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Page 15

by Lisa Moore

  Lily left out a few things that I am sure her less sensitive ears missed. I heard Charles mention two things. First he mentioned that Lilly had told him it was time to move on. Second he whispered a goodbye to her, until he returned to her side. Together, I took it to mean that Charles feels he is not long for this earth. I believe, now that his “responsibility” has been fulfilled, he thinks he will join his Lilly in the after life. I must say that the cold draft I felt when I entered the shop, and again as we left seemed like a presence. It seemed as if Charles felt it too and responded to it as if it was his wife.

  Lily seemed more than a little freaked out by the history of the Evening Star. I tried to persuade the scientist in her to look at this objectively. To Lily I answered, “Well, you have the basics but let me add a few thoughts I have. Yes, the stone has passed through five generations, and yes three of those women probably died prematurely. Gwendolyn was murdered for being a witch. I don’t think that is a huge concern in today’s world. Joan died in a car accident, a statistical possibility for anyone who uses a car, and Lilly died due to an anomaly during her pregnancy, also a statistical possibility for any woman that conceives a child. The other two women lived long and prosperous lives. Lily, the stone is not cursed or malevolent.” She quickly chimed in “I didn’t say it was.” I replied, “You didn’t have to, I could see the concern in your eyes as the history of the Evening Star unfolded.” “Well it is a lot to process and you and I both saw the stone change, right? I don’t know Max, how is this possible?”

  “Charles said that the stone would guide you, if you listened to it, it would lead you down the right path. You also left out the part I found to be most important. Charles said it was the strength of our bond, our love for one another that allowed the light to pass to you. He said we would be connected for eternity. Anything bound by the power of love can’t be that bad.”

  I watched Lily’s brow furrow as she tried to organize the swirling thoughts in her mind. “Lily I have to confess to you, since the day I put that necklace around your neck and we devoted our hearts to each other, I have felt connected to you. It is as if your heart beat beside mine in my chest. The day you fell in the shower, I didn’t hear you call, but I felt something. I felt your pain and fear. Don’t you see Lily, I think Charles is right. The Evening Star has connected us. You just have to learn to listen to it. Once you accept this to be true, I am sure you will feel the connection.”

  I pull my love in close to me, reassuring her with my firm embrace. “Lily, I have known all along that you are special. So if the necklace truly picked you, it made a good decision, because you are a strong woman with an amazing heart. I know it is a lot to think about but you yourself have said in the past to keep an open mind. If you let go of your fear, suspend your disbelief, and focus on the love we share then perhaps you will feel it like I have. The connection is there.” Even as I said this I was actually hoping she would continue in her state of disbelief for a little while longer. I was fearful, if she felt that connection, she would learn the truth about me, and I hope to keep that secret just a little longer.

  “You know you always seem to say or do just the right thing to make me feel better. When you analyze the facts as you put them, talk about statistics and such, it seems plausible that the stone is not malevolent or cursed. It’s just that witch craft, was never something I studied in detail, I have always been a bit leery about the subject. To think this came from a woman that died for being a Wiccan, well it seems that something associated with the death of a witch might be very powerful. It is all a little daunting. Either way Max, the Evening Star came from you, out of love, and when we pledged our hearts to each other I meant it and I know you did too. I will stay focused on our love and try and hear the “whispering” of the Evening Star. If such power exists, I hope that I will follow the right path.” “So, you’re ok?” I asked. “Max, I’m with you, and as I said before, together I think we can handle what ever life throws our way. Together, I’m way better than ok, together everything is perfect.”

  Chapter 23

  Loose Ends Tied Up


  Some New Truths Reveled

  We left the Krispy Kreme, and made our way down Main Street. Paul’s bar, The Library, was up on the other side of the street. Above his bar was a novelty/head shop called Odd Ball Gifts. Its’ name was appropriate, for when you ascended the 99 numbered steps, each with Odd Ball factoids, you knew you were not entering a typical shop. The interior was divided into two sections. The front section did indeed have an impressive array of strange novelty items that the typical college student would find irresistible. Posters by the hundreds, representing every team, music group, and heart throb were all displayed in hanging protective sleeves, numbered for easy identification. There were walls of gag gifts with items such as fake poo and vomit, pepper gum, hand buzzers, exploding cigars, and the like. On one wall there was over fifty t-shirts identifying the various prints that could be made while you wait, under which were shelves of mugs and picture frames and various knick-knacks.

