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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

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by Crystal Dawn

  Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Series

  Book 1

  Bad to the Bone

  By Crystal Dawn

  Cover by ZH Designs

  2016 Copyright by Crystal Dawn

  Edited by Eagle Editing

  This book is the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to any persons living or dead are simply a coincidence. Any locations or events are fictitious or used in a fictional manner.

  Chapter 1

  Security Issues

  Bone tired after a long day of work and some additional training, Moe walked in the house and dropped her keys on the table by the door. She sat on the chair in the entry way to untie her combat boots and take them and her socks off. Moe wiggled her toes and stretched them out. A sound of relief and pleasure slipped out. Damn, that felt good. Not as good as the shower she would be taking soon, but it was a start.

  Stripping as she headed toward the bathroom, she let her guard down since she was finally home. Fully naked and feeling gloriously free, she stepped through the door in the bathroom and rough hands grabbed her. The desire to scream filled her, but there was no point. She was alone, unarmed, and at the mercy of a much larger male. He’d not bothered to put a hand over her mouth. Why would he? They were miles from the next nearest house and if she screamed, all she would do was increase his pleasure. Judging by the shaft pressed up against her, he was enjoying this a great deal already.

  Think! She instructed herself. Moe was trained for this, but she was truly in a hopeless situation. The male had her pinned, her arms pulled tight against her body. His hot breath fanned against her ear distracting her. Her head was against his chest. A chest hard as a rock, head butting it wouldn’t help. Too bad she had taken her boots off since her feet were the only thing left she could move.

  Slumping, to where he had to hold her up, she kicked him hard in his knee. Grunting in surprise, his hold loosened just enough that she was able to jerk free and elbow him in the ribs. Another grunt, this one of pain and she turn breaking his hold. She went for his balls, but he moved to protect them so she kneed his stomach instead. His breath whooshed out of him as she ran to hit the alarm. Help would soon be on its way.

  The male stood smirking and had the nerve to applaud. “If I was an assassin you would be dead. You can’t let your guard down just because you feel safe at home. I loved the recovery though. An abductor would be writhing on the floor now.” He looked at the stun gun she now had in her hand.

  She raised her brow. “Hmm, what should I do now?”

  “C’mon Moe. You can’t mean to stun me.”

  “Why not? This is a test, right? We need to see if I can follow through.” He was surprised when she pulled the trigger, but he’d been trained to avoid hits by stun guns. Moe laughed wickedly. “Looks like you passed the test, Tyne. You’ve lived up to your reputation.”

  “Female.” He said as he stalked her. “You’re about to get that luscious ass turned bright red.”

  Moe only cackled at him. “Promises, promises.” Tyne looked really put out and for a moment, a niggling of fear ran through her. What if he really attempted to spank her? The knock on her door negated the concern. She ran to her bedroom to throw on some clothes and hurried back.

  Tyne headed to answer it growling at his guys. “Took you long enough.”

  They seemed to blame her for his irritation and they all glared at Moe. Their boss was the nicest guy anyone knew, except when he was around his girlfriend and they all knew she had refused to complete the mating. She knew it made him grumpy, but she had the right to be sure, didn’t she? Mating was a forever thing with no way out.

  She didn’t know why he couldn’t be happy with an exclusive, live-in relationship. He was older than she was, had lived through more, and was experienced in all ways, so wasn’t it easier for him to know what he wanted? Moe wasn’t even sure what she wanted to do for a living, not completely.

  “We got here in three minutes, Boss. How can you complain about that? Five minutes is our goal.” Jesse asked. Poor dumb new kid.

  Tyne’s head whipped around and he growled. Jesse looked at the floor and suddenly had nothing more to say. “Hey guys. Have you eaten yet?” Moe asked. Hell, it didn’t look like Tyne was happy she’d extended the invitation and all the guys saw it.

  “Nah, we just ate.” Jesse explained. The other guys all agreed and they rushed to get out the door.

