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Sarge (Dixie Reapers MC 14): Bad Boys

Page 4

by Harley Wylde

  That was easy enough to explain. Although, until this trip, I’d honestly thought I’d killed enough of my accent that it wasn’t noticeable. It seemed I’d been wrong all this time. No one else had ever asked if I was Russian. I’d thought perhaps I’d picked up my sister’s ability to blend in. If she hadn’t gotten pregnant with Theo, she could have easily stayed hidden here, off our father’s radar. For a while at any rate. After all, I’d been there as a backup if he could never find her.

  It hurt that Liliya had never once thought of the consequences of her actions impacting anyone but herself. I knew she had come across as sweet and shy to other people. She could be sweet, but I also knew that when it came down to it, she’d have done whatever it took to keep herself safe. It’s what puzzled me so much about her leaving this place instead of just telling Sarge about the baby. Had she actually loved him? It didn’t seem possible, since I’d never known my sister to love anyone. Not even me. She’d shown me signs of affection over the years, but as I’d gotten older, I’d realized she’d done it so I’d be willing to keep her secrets.

  My sister was a selfish bitch deep down, but no one else ever saw that side of her. I hoped that Sarge never found out who she truly was and could continue to remember her as someone timid. She’d suffered enough at the end, and despite her faults, I’d loved her.

  “You noticed Liliya sounded like she was from here. It’s because she had a gift. I’ve worked hard to hide my accent, but I guess not hard enough. We came to the US when I was four. My accent might have died completely had I not been surrounded by the Bratva and their families my entire life. It wasn’t until college that I was able to immerse myself in a different type of life. One I enjoyed and had hoped to continue.” My lips twisted. Until Liliya came back pregnant.

  “If your father is so horrible, why didn’t your sister take you with her when she ran?” he asked.

  Damn. I’d really hoped he would leave it alone. Thinking ill thoughts of Liliya was one thing. I didn’t want to speak them aloud, especially to the man who had fathered her child. It seemed wrong on so many levels.

  “I was still young when Liliya ran off. When I got older, I’d been permitted to attend a nearby college, with the thought my father would eventually catch my sister and bring her home. When he found her, everything changed. She could no longer be his bargaining chip.”

  Sarge leaned closer. “In other words, she fucked you over.”

  I winced, but nodded. “Yes. I know she didn’t intend to get pregnant with Theo, and I love him so much, but her no longer being a virgin or at least being capable of pretending to be one derailed my plans. And ultimately, she paid too high a price.”

  Sarge didn’t say anything for several minutes. We ate in silence, but I could tell he was gathering his thoughts. He’d pause now and then, as if he wanted to say something, then changed his mind. I liked that he took the time to contemplate something as simple as a conversation. It meant that he’d do the same when it came to caring for Theo. I was certain I’d made the right decision in bringing my nephew to his father.

  “Your sister pretended to be something she wasn’t. I didn’t love her, couldn’t love her for that matter. She was weak and too fucking quiet. Knowing what she did to you just pisses me off even more. It takes a truly spineless person to run off and leave an innocent behind, and don’t try to tell me that she didn’t realize you’d likely have to take her place. She was a selfish bitch for what she did, and I’m glad I didn’t claim her.”

  I blinked, not sure what to say to that. No one ever saw Liliya that clearly. They all saw blonde perfection. Honestly, she’d have been an amazing Bratva wife. She could be just as cold and calculating as the men, and would have been an asset. I, on the other hand, was the total opposite. I’d fight tooth and nail to prevent an injustice from happening, but I knew if I went back and didn’t toe the line my father would find a way to hurt others in retaliation. He’d make me pay over and over again, and my husband possibly would too. I’d heard stories of wives being passed off to multiple men in a single night when they fucked up.

  I dropped my gaze to my now empty plate and almost missed him laying down a wad of cash on the table. He stood and reached for my hand, lifting me from the chair. I followed him from the restaurant, unsure how he’d known how much to leave but not wanting to question him. When we got outside, he helped me into the truck that he’d borrowed from the club, insisting his saddlebags wouldn’t hold everything we needed. It seemed I was being held prisoner a bit longer. Secretly, I loved it and wished I never had to leave. Being with Sarge was easy. I didn’t have to watch what I said because he seemed to like my attitude just fine.

