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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

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by Crystal Dawn

  As her jerking and bucking slowed, so did his fingers and that magical tongue. Now he slid up her body and placed his thick cock head at her entrance slowly pushing his way into her. Once he was fully seated, he paused so they could both enjoy the connection. Her body wrapped around him like a glove welcoming him home. Never had she doubted they were meant to be together, she just wanted to explore what life had to offer first. Tyne had been everywhere and done everything imaginable. She, on the other hand, had rarely gone far from home.

  Moe started to imagine the amazing things the world had to offer, until Tyne moved. Once he began his assault of her senses, nothing existed, but the man and the act of loving they were involved in. She knew she was risking what they had, but she didn’t feel she was a whole person until she had some experiences and travel in the world around her. Tyne didn’t understand it had nothing to do with males, she’d dated some and he blew them all away.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist hanging on to him as if they would never let go. Tension built and did everything perfectly, making her scream as her orgasm rolled over her. She felt the jets of hot cum as he filled her with his essence. Moe wanted everything this male had to offer, even the mating, she just wanted to wait. Knowing he might leave rather than give her time, hurt like hell. Tyne was older and he wanted it all now. She was young and just beginning to live and wanted to be sure there would be no regrets.

  “You screamed my name.” Tyne murmured in her ear.

  “I always do.” Normally this was where the argument began, but he added nothing more.

  Tyne rolled keeping his arms wrapped around her. “You are so fucking beautiful.” He whispered.

  Moe thought him the most handsome male she’d ever met. It went even deeper than that. Everyone, well except for the bad guys and even some of them, liked Tyne. She had cousins that wanted to claw her eyes out and take him away, but it was clear who he wanted to be with. Besides, family didn’t do that to family regardless of the reward. Her hand was over his heart and it beat steady as he started to fall asleep. His day must have been tiring and she remembered it had started early.

  Los Lobos had been spotted in the area and that was a concern for all of them. Tyne covered security for most of her family. He was like the preferred provider. Even though she had mercenaries in the family, Tyne handled most of the issues dealing with safety. They were only called in if the worst things happened. Like when Amee, one of her cousins, had been kidnapped by Los Lobos. Everyone had come together to get her back.

  Tyne was good at what he did, no matter what it happened to be. Looking at his face, relaxed in sleep, she admitted she loved him. She’d never told him and that upset him too. Moe just lay there half draped across Tyne and thinking, maybe overthinking, everything until she fell asleep.

  Something was missing when she woke up and the smell of coffee and food hit her. Tyne had managed to wiggle out from under her and leave her lying on his side of the bed. The delicious scent of him lingered on the sheets and tickled her nose. That was probably why him leaving hadn’t woke her up. That and the fact that he was good at stealth. Moe got out of bed taking a shower just to wake up. She’d been tired lately.

  It was all the internal conflict and uncertainty in her life. She was making plenty of money. Tyne got called in at odd hours and most weekends so she went with him. Sometimes she was a secretary, but other times she was his back up. He knew deep down that she loved him, even if she never told him, and that she wouldn’t ever let him down. Today was Saturday and she expected a call in because that was how life with Tyne worked. Moe didn’t mind, she just needed to stretch her wings and fly alone for a while.

  Dressing for work, she went out to claim a cup of coffee and watch him as he plated off their meal. “How did you know? Are you using that crazy Ariel dream stuff?”

  “Nope. Give me the details.”

  “There are three harpies missing from Ina Sue’s ball sack. One of them was spotted nearby. Our guys are following, but they worked last night and they need someone to take over.”

  “I hate Los Lobos. Shouldn’t we call Harm and the gang? She had an agreement and Ina Sue is family.” Ina Sue was mated to Uncle Matt, Ariel’s ex-husband. Once you were part of the family, unless you chose to leave, you were part of the family.

  “My thoughts were we should recover her first and find out who took her beyond all doubt.”

  “Okay.” He was right. Moe had a tendency to call in the cavalry before it was time.

  “Eat your food.”

  “Thank you for cooking.” He hadn’t just cooked basic foodstuff but, steak and eggs with refried potatoes and slices of fresh tomatoes, it was her favorite breakfast. Tyne was a dream, he was perfect and other females were always staring at him. Good thing she knew how to fight them off.

  “You know I would do anything for you.” He said with an intense look. It was like he was waiting for her to say the same things back, because they both knew it was true. She would die for him, why couldn’t she commit to him?

  “It’s delicious.” Moe complimented. She scarfed it down enjoying every bite. “Is this appropriate to wear or will we be kicking ass?”

  Wolf Securities had an informal work atmosphere. She wore jeans, but a nice top. Sneakers covered her feet, but her hair was pulled back out of the way so she could work. “You’re fine. You can fight in that.” Tyne smirked. Maybe he thought she was looking for a compliment, but the fire in his eyes anytime he looked at her told her everything.

  They headed down the road toward Carr Lane, Mo. It was a small community with only the gas station still operational. The other businesses were defunct. They pulled into one of the businesses that no longer operated and sat there waiting.

  “Joe and Tom said they were headed this way. They’re following an old maverick. That should be easy enough to spot.”

