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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

Page 8

by Crystal Dawn

“I heard Tyne talking to someone about your schemes. He seemed scared that you might draw me into one.”

  “I’ll deal with him later. Every plan I’ve had has worked out successfully. I’d like you to consider working the receptionist’s desk for Tyne for a while to get experience. Meanwhile, since that asshole who kidnapped you died, we’re going to sue his estate because he used you as unwilling slave labor.”

  “I’m following you so far. That sounds reasonable, but there’s more isn’t there?” Twila asked as they both got in the SUV and Moe started to pull out on the road.

  “Just one day and you already know me so well. I’ve been saving for a business. I have a trust, but it’s more an emergency thing so we have a backup.”


  “I want you to be my business partner. You may not know much about this area so you might not realize it’s a tourist area.”

  “I noticed that. There are lots of signs for attractions.”

  “What I want to open is an old time town. A place right out of the horse and carriage days. Now at the entrance, there will be a huge gift shop with all modern amenities for those that can’t handle the heat or cold, but in the village itself, only tourists will be able to bring in modern devices like wheelchairs, strollers, and cameras.”

  “I’ve heard of a few towns like that and most seem to do well.”

  “I have such big plans and I know after what you were forced into, you might not want to do this, but it would be a way of taking lemons and making lemonade.”

  “I think I understand you and that scares me. You mean taking what I’ve endured and making money from it?”

  Moe giggled. “I do indeed. You don’t have to decide now. I’ve already got the land and it goes down to Table Rock Lake and all the way up to eighty-six. Two hundred and fifty acres, mostly wooded, ready for whatever gets decided.”

  “That sounds like a lot of land.”

  “Not a lot, it’s about what many farmers have. Right now it’s rustic, which is a benefit for what we have in mind. Not only will there be a village, but I plan to have a dairy, with a small part being run the way they did it in the old days and a separate modern part where the cows are milked and the milk is processed. We’ll be able to sell milk in the old style glass jars, cream, cheese, and lots of other things under our own label.”

  “That sounds very impressive. How will you get such a big project started?”

  “It’s already started. I have the land, I have all utilities just inside the property, and I have all building permits and a plan with the county to start construction anytime within a ten year plan. My aunt has a construction company and she’s agreed to do the main building that visitors will enter and exit from. They’ve already leveled the spot in preparation for building. I’ll be opening it on completion as a restaurant and bar to make money to help with the rest of the project.”

  “It all sounds challenging.”

  “You sound so much like your brother. He’ll believe it when he sees it, but he’s going to see it much sooner than he thinks. Oh, here we are.” Moe had pulled in and stopped automatically. “When I get to talking sometimes I don’t notice what’s going on.”

  They both got out and entered the office. “We have a minute to spare.” Moe mentioned as she glanced at the clock and the phone rang.

  “Wolf Investigations and securities Inc. How can I direct your call?” Moe greeted. She glanced at his office, her eyes meeting his as he nodded. “I’ll put your call through right away.” She pressed the button and hung her phone up once she saw he’d picked up his phone.

  “Is this mainly what you do?” Twila asked.

  “If only. See this in box?”

  “The full one?”

  “Yes, this is full of agreements that need typing, requests that need answered, appointments to make, problems to deal with, and all sorts of things. Whoever sits in this chair, has first go at them. They need to do everything they can so that the fewest possible things are moved on to Tyne. His business is extremely successful and that equates to busy. One of the reasons he doesn’t want me to start a business is he doesn’t want to lose his little helper.”

  “That’s not true. I offered you a full partnership.” Tyne growled sounding hurt.

  “It’s your business, Sweet cheeks. I refuse to sleep my way to the top.”

  Tyne growled again louder. “You have to make everything so difficult.”

  “What did you need?” Moe asked in her no nonsense business voice. She refused to discuss this here.

  “That was Ina Sue.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize her voice.”