  The back of the shop, accessible by passing through a beaded curtain, was the adult section. A sign posted on the counter by the entrance said, “Adult content section. All patrons must be 18yrs. or older beyond this point.” Passed the “highly secure” bead barrier, was the head shop and sexually explicit material. Bongs, pipes, incense and candles, along with a horde of related drug paraphernalia dominated the left side of the back section. Vibrators, dildos, various sex toys and adult videos were on the right side. Lily and I stayed up in the front section of the store where Lily picked out a few items for her brother for Christmas. Along a back table there were several books for sale. The books included Growing Pot For Dummies, The Encyclopedia of Marijuana, The Joy Of Sex, a book on Zen principles, and several others with a new age feel. Lily picked up a small paperback book entitled, Gems, Crystals and Stones: The Hidden Powers Within. “Perhaps some light reading for the airplane.” She said as she added two more books to her purchases. Channeling Your Inner Wiccan, and Wiccan Gods and Goddesses, seemed anything but light reading. “What? I’m trying to be objective like you said. I am a scientist remember? I have questions. If I read up on the topic, maybe I will be able to find some answers. Anyway, it will give us something to read on the plane. I figure they could be informative or funny or at the very least so dull as to put us to sleep. Any of those outcomes are worth the price. Don’t you agree?” “I do” I said as I added a fourth book to the pile. “The History of Witchcraft and the Supernatural might be informative as well.”

  We took our items to the register, where a young co-ed stood, bored, waiting to ring up the next patron. “Hi Ginny”, said Lily. “Professor Bean, how’s it going? Hey, I got my index cards right here. Study, study, study! I am going to ace your final.” “Glad to see it Ginny, I would expect nothing less. Ginny Grimes, this is Max VanderCreek. Its nice you two get a chance to meet before the trip.” “You’re going?” We said in unison, Ginny giving me a flirty smile. Lily answered for us, “Yes you are both signed up, there are two others as well, Bill Treetop and Andrew Jensen.”

  I had not given much thought to anyone else going on this trip. In my mind I only pictured going with Lily. These three will have to be doing something else when Lily and I interview Victoria. That is if Lily even planned on having me with her. It dawned on me that I would have to do a little research of my own. I had to discuss the trip itinerary with Lily. As if reading my mind Lily said to Ginny and I, “I e-mailed the itinerary and group info today, I figured I would give you a hard copy tonight.” As she addressed me she clasped her hand in mine. The look on Ginny’s face did not go unnoticed by Lily or me. Disappointment quickly turned to resentment, as Ginny looked between me and Lily. There was so much riding on this trip, it was too important to be distracted out of concern for how these three students might interfere with my plans. After I get a look at that itinerary I will be better prep
ared to plan how to keep those three in the dark.

  In the mean time, I used my power of persuasion on Ginny. As I grabbed the bag of merchandise, I made sure to brush Ginny’s hand with my finger. That along with direct eye contact had her receptive to my suggestion. “Ginny, this trip will be fun, I heard the local New Zealand men have a thing for American women. You will be quite busy sifting through the hordes in search of the man of your dreams.” Ginny’s eyes brightened and her demeanor towards Lily went from resentment to camaraderie. “Yeah, I should look on line at New Zealand dating services, just to see what’s out there. I hope it’s a hot bed of male studs. Too bad your attached Bean, we could have done some damage together. I guess there will be more for me then.” This was said with absolutely no malice or ill will. Ginny was excited to “do some damage” and at least for now the issue of her interfering between Lily and I romantically is no longer a problem.

