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Demon Stone

Page 5

by D E Boske

  “I think you managed to break her. She actually believed it was Darian! By the time he really comes for her, she’ll be lost to him forever.”

  “My pleasure,” purred the stranger. “Now, I must get back, but I will return soon.” The hideous creature

  opened a gate and was gone.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Three days later, the Knights of Shorlan set out from Al-Dan-Tir with Tansher at their head. They pushed their horses to the limit. They could spare no time if they were to reach Kiri A’ Nouell before Kyler left, for there was no doubt the elf would accompany his friend. Their close relationship, however bizarre, did not go unnoticed.

  They traveled light, not wanting to waste any more time gathering supplies. What they would need, they could always get in one of the towns along the way.

  They galloped out of the stables, going northeast. The sun had not yet risen and the early morning air was crisp and cold, the snow not so deep now.

  Al-Dan-Tir was the largest human city of Corillia located just east of Thunder Peak on the southern tip of the Logan Plains. Because of the mountains on their left, Al-Dan-Tir suffered bitter cold winters. The icy air blew down from the peaks, bringing heavy snows in its wake.

  The Logan Plains was a vast grassland. In the summer, the grass would grow several feet high. The summers were sweltering and humid. The only relief came at night when the sun went down and the temperature dropped, making it cooler. But summer would not grace this land for months.

  They rode until midday, then stopped for a rest. They took care of the horses first. After a meal of dried meat, fresh fruit, cheese and water, they rested for an hour before they were back on their way.

  When they stopped for the night, Koryn sat by Rohn, talking in low tones. “Rohn, why don’t you want to go to Kiri A’ Nouell? Every time it’s brought up, you act strange. What are you hiding?”

  “It’s a long story,” he said, hedging.

  “We’ve got time,” replied Koryn. “Rohn, I know something is bothering you. Maybe I can help.”

  “I doubt it,” said Rohn.

  “Try me. I’m not gonna let it go until you tell me.”

  Rohn blew an exasperated breath. “Going to Kiri A’ Nouell means I’ll very likely run into my sister.”

  “Why would that be so bad?” asked Koryn. “Wait, you have a sister?”

  “Yes, she thinks I’m dead,” responded Rohn. Koryn just stared at him in silence.

  “Why would she think that? Why would you let her believe the lie?” asked his friend, confused.

  “I left my home a long time ago. I could not bear to remain after… I wandered for a while not really sure where to go. I came to Al-Dan-Tir and made it my home. But now… I go to my past. To see my sister. What will she say? How will she react? Will she hate me? Will she forgive me?”

  “There’s only one way to know for certain my friend. Face her. Explain your reasoning and maybe she’ll understand.”

  Later, they rolled themselves in their blankets. Koryn was soon fast asleep, but Rohn lay awake for a long time thinking of his sister. She looked so much like him. Finally, he drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha, slipping beneath the waves of blackness.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  They were approaching Limmin, their supplies exhausted when Tansher commanded them to stop. They needed to rest the horses and themselves. The town was still rebuilding from the dragon’s attack. When the Knights appeared at the town gates, the night watchman was stunned.

  “What business do the Knights of Shorlan have here?”

  “We are on our way to Kiri A’ Nouell. We are in need of rest and supplies. What happened here?” asked Tansher.

  “Morphindinaetlus, that’s what! He and his minions came and burned the town. Killed more’n a coupla’ us.”

  “I’m sorry. I fear we have not seen the last of that wicked beast,” said Tansher. “Please, we are in need of rest and food.”

  “Of course,” said Ro’Ark, swinging the gate wide to admit them.

  They entered the town, turning right past the gate. Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at them with eyes that were sad and heavy. They looked like a people who had lost much. The dirt road was frozen, but clear of snow as the Copper Bottom became visible. The roof was new as was much of the front of the building.

  A fire was going in the huge fireplace that separated the common room and it lent warmth and comfort to the weary travelers. The innkeeper came bustling over, wiping his hands on his apron.

