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Demon Stone

Page 4

by D E Boske

At one time, all elves lived in the forests of Kiri A’ Nouell. Thousands of years ago, a great rift separated them. Half the elves left to make their home in Kaleika Bay. They longed to be by the ocean. Those elves vanished until very recently with the appearance of Nephraete. She was the daughter of Thelarki, ruler of Kaleika Bay. Then the Gor Li’ Khan came. Six of the elven assassins had joined ranks with Kyler and Kiri A’ Nouell. Strange happenings that none of them could explain. What could it all mean?

  “For this, I will ask Darian to explain, as he is well versed in this area,” said the Monarch, keeping his face blank. The Mage rose from his seat, capturing them all with his silvery grey eyes.

  “Tynuviel lives, it is true. Calisha followed the wyrm into Thunder Peak before turning back. She is injured, we don’t know how badly. He tried to make contact, but she was in no position to comprehend. Morphindinaetlus has taken her to bait me to his lair. He wants me blinded by rage and madness. He believes he can defeat me this way. Obviously, he does not know me or how I was raised. I will walk willingly into his trap. But I will not be alone. Nay, for this attack is personal to me and to Kiri A’ Nouell!” the Mage roared, slamming his hand on the wooden table and startling them all.

  “Calisha and Kyler have pledged to go with me. And a dangerous road it will be. The green beast will not be easy to kill. He will take her to his lair in the Ancient Mountain. I have been there before and can find my way again. Who before me will stand with Kiri A’ Nouell? Who before me will accompany me to Ancient Mountain to the wyrm’s lair? Who before me will exact revenge on the dragon for his torment of a daughter of Kiri A’ Nouell? How many of you will be there when we rescue the Monarch’s daughter?”

  More than one elf raised his eyebrows at that comment. Every one of them felt the pull of Darian’s words. He was an excellent speaker and all present were ready to follow him, despite the risks.

  “Darian, show us what you plan to do,” Galavad responded, knowing what came next would not be welcomed.

  The Mage put his left index finger on the chain and silently called for the demon. Grey smoke swirled around the Mage as a shape took form. Sigorna appeared moments later. The council room erupted in violence and mayhem. Not an elf remained seated. Nothing could be heard or understood from all the shouting. Most of those present reverted to their native tongue so shocked were they.

  “Besh Toh’ Len!” Darian shouted. But no one heard him. “Besh Toh’ Len!” Darian commanded with a hint of magic in his voice. Immediately, the room went absolutely still.

  Kinistaya admired the way in which Darian controlled the room and everyone in it. He found himself believing in the Mage’s cause. He was not altogether sure his thoughts were his own or if they’d been enhanced by the Mage’s skill.

  “I know the prospect of a Falahari in your homeland is unsettling to you…”

  “Are you An Gla’ Mah?” interrupted the Elflord, standing to face off against the Mage. “What’s the matter with you Darian? Normally, you do not show a lack of good sense.” At this, Sigorna drew himself up to his full

  height and spread his wings; a horrific sight.

  “Nay Kiel. I am not insane. Getting Tynuviel back is only the beginning for me. From there, I have a very dark road to travel. One I very likely may never return from. The Falahari is bound to me and cannot harm anyone or anything unless I command him to do so. It is perfectly safe. I did not bring him here to ask for your permission!” At this statement, Darian seemed to grow before their very eyes. As if he wasn’t tall enough before. Now he was dark and imposing. “Morphindinaetlus is a wily beast, tough to kill on any given day. But in his lair? It will be nigh impossible! Can you do it Kiel? Will you walk into his lair alone and take down the mighty beast? You’re either braver than I thought or you’re Bri Vec’ Du. And I don’t think you’re stupid,” venom laced the Mage’s words as he locked eyes with the Elflord.

  “The Gor Li’ Khan stand with Darian and Kyler. We will accompany you,” said Kryndale, as he rose from his seat.

  “My thanks, friend,” Darian responded. Not a light statement coming from the cagey Mage.

  “I will go with you,” said Nephraete, and Kyler began to object.