  “Big, bad alpha wolf! What the hell is wrong with you? Those guys wanted to stay and enjoy your company. They wouldn’t have stayed long.”

  “I wanted to spend an evening with you. Just you and me, because we don’t see each other much.”

  “Whose fault is that?”

  “Are you blaming me?”

  “You travel two to three weeks a month.”

  “I asked you to come with me every time.”

  “I need to have a job of my own, not just following you around wherever you go.”

  “You could be one of the team when I go. You choose not to.”

  “So it’s my fault? If I had a business, would you want to follow me all over?”

  “Why does it have to be a fight every night? I love you, damn it! Mate me and everything else will fall into place.”

  “What if it doesn’t? If we can’t work things out now, why do you think it would be so easy then?”

  “Look at Ariel and Blake, Damon and Marissa, and Mac and Mandi. Have you ever seen happier couples? They mated first and then it all worked out for them. Why wouldn’t it be the same way for us? How do you feel about me Moe?”

  “You know how I feel. You’re important to me, very important.”

  “That’s the best you can do?” Tyne asked with frustration hanging off each word.

  Moe felt terrible because she could see she was hurting him, but love scared the hell out of her. There was so much she wanted to see and do before she settled down with him. She knew he was her one and even though she was afraid she might lose him, mating right now was out of the question. Stepping closer, she pulled him into her arms. He didn’t fight her, he just made her work for it. Pulling his head down, she nibbled on his lower lip just the way he loved. His wolf growled, needy, but still pissed off. There seemed no way to settle this, but she would still seduce him and he would give in. Tomorrow it would start all over again.

  His lips parted just for a second and she was sliding her tongue into his mouth making him forget why he was angry. Tyne’s hands grabbed her ass, her large ass, but he loved it. She’d never doubted it was true with the time he spent worshipping said ass and her large legs too. Moe had a good body image and she knew most men liked big butts, but pretended not too. It wasn’t society’s ideal of the perfect female. Fuck that. At least some day when they had babies, the little pups would come out easier because of her childbearing hips.

  Moe didn’t really care what other people thought about her body anyway. She was happy with it and had long since decided she would never be a skinny girl, so she would enjoy life without trying to be something she wasn’t. Food was something she loved, but she ate healthy part of the time and she exercised often. Working security with Tyne demanded she be in the best possible shape. Her family were fanatics about being able to defend one’s self so that was nothing new.

  It was something she had in common with Tyne, besides the incredible sex. She wouldn’t admit it to him, but she loved the mangy wolf. Okay, he wasn’t mangy. He was actually super-hot in every way. Her hands were running all over that sexy muscled body. but what she saw in him was so much more than looks.
Tyne was smart, loyal, and now she was making him sound like a pet dog. Maybe she just needed to stop over thinking things for now and just fuck her boyfriend? That was a damn good plan.

  She wriggled out of her shirt, not pulling back from the kiss until she had to. They were both breathing hard, but Tyne’s look was still guarded. Moe unsnapped and removed her bra and took his big warm hands and placed them over her perfectly sized C cups. Her breasts were not too big and not too small. Her one perfect feature. Not that she thought she was ugly, she wasn’t. It was just that most of her parts didn’t match up with the expectations of what was ideal for a woman these days.

  Tyne couldn’t resist her breasts. He began to pinch her nipples, plucking at them as if they were a fine musical instrument. Moe moaned, her breasts were sensitive and he knew just how to play them for maximum pleasure. His big slightly rough hands applied just the perfect pressure. When he lowered his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth, she almost came. When he lightly bit it she exploded.

  “Yes, cum for me, Moe. So sensitive and easy to please.” Tyne whispered. For now, his mind was off their argument, but she knew it would be back on it eventually.

  “Only for you.” And that was the closest to a commitment she could give him. His eyes sparked gold with his wolf barely held back. She knew there was a danger that he would lose control and mark her, but she couldn’t resist him.

