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Demon Stone

Page 6

by D E Boske

  “What of your children? Do you plan to have any?” asked Tiriel.

  Gayla looked crestfallen. “No ma’am. I cannot. The Order… When I was first brought there, they…” her voice faltered.

  “She is barren,” Asa explained.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Tiriel replied, reaching across the table to hold Gayla’s hand. “Of course you can stay, sweetheart. I’ve never seen my son so happy and content. You bring out the best in him.”

  “Thank you,” she said, bowing.

  “No need for that, Gayla. You can call me Tiriel.”

  “Thank you, Tiriel,” Gayla smiled.

  “What will you do when Asa goes with Kyler and Darian?” Galavad deliberately brought up the Mage to see her reaction. She clasped Asa’s hand tightly.

  “I don’t know, sir. I would love to help your wife if you don’t mind. I helped with the Breeders when they gave birth sometimes. And I’m used to hard work. So if there’s anything you need done… Only, I can’t find my way too well yet. At all actually.”

  “Not to worry, Gayla. I would appreciate your help. And I will help you to find your way. I know it must be so confusing for you.”

  “Thank you, Tiriel,” said Gayla with a tear in her eye. Asa took her in his arms. He brought his lips to hers, kissing her tenderly.

  “I can see you care for one another, this is good. You will be good for each other. You both have our blessing,” said the Monarch.

  They spent the rest of the day talking easily. Tiriel and Gayla made plans to get together every day while Asa was away. Their behavior put Gayla at ease with them. They’d been so kind to her. She couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t at all what she’d expected.

  They left before supper, as they had plans of their own. Gayla packed some food and drinks in a basket and they left to find a place to be alone.

  Asa poured Nykessa for them both. He kissed her, easing her down. His hand stroked her legs and she moaned softly. He kissed her neck, his fingers lightly touching her breasts.

  “Mmm Asa. I don’t think now is the time,” she whispered huskily.

  “Right,” he replied, helping her up.

  “I’m so relieved that your parents accept us being together. I was really afraid. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but I was not looking forward to that meeting. I really thought they would not allow our relationship. I was afraid I would lose you.”

  “What do you mean, lose me?” Asa asked.

  “If they did not allow us to be together, I was afraid you would get rid of me,” she replied, head down.

  “I would never do that to you. I love you,” he said, turning her to face him. “I was prepared for an all-out battle in there today. But I guess because I’m not to be the Ac Quay’ A, it doesn’t matter to them.” He kissed her

  softly. “And I’m happy.” He kissed her again, sliding his tongue along hers.

  When they got back to their room, they could not get their clothes off fast enough. She teased him with her lips as he moaned at her touch, running his fingers through her hair.

  She pushed him down, taking control. He didn’t mind at all as she was a skilled lover. He put his hands on her hips as she tossed her long hair out of her face.

  He sat up, holding on to her, running his hands down her back. The motion of her hips increased as she clung to him, her body quivering in delight. He put her on her back, holding her arms down as his whole body tensed in preparation. He kissed her as he gave himself over to her charms.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Darian and Kyler walked alone. The Mage had been extremely quiet since the council meeting. Unusually quiet. Kyler wondered what was on his mind. He knew his friend was upset and he was growing increasingly more concerned. His behavior, while not always predictable, was becoming erratic. Kyler did not like what his friend was becoming. He had to help ground him to reality.

  He looked at the Mage out of the corner of his eye. Darian walked, deep in thought, his left index finger on his lips. What is running through his mind? Kyler thought. He would be willing to pay to know. He knew it would be a steep price, too, because Darian never let anything go cheaply.

  Darian wondered what they were doing to Tynuviel. He didn’t think the wyrm would have taken her if he didn’t have nefarious intentions. He hoped she remained untouched. He could not tell Kyler of his concerns because he did not even want to think about them himself. He did not even want to talk about it. He needed to get to her. He dis-

  carded the idea of going by himself. He would need them all. He was not arrogant enough to believe that he could best the dragon alone. He was not even sure they could do it together.