  “What can I do for ye gentlemen?” asked Shermin. “My name is Shermin and I am the innkeeper here at the Copper Bottom. What ‘ere ye be needin’ if we’re havin’ it, it’s yours.”

  “Our thanks, Shermin. My name is Tansher Morningstar, leader of the Knights of Shorlan. We are in need of rest and food. Are there any supplies to be bought? We’ve still a long way to go.”

  “Where ye headin’ then?” asked Shermin curiously.

  “Kiri A’ Nouell,” replied Tansher.

  “Poor Kyler. Ye tell him Shermin is thinkin’ about him. Hope he’s doin’ alright now.”

  “Why, what happened?” asked Rohn, a bit worried. He knew his sister traveled with Kyler and if anything happened to her…

  “Oh… Morphindinaetlus, when he came he… He seemed to know about Kyler and Destiny. She was with child. Kyler’s child. But when the dragon came… Well, he killed her and the babe ‘n burned her house down. The fire burned so hot we could no’ get in there for three days. When Kyler returned, he was with only one other. A beauty of a girl with long silver hair and violet eyes. They did the ceremony and left right quick they did. Ain’t seen him since. I like the boy. He’s been here many a time. Been nothin’ but polite. Ye tell him we’re thinkin’ o’ him ‘round here.” Shermin finished, showing them to their rooms.

  When they were settled in, they returned to the common room for something to eat. They sat in the corner as far away from everyone as they could get. It took three long tables to seat them all.

  “What do you think that was about?” asked Koryn quietly.

  “I’m not sure,” responded Tansher. “It sounds as if Kyler had a lover before the girl he was with in Al-Dan-Tir. I cannot imagine what he must have felt finding what he did. She must have been human. I don’t see one elf here. When I spoke to him in Al-Dan-Tir, he never mentioned any of this. But we barely know each other. Why confide in a stranger even if I am kin and kind? He is more than protective of that Mage, though,” Tansher said


  “Aye,” responded Rohn and Koryn.

  Firehawk eased back in his chair, sipping his ale and eyeing the patrons. Most of them glanced at the Knights now and then, but they seemed harmless. His silver eyes did not miss a thing. One of the serving girls kept watching them. She was pretty of face and slender of figure. She had long dark hair and green eyes. When she came near to their table, Firehawk reached out to grab her wrist, gently turning her around.

  “What is your interest in us, sweetheart?” asked the handsome elf. His voice was a bit deep and gravelly. Unusual for an elf.

  “I’m sorry. I meant no offense, I…” she trailed off.

  “Worry not. We will not harm you,” said Firehawk softly.

  “I… The last elf that was here was Kyler and… Destiny, she was my friend. I’m sorry,” she spoke haltingly as a tear traced its way down her cheek.

  “Shhh,” he whispered soothingly, wiping away her tears. “I am sorry for your loss. What is your name?” asked Firehawk.

  “Nayna. But everyone just calls me Nay.”

  “A lovely name for a lovely girl. My name is Firehawk. Be at ease and find peace.” He let her go and she wished he hadn’t. She managed a smile, then went back to work.

  “I think she likes you, Firehawk,” said Koryn.

  “She may, but it wouldn’t be right to take advantage of her,” said Firehawk.

  “It is not taking advantage if it is freely offered,” repli
ed Koryn with a smirk.

  “True enough, I suppose,” said Firehawk.

  The rest of the night passed pleasantly by as Nayna flirted with Firehawk all evening. When the Knights rose to leave, Nayna grasped his hand, lightly squeezing it.

  “Thank you. Talking to you made me feel better than I have since it happened.”

  “Would you like to have a drink with me?” asked Firehawk.

  “I’d love to. I was hoping you would ask me.” She smiled shyly. “Where are you from?” she asked, as he held the chair for her to sit. The rest of the Knights retired, leaving them alone.

  “Kiri A’ Nouell. But that was a long time ago. I have not been in my homeland for

  a very long time.”

  “Don’t you miss it?” she asked, reaching across the table to hold his hand. He let her.

