on her arm.

  Nessa stopped and looked into his eyes. Pity and sorrow were what she noticed most. “What is going on? Has something happened to Conri?”

  “I would rather let Rory tell you. Please just…”

  “Tell me what is going on.” It took every bit of self-control she could muster not to use her powers on Sedric, to force the truth out of him. Something obviously happened to Conri. Her first reaction was to lash out.

  Sedric held his ground admirably although the pity in his eyes quickly turned to fear. “Please, I have my orders. Rory wants to be the one to tell you.”

  Now she knew why everyone was staring at her in abject terror. They feared her reaction. Clenching her fists Nessa attempted to control the amount of power flowing into her body, taking a step closer to Sedric. “I am trying very hard to control myself and not hurt you. Tell me what is going on. Now.”

  Sedric took a step back. “Conri has been taken. Please, just come inside and talk to Rory. He will explain everything.”

  “What more is there to explain?” Nessa could feel the anger emanating from her eyes toward Sedric, her hands clenching and unclenching.

  Wills arms went around her from behind. “Do not take your anger out on Sedric. He is only the messenger, and a friend. We should go find Rory.”

  “Our king has been informed of your return. He awaits you in his private sitting room.” Sedric took another step back just to be safe.

  Nessa closed her eyes for a moment trying to find some measure of control, leaning back against Will.

  “We will find him Ness.” Will’s arms lessened their grip just a bit when she leaned back.

  Nessa took one long deep breath before gently pushing Will’s arms away. Walking toward the front door leading into the castle she felt numb with shock now.

  A list of questions flowed through her mind as she nearly ran toward Rory’s tower. How did they know for certain Conri had been abducted? Did they have any other information? Why did Rory insist on telling her himself? Had Conri been killed? Running was not even an option now. She could barely make her feet move down the hallway toward Rory’s tower. He could not be dead. She left Conri here to protect him.

  One of the guards at the bottom of the stairwell actually looked into her eyes as she approached, the first person other than Sedric to look at her with anything other than fear. There was a message in his gaze that she could not quite read.

  Climbing the stairs one by one it felt as if her heart stopped beating. Conri was gone, possibly forever.

  Standing outside the door to Rory’s private sitting room Nessa could not bring herself to push it open. She had never felt so lost and devastated. Will reached around her, opening the door.

  Rory sat in one of the upholstered chairs facing the doorway, the sadness in his eyes nearly unraveled her tightly wound emotions. Forcing herself to walk into th
e room she knew Will followed right behind, hearing him close the door. Her eyes never left Rory.

  “Is he still alive?” That particular question commanded the most attention in her chaotic mind.

  “As far as I know he is. We have the man who claims to be responsible but he will only speak to you.” As always Rory remained a paragon of self-control, appearing completely calm and collected.

  Relief caused the tension in her body to ease ever so slightly. Conri might still be alive. Anger quickly replaced all other emotions. “Where is the man who took my husband?” She could feel the telltale warmth of her eyes beginning to glow as power flooded into her body. This time she had no intention of controlling it.

  “Not until you have yourself under control.” Rory had to be one of the bravest men alive to sit there calmly and refuse to answer her question under these particular circumstances. He did not appear the least bit nervous or threatened.

  Nessa walked across the room to stand an arm’s length from him. “Take me to him, now.” Staring into his dark eyes she consciously attempted to intimidate him. Any other man would be terrified into submission at this point.

  “No, I can see how angry you are. If you kill him now we might never find Conri. When your eyes stop glowing I will take you and not a moment before.” Rory’s expression hardened, not a man who took orders from others under any circumstances.

  “Fine.” Nessa sat down in a chair across from Rory. All of the chairs in the room were upholstered in red, his favorite color. She tried focusing on the empty seat next to him but red was not a soothing color. It reminded her of blood, which made her think of killing the man responsible for taking Conri.

  Will took a seat next to her, remaining on the edge of the chair, watching them as if he expected the situation to explode at any moment.

  Nessa desperately tried to release some of the power her body had taken in. Controlled fury was the best she could do. After sitting there staring at the chair for what seemed forever she stood up. She could feel the heat radiating from her eyes. “I am unlikely to become any calmer than this. If you do not lead me to him right now I will search every room in this castle until I find him and there is not a man alive that will be able to stop me.” Nessa walked across the smooth wooden floor to stand in front of Rory’s chair. “I have no wish to hurt you but I will do what I must. No one will keep me from finding Conri.”

  Rory stood, anger flashing in his ebony eyes. “I would never prevent you from finding Conri. I am trying to help. You are in no condition to question the man right now.”

  “And yet that is exactly what I intend to do. He will tell me where Conri is or suffer the consequences.” The power inside her threatened to burst forth as she thought about Conri being held hostage, possibly mistreated.

  Rory turned to Will. “Leave us.”

  “I do not think it is wise for me to leave you alone with her right now.”

  “Leave!” Rory’s fierce gaze and commanding tone did not encourage discussion.

  Nessa heard the sole of Will’s boots scrape against the wood floor, then the door open and close.

  A silent contest of wills ensued after Will left. They stood staring at each other for a ridiculous amount of time. Not once did she even consider hurting him. Somehow staring into Rory’s eyes slowly calmed the volatile rage boiling within her to something manageable.

  “How long have you been holding him?” A bit of information before meeting the man responsible for taking her husband would likely be helpful.

  “He arrived yesterday asking to speak with you. He immediately took responsibility for Conri’s disappearance. I have him in shackles, heavily guarded.” Rory continued to stand his ground, not backing away from her at all.