  “Business is booming and she wants a rush job on ten security specialists.”

  “Okay. No problem, what level of skill does she need?”

  “Varying but at least two top notch security specialists that can fight well, in case.”

  “I’ll get right on it.” She looked at him expectantly and he turned and went back to his office. Moe pulled out a clipboard and began to make calls. Twenty minutes later she was done.

  “What did you just do?” Twila wondered.

  “I set up training for ten new recruits and specialized training for two of them afterwards. Then I pulled out my clipboard where I keep a list of anyone that might be interested in working here and called until I had twelve who confirmed their interest. I marked out any who said they no longer had any interest and marked those who had interest but couldn’t start right away in yellow. Once that happens twice, I mark out their names.”

  “Wow, that’s incredibly efficient.”

  “Thank you, I do an alright job. Tyne says it’s hard to find a good secretary. He’s a great guy to work for, but I want my own business.”

  “I understand. I’m not sure why he doesn’t.” Twila admitted.

  Moe spent some more time showing Twila how the files were set up and working through the full in box. “It’s almost lunch.” Moe said as she stood up, stretched, and yawned.

  “I can’t believe how much work you accomplished. Never would I have imagined there were so many different things to do. You’d never get bored, that’s for sure.”

  “Once in a while. I go out in the field too and if you’re interested, I’ll add you name to the basic training our operatives go through. It never hurts to know some self-defense.”

  Twila looked at her and Moe swore she could hear the wheels turning. “You’re right. Sign me up, it could only be a good thing.”

  “Training starts Monday. The others, so far, are all guys. I assume you’re in good shape other than needing to put on some weight?”

  “I’m skinny, but I’m tough. I bet I’m better than most.”

  “Good, I added you to the list. Tonight, I’ll work on the list to see if I can’t find some females who are interested. A good mix of people make the training better. Now let’s go to lunch and then we’ll start getting you taken care of.”

  They drove to a nearby restaurant and once they’d finished. Moe took a huge to go order and they dropped it off at the office. Tyne thanked her and gave her a sweet kiss that made her wolf roll over like a puppy. As irritated as she was at her once fearsome wolf, she still felt warm inside from the kiss.

  Now they were going to a salon frequented by many white wolves. Tina was human, an older motherly type that was easy to talk to and left her clients looking lovely. Moe knew Twila needed the extra confidence a makeover would give her.

  The bell tinkled as they entered the salon. There was one customer there, but she was under the hair dryer. Moe urged Twila to sit in the salon chair while she sat in the visitor’s chair. Tina came out front seconds later.

  “So who is this lovely young lady?” Tina asked. Moe fought back a giggle. Twila was probably as old or older that Tina.

  “This is Twila, Tyne’s sister.”

  “Oh, Tyne. Have you put that poor man out of his misery or decided to give him to me?” Tina laughed.

  “Not yet, but I
did bring his sister here for you to pamper.”

  “Poor girl looks like she’s not had a cut for years.”

  “She was living in a remote area helping out. The program ended and she’s able to get back to her usual lifestyle.” Moe knew the art of cover up, stick as close to the truth as possible.

  Chapter 6


  Twila looked around the salon and listened to Moe and Tina at the same time. Things had changed a lot since the last time she had been fixed up at a salon. Hopefully it would be more comfortable and the smells less irritating.

  Suddenly, everyone was quiet and she realized she’d been asked a question. “I’m sorry I spaced out. What were you saying?”

  Tina winked. “I hope whoever he is, he’s gorgeous. What would you like me to do to your hair?”

  “Tina has a natural talent at finding the perfect style if you let her.” Moe assured.

  “Okay, surprise me.” Twila agreed.

  Tina got out a water bottle and sprayed Twila’s hair until it was damp. Then she started cutting and although it seemed like a lot was lying on the floor, her hair was still quite long. It began to curl up almost instantly.

  “Come back here and we’ll wash your hair and put you under the dryer while I trim up Moe’s hair.” That was exactly what happened.

