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Sarge (Dixie Reapers MC 14): Bad Boys

Page 5

by Harley Wylde

  I’d seen Katya eyeing a few other things so I grabbed them and tossed them into the cart before going to the next aisle. By the time we were done, she had things she hadn’t asked for, and the expression on her face was becoming more and more irate. But I was having fun. Not just getting stuff I knew she wanted or needed, but it was entertaining as hell to watch as the storm built inside her. I had no doubt at some point she’d erupt. Then I’d get to spank that sexy ass of hers again.

  I tried to distract her while the cashier rang up the purchases because I had no doubt she’d freak out over the total. It wasn’t like I spent six hundred dollars in one spot all the time so I wasn’t worried about it. If it got to be a habit, then I’d need to ask about taking on extra jobs at some point, but for now we were fine. And yes, it was we because my money was now her money. Sort of. I wasn’t giving her free rein with the account -- not right away -- but I didn’t see the harm in giving her some cash every week in case she wanted to go shopping or out to eat.

  I loaded all the bags into the back seat, then helped Katya into the truck. Now that I’d made her mine, Theo could technically come home, but I wanted a little more time with her first. She might accept that her father wouldn’t want her back now, but it didn’t mean she wouldn’t try to sacrifice herself to save everyone else. If she thought for one moment that going to him would make the man leave me and Theo alone, I knew she’d take off in a heartbeat. I eyed her in the passenger seat and knew exactly how to make sure she stayed put, but she might not thank me for it.

  As we pulled out onto the road, I noticed she was chewing at her lower lip and had her hands twisted in her lap. I reached over and untangled her fingers, lacing them with mine. She glanced my way, but I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. I knew the way the club worked was completely foreign to her, and she didn’t understand when I said she was mine I meant it in the forever sense. I didn’t know what to do in order to convince her.

  I didn’t know much about the Bratva, having never personally dealt with them, but it sounded like they only kept their women for as long as it was convenient, with marriages being more about power than anything else. Sounded like a miserable existence to me. I’d watched as each of my brothers fell for a woman. Torch might have agreed to claim Isabella as a way to save Ridley, but it was clear he adored her and their kids. I knew others had claimed their women in order to keep them safe, much like I was doing with Katya, except I really did want to keep her. Not just because she was in trouble, but because she completely fascinated me. I loved her spirit and the sweetness that came out when she let down her guard.

  I could see the compound ahead and as I neared the gate, the Prospect opened it, letting us through. I went straight to the house, grateful not to see the kids out front. If Katya saw Theo, she’d use my son as a distraction, but there were some things we needed to discuss. After I filled the tub for her. The way she kept shifting in her seat, I knew she was still hurting.

  “Come on, kitten. I’ll bring all this in after I get you settled.”

  “I can help,” she said.

  I nodded. “I know, but right now I want to take care of you.”

  Her gaze went soft and a slight smile curved her lips. She followed me into the house, accepting my hand when I held it out for her. Maybe keeping her here would be easier than I thought. I just needed to show her that someone gave a shit, and prove to her that I wasn’t a selfish asshole like the men she’d grown up around. Well, I could be a selfish asshole, especially when it came to keeping her, but I would also cherish her. Something I didn’t think anyone had ever bothered to do. Even her sister had used her, which pissed me off. If Lily hadn’t died, I’d be tempted to cuss her out for the way she’d treated Katya.

  My sweet little kitten didn’t even hold it against her. No, she’d wanted to make sure her nephew was safe, then she’d planned to take her sister’s place. I didn’t know too many people who would be willing to make that sort of sacrifice. She was a warrior, even if she didn’t realize it.

  I led her into the master bathroom and started the tub. Remembering that I’d added some bubble bath to the shopping cart at the store, I told her to undress and get in while I ran back outside. I snatched two handfuls of sacks and carried them inside, then stopped just inside the door to find the one with the bathroom items. When I got back to the bathroom, she’d sunk into the hot water and was skimming her hands across the surface. Her cheeks flushed when I entered the room, which was pretty fucking cute since I’d already gotten an up close look at her most intimate parts.