  “Thanks.” I said as I took the merchandise. “See you tomorrow, Ginny.” Lily said as we walked hand in hand out of the store, down the 99 steps and up to the door to Paul’s bar. Before we went into The Library, Lily turned and looked at me and said, “For a minute I thought there was going to be a problem with Ginny, she kind of gave me the evil eye when I held your hand, but then she did a complete one eighty and seemed ready to go on the prowl for a New Zealand hottie. Good redirect Max. Now if you can promise me you will be civil, I would really like some lunch. I will quickly go over the dog sitting responsibilities with Paul, and then I want to go home with you. This has been a productive, yet exhausting afternoon. The sooner we get back to my place the sooner we can cuddle up together. I need some serious lovin’, and you are what the doctor ordered.” “I will be a perfect gentleman.” I said as I kissed the top of her head.

  We walked into the Library, with its walls lined with faux books. The bar looked like the circulation desk at a real library. The college students love this place. They can tell their parents that they were at the Library all night, and they are not technically telling a lie. Although the only studying being done is researching the mating habits of their fellow co-eds and seeing how much booze it takes to get your beer goggles on. We grabbed two menus off of the bar and found an empty table in the back. Paul nodded a greeting toward Lily; his reaction to me was neutral. So, maybe the old dog can learn. It seems that Paul has finally dropped the arrogant attitude. Our last encounter was like a virtual neutering. Good dog.

  The waitress came over and took our order. When she had left to get us our drinks Lily eyed the bar, empty at the moment, except for Paul cutting up the fruit for garnishes. “I’ll be right back Max, while the bar area is quite I want to go over the details of dog sitting with Paul.” She bent in and kissed me, one sweet chaste kiss on the lips. I realized the significance of her gesture. Once again I am reminded of my encounter with the wolves. With one small kiss the parameters were laid out. I was the alpha male, and Paul was a lucky member of the pack, as long as he stayed in line he would be able to continue to be in the pack, but step out of line or try to take over as alpha and he would be forced to leave the pack or fight to the death to be alpha male. Here I go dreaming again.

  I admire my alpha female as she makes her way over to the bar. She is more beautiful to me with every new detail I learn about her. She has great legs. I find myself looking for lunch to be over quickly, the afternoon “lovin’” Lily mentioned has me working up a different appetite. “I listen in as Lily and Paul talk. “Hi Paul, how are you?” “I’m good Jelly Bean, you look… incredible, I hate to even say this, knowing the reason, but you look really happy, you’re practically glowing. Well, I’m happy for you Lily, you and what’s his name; I always want you to be happy, even if it’s not with me.” “Thanks Paul, I am happy. I love Max and if I am lucky I will get to spend the rest of my life with him. You know you’re my best friend, God your like a brother, I hope that hasn’t changed.” “No problem there Jelly Bean, I’m a lifer when it comes to caring about you, I will forever be your friend. Now wipe the worried look off your face, I love Pumpkin. I have watched her before, you forget? Let me see if I remember: Out in the AM by 7:00, fed breakfast by 8:00, let out in yard or take for a walk for an hour, and then she pretty much sleeps around till dinner. Dinner is at 6:00pm followed by an evening walk and its back to sleeping. One late night quick pit stop outside and she sleeps till morning. She has an enviable schedule.”

  “Well it sounds like you have it down. Not too many treats, and easy on the bar food scrapes. If she pukes you’ll be stuck cleaning it up. I really appreciate this. She’s too old and used to her freedom to be kenneled. I e-mailed you all the emergency numbers, her vet, the animal hospital, my cell, and the number of the hotel where I’m staying. Give me a call if there is any problem. I’ll bring her by Friday night if that’s ok.” Friday’s fine, she can hang out behind the bar with me or sleep in my office. It’s all good Jelly Bean, she’ll be fine.” Paul stepped out from around the bar and gave her a hug. It was quick and followed by a hasty glance my way. That’s right dog, respect your rank and mine, I thought.