  Twila sat under the dryer but with her sensitive wolf hearing, she heard the little bell tinkle. Her hair was almost dry, but she stayed where she was as terror solidified around her heart as she scented a familiar stink. Ted Graves, the son of her original abductor, had come to claim her.

  Her eyes searched the room as she slipped out from under the hairdryer. A closet was nearby stacked full of stinky hair products and cleaning supplies. She slipped inside and tucked herself under the bottom shelf in case Ted came inside.

  “You’re human.” Ted accused and she knew he was talking to Tina. “Where is your other customer? Don’t lie, we can smell her.”

  “She left to get us some food. You just missed her.” Moe replied. Thank the goddess for Moe. “You might find her if you head up to Jimmy’s convenience store. I’m guessing you’re friends of hers?” Twila almost snorted and gave herself away. That Moe was something. She hoped she’d give in and mate her brother so she would have some nieces and nephews to spoil.

  “I like the way you smell, Sweetheart. A trade up would work just fine for me.” Ted said.

  “Fuck you and the little dog you rode in with.” Moe said and she must have done something too because Ted screamed just like a girl.

  “Shoot her Denny. Do it quick.” Twila heard a pop and then something falling to the floor. Her instinct was to rush out and help Moe. But fear froze her right where she was. She heard another pop and another fall. Tina had been shot too.

  Someone came to the back when the dryer pinged and turned off. “Why you reckon they had that running with no one in there?” Denny asked.

  “Shit, I dunno nothing about what women do. Maybe it has to warm up? When I scent the room, I can tell she’s been here, but she’s gone now. Let’s take the bitch we got and I’m gonna teach her some lessons when she wakes up.”

  “What about the human?”

  ‘What about her? Just leave her lay. She don’t know us from Adam.”

  “Alrighty. it’ll take both of us to lift the bitch.”

  “I’ll take her feet.”

  “That’s not fair, you’ll be getting all the pleasure and you’re making me do all the work?”

  “She’ll be cooking and cleaning for you too and if I get tired of her, I might let you have a taste.”

  “Don’t tease me, Ted. You never share. You’ll have to find me one of my own.”

  “Okay, but just because I’m a good big brother.”

  Denny snorted, but she could hear them carrying Moe out the door. At least she knew the two females were stunned, not dead. Even as she felt relief for that, horror filled her heart as she thought of what Moe would be subjected to. She waited, not wanting to be caught before she could get to her brother. She checked on Tina who seemed to be just sleeping soundly.

  It occurred to her that Tina had a phone and a phone book. How stupid was she not to think of calling Tyne? Thumbing through the yellow pages, she found the number and listened to the automated answering machine. She pressed number three for emergency.

  “Hello, this is Jesse. What’s your emergency?”

  “This is Twila, Tyne’s sister.”

  “Hey, Babe. What could possibly have happened? Didn’t you and Moe just leave here an hour ago?”

  “Someone came and shot Moe and took her away.”

  “Dear goddess. I’ll get Tyne right away.” The line sounded dead, but in seconds Tyne was on the line.

  “Who took her?” He barked.

  “Ted and Denny Graves. Ted said he was trading up. It’s all my fault, I hid so they took her.”

  “I’m getting all available security specialists on this. What about her being shot?”

  “Stun gun or tranq. Tina was shot too and he talked about her being human. She’s going to freak out when she wakes up.”

  “We’ll be there in ten minutes.” Tyne said and she knew he’d just hung up on her. Now all she could do was wait and hope Moe didn’t have to stay with Ted long.

  They arrived in a cloud of dust that was stirred up as Tyne turned his truck into the dirt driveway at Tina’s Beauty Salon. Tina was still knocked out although she twitched once in a while as if she were fighting the affects. It might be a problem since she was a human and the gun was set for supes. Tina might require the care of a doctor.