  Damn it! This is why he’d been so distant before. He knew it was a great risk being in love with her. But the risk should never have been hers! His face twisted into an evil caricature and he had a hard time restraining his temper. He had to get himself under control, he could feel himself slipping away. He knew Kyler could sense it as well. He must use the lessons he’d been taught all his life now to keep him grounded. He would

  do Tynuviel no good if he gave in to the blackness that threatened to overwhelm him.

  They walked to the waterfall, sitting on a slab of rock jutting up from the earth. “Are you going to tell me what’s on your mind, Darian?” asked Kyler in a grim tone.

  “No,” Darian replied shortly.

  “Darian, I know something is bothering you and I want to know what it is,” Kyler said, not backing down.

  “Takasha, Kyler! I don’t even want to think about it myself let alone speak it aloud!” the Mage said hotly.

  “I know it’s about my sister. Tell me please, it might help to talk about it.”

  “How’s it going to help, Kyler? Will they stop torturing her because I talked about it? Will they stop defiling her because I’ve told you my worst fears? How will talking about it help her at all!” Darian shouted.

  “It won’t help her. It might help you,” the elf said softly. “She’s my sister, Darian. Don’t you think I have those same fears? Maybe not for the same reasons, but I do have them.”

  Darian blew an exasperated breath. “I’m sorry, my friend. I forget myself. I love her, you know I do. And I

  just can’t… I can’t come to terms with this happening. This is my fault. That’s why I tried so hard to keep my distance from her, but I couldn’t do it! Now he took her because of me.” Darian pounded his fists on the rock, oblivious to the blood puddle forming on the slab.

  Kyler took a cloth from his pack, tore it in two, and bound the Mage’s wounds. What scared the elf was that the Mage seemed oblivious to the blood, the pain and the damage to his hands. A Mage’s hands were his livelihood; spells cannot be cast with broken fingers.

  “Darian, snap out of it. I know it isn’t easy. But you do yourself no good here. If you injure your hands, you’ll be no help rescuing Tynuviel.”

  It was as if Kyler hadn’t spoken at all. Darian was not paying any attention to anything around him. It was a good thing Kyler had come along with him. If anyone ever wanted to get to the Mage, now was the perfect time. He was so distracted and was obviously not thinking clearly. Kyler had never seen him in such a state. The elf was determined not to let anything happen to his friend. He promised to watch his back and that’s exactly what he intended to do.

  Once back in his room, the Mage took out an aged bottle of blue Al-Dan-Tir wine. He poured two glasses and handed one to Kyler. The elf sat at the table with his friend, but did not take a drink. Darian drank his down and poured himself another.

  This was what the elf was worried about. He’d never seen Darian drunk before and he wasn’t eager to now. Not at all. A drunk Mage is a dangerous Mage, thought Kyler. More so than when they are sober.

  “Darian, drinking isn’t the answer. Please, talk to me, we can work this out. She needs you to be clear headed. I’ve never seen you like this.” The Mage ignored him. Emptying the bottle into his glass,
he retrieved another from his wardrobe.

  “Drink with me or get out!” commanded the Mage, not in the mood for the elf’s protective behavior. Kyler couldn’t leave him. Not now. Not like this. So he did the only thing he could. He emptied his glass. Nykessa was far stronger than blue Al-Dan-Tir wine and Kyler was no stranger to drink. He could hold his own. Apparently, so could Darian. They emptied the second bottle and were not even tipsy.

  Darian was a big man. It probably took him a lot to get drunk. Kyler was not eager to see exactly how much it would take. The elf was hoping the Mage would just pass out. He wasn’t sure if he could stop him should he choose to get violent. Takasha!

  They were on their third bottle before Darian finally began to mellow out. He sat there, quietly reflective.

  “Kyler, thank you for being here for me. I know I do not make it easy. I just need companionship. Even if I don’t confide in you, your presence helps me.”

  “Thanks… I think,” said the elf, smiling. “Darian, do not blame yourself. It’s not your fault. Tynuviel has a mind of her own. Even though you pushed her away, she always came back. Even if you were honest with her from the beginning, I don’t think she would have stayed away.”