  Lily came back over to the table looking relieved that everything was taken care of. “Now I am almost ready for the trip, I just can’t get too excited about it till everything is done. The only thing left I have to do is grade my exams after the tests, put the grades in, and I am ready for New Zealand.” As she sat down the food came. “And now I am ready to eat”, she added. And eat she did, her dinner and the half of mine I was “too full to finish”. Maybe she does have a tapeworm, or a parasite. After our meal we settled the check and walked back to my car. I opened the door for Lily and as I turned to let her in I noticed the Antique Shop was closed. The red closed sign in the window and lack of lights inside struck me as ominous. I quickly helped Lily into the car. I don’t know why, but I definitely did not want her to see that closed sign.

  “If it’s ok with you Lily, can we go back to my place first? I have to pick up some things to be ready for tomorrow. You haven’t seen my place yet, what do you say?” “I would love to see your place Max.” “Excellent!” I had hoped to get an opportunity to bring Lily to my home. I made sure to remove any evidence of my alternate life style, even going so far as to put food and drinks in my refrigerator and pantry. I have an old horizontal cooler in my barn. I store my personal supplies in there. Blood lasts about a week as I store it. I have eight bags left from my Cortland haul. I am trying to ration my supply until we go away. I will have to go at least two weeks without human blood, not a big deal really, but I feel the need to be at my peak for this trip. I want to be prepared for any eventuality.

  We take the short drive out of town and out toward my farm. I am excited to bring Lily to this very special place of mine. It is not like I can bring her home to meet my family, so this is the next closest thing. This place holds my early history. The peace I get from sitting atop a pile of hay in the barn is unparalleled. I want to share this part of myself with her. If she can get a sense of the human I was, perhaps when she finally learns the truth, she will see that I am very much that person still. Albeit virtually immortal, with a black stain on my soul for the horrors I committed in my past. But I have spent nearly a century trying to atone for my sins against humanity. And given time I believe Lily will be able to accept me for who and what I am. Could I be that “gorgeous, young vampire stud” of her youthful fantasies? I seem to have swept her off her feet. The thought of “turning her” however, is too unpleasant to contemplate.

  It is possible to “turn a human”, force a change in them to become a vampire. But it is not something I have ever done nor is it anything I would want to do. To turn a human, a vampire must first drink from them till they are nearly drained of their blood. It is extremely difficult to stop feeding once you start, especially from a human, the blood is so powerful. It’s a very primal process; you are forced to overcome the natural drive in every cell of your body to obtain more human blood. If
you can stop, the human must be very near death, and if they do die, then they can not be turned. If the vampire fails to drain enough blood however, the human’s immune system may fight off the invading foreign cells. This would also be excruciating and still potentially fatal for the human. As the vampire drains a human’s blood and it enters the vampire’s system it becomes part of him. His DNA is infused with each new cell. He then must open his own vein and force the nearly dead person to drink from him. The human must drink to the point the vampire is nearly desiccated. The vampire must then break away from the feed and drink from another blood source to regain his strength. I have heard that some vampires bring two people to a transition, one to turn and one for food.

  The changed blood that enters the human will slowly infect every cell of their body, injecting the mutant DNA into each cell. As each cell is infected it will change. A cell by cell restructuring will occur, changing the human cells into vampire cells. This is very much like how a human born with the genetic mutation for Vampirism changes, except the process is triggered by his own cells as a result of the genetic mutation. However a human without the mutation is near death twice, once being drained, and again as the transition takes effect. The process is grueling and torturous. I wouldn’t wish the pain on my worst enemy, let alone the woman I loved. Once the transition is complete they will have to feed. They will crave human blood as anyone does who transitions. And then the real challenges present themselves.

  I quickly dispel the images these dismal thoughts have given me. My mood is slower to brighten. We are almost to my farm when Lily asks, “Are you ok, Max? A very sorrowful feeling just washed over me, and I think it was your feeling. I know that sounds strange, but it was as if, for a fraction of a second, I could feel your emotions and sense something troubling you.” Inwardly I was shocked by this revelation. Lily was connecting to me. She was using the power of the Evening Star. This would mean that soon she would sense things about me that will reveal me. I would have to be careful now to control my emotions. To Lily I said, “I’m fine, perhaps a little melancholy. I was just thinking that I have no family for you to meet, just the old family home. I wish my mother Genevieve was alive to meet you, she would have liked you instantly.”


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