  “Fear not, Kyler, I will keep her safe. No harm shall befall her,” assured Calisha.

  “You can count on me,” said Asa, standing.

  “And us!” Stryker said with enthusiasm. Kiel and Tireniel stood as well. Lorin and Chamlen rose, pledging their services. Plistin, Tulani, Killini and Tryllia pledged their help, too. Mordinian, Torgyn Ro and Shaz were the last to rise.

  “Oh hell! Are you still here?” asked Darian, not quite kidding. Darian was touched. He did not expect so many to come forward. But he feared these few would not be enough.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  In Al-Dan-Tir, Tansher Morningstar called his Knights to him. The appearance of Morphindinaetlus flying low over the city with a woman in his grasp had them on guard and seriously worried.

  Rohn and Koryn were on the city wall making their rounds when the dragon flew overhead.

  “Hey, isn’t that one of the elves that was with Kyler?” asked the handsome Rohn.

  Koryn shrugged. “Dunno. Couldn’t see her so well. You have better eyes, my friend. If you say so, then it is so.” A messenger came running to them with their replacements behind him.

  “Tansher wants to see you two immediately! He’ll meet you in the guardhouse,” panted the messenger, gulping deep breaths of air into his deprived lungs. He was bent over with his hands on his knees.

  Rohn Skyblade and Koryn ran all the way to the guardhouse. It must be important. They knew it had to be about the dragon’s appearance, it could not be coincidence. As they entered the guardhouse, they noticed that many Knights were gathered already.

  Firehawk, a battle-hardened elf with shoulder length dark hair and silver eyes, was already there. He had a great double-edged broadsword strapped on his back. The hilt was made of gold with a ruby set in the pommel. No one knew much about him as he was a loner and preferred his own company. But that sword was worth a king’s ransom. It only made his companions wonder anew about where he came from and why he left.

  There were many gathered, but Rohn did not pay attention. As soon as they walked in, Tansher began to speak and he banished all other thought.

  “Everyone is here, good. We may begin. As you are all aware, the dragon is up to something. He has a captive, this we cannot allow. Did anyone get a good look at her?”

  “I believe it is an elf that traveled with Kyler. She looked familiar, though I do not know her name,” remarked Rohn.

  “We cannot allow her to remain in his captivity for long. And yet, we will not be enough to kill the wyrm and rescue her. I am open to suggestions on what you think we should do.”

  “Maybe we should ride to Kiri A’ Nouell. We may be of use to them in this battle. Who knows what has befallen them if the beast was able to capture her. They might not be able to respond or they think her dead. In that case, I think it our duty to go and warn them that she lives and offer our help to save her,” said Firehawk.

  Rohn felt sick to his stomach at the thought of going to Kiri A’ Nouell. His sister was there. He was not ready to see her again. She thought him dead. He’d been gone so long now…He ran a hand through his silvery-blue hair. Taking a deep breath, he got himself under control.

  “You have something on your mind, Rohn?” asked the perceptive Tansher. The leader of the Knights knew his charges and he could tell when something was amiss.

  “No. I… was just thinking… It might be a waste of time to go there. It is a long road and it may be for nothing. We cannot know their position or what they plan to do. For all we know they might be on their way even now.”

  Koryn looked askance at his friend. He could tell Rohn was hiding something, but what? He seemed unnerved by the prospect of running into Kyler. Why? He’d fought beside the elf for years now. He was fearless and intelligent. Rohn put himself in ha
rm’s way many times just to save him. Why would he fear Kyler?

  “Rohn, how can you say that? I know you cannot mean that. You’re an elf after all. They are our people. What’s bothering you?” asked Firehawk.

  “Nothing. Of course I want to help. I do not want the wyrm taking anyone. Elf or human. I just think we might waste precious time. Kiri A’ Nouell is a long way away—in the wrong direction.”