  He pulled into a strip mall, and we started at one end and worked our way down to the other. I kept arguing that I only needed a change of clothes, but he’d ignore me and add more to our purchases. Or rather my purchases that he insisted on paying for. By the time we got back into the truck, my feet ached and the back seat was full of sacks from multiple shops.

  “Grocery store, then home,” he said. “And if you even try to get in your car when we get to the house, I’ll tie you to the bed.”

  “You know, that’s not the first time you’ve threatened to tie me down. I’m starting to think you have a fascination with tying up women.”

  He cut his gaze my way and I felt my cheeks warm. It seemed that maybe I was right, and oddly, it turned me on. A lot. I squirmed in my seat and pressed my thighs together. Sarge jerked the wheel, turning off down another road, almost as if he’d not intended to go this way. He didn’t so much as look at me as he pulled into a parking space in front of a shop that said Sensual Delights. The windows were so dark I couldn’t see inside.

  “Don’t fucking move from that spot,” he said, pointing a finger at me. “Because if you do, you’ll get that spanking right here and now, and possibly a lot more. Understood?”

  I nodded, but in my heart I knew that the second I thought he wasn’t looking, I’d bolt. Even if I had to leave my car behind, I’d find a way home without it. He gave me a stern look before getting out and walking into the shop. I still couldn’t tell what type of place it was, but I counted to ten, my heart slamming against my ribs. When I thought the coast might be clear, I unbuckled my seat belt, opened the door, and took off running.

  I only made it half a block before arms banded around my waist and I was hauled back against a hard chest. A growl near my ear sent shivers down my spine. Just by the scent alone, I knew Sarge had caught me.

  “I warned you, baby girl. You didn’t listen, and now you’ll pay the price.”

  “Please, Sarge. You know I’m right. You know I need to leave.”

  He started stomping back down the sidewalk to the shop. He pushed the door open and barely gave me a second to look around before he went through a beaded curtain at the back and slammed through a door, shutting and locking it behind him. I looked around, my hands clenching at my sides. The place looked… My breath caught.

  “Is this a dungeon?” I asked.

  “What do you know about places like this?” he asked, prowling closer, a dangerous glint in his eye.

  I licked my lips and looked around again. “Only what I’ve seen in porn.”

  That made him pause, mid-step. He stared at me a moment before giving me a faint smile that only lasted a second. Then he was on me, dragging me across the room to a chair. He sat, then popped the button on my jeans, slid the zipper down, and yanked my pants and panties around my knees so fast I didn’t have time to stop him. Then I was over his lap, and holy hell! The bulge pressing against me made me wish I’d been bad before this.

  His hand cracked against my ass cheek, the sound loud in the small room. I gasped and kicked my feet, but he banded his arm across my lower back to hold me in place. He spanked me again and again. My ass started to burn, but even more embarrassing was the fact I was getting wet. Like really, really wet.

  “I told you if you disobeyed you’d pay for it.” Sm
ack. Smack. Then he let his fingers dip between my legs and he stroked my pussy. He chuckled softly. “Seems my baby girl likes her punishment.”

  Talk about being mortified! My cheeks were burning as much as my ass and I refused to look at him. Smack. Smack. Smack. I moaned and squirmed on his lap.

  “Anyone ever made you come?” he asked.

  I shook my head so hard my neck nearly cracked.

  He spread my pussy open, then teased my clit with his finger. It was almost too much and I sucked in a breath, so close to coming that I wanted to cry out in frustration. He rubbed a little harder and as I started to come, he sank his finger into me, stroking slowly.

  “Sarge.” I breathed his name like a prayer.

  “Right now, I’m not Sarge. When my fingers, or my dick, are in your pussy, you call me Lance.”

  He plunged his fingers in deeper, curling them slightly and I came so hard I saw stars. I burned from him stretching me, but I welcomed it. I knew in that moment, he’d already ruined me for any other man. No one would ever compare.