  I added some of the bubble bath, made sure she had anything else she’d need, then finished bringing in the sacks from the truck. While she relaxed, I put the groceries away, then shifted my clothes around so she’d have room for her new things. I peeked into the bathroom and saw her eyes were closed, her breathing deep and even. Deciding to let her rest and relax, I kept an eye on her so she wouldn’t slip under the water, but took care of a few things around the house.


  I cursed under my breath and went to the front door to find my daughter peering around the open door. A door I knew damn well I’d shut. I narrowed my eyes at her, but the little imp just grinned at me, then let herself all the way in. Knew I should have locked the damn thing, but I’d never had cause to in the past.

  “Pepper, what the fuck?”

  She batted her eyes at me at an exaggerated pace, and I couldn’t do much other than sigh at her antics. I didn’t know if her curiosity over my son was just too much for her to contain, or if she wanted to know more about Katya. Despite the fact I wanted alone time with my kitten, I didn’t want to blow off my daughter either. After not meeting Pepper until she was fully grown, I tried to spend as much time with her as I could. The term making up for lost time was ridiculous. I could never replace all those lost years because her mother had been a selfish bitch. Had I known about Pepper, I’d have been part of her life long ago.

  “What do you want?” I asked more directly.

  “Well, I was just thinking…”

  I ran a hand down my face. “Christ. Should I start running?”

  “Funny, old man. No. It’s just… I know the club has a way of making things happen. If you’re determined to keep her, why not just ask Wire to legally marry the two of you? Or illegally. However that works.”

  It wasn’t that I hadn’t thought about getting Wire or Lavender to put their skills to use, but I didn’t want to overwhelm Katya either. I’d thrown enough at her in a short amount of time. She’d come here with the intention of dropping off my kid and leaving, and now I’d taken her innocence and told her she was staying. I didn’t know how she’d handle a “surprise we’re married!” to go along with all that. As strong as she was, at some point, she was going to break.

  “Let me handle Katya. Go take care of your brother.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “Do you know how fucked up it is that your son and your grandson are so close in age?”

  “I’ll let you tell Bull all about it and see how that goes.” I smirked. “Hope you wear your running shoes because if he catches you it won’t be pretty.”

  “Whatever,” she muttered, then turned and let herself back out.

  This time I locked the damn door. Lesson learned. I heard movement coming from the bedroom and went to check on Katya. She was standing in the middle of the room wrapped in a towel, and looking more than a little bit lost. Without a word, I went to her, pulling her against my chest and wrapping my arms around her.

  She melted against me and sighed before rubbing her cheek on my shirt. “It’s like you know just what I need when I need it.”

  “You don’t get to be my age without learning to read people, kitten. But don’t worry. Women will always be a mystery to men in the grand scheme of things.”

  “There’s so much I don’t know about you.” She pulled away and looked up at me. “You’re really not letting me go, are you?”

  “Nope. You’re here
for good, kitten. I claimed you the second I took your innocence.” In fact, I was about to remind her that she was mine. I reached for the top of her towel, working it loose until it fell to the floor. Her eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed a bright pink.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Going to make you scream my name again.”

  I stalked her, herding her closer to the bed, then I fisted her hair and kissed her hard. She whimpered and parted her lips, letting me in. My tongue tangled with hers. I placed my hand on her bare hip and gave her just enough of a shove that it broke our kiss and she toppled to the bed. I pulled off my boots, yanked my shirt over my head, and started removing the rest of my clothes. The way I’d taken her at Sensual Delights had been a jackass thing to do. She wasn’t some club whore.

  Her gaze scanned me and I saw her fingers twitch.

  “You can touch me, kitten. You might be mine, but I’m yours too.”

  She blinked three times, opened and shut her mouth, then seemed to struggle a moment with what she wanted to say. “When you say you’re mine… what exactly does that mean?”