  “I understand. But you are an elf, they are your people. The magic of the forest will let you pass. I will go with you, my friend,” said Koryn, putting a hand on Rohn’s shoulder. Rohn gave a resigned nod. It seemed it was fate that he meet up with his sister again.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  “It will take some time to gather the needed supplies. It will be a long, hard road and I don’t know when we’ll be able to resupply. The Ancient Mountain is in an uninhabited frozen wasteland. Bitter cold even in the summer, it never gets above freezing and the animals that have learned to live there will not be able to sustain us.

  “But our travel will be greatly reduced. We will use the gate to Thunder Peak and go west over the mountain. This will cut down weeks of travel,” explained Darian.

  “It shall be as you say,” responded Galavad.


  Tynuviel woke from a horrific dream only to find herself in another one. Morphindinaetlus kept her chained to the wall on one of his many mounds of treasure. He did not want her to escape. Not that she would get very far. Something was digging painfully into her ribs. The more she tried to shift her weight to relieve the discomfort, the more something else pained her. A tear traced its way down her lovely face.

  She thought she heard someone talking in the next chamber. She could not make out any words, as they spoke in low tones. Who would he be talking to? Who could survive here? What she’d managed to see on her way here wasn’t very encouraging. She strained to hear something, anything, but even her heightened elf ears could not make out a word.

  A short while later, the dragon came stalking back to her. He was alone. She prayed silently to Starshenna for strength to make it out of here alive.

  “So, you are awake. Sounded like you were sleeping fitfully. Dreaming of the Mage?” She openly glared at the beast, but kept silent. “Still fighting the truth? Well, not for long.”

  “Why did you take me? Why bring me here?”

  “For the Mage of course. I know he will come after me now and that is exactly what I want. What I have always wanted. When he sees you are alive… I will devour him when his attention is on you. You see, you will be the reason why he dies! I will drain his magic slowly. So slowly over the centuries. But eventually, he will die. A Mage’s magic is tied to their life force. Did you know that? He cannot survive without his magic. Of course, you will be of no further use to me. But for now… Shall we check on your love? See what he’s up to in your absence?” Without waiting for a response he used his magic to show her an image of Darian.

  The Mage was sprawled out on a couch with a girl to either side of him. Their hands were all over his body as he kissed them. Tynuviel looked away in disgust. She refused to look, especially when the sounds told her they were doing more than kissing.

  Morphindinaetlus was amused. She still would not look. She did not believe him. He had to be more forceful.

  He had to get her to believe before the Mage came for her or his plans would be ruined. He showed her vision after vision of Darian, hoping one would set her off.

  Before long he got his wish. He showed her an image of Darian and the seer in the throes of passion, limbs entwined. Darian called her name repeatedly.

  That was the last straw for Tynuviel. She could not contain her rage anymore. She saw Nephraete’s silver hair falling over Darian’s chest as she continued her rocking motion. Tynuviel screamed in rage, picking up an object from the hoard and throwing it as hard as she could into the image.

  The item turned out to be an old silver pitcher, deeply engraved with runes and symbols. A rare, priceless item, but he’d gotten the reaction he wanted. So she was afraid of his infidelity! This could be interesting. He would push her harder in the coming days. He would get creative in his imagery with the seer and the Mage. Yes, this would be fun.

  She watched the scene playing out before her. A look of pain and revulsion etched in her fair features. He chuckled lewdly to himself. Things were going according to plan.

  Days passed by in much the same manner. He continued to show her the painful images. She began to watch them, she couldn’t help herself. She was hurt and angry. She couldn’t believe Darian lied to her yet again. He made a promise to her. He promised he would lay with no other. Promises she guessed, just didn’t matter to Darian Brade.

  Well, that was his last chance. He blew it out his ass! She never wanted to see him again. If she ever made it out of here she would marry Tireniel. At least he would treat her right. He never hurt her or made her cry. She drew her legs up to her chest, wrapped her arms around them and put her head down on her knees. She began to cry softly, but before long a rushing torrent of tears threatened to overwhelm her.

  One day she awoke to find Morphindinaetlus staring at her. She’d been a captive for weeks now, she thought. Time seemed to blur together here. And she wasn’t sure of anything anymore. The dragon watched her intently, no movement escaped his penetrating gaze.

