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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

Page 9

by Crystal Dawn

  The more Twila heard, the more she was sure Ted had taken Moe back home. The area was near Drake’s pack. Drake was the brother of the mate of the white wolf. She was the first one discovered with white wolf blood and Tyne had said she was Moe’s aunt. Twila couldn’t decide if being a white wolf was a blessing or a curse.

  Tyne said it could be either. For now all they could do was make arrangements for the trip back home. They would be several hours behind Ted, but they would make up some time by catching a helicopter from the airport to land at Drake’s landing pad. Drake had already been informed of the situation and he would have Ted’s home under surveillance.

  “It must mean a lot to be a white wolf. The wolf police and other alphas seem so willing to help.” Twila observed.

  “Drake is mated to another aunt of Moe’s. If he wants to have sex in this lifetime, he will help and smile about it.”

  “How many mated white wolves are there?”

  “Who knows, but so far all those mated are mated to alphas of some importance.”

  “That sounds politically smart.”

  “They are all fated mates so far.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. I wish I knew for sure that I would find my fated mate.”

  “Sweet sister, keep hope in your heart that you will. I never thought I’d find mine.”

  Tyne went to his office and returned with a bag. “You don’t really have anything to pack, but Drake said Charlotte, his mate, would have something for you. Let’s get out of here. A plane will be waiting.”

  It stunned Twila how Tyne could arrange things so quickly and he said Moe was even faster and more efficient. Could she ever learn to handle a job that required so many skills? Now she was determined to find out. She admired Moe and wanted to learn the fighting skills she had as well. Twila was certain that Moe could have defeated the two male wolves had they not used a weapon or had she had a weapon of her own. Even overcome as she had been, Moe had gone down fighting.

  Twila felt like she would be lucky to have a sister like that, but she still felt guilty for bringing this trouble to her. “Cut it out.” Tyne growled.

  “What?” Twila asked.

  “You’re feeling guilty again. These wolves are to blame. They would find another victim no matter what they had to do. At least Moe has the skills to slow them down until we get there. Another she-wolf might have gone to pieces by now, but my Moe will hold strong.”

  Twila listened as Tyne talked about his mate. They had formed such a strong bond even without taking the final step. She didn’t really understand why Moe held back even though she had tried to explain it. The reason didn’t sound valid to Twila, but who was she to judge?

  They made it to the airport where the plane was waiting. Twila hadn’t been sure that it would be. Her brother must be important to be able to call in all these favors. She was proud of the name he’d made for himself and the business he’d established. Only his personal life remained to be molded into what he wanted and that was on its way to being what he needed.

  As she stepped onto the plane, a shiver ran through her. She had mixed feelings about home. There were the sweet and happy memories of her childhood that were at odds with the misery and torment of her servitude and imprisonment. Twila didn’t know if she would ever be able to put that past behind her. It would be impossible to do so with the past coming after her like it had in the form of Ted.

  The trip went quickly and wasn’t too bad until she saw familiar landscape below as the plane circled the runway. Her heart froze in her chest as fear hammered her. Twila knew she had to be strong, they would need her to ferret out all the hiding places Ted might keep Moe in. His father had used tunnels and secret rooms to hide her whenever someone outside of their small group came around.

  He’d known what he was doing was wrong, but he hadn’t cared. She’d been hidden in small chambers, caves, and tunnels, sometimes for weeks at a time. The old man had even told her once that she was his prized possession.

  The plane jerked slightly as it hit the runway and again a couple times as the pilot put on the brakes. They had arrived and now the hunt was on. Twila knew they had only a short time to find Moe before Ted tried to force her to please him. If she didn’t give in, he would just drug her as his father had drugged Twila.

  “We can get off the plane now.” Tyne said grabbing her arm and pulling her out.

  She was glad for his guidance for without him, she might have sat staring and unseeing for hours trying to break the hold her fear had over her. “Lead on.” She said quietly and he did. He exited first and stood at the bottom of the steps ready to help her if she needed it.

  Twila hoped rescuing Moe would free her from the guilt and grief of over twenty years of captivity. Maybe if she helped free Moe, she would see herself as something more than a victim. She would face Ted and come out on top, robbing him of his prize and getting him thrown in jail.

  Once they were on the ground, she saw the SUV and a driver waiting for them. They drove a short distance to a helipad where a helicopter waited for them. Never had she ridden one and she was again scared senseless, but unwilling to let that fear control her.

  “I ride in these all the time. They are well maintained and Drake has only the best pilots and crew.” Tyne whispered encouragingly.

  Here goes nothing! That was her thought as she was helped into the sleek bird. As soon as they had their harnesses on the bird lifted into the air leaving her stomach behind. It caught up with her, but it was thoroughly shook up. Taking deep breaths, she managed to calm down.

  It was a shame as they flew over all the lovely scenery, that she felt half sick and couldn’t enjoy it. Her relief was palpable when they landed. No kissing the ground or anything melodramatic, but she was happy to have her feet firmly on the ground.

  A SUV pulled up as soon as they were off the copter. Service for Tyne was amazing and almost instantaneous. “It’s Drake and Charlotte. Let’s not keep them waiting.”

  Twila saw their bags being loaded in the back. The SUV was specially made so the two rows of seats in the back faced each other. Drake and Charlotte sat in the back and she slid in the other seats and moved over so Tyne could get in.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, but I wish the circumstances were better.” Drake addressed her.

  “We had no idea that strange old man was a monster.” Charlotte observed.