  “Sometimes, but as I said, it was a very long time ago,” Firehawk said quietly. She got the distinct impression he did not want to talk about it.

  “Why do you show an interest in me, Nayna? Do you know there are many here who like you? I cannot offer you what I know you want. Mine is a hard life, a dangerous life. I make my home in Al-Dan-Tir now and I don’t know how often I’d be able to make it here to see you,” he told her matter of factly.

  “I could always go with you. I really don’t want to stay here anymore. Too many memories.”

  “You do not even know me. Why would you give up everything to come with me?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. There’s just something about you. Do you believe in love at first sight?” she asked, fearing she sounded corny.

  “I believe in a lot of things, but I’ve seen so much bloodshed and killing as a Knight…”

  “Do you have someone waiting for you?” she asked, feeling foolish for not asking earlier.

  “No. And I have not for a long time.” She moved to sit next to him, putting her hands to either side of his face. She brushed her lips on his and at first he did not respond. Suddenly, he grabbed her waist, holding her tightly as he kissed her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up easily as if she weighed next to nothing. She led him to her room, where he bolted the door in place. He carefully removed his armor and weapons, hanging them

  neatly on pegs by the door.

  When she undid his shirt, she gave a loud gasp. He had a nasty scar on his neck near his larynx. She suspected that was the source of the roughness in his voice. But she liked it. It was sexy. She kissed the scar, running her tongue along its length. He had many scars. One on his ribs about six inches long. He had more on his back and one on his chest. She kissed them all as she touched him tenderly.

  He sighed in contentment. Freely offered indeed, he thought to himself. She practically threw herself at me. He undid her tunic, sliding his hands inside her breeches. She gasped aloud and he kissed her as he relieved her of the rest of her clothes.

  She fumbled with the laces on his breeches as he backed her to the bed. He eased her down, putting his right knee between her legs. His lips caressed her breasts and she moaned softly.

  She pulled him down, sliding on top of him. She gasped in pleasure as he guided her hips down. Her motion increased as she braced her hands on his strong chest.

  He rolled her over, filling her and her need. She held onto him tightly as his strokes became deep and even. He covered her mouth with his, giving himself up to her passion.

  Afterwards, they lay in each other’s arms, spent for the moment. “Will you take me with you?” she asked softly.

  “Nay,” he responded, and her heart fell. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a serious relationship. Are you sure you want to travel to Al-Dan-Tir with me?” he asked. She smiled as she realized he’d been calling her by her nickname and not denying her request.

  “I would follow you anywhere. It’s been a long time since I was in a serious relationship, too.” He kissed her softly as he made love to her again. She fell asleep soon after, completely worn out.

  He lay awake for a while, not believing the turn his life was taking. Why had he agreed to take her with him? She was pretty, sexy and she wanted him. What was wrong with that? He wondered how Tansher would react to her presence. He decided that he didn’t care. It would be good to have someone waiting for him once more. He hadn’t lied when he said it had been a long time. His last relationship was over a century ago.


  In the morning, Firehawk woke Nayna early. The sun had not yet risen. He helped her to pack her things, which turned out to be not much of anything. She left a note for Shermin explaining her decision and where she was going. She told him she would send word once she was settled.

  Tansher raised an eyebrow when he saw Nayna and Firehawk together. Koryn grinned wickedly and Rohn laughed, clapping his friend on the back.

  Tansher pulled Firehawk aside to speak with him privately. “Am I to understand that you mean to take her with us? What prompted this decision? This is unlike you, what’s going on?” asked Tansher, sincerely concerned.

  “Yes, I’m taking her with me. She will be my responsibility, and I will take care of her. I have not had a serious relationship for a long time and I… miss it. I have sworn to uphold the laws of the Knights and I have. I don’t deny that it is a bit strange, we only just met, but… It will be nice to have someone to come home to for a change.” Tansher rested his hand on Firehawk’s shoulder.