  He picked her up and carried her to their bed laying her on it. Stepping back he began to undress and she wriggled out of her pants. Her eyes never left the incredible show he was giving her. The male was gorgeous, big, and muscled without an ounce of fat anywhere and a cock that didn’t look like it would fit in her, but oh, boy, did it.

  Watching him undress turned her into a drooling fool. He was all male and one hell of a beast in either form. Right now, he was all hers. “I’m glad to see you got naked too.” Tyne said as he laughed devilishly. His look told her she was going to be thoroughly ravished before he was sated.

  In the blink of an eye, he was on the bed with her rolling them over until she was on top. “Where’s my cowgirl? She ready to ride?” Tyne asked. The first time they’d met he’d driven her to her family’s farm. They had been breaking some horses and her brother wanted her to ride one of them. He said the stallion loved females and wouldn’t let any males on him. The horse let her on alright and once she was completely astride, it was rodeo time. She rode him until they both wore out. Her legs were weak when she slid out of the saddle.

  Tyne told her later that was when he knew she was the one for him. He’d said how could anyone not love a woman that could ride like that. So his favorite position was letting her ride him. She was only too happy to do it now that she had adjusted, somewhat, to his size. Just because he liked being ridden, didn’t mean her male wasn’t a dominant alpha bad ass. Tyne’s was one of the biggest baddest wolves around.

  She positioned herself to take his full length as she stared down at him. “My, what big ears you have.”

  “The better to hear you with.”

  “My, what big eyes you have.”

  “The better to see you with.”

  “Hmm, my, what big teeth you have.”

  “The better to eat you with and you’ll like it, Red.” It was a nickname he sometimes called her because her hair was red. She loved it when this playful mood came out and they could relax and tease each other. Right now though, the play was done.

  Tyne was filling her up and she was dying to move. Slowly she rocked and rolled her hips then she moved faster. Pretty soon she was riding him like she meant it, which she did. He was so fucking hot she was on the edge of her orgasm almost immediately. His growls and groans lit her fuse like nothing else could and she exploded all over him.

  Her male wasn’t ready yet so she rode out her orgasm and Tyne flipped them when she calmed and started drilling into her hard and fast. It wasn’t long before Moe was screaming his name and he pushed his own climax forth. Her channel squeezed every last drop out and he jerked against her until the last throes of his orgasm stilled. Holding her, he rolled back over so she would be spread out on top of him with her head lying over his heart.

  They both relaxed and even though neither intended to, they both fell asleep. It was a couple hours later when they woke. “Holy crap, I didn’t plan to fall asleep.”

  “Me either.” His soft sexy voice whispered in her ear.

  “I’ll get up and fix us supper after I take a shower.” Moe offered.

  “Sounds good. Do you want some company in the shower?”

  “Only if you don’t care if we eat before midnight.”

  “I have to say I am hungry, but for more than just food.” His smile made her melt.

  “Food first, then we can get busy.”

  “I’ll remind you that you said that.”

  “As if I would forget.” Tyne smacked her ass as she got out of bed. She just giggled and ran to the shower.

  Moe turned on the water waiting until it warmed before stepping in. Under the soothing warmth of the water, she wished things were simpler. If Tyne was the usual male she wouldn’t have to worry about them getting serious so quickly, but he wanted to mate. Her refusal to jump right in, hurt him and his pain hurt her. It caused a vicious cycle of fighting and making up just to fight the next day.

  She wanted him, but she wanted to wait. Why was that so wrong? Moe washed her hair and soaped up. When she rinsed off, she was done. Drying off and dressing, she headed right for the kitchen. “Hey, get out of there.” Tyne was rummaging in the fridge. “Go take your shower.”

  “Alright.” He turned and did as she asked leaving her to prepare a meal for the two of them.

  By the time he came back, she had tossed together a salad and some leftovers. Nothing sensational, but some good filling food. The surprise was the cherry pie for dessert. That was his favorite and she had bought it off Cassie, one of her cousins. She made the world’s best pies. Not that Moe couldn’t make pies, but lately she didn’t have the time.

  They ate in silence, until Tyne saw the dessert. “Oh, goddess! You got me my favorite pie.”