  “I can’t help but to blame myself. I thought I could keep her safe. Morphindinaetlus… That son of a bitch! He squeezed his glass so hard that it shattered, slicing his hand open. Blood ran freely down onto the table, but the Mage’s mind was elsewhere.

  “Takasha! Darian, are you okay?” Kyler jumped up, grabbing the pitcher of water and washing the cut. Darian waved him off.

  “I’ll be fine. I just wish I could take her pain away. I know she’s going through hell. The wyrm will have it no other way. He wants to make me suffer as much as her. Damn it!” the Mage stood, over-turning the table and all its contents. The table cracked in two and the glasses and bottles shattered from the impact.

  Darian mumbled an arcane phrase, waggled his fingers and the mess was gone. Everything was put back in its place. Kyler just stood there, seeing the ease with which his friend commanded the magic. Even after drinking as they had, he seemed strong and sure.

  “Delvishan came to me in Ru Nay’ Sha,” began the Mage quietly.

  “What? When?” asked Kyler curiously.

  “Before,” replied the Mage.

  “What did he say?” asked the elf.

  “He told me he would let me have Tynuviel. That he would protect us from The Order. But I still thought it would be better if we waited until I made some changes before we made love. Now, I fear that when we get her back… She will hate me. I fear she won’t want me anymore. They will use me against her. I will be the instrument of her torture.”

  “You keep saying they. Who is they?”

  “Morphindinaetlus and the Dark Mage.”

  “Darian, I’m sure I don’t want to know the answer, but what exactly do you think will happen to her? You said earlier that she will be defiled. They would not dare…” Kyler trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

  “Yes, they would. Morphindinaetlus hates me and wants me to suffer. What better way than to take what I treasure most? He will hurt her, but keep her alive at least until I get there. He wants me angry and unbalanced. And I am. But I cannot allow him to see that.”

  “But, surely you do not think the dragon will…” Again, Kyler was unable to finish the thought.

  “I know not. He did with Missy, so he’s fully capable. Will he though? Takasha I hope not! But I know he fills her head with lies to unbalance her, to turn her against me. He probably will even show her proof.”

  “Proof of what? What are you saying?” asked the elf.

  “He will attack the areas that he thinks are weakest. He will probably try to convince her I have strayed while she’s been away and conjure images to prove it. He will break her mind and her will. By the time we save her… our relationship will be destroyed. There will be no saving it.”

  “She loves you. Surely she can fight him. She won’t listen to him,” said Kyler.

  “In the beginning she won’t. But day after day, she won’t be able to help herself. He will try anything until he gets a reaction from her. When he does, he will exploit it.”

  “You can heal her, right?” asked Kyler.

  “Yes, physically. But not her mental wounds. They will be untouchable to me. Unreachable. I was so happy, Kyler. Your sister makes me feel like I’ve never felt before. I never wanted to be in love, never minded that we couldn’t be. I was able to be with as many women as I wanted. When I was finished with them, I discarded them, having gotten what I wanted.

  “When I came here and met Tynuviel, that all changed. I fell for her the first time I saw her even though at the time, I didn’t recognize what I was feeling. When I did, I tried to deny it. I was terrified! I’ve never felt this way before. So alive. I desperately wanted to be with her, though I knew I could not go through with it. I was angry, I tried to find a way around the rule without success. If not for Aganor… Delvishan told me he would not be angry. He blessed our relationship. It was a dream come true for me. I couldn’t believe after all this time, that we would finally be together. And then Morphindinaetlus took it all away!

  “If I could not protect her this time… What of the next? For surely there will be a next time. I’m to be the next Shangmarrum, Head of The Order. Imagine the enemies that position attracts. Inside and out.”

  “Be at ease, Darian. I will always be here for you. Our friendship means everything to me. I know you have

  not been completely honest with me about anything since the day we met. But you’re like a brother to me. If there’s anything I can do to help, you know I will,” said the elf seriously.