  “People can hide a lot behind walls.” Twila offered.

  “Today those walls will come down.” Tyne said.

  “They certainly will.” Drake said. “Once we get Moe back, the estate will be seized so any victims will be recompensed. It won’t change the past, but it will ease the future. I already have a buyer for the property. The contents will be auctioned if there is anything of value. Everyone involved will be jailed. A clear message will be sent.”

  Twila shouldn’t enjoy what Drake said, but she did. The old man had been so proud of his legacy, but now it would be dismantled. He might be dead, but he would turn over in his grave if he knew. Both his son’s would be dealt with and she would never have to fear them again. Right now the only thing left to do was rescue Moe.

  “Has anyone seen her yet?” She asked.

  “Ted and his brother arrived at the airport while you were in route. They had some fortuitous delays at the airport. Someone is following them from a distance and they will be here in a couple hours. The house is under surveillance too. There’s time to eat and cleanup before we head over there.” Drake assured her.

  Drake’s house was about a mile from the helipad and they were there now. Tyne got out first helping her out and then Drake who helped his mate. Drake escorted them to the kitchen where a meal already awaited them. The scents of cooked steaks rolled through the house. Twila’s mouth watered.

  There was also salad and twice baked loaded potatoes. Twila smelled something like pie in the oven. The wolves in Moe’s family all like good food. She could totally get onboard with that. Tyne helped her t
o sit across from Charlotte and he sat across from Drake.

  Charlotte reached over to Tyne and squeezed his arm. “We’ll get her back soon.”

  “I know we will and they will pay.” Tyne agreed.

  They finished eating and Charlotte took Twila away leaving Tyne and Drake to make the plans. “This is a guest room and I picked up a few things for you. Moe had already written down your sizes on one of her clipboards and Tyne found it and sent it to me. She wanted to go just a tad loose because she felt like you would gain a little weight.”

  “She’s probably right. I was always a tad chubby when I was younger. Not enough to feel worried about it, especially knowing shifter’s like their female’s to have a little meat on their bones.” Twila said.

  Charlotte giggled. “You’re adorable. I was skinnier when I modeled but I’ve picked up a bit of meat on my bones too. Drake loves the curves. Settling down and having babies will do that for you.”

  “You have pups?”

  “Just one and he’s with his nanny and papa right now. They spoil him rotten.”

  “I hope I find my fated one someday.”

  “Just don’t give up and continue looking until you do. You need to meet a lot of guys, he could be hiding anywhere. Get out and travel the world if you have to. There’s no greater feeling than finding the one.”

  “I don’t know if I’m brave enough.”

  “Just take Moe with you. She can slay dragons.”

  “I think Tyne would be pissed if she was gone all the time.”

  “That might be why she hesitates to mate. He travels at will but discourages her from going alone.”

  “They’ll work it out. I’m sure of it. When they are together, everything feels right.”

  “I’m sure they will. Let’s get you in the shower.” Charlotte led her to the bathroom showing her where everything was. “I’ll lay out some clothes on the bed and come back to get you.” Charlotte stepped out and closed the door behind her.

  The bathroom was huge and had the feeling of a spa Twila had seen on TV yesterday. It was serene with earthy colors, rolled towels in a basket, glass bottles filled with shampoos, conditioners, body wash, and lotions all clearly labeled. Something scented the air and it smelled like the woods in summer. She gathered the bottles she needed and set them in a wall holder in the shower stall.

  Setting the temperature and turning on the water, she stepped under the stream. It felt heavenly and when she poured out the shampoo, the scent rolled over her. Washing her hair, she rinsed, and poured out some the conditioner. It had the same honey and vanilla aroma. The body wash was the same and she lathered and rinsed.

  Twila didn’t want to take too long so as soon as she was done, she got out and dried off. Once in the bedroom, she found her clothes lying on the bed. The jeans fit properly with just a little room to grow. It was probably because she’d been gaining weight already.

  She was barely dressed when there was a sharp rap on the door and it opened. Charlotte came in. “I hope I’m not too early, but they are ready to go.”

  “No, I’m ready. Moe needs me.”

  “She needs all of us and we will do what we must.” Twila nodded and followed Charlotte out of the room. When they rejoined the males, they had a map stretched out on the table.

  “Where do you think they’ll take her?” Drake asked.

  “The mountain above the house is riddled with caves and tunnels. Even the house has secret chambers and hidden nooks.” Twila explained.

  “What are they from?” Tyne asked.

  “The hidden nooks and chambers were where the original master hid his treasures. From what I heard, he had several chambers added after slavery was declared illegal and he kept both male and female slaves. The caves are natural and the tunnels a result of attempts at mining. He kept the male slaves digging looking for gold even though I was told none was ever found. I think crazy ran in the family.” Twila observed.

  “I never had any idea. They were always standoffish and never tried to make friends with any of their neighbors. We always just thought they were weird.” Drake offered.

  “They were weird in a criminal and insane way.” Twila suggested.

  “You can say that again.” Tyne agreed.

  “Has anyone seen her?” Charlotte asked.

  “At the airport they loaded something or someone but she was heavily covered. So much so, one car stayed behind in case it was an attempt to misdirect. Nothing else was removed from the plane so we’re assuming that was her.” Drake explained.

  Twila didn’t like the uncertainty of it all. Nothing seemed to be clear cut. Drake’s phone buzzed. “Hello?”

  “They’ve arrived. The two suspects are holding someone between them as