  “Be at ease. I only want what’s best for you. I know entering Kiri A’ Nouell will be difficult, but we’re all here for you. It will be for the best.”

  Soon after, they left Limmin, turning east. Nayna rode in front of Firehawk, at ease on the back of a horse. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder as he put his left arm around her waist. She was dressed for the cold weather with a thick, fur lined cloak and gloves. Her sweater was warm and she wore a tunic underneath it.

  The winter winds blowing down from Thunder Peak were bitter and the air smelled like snow. There were no roads on the Logan Plains. Just an immense expanse of open land. They intended to pass by Marubiel and go straight to Mishkalan.

  Two days later, they reached the Kalishar River. They stopped to refill their water skins. While there, they caught fish and cooked them over open flames. Afterwards, they buried the fire, going east once more.

  They stopped for the night in the open. They would not make it to Mishkalan this night. The Knights went

  about their tasks quickly and efficiently. Not a one complained about their duties. They cleared the area of debris and snow, laying down well-oiled tarps that would keep the moisture out of their bedrolls.

  Nayna felt bad that they were doing all the work. She wanted to help them in some way so she started a fire and began rummaging through their stores.

  She made a vegetable stew from the goods they’d picked up in Limmin. She took out bread, cheese and the ale skins. By the time the Knights were done she had the stew heating over the fire.

  “Smells good,” Koryn said appreciatively.

  “Thank you. It’s the least I could do.” The rest of the Knights gathered round the fire, eagerly awaiting the meal. She noticed most of them kept their distance from Firehawk. The only ones that seemed not to be bothered by his presence were Tansher, Koryn, Rohn and two others. She was not sure of their names.

  “Why do they not like you?” she asked quietly, when he sat next to her.

  “I make them uncomfortable, I guess,” Firehawk replied.

  “Why? I see a handsome Knight. I gather it is not easy to become one is it?”

  “No, it’s not. There are many challenges we must complete. Many tests and trials. I am an elf, long-lived. I have seen much in my years upon this land. I do not mix easily, I guess you could say.”

  “I can’t say that at all,” she replied with a wicked grin. He smiled back, putting his arm around her. The others looked at them curiously, but said nothing.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Asa and G
ayla went to see the Monarch. Gayla was nervous and unsure of how she would be received. She thought maybe Asa’s father might be angry that he was with a human woman. At least I cannot conceive, she thought bitterly. Maybe he won’t be as upset since there is no possibility of a child. She did not want to offend Asa or hurt his feelings, but she was downright terrified to meet the Monarch.

  As they approached the Monarch’s door, Asa could see no sign of the guards. He was angry. Their orders had been explicit! They strode right up to the door and out of nowhere, Malchyr and Kralkor materialized. The air shimmered around them as they became visible.

  “Takasha!” Asa exclaimed with a shudder.

  “Sorry, Asa. Habit,” said Kralkor.

  “I need to see him,” Asa said.

  “Of course,” replied Malchyr, knocking.

  The Monarch opened the door and when he saw Asa, he beamed happily. “Come in, come in,” his gaze took Gayla in warmly and she immediately began to relax.

  Tiriel came out of the bedroom, waddling as her belly grew in size. “Asa, Gayla. So nice of you to come by,” the queen said sweetly. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Let me help you,” Gayla rushed over to her.

  “A beautiful girl,” remarked Galavad when the ladies were out of earshot.

  “Yes, she is,” remarked Asa. They waited for the girls to return before seating themselves.

  “What’s on your mind, son?” asked Galavad, already suspecting.

  “Mother, father, I wanted to talk to you about Gayla. I love her and I want her to stay here with me.”

  “Gayla, is that what you want? You want to remain here in Kiri A’ Nouell with the elves? Do you really love my son and want to be with him? Or are you rebounding from Darian still? I’m sorry to seem so harsh, but I must know. You must understand, Asa is my son. I love my children deeply and I do not want to see any harm come to them.” said Galavad.

  “Yes sir, I love Asa. He treats me with respect and kindness. I would like to remain here in your home if you will let me.”


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