  “Do we know anything else about him?” Rory said the man would only speak to her. That meant she was the real target, not Conri. He wanted her powers.

  “Etain knew him as a boy, says his name is Declan. Apparently he is one of the outcasts.” Rory peered intently into her eyes as if searching for something. “Are you ready to meet him now?”

  She did feel much calmer, more rational. Now she also knew what the man wanted, her powers. Did he know about her ability to bond and share those powers? Conri’s abduction suggested he did. The alternative being Declan intended to hold Conri indefinitely to try and control her. Her eyes must have stopped glowing since Rory deemed her ready to confront the man.

  Nessa merely motioned toward the door in answer since she had no idea where they were headed.

  “Do not get carried away and kill him.” Rory’s statement implied he knew she intended to hurt Declan while questioning him.

  “I am most definitely going to kill him but I will wait until we find Conri.” Nessa motioned toward the door again, attempting to be patient.

  Finally Rory led her out of the room and down the narrow stairs carved from grey stone slabs. It always felt as if she were about to tumble down the stairwell. They were uneven and not wide enough for an entire foot to fit on each step, forcing your body to lean forward at times.

  Rory led her down the candlelit hallway toward the tower containing Conri’s chamber. When he turned up the winding stone stairwell she almost laughed. He locked Declan in the last place she would have looked, almost directly under Conri’s bedchamber.

  There were four guards stationed at the entrance to the tower. Two more stood watch directly in front of the first door they reached. When one of them opened the door Rory did not hesitate as she expected. He walked right in without asking her again if she were under control. One of the guards removed a burning candle from an iron sconce mounted in the stonewall.

  Nessa stood in the doorway while the guard lit a candle in the room, Rory’s warning still fresh in her mind, do not get carried away and kill him. Trying to hold the worst of her anger at bay she entered the room as the man left. His eyes met hers as they passed and suddenly she understood the silent message. Solidarity. Conri’s men were all on her side, willing to do whatever necessary to help find him.

  The man on the bed appeared to be average height, lean of build with thick shoulder length black hair. The most stunning dark blue eyes she had ever seen stared back at her, so beautiful looking away proved difficult. He sat on the bed leaning back against the wall, arms shackled behind him, legs chained together at the ankles. The grin on his face immediately riled her temper.

  Over and over she replayed Rory’s warning in her mind, do not get carried away and kill him. She could not let Declan push her over the edge. Finding the man she loved needed to be her sole focus at the moment.

  “This must be Nessa. We have much to discuss. You are even more beautiful than I imagined.” No doubt Declan’s blue eyes charmed many a maiden.

  “There is only one thing we need to discuss. Tell me where to find Conri. If he is unharmed I might consider allowing you to live.” She seriously doubted he would give in that easily but it seemed only fair to give him the chance before unleashing her wrath.

  “Once we are bonded I will take you to Conri. You have my word.” Declan’s voice sounded smooth, almost soothing.

  Power began surging into her body. Careful to keep a tight rein on her anger Nessa looked intently at Declan. Quickly raising her hand she threw an enormous amount of energy at him, mentally directing it to wrap around the man who dared harm her husband. The wispy silver strands of power coiled quickly around his body. She considered pulling the glittering cocoon tighter around Declan’s body, squeezing the life out of him. He needed to die for hurting Conri. Thinking about Rory’s warning Nessa took a deep breath, attempting to gain some measure of control over her anger.

  Controlling the power was all done in her mind. Using her hands merely helped her mind visually direct the strands of energy. It was an instinctual reaction. Humans did things with their hands. Throwing her hand out to the left she directed the power to lift Declan off the bed and throw him across the room.

  Wrapped in a sparkling silver cocoo
n of deceptively tenacious power Declan’s body smashed face first against the unyielding stonewall next to the door, just barely missing the table and chairs set into a corner of the room as he crashed to the floor. Turning his head to the side at the last instant Declan likely managed to avoid a broken nose.

  “Tell me where Conri is.” With no guarantee Declan would actually reveal Conri’s location bonding needed to be the option of last resort. The thought of giving this reprehensible human being nearly unlimited power settled in the pit of her stomach like rancid meat, being bonded to him unconscionable. In the end she would do anything necessary to find Conri, even bind herself to a man she hated. She could not allow her mate to be killed without doing everything possible to save him.

  Declan groaned and slowly opened his eyes, wincing in pain as he tried to uncurl his body. “As soon as we bond I will…”

  In the blink of an eye Nessa wrapped a blanket of shimmering energy around Declan’s body, flinging him across the room with a wave of her hand. She heard the crack of his skull hitting the stone of the exterior wall before his body fell onto the bed. “Tell me where my husband is.”

  Rory stood silently beside her, making no move to interfere.

  Declan lay in a heap on the bed. “Kill me or bond with me. Those are your only two options.” His voice, while not very loud, conveyed unwavering determination.

  “Why should I trust you to release Conri?” Abducting Conri proved Declan could not be trusted. Once bonded there would be no reason for him to reveal her husband’s location.

  “What choice do you have?” Declan opened his eyes, looking directly at her. “How much do you love him?”

  Rory leaned over, whispering in her ear. “That is enough for now. We need to talk.”

  Part of her wanted to stay and continue flinging Declan’s body into walls until he revealed what she wanted to know or died. Rory, being the only reasonably objective person in the room, made sense. This was likely getting them nowhere. She needed a plan. Declan did not appear the least bit frightened or ready to concede defeat.


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