  Joe and Tom pulled in to talk to them, while the car they had been following turned at the stoplight then turned again to follow a dead end dirt road.

  “Hey Boss.” Joe said and Tom echoed. “We’re kind of tired and I’m hoping you’re here to let us go home.”

  “You guys saw the girl, right?”

  “Yup, we sure did.” Tom said.

  “Just have to be sure guys. If we recover her, you two will get a bonus.” Tyne promised.

  “Thanks Boss.” They both said in unison before they got the hell out of there so he couldn’t change his mind.

  Now that they were alone, Tyne pulled out his phone and called Blake who sounded almost anxious to join them. It worked out well because they drove to the end of the road where they found a house, kicked ass and took names, and recovered the harpy in a spare bedroom with no trouble at all. Moe liked it when things went well and there were no surprises or injuries. This time the victim went free with only bad memories and no physical injuries to remember the ordeal with. Blake had taken the girl to Ariel, and she and Tyne had called in wardens to deal with the bad guys they’d captured. It was sad that they had no clues to the other two females who had now been missing for two and three months respectively.

  It turned out the bad guys were a bunch of teen wolves looking to make some money. The man had told them she was his daughter and was trying to kill herself. He hinted that she was crazy and made up stories all the time. By the time he was through, the guys wouldn’t believe anything she said.

  “Why is it easier to believe a criminal than the victim?” Moe asked.

  “Those boys were greedy and they wanted an easy job. It’s not always the case.”

  “It is more often than not. Let’s go home and watch a movie.”

  “What do you want to see?”

  “Something sweet and romantic.”

  Tyne looked horrified. “Who are you and what have you done with my Moe?”

  Moe laughed until tears streaked down her face. “Gods, you should have seen the look on your face. It was precious!”

  “Ha ha. So what do you want to watch?” />
  “Hmm, something with lots of action, explosions, fighting, and a happy ending would be nice.”

  “That’s my girl. What will we eat?”

  “Let’s bake some wings, fix a bunch of deviled eggs, potato salad, open some dip, and heat up the ribs from the other day.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  They fixed their feast working well together in the kitchen. Tyne wasn’t afraid to help out like some alphas who snubbed what they considered female’s work.

  Chapter 2

  Dedicated to the Job

  Tyne got a call in the middle of the movie so she paused it and waited for him to come back. She fell asleep before he did and it was late so the movie would have to wait for another time. He lifted his female like she didn’t weigh a thing, because to him it was true. Tyne was the big bad wolf or bad to the bone as Moe often said. She wouldn’t be happy with what he was going to do, but it wouldn’t stop him, although he would try to make it up to her.

  He had to leave and he wasn’t letting her go with him. There was no way he could risk her, she was too precious to him. Yes, Moe would be pissed off, but wasn’t the saying that it was better than pissed on? She wouldn’t appreciate it if he told her that either. Snuggling up to his female, he enjoyed her soft curves, her warmth, and her sweet scent. He also fell asleep and neither of them woke until morning.

  “Good morning, Sweetheart.” Tyne whispered when he saw her eyes open.

  “Don’t morning sweetheart me. You’re leaving.”

  “How the hell do you know these things? It’s a white wolf thing, isn’t it?”

  “You’re not even going to deny it?”

  He sighed heavily. “What’s the point?”

  “No point and that’s my point.”

  “You’re making less sense than usual, Baby.”

  “No, you are being your usual horse’s ass self. You’re leaving me behind.”

  “I’d deny it, but you’re right. I’m going into the equivalent of a war zone. Los Lobos is everywhere. Besides, I need you to run things here.”

  “Nice try, Mister. Headquarters practically runs itself.”

  “If I need backup, I have to be sure it will come. You’re my ace in the hole.”

  “Yeah, the one you never use.”

  “I need to know you’re there if I do.”

  Tyne got up and began to get ready. He listened with half his attention, the other half on the mission ahead. The harpies ran a casino on their reservation and someone had just stolen almost a million dollars. His reward if the money was returned would be a hundred thousand bucks. That made this a priority mission. There was more to it than that. Ina Sue wanted to open a security company with him as a partner. He would provide the know-how and some people to train the new employees while Ina Sue would provide pretty much everything else.

  As far as deals went, it was a winner for everyone. Ina Sue already had a list of businesses including the casino that would be using their services. She already had the property they would use and a list of new employees ready to be trained. All needed equipment would be ordered through the reservation to get their discounts since they would be employing mostly people from the tribe. While everyone was a winner, Moe didn’t look too happy.

  Tyne packed and as he got ready to go, a bad feeling rolled over him. Moe hadn’t said much, and that was when she was the most dangerous. She tended to react rather than discuss things when she got riled. How a little female could make a big guy like Tyne nervous was hard to explain unless you knew white wolves. Something bad was coming out of this and it would bite him in the ass, hard. It wasn’t a question of if, but when.

  She let him kiss her, neither moving away or fully giving in to the kiss. His female would simmer until the time was right, then she would unleash her fury on him. Goddess help him when the time came. Now that he was loaded, it was time to go. Tyne straightened his back and walked out not looking back. He had a job to do now that would take all his attention to complete. Driving to his business, he felt a pain in his neck that manifested itself physically.