  Moe turned pink in embarrassment as he raved about it. She took a big piece and gave him most of the pie which he gobbled down like he was starved. She didn’t mind, he had to keep up his strength since he was the biggest baddest wolf around. In her mind, Tyne was bad to the bone. Tougher, stronger, and more able than anyone she knew or had ever met. If push came to shove, she would deny that was her opinion, because the man had a big enough head without further encouragement.

  His whole crew, the one he worked with regularly, was made up of bad asses. Someday he might even make her part of that crew. What? Stranger things had happened and she was tough in her own way. Tyne had even said she was partly trained. The truth was, he didn’t even know everything she could do. Her dad had always said to keep a few secrets. A person never knew when they would come in handy. Her dad may have disappointed her, but she still loved him and it didn’t negate his advice.

  “That pie was fucking fantastic!” Tyne admitted and Moe smiled. It wasn’t like his preference in desserts was a secret. She was still pleased he was happy. Tyne leaned back and patted his flat stomach. It drew her eyes to his perfect physique. “I guess it’s bedtime now?” He wiggled his brows.

  “Yes, I’m very tired. Sleep sounds good right about now.”

  “I said bed, not sleep. I’m going to keep you up all night and make you scream my name until your voice is hoarse.”

  “Hmm, sounds wonderful, but someone has to do the dishes and I think I’ll be asleep by the time you’re done.”

  Tyne jumped up clearing the table in seconds. They’d finished everything so he didn’t have any leftovers to put up. He rinsed the dishes and stacked them in the dishwasher like a pro. Moe hurried to the bedroom to undress and put on a baby doll in blood red she’d bought just for him.

  She had barely gotten changed and posed perfectly on the bed when he came
rushing in. He abruptly came to a stop and his eyes practically popped out. “Damn female. You look unbelievable. Good enough to eat. My appetite is returning fast.”

  It was times like these Moe wished she didn’t have the pale skin most red heads did. It turned so red when she was embarrassed or excited. At least Tyne seemed to appreciate it. He’d joined her on the bed, pushing her flat on her back, and just staring at her like a starving male. Her body released some honey to help ease his way and his nostrils flared as he scented it. The male moved like the predator he was sliding down her body to take what he wanted. It just happened to be what she wanted too.

  He bit her breast lightly, but moved on past it. He ran his tongue down her abs and her stomach until he was just there. His hot damp breath hit her pussy lips and drove her crazy. She wanted to beg for his touch, but knew from experience he’d hold back if she did. Her whole body ached for him and her awareness all hung on that one part of her body that he was staring at. As she watched him waiting for him to touch her, he licked his lips with that big hot tongue. Damn him! She almost came from that.

  The male was playing her like a fine tuned instrument and it drove her crazy. This was his way of exerting some control and handing out some punishment to her. It was working only too well. Her hips were dying to arch up and put her ripe pussy in his face. If she thought it would work, she’d do it immediately. Instead she tried to act like it didn’t matter to her if he ever licked her there. Even though he knew better, she thought it was getting to him.

  When his tongue finally licked her, she nearly jumped out of her skin. A moan was drawn out of her, deep and needy. One of his fingers moved to her channel filling it and finger fucking her with abandon as his tongue glided over her clit sending zings of awareness and tension through her. He added a finger and sped up. Moe knew she wouldn’t last long as aggressively as his fingers were working in unison with his wicked tongue. Her legs opened wider as she arched up toward him open fully for him to do with as he pleased. Sex was always amazing with Tyne.

  Faster, harder, and deeper his fingers, now three in number, slammed into her as his tongue slid over her clit and his mouth sucked it in and released it. So close, she rode at the edge of a climax, needing just a feather soft push to go over the cliff and ride it down into perfect bliss. When he scrapped her clit with his teeth, it pushed her over. She screamed his name as she pushed her pussy into his face and grabbed his hair so he couldn’t escape. He only finger fucked her harder and lapped at the honey that gushed from her channel.


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