  “How is Tina?” Tyne asked first.

  “She’s still out but she’s started twitching in the last couple of minutes. I’m not sure what it means.”

  “Me neither. Tell me what happened in detail.” Tyne demanded.

  Twila broke down and cried. She was surprised when her brother pulled her into his arms and held her tight. “It’s all my fault. If I’d come out, they would have taken me instead.”

  “You’re being naïve, Sweetie. They would have taken both of you. Moe draws male wolves. Even decent ones have a hard time resisting. Bad ones don’t even try.”

  “She hurt Ted, he cried like a baby. Denny shot her and then Tina.”

  “I’m glad she got a lick in, but I’m going to tear him in half.” Tyne growled.

  Twila was glad Tyne was mad at Ted and Denny instead of her. She still felt guilty, but if Tyne really believed they would have both been taken, then at least she’d done the right thing. Without her, they’d have no idea who had taken Moe or where to look.

  “Any idea where they might go?”

  “They’ll head home as fast as they can.”

  “How will they travel?”

  “I believe the old asshole was wealthy although he chose to live simply. That means they can use the money to rent a plane. They can’t take her on a public airline, no one would let that go by.”


  “What’s wrong?”

  “I was just about to call the office to have someone search for rented planes. Moe does all that. No one can do that as fast as she can.”

  “I’m so sorry, Tyne.”

  “Don’t be. We are going to get her back and then she’s going to mate me. If she’d been mated, they might not have found her as appealing.”

  “I doubt they would care, but a lot of others might.”

  “If they touch her, death will look good to them.”

  Twila knew he meant sexually. What they’d already done was bad enough. She saw that against all expectations, Tina was coming round.

  “What’s going on?” She asked slurring her words like a drunk.

  Twila looked at her brother helplessly. “You were hit by a tranquilizer dart.” Tyne replied.

  “Oh! Wait a minute, I remember now. Moe, where is Moe? I think they took her.”

  “They did, but we have people searching for her. The FBI will be by to
take your statement. These are some crazy people, they are delusional.” Tyne explained. “Do you need someone to stay with you for a while?”

  “Do you have any older, but single and attractive guys to assign the task?” Tina asked.

  “I have the perfect guy in mind. We’ll just hang out until he gets here.” Tyne offered.

  It wasn’t long before Dane showed up. “Hey, Dane. This lovely lady is Tina and I need you to guard her for a few hours. Damon or one of his team should be dropping by to take her statement. She was tranqued so watch her for any signs of a bad reaction.”

  Dane stepped forward and held out his hand. When Tina placed hers in it, he turned it over and placed a kiss on her palm. The poor lady almost passed out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Tina.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.” She replied.

  “Looks like they’ll get along fine.” Tyne said as he took his sister’s elbow and escorted her outside. “I know you have been through a lot and you haven’t really been trained, but could you man the phone and help organize the search?”

  Twila felt relieved that he would let her help. More than anything, she needed to be busy and involved in getting Moe back. Answering phones couldn’t be that hard. Organizing the search might be a problem. About all Moe had shown her how to do was turn the computer on and check emails. She’d had good computer skills when she’d been in college, but computers were so different now. Even if they were easier to use, that still had to be learned.

  “I’ll do whatever I can. Thank you for letting me help.”

  “We need you, Twila.”

  The situation was the worst one she could imagine but she almost smiled when Tyne said that. It was good to be needed by people she loved. Her and her brother left the salon and headed back to the office. The phone was ringing as they entered so she hurried to answer it. That was the first of many calls. As far as organizing went, she took a page out of Moe’s book and got a clipboard. Old fashioned made sense under the circumstances and as people reported in, she wrote everything down.

  Once she had a clear picture of the search, she shared it with Tyne. He was hard at work running the computer searches for rental planes and feeding information to the FBI, which he called wardens. Someone named Candi was communicating with him. She had a sexy voice and seemed very concerned about Moe.


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