  “Thanks, my friend,” Darian replied. “Now,” he said, draining his glass, “You want more?” The Mage pulled out another bottle. Kyler wordlessly held out his glass. He hoped he would not regret this in the morning.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Kiri A’ Nouell remained in a perpetual spring/summer mode. The ancient elves who created the magical barrier were also responsible for this. The warm, spring breeze that blew through the forest this day smelled of change. To the east of the forest paradise, was the wilderness. A wild, untamed land stretching more than one hundred eighty miles. There was very little water to be found if you didn’t know where to look.

  Nymdal came trotting back to Kelindril. He shook his head in silent resignation. Still no sign of water. If they didn’t find any soon… The sun was high in the sky, the air shimmering from the heat. Kelindril looked around. There was no shelter, nowhere they could go for relief from the blazing hellfire that was the sun.

  Kelindril chose these Gor Li’ Khan to accompany him because of their resourcefulness. And because their skills were above and beyond reproach. If they could not find water, then there wasn’t any to be had.

  They trudged on, heading west. Kiri A’ Nouell lay in this direction and as long as they continued west and didn’t go too far north, they would walk directly into the ancient forest. Kiri A’ Nouell stretched as far as the eye could see to the south. To the north, it continued running steeply uphill, directly into Mogan Dar, city of Mages.

  They walked the rest of the day without stopping. They were used to deprivation on many levels. The assignments they incurred demanded mental acuity. None were better suited to it than the legendary Gor Li’ Khan. There were times they were forced to wait and watch for days at a time. Failure in a mission was not an option. For any Gor Li’ Khan.

  Sunset was nearing and the temperature had dropped, making it more comfortable for them. Gibron announced that there was a small group of trees up ahead. They should be able to reach it before the sun set completely. With trees, there should be water nearby.

  The sun set with a dazzling burst of pink, orange and gold. The fire was warm and welcome as the temperature continued to drop.

  “What do you suppose we will find once we enter Kiri A’ Nouell? Do you think they will w
elcome us or will a battle be nigh?” asked Floran, sounding as if he preferred the latter.

  “Who can say? But I do not honestly think they would choose to battle,” replied Kelindril.

  “Why would they? We are Gor Li’ Khan. No one wants to face us in a battle,” commented Stilhan.

  “Remember, they are kin and kind and are not stupid. Arrogance and egotism are our enemies,” said Kelindril, as he took out his knife, throwing it in the dark. They heard the squeal of some unknown animal. The elf went to retrieve his blade, a small rodent impaled upon it. Kelindril toyed with it, enjoying its pain. He had a smile on his face as he watched it die. He flung the lifeless form far away from them into the darkness. After cleaning his blade, he slid it home in its sheath.

  Soon after, they rolled themselves in their blankets, Ru Nay’ Sha taking hold of them.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Kryndale was on edge ever since he found out Kelindril was on their trail. He did not like it. Not at all. Kelindril could be merciless. Utterly remorseless. He reveled in the killing and bloodletting. Kryndale stopped working with him for that reason. Being careless could get you killed. No one ever saw the Gor Li’ Khan, they were invisible. Silent as death. They were death. You’d have a better chance at spotting death itself than a Gor Li’ Khan, unless he wanted to be seen.

  As he walked, he saw Nephraete standing on a walkway, overlooking a clearing on the forest floor. Her hair glimmered in the silvery moonlight. She was so beautiful, her hair fell free down her back. She wore a red dress with soft, red slippers and his heart stopped beating for a moment as he took in the sight of her. His breath caught in his throat. He walked over to her, unable to stop himself.

  “A beautiful night,” he said softly.

  “Yes it is,” she replied.

  “You look beautiful, Nephraete,” he blurted out.

  “Thank you, Kryndale,” she said, smiling up at him. She took his hand in hers, his pulse quickening from her touch. “I miss you, my friend. I’m sorry if my presence now makes you uncomfortable. I was hoping that we could remain friends. But if it is too difficult for you, I understand.”


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