  She heard movement out in the next chamber. Who? Or what? Moments later, she wished she didn’t know. She could not draw breath so shocked was she! It could not be! How?

  Darian strode out of the cavernous chamber, hood down to reveal his handsome face. Not handsome! She thought. She hated him. All the pain he caused her. But it was not over…

  He ran to her, hugging her close. “Ty, thank the gods you’re safe! I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “No you haven’t. Pig!” she exclaimed, kicking him hard. “Da Mah’ Kliva!” she spat at him. He grew angry and backhanded her. She flew backward, landing hard on her bottom. Blood trickled out of the corner of her mouth.

  He bent down to her, smoothing her hair back. He held her neck, drawing her close. He kissed her as she tried to fight him, but his grip was too strong! He licked the blood from her mouth, forcing his tongue between her lips.

  One hand was on her breasts, the other slid between her legs. Against her will she moaned. He kissed her deeply, stroking her urgently. She broke off the kiss.

  “Darian, what are you doing? Get me out of here! Please.”

  He only chuckled as he began to strip off his clothes. He undid her tunic, none too gently, exposing her breasts. He stripped her bare as she began to fight.

  “No! Stop it. What are you doing? Darian stop!” But she could do nothing to fight him. He was just too strong and she was chained to the wall.

  He forced her legs open, taking her against her will. She screamed and cried, but there was no one to help

  her escape this nightmare. His thrusts became deep and urgent. He groaned in pleasure, rolling off of her, sighing in deep contentment.

  She lay there unable to move. Unable to process what had just happened to her. Her thoughts turned inward and her mind shut down. It was unspeakable. She always fantasized about making love to him, but not like this! She could not believe what he’d done. She was shattered inside. She knew he hurt her. He had not been gentle at all and she fought him though there wasn’t much she could do chained up as she was. Her body hurt and she felt a burning sensation between her thighs. She felt sick to her stomach. Before she could stop herself, she rolled and vomited. Her whole body trembling.

  Darian threw her clothes at her, hitting her in the chest. She was unable to move. Her thighs were battered and bruised and her arms were covered with handprint bruises. He broke her and nothing could fix her again. Her eyes were vacant and lost.

  Darian and Morphindinaetlus stood there talking. She could not believe it. Darian was in league with the dragon!

  “She is… very sweet. Thank you for capturi
ng her for me. Now I can have my cake and eat it too. She has been my desire for a long time, but I cannot keep just her. But now, I can have her as often as I like.” They both laughed.

  “You lied to me,” she croaked.

  “What was that?” asked Darian. She ignored him, looking only at the dragon.

  “You said you wanted to kill him.” She gestured at the Mage.

  “Why would I kill my partner in crime? No. We’ve been working together for a long time now, haven’t we?”

  “Aye,” replied the Mage. “Would you like something to eat?” he asked the elf. In answer, she spit in his face. He slapped her, knocking her head into the stone wall behind her.

  “Now, now let’s not be too rough with her, eh?” said the dragon, mildly amused. “You will see the real Darian Brade from now on. He’s not the man you thought he was, is he?” mocked the wyrm.

  Tynuviel’s vision blurred and she could not concentrate on their words. He hit her harder than she thought. She felt herself slip away into blackness.

  She dreamt of the days prior to her capture when she knew happiness with Darian. She could not understand what was wrong with him. Why was he doing these things to her? How could Nephraete betray her and Kyler? Did Kyler know? She would tell him if he was able to rescue her.

  How long did they plan on keeping her alive? What did they want with her? Her father surely thought she was dead. Kyler too! Oh no! They will not come for me, she thought. I am doomed. I will die here, alone…

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The spell wore off, leaving the ugly servant standing there beside Morphindinaetlus. He was utterly appalling. His hair had been burned away, leaving only the melted scalp. His face was horribly scarred and burned from some unknown disaster. His right eye was almost burned away completely, the empty socket melted and oozing down his face. His upper lip was gone, twisting his face into a perpetual grimace.


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