  His fingers slid from my pussy and he smacked my ass again, then stood me upright. I started to reach for my pants, but he reached down and pulled off my shoes, then removed my jeans and panties completely. My eyes went wide as I stared at him, not certain what he was about to do, but fearing he was about to make a huge mistake.

  “Not going to have you run again,” he said, reaching for his belt.

  He unbuckled it, then unfastened his pants, pushing them down. His cock was hard and pointing straight up. The bead of moisture on the tip made me want to lick it. Would he taste salty? Sarge gripped my hips, lifting me up and setting me down in a… I glanced up and saw chains that slightly rattled. He’d put me in a sex swing? My gaze jerked back to him. He reached for an ankle, slipping a Velcro cuff around it, then did the same to the other, holding me open.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” I stammered.

  “Sorry, baby girl. I’d have done this different if you weren’t so damn stubborn.” He stroked his cock and I eyed it with a hunger I’d never felt before. I wanted it. In my mouth. In my pussy. I wanted Sarge more than I’d ever wanted anything, but I knew I should tell him no. He cocked his head to the side as he kept tugging on his shaft. “You going to lie and say you don’t want me? That you don’t ache to have me balls-deep inside you?”

  I opened and shut my mouth, decided to shake my head. No, I couldn’t lie and tell him I didn’t want those things. But I shouldn’t want them.

  “Never took a woman by force and don’t want to start now,” he said, coming closer. “But, kitten, you’re mine and if this is what it takes to drive that home, then I will fuck you all day and all night. Fill you so full of my cum that there will be no doubt who you belong to.”

  My lips parted and I felt myself get even wetter. Holy shit! My nipples hardened almost to the point of pain. I should tell him to stop. I should. But I wouldn’t. The way he was talking to me, just flat out staking his claim, was probably the hottest thing I’d ever heard. I loved every word falling from his tongue.

  He smirked. “I think you liked that, didn’t you? That it? You want me to talk dirty to you?”

  “I… Maybe?”

  He gripped the swing and used it to line me up right where he wanted me. I felt the head of his cock brush against me, then he was slowly sinking inside. If I’d thought his fingers made me burn, this was altogether different. I nearly panicked, thinking he wouldn’t fit, or that he’d split me in two. Sarge seemed to read my fears and reached down to rub my clit. The pleasure that spiraled through me soon outweighed the pain of him taking my innocence. It wasn’t all that painful in all honesty. More like a rug burn.

  “Come for me, kitten. Show me how much you want this big cock.” He circled my clit before pinching it. “Tell me how much you want my cum.”

  I threw my head back and tried to focus on the intense sensations that seemed to flow through me. I was close. So very close.

  “And after I’ve filled up this pussy, made it mine enough times there will never be any doubt, I’m going to claim that tight little ass of yours too.” I gasped and my gaze flew to his. He shifted and I felt his finger stroke over the spot I’d always thought of as taboo when it came to sex. Sarge seemed to have other ideas. “That’s right. I’ll wear out your pussy, make you come so many times you lose your voice, then I’ll work my cock into this tight little hole and give you a good, hard fucking.”

  I didn’t know if he actually meant any of that, but his words were enough to send me flying. He pressed his finger there as he drove into me, his cock filling every inch of my pussy. When he came, I felt the hot spurts of his release. He didn’t stop, didn’t slow down. I realized his cock wasn’t getting any softer or smaller. I’d always thought only porn stars went more than once, but it seemed I’d been wrong about another thing.

  Sarge worked his hand under my shirt and reached up to cup my breast. He pinched my nipple through my bra.

  “Please. Please. Please.”

  “Please what, kitten?”

  “I want to come.”

  “So very, very bad.” I knew I was whining and begging, but I didn’t care. He’d made me feel things I’d never experienced before and I wanted more. I never wanted it to stop.

  He worked my body like a pro and had me screaming out two more orgasms before he came again. This time, he pulled out. A grin crossed his face as he stared at my extremely sore pussy. The bastard even winked at me as I felt his release sliding out of me.

  “I think I hate you right now,” I said. “No one will ever be able to top that.”