  Once he arrived, he was happy to see everyone else waiting for him. Most of his employees lived nearby. There were a few extras that didn’t normally work for him like Tank and Harry. They were along because of the Los Lobos presence. Tyne intended to make full use of their skills anyway.

  “I’m glad to see everyone here. We’ll be flying out of the regional airport on a rented plane and we will be landing at the private airport the harpies have on their reservation in Wyoming. All of you, I hope, have made yourselves familiar with the harpy tribe and their reservation?” He paused waiting for questions.

  “You are also aware of the presence of Los Lobos. They have stepped up their activity and robbed the harpy tribe’s casino. Getting the money back is a priority, but we also need to watch out for Los Lobos since they have been active in the area. There are still two harpy females missing and they are also a priority. Any questions?” Tyne let his gaze wander over the group. Many of his employees looked away while most of those like Tank and Harry just stared back.

  Maybe he’d been a bit irritable lately, but he never wanted his people to avoid him. Once he had things figured out with Moe, things would calm down. For now he had a job to do and they all loaded on the two vans that would take them to the airport. He’d find no pleasure here since most wolves hated to fly. At least the witches didn’t seem to mind.

  Arriving at the airport, he managed to circumvent the terminal and they loaded on the tarmac. They loaded quickly and took off right away. Not just were they in a hurry, but he didn’t want to give airport officials time to question the approval he’d gotten to avoid the terminal. Once they were airborne, Tyne relaxed a little. The plane, red, white, and blue in familiar markings, was a large jet, bought off one of the airlines at a surplus auction. The guy he’d rented it from was a friend and a good mechanic. He was probably the one flying the plane.

  Tyne just leaned back his chair and tried to sleep. There was a low murmur of voices, but those didn’t bother him. It was the music someone had on entirely too loud that was interfering with his rest. One of his newer recruits was the source and Tyne only had to look at him to get him to turn down the sound. There was a chorus of thank yous, letting him know he wasn’t the only one disturbed by the loud sounds.

  Now he was ready to give sleep another chance. It seemed as if he’d only closed his eyes before the plane was landing, but the rest had been welcome. Tyne noticed others waking up too. Now they would be entering the land of the harpies and he wondered how different it would be from the lifestyle wolves lived.

  Once they landed, they moved to the nearest building where a car rental place was located. Tyne got some vans and a couple of SUVs. While waiting for the vehicles to be pulled around, a call came through from his office and it was Moe. The review of the information, camera footage and records, had already netted the culprits, but things needed to be tidied up at the casino and changes made to their security. His people were good and the harpies would appreciate the excellent job they would do for them. They weren’t even loaded up yet, when a teenager ran up and whispered in Tyne’s ear. Moe was still on the line so he told her what was going on before he hung up. He sent the two vans on to the casino and he and the other SUVs went to the headquarters where reinforcements were needed.

  They could hear sounds and see fighting before they even stopped near the headquarters. Everyone looked ready for a fight which was a good thing since one was taking place. Tyne got out and stripped off his shirt. He carried a club and began to fight his way to the door. His people followed handing out what trouble they could. Halfway there he lost his club and now his fist were giving out the pounding.

  Tyne and his people continued on, one enemy after another until they made it to the door. Tyne had sweat running off him onto the floor. The mangy Los Lobos ran when they saw him near. None of them had a chance against him or any of his trained fighters. Knocking enemies
senseless, Tyne didn’t veer from his path until he made it into the headquarters. His entourage followed him in.

  They weren’t inside long when someone turned on some kind of defensive system that sent rapid fire shots into the enemy. When ask why it wasn’t on earlier, he was told it would take out friend and foe alike. That wasn’t a pretty thought. Good thing they had turned it off long enough for Tyne and company to get inside. Now that they were inside, it looked like they were trapped here too.

  Kellie Jo, the alpha’s sister took Tyne to their armory. It was most impressive and after he discussed options with the sister, they settled on using tranqs to hold off casualties on both sides. It was an easy enough decision with all the powerful tranqs the harpies had available. Now armed, they were stuck inside, heavily outnumbered. Tyne knew support was on their way, but he had no clue who or how many.

  In the back of his mind, he worried about Moe. Charging into this hostile situation like a crazy rebel was just what he might expect her to do. He wasn’t in any position to enforce his will but he prayed to the goddess that she kept his female safe.

  While they were waiting to see what might happen, Tyne shared the news about the casino robbery with Ina Sue. They had quickly solved it and the wardens were getting the money back along with other ill-gotten gains. The wardens would keep whatever went unclaimed. That looked to be a sizable amount of its own.

  If a small army would just show up and get them out of here, things would be looking up. A couple wardens joined them a few hours later and people were taking turns catching some sleep. It was hard to say who had it the hardest. The harpy headquarters had food, drink, and beds. It even had comfortable places to sit and converse. Los Lobos seemed to have food available and they could leave if necessary to go where they could sleep. He wasn’t sure he could close his eyes peacefully if he was a Los Lobos in harpy territory.


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