  “It means I won’t be putting my dick into a pussy unless it’s yours. Or putting it anywhere else for that matter. This may not be the most romantic thing you’ve ever dreamt about, but I promise that I will be faithful to you, Katya. I won’t disrespect you by being with another woman.”

  “The Bratva doesn’t care about such things. Women are to be used however the men see fit.”

  I nodded. “I’m getting that picture from what you’ve said, but this club doesn’t work that way. Any guy here who has an ol’ lady or wife will tell you that they don’t want anyone else. Every last one of us faithful like a damn dog.”

  “Ol’ lady?” she asked.

  “Biker equivalent of a spouse is the best way I can describe it. I know in some clubs that doesn’t mean as much as it does here. You’ll get respect not just from my brothers, but by anyone who associates with this club. I just need to make it official with the club and get a property cut made for you.”

  She opened her mouth again, but I held up a hand to silence her. “Not to be an ass, but can we table this discussion?”

  Her gaze dropped to my very hard cock and she snorted. “Yeah. My questions can wait.”

  “Get in the middle of the bed and spread those legs, kitten. Knees bent, feet flat on the mattress.”

  She scrambled to obey, but I could see the nervousness in her eyes. I needed to show her how our first time should have been. I got too fucking carried away when I spanked her at Sensual Delights. It was one thing to make her ass red and another to take her virginity in a damn sex toy shop. I’d felt that hot, wet, tight pussy and lost my damn mind. It wasn’t like I never got laid, but shit. No one had ever turned me on the way Katya did, and apparently it made me do stupid shit.

  She made a pretty picture, open and ready. Her hair fanned out across the bed. I took my time admiring her, and smiled as her cheeks flushed pink. She wouldn’t quite hold my gaze, and that adorable blush worked its way down her neck to her breasts. Deciding to put her out of her misery, I settled between her splayed thighs, bracing my weight on my hands.

  “Look at me, kitten.”

  She focused on me, quiet and waiting. The fact she listened in the bedroom was a big fucking turn-on. Now if I could just get her to do that when we weren’t having sex, that would be amazing. I didn’t think it would ever happen, though. She was too sassy for that, which I loved in all honesty.

  “I’m sorry your first time wasn’t as romantic as it should have been. That’s on me. Will you let me make it up to you?”

  She shut her eyes a moment, then I felt her body tremble. No. Not trembling. Her lips curved into a smile and I realized the little imp was laughing at me. If she weren’t lying on her back, I’d smack her ass.

  “You think that’s funny?” I asked.

  Katya laughed out loud and opened her eyes. “I think it’s funny you think you need to make up for anything. While I was trying to do the reasonable thing and keep my distance, you didn’t force me to do any of that, Lance. Was it a bit wild for my first time? Sure. Do I look like the type of woman who enjoys anything tame? I loved everything you did, and had I not been sore, I’d have gladly asked for more.”

  “So impertinent! You’re just asking for another spanking.”

  She wagged her eyebrows up and down. “Promise? Because I rather liked it.”

  I leaned closer, brushing my nose against hers. “And what else would you like?”

  “Anything you want to do to me,” she said softly. “I trust you, even though I shouldn’t. You’re a stranger, even if you did fuck me. Somehow, I just know that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.”

  I brushed her hair back, running my fingers through the silky strands. “You’re right, kitten. I’d sooner cut off my arm than ever harm you. But just saying, anything leaves a lot of room. You sure you don’t want to narrow that down a bit?”

  She flung her hands over her head. “Do with me what you will!”

  Ask and ye shall receive. I pulled back and flipped her over. She squeaked at the sudden move, but I wasn’t done yet. I positioned her hands up by the top of the mattress and pulled her up onto her knees.