  He released my ankles, then helped me from the swing. I eyed the contraption and realized there were restraints hanging from the ceiling on the other end too. He could have easily locked my hands in place as well, but he hadn’t.

  Sarge pulled me closer, then kissed the hell out of me. His tongue tangled with mine, and he gripped my hair so tight I couldn’t have escaped. Not that I wanted to. My toes curled and I leaned into him.

  “Mine,” he said, his voice nearly a growly. “My woman. No one will ever take you from me.”

  “Lance.” I bit my lip. “Or am I back to Sarge?”

  A soft smile tipped his lips up at the corners. “Whenever we’re alone, you can call me Lance. The rest of the time it’s Sarge.”

  “You’ve brought hell to your doorstep, but… no one has ever made me feel as wanted as you have. Even when I ran, I wanted to stay.”

  He pressed a quick kiss to my lips again. “You’re not going anywhere, kitten. Next time your punishment will be even worse.”

  His words made my pussy tingle. If he thought that was a deterrent, he was so very wrong. All he’d done was make me want to misbehave so we could have some more fun. I wondered what he’d try next time.

  His lips brushed my ear as he crowded me. “Do you have any idea how fucking hot it is that you weren’t some shy little virgin? No, not my kitten. Innocent, yes. Shy? Fuck no. You came on my cock like you were meant for it.”

  My brow furrowed and I pulled back to glare at him. “Did you just call me a whore?”

  The slap to my ass made me squeak in surprise. “Only if you’re my whore. Anyone else touches you, looks at you with lust in their eyes, or dares to put their cock in you, and I will fucking end them.”

  And that was the moment I started to fall for the big, sexy beast. Maybe I was just as crazy as him. I didn’t think normal people would react the way I had, but then, normal was highly overrated.

  Chapter Four


  What the fuck had I done? I’d taken her in there to spank her, sure, but I’d never intended to take her virginity in the back room of Sensual Delights. It made me feel like a monster. She should have had a soft bed, candlelight, and I should have taken my fucking time. Instead, I’d tied her legs apart and taken her like some goddamn caveman. Even though she’d seemed to like it well enough, it didn’t make me feel any better about my b

  Every time she shifted and winced, I felt a little lower. I’d hurt her, even if she didn’t say so. Dammit! I knew I wasn’t exactly small, even though I didn’t have a twelve-inch dick either. Still, eight inches in a pussy that had never had something in it before had to hurt. I’d make it right. Somehow.

  At the grocery store, I’d tossed in enough food to keep us going for at least a few days, and made sure she got whatever drinks or snacks she preferred. I saw her eyeing the section for feminine hygiene and wondered if it was about that time of month. I led her over and waited. Her cheeks flushed as she grabbed a box of tampons and put them in the cart, under the boxes of macaroni.

  Now that was fucking cute. Screaming as she came in a sex toy store and she’d walked out calm as could be, but buying tampons made her blush. She wouldn’t look me in the eye as we headed toward the front, but I paused when I saw the hairbrushes and other girly shit. I didn’t remember her buying any of that type of thing when I’d taken her shopping at the strip mall. Pushing the cart down the aisle, I waved a hand at the stuff and waited for her to make a selection. She put a brush and small package of elastic bands into the cart.

  “Katya, you can get more. Pick out whatever you need. This isn’t going to break my bank account.” I leaned on the cart handle. “Kitten, you’re starting over. I’m expecting you to need a lot of shit right now, and it’s fine.”

  She leaned in closer and dropped her voice. “I’ve seen your house. I know you aren’t as wealthy as my father, and I don’t care, but I won’t spend money if I don’t have to.”

  I blinked at her a few times. Well, that was… interesting. Any other woman would have gone wild and started shoving all sorts of shit into the cart, or at least the women I’d known. And here she was, all worried that she’d spend too much. It almost made me want to show her my bank account. I wasn’t as wealthy as the Pres or VP, but I hadn’t spent my money on much either, except spoiling my grandson. I figured Flicker was taking good enough care of Pepper that I only gave her stuff for special occasions like her birthday and holidays. Other than picking up a new gun here and there, most of my money sat untouched.


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