  “Don’t move.” I swatted her ass as I got up and went to the closet. I’d never brought a woman to this house before, but it didn’t mean I hadn’t thought about it. Reaching into the top of the closet, I pulled out a long length of soft rope. I dropped to my knees beside the top of the bed and tossed one end toward the other side, then brought up the end I was holding to tie it around her wrist.

  She stared at it, but didn’t try to pull away. I got up and moved to the other side, securing that wrist as well. While I made sure the rope was snug, I also didn’t want to hurt her. It was just loose enough that it wouldn’t give her rope burn. Her gaze fastened on mine and the complete trust I saw in her eyes was humbling. I leaned closer and brushed my lips against hers before walking off. She peered at me over her shoulder as I moved to the end of the bed.

  “Knees apart,” I demanded.

  She shifted to spread her legs more. Damn but that was a pretty sight. “You okay, kitten?”

  “No. I hurt.”

  Everything in me tightened and I started toward her. I’d have sworn the ropes were loose enough. The last thing I wanted was to cause her pain. Not the bad kind anyway. Spanking her ass was different.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl. I didn’t realize I’d tied you down so tight.”

  She snorted. “Not that kind of hurting, Lance. You have me really turned on right now.”

  She lifted up a little and I saw that her nipples were hard little points. Well, that made all the difference. I grinned and reached for the closest breast, pinching the hard tip until she yelped. The way she bit her lip told me that she enjoyed it as much as the swats to her ass earlier. I went for the other one, giving it a tug that had her moaning.

  “Never knew a virgin could like it rough,” I said.

  “I’m not one.”

  “Kitten, you were until earlier. This is still way above what I would expect of someone who had never been naked with a man before today.” She practically purred as I pinched, twisted, and tugged on her nipples. It was giving me all sorts of ideas for another trip to Sensual Delights. One where I actually got a chance to purchase stuff. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I read dirty books, okay? And… I told you I’d seen porn before. Maybe once or twice at college.”

  “Once or twice?” I asked, then spanked her ass hard. Something told me it had been more often than that. “Just what kind did you watch?”

  She gasped as I swatted her again. Smack. Smack. Smack. Her ass was turning a nice rosy hue, and as I slid my fingers down over her pussy, I felt how wet she was getting. I didn’t know how I’d lucked out with such a wild woman in the bedroom, but I was going to savor every second.

  “Three men and a woman.
” She buried her face in the mattress so the next two were muffled, but not enough I couldn’t hear. “Anal play and some gay porn too.”

  “Two women?” I asked.

  She snorted and glared at me. “Why is that every man’s fantasy? Ever think that maybe a woman gets hot over seeing two men fuck each other?”

  I paused. “You watched two men fucking?”

  She nodded. “It was hot. Like really, really hot.”

  Hadn’t expected that from her. I wouldn’t be fulfilling that desire, no matter how turned on it made her. Men didn’t do it for me. Never had and never would. I didn’t begrudge anyone finding happiness with someone regardless of sex or race, but my cock wasn’t going anywhere near another man’s or his ass. Nope. Not happening.

  I wet my fingers by sliding two into her tight channel, then brought them up to her ass. I circled the tight hole between her cheeks. “Anal play, huh? Like this?”

  She went still. Almost too still. Then she spread herself open more and lifted her ass. “Not quite. It started like that.”

  I left her, which made her whine, but I only went as far as the bathroom. I came back with a bottle of lube and squirted some between her ass cheeks, then coated my fingers. If she was intrigued by having me play back here, then that’s exactly what she’d get. I’d only fucked a woman there once, and it had been decades ago. But if Katya wanted to experiment, I’d be happy to try anything she wanted, as long as it was just the two of us involved. No threesomes, foursomes, or anything else. Just me and her.

  I slowly worked my finger into her ass and reached for her pussy with my other hand. I toyed with her clit, wishing I had a damn vibrator. I’d gone into Sensual Delights for the express purpose of buying a small one just to use on her clit, but had come out empty-handed after she tried to run.

  “You like that, kitten?” I murmured, going a little deeper as I worked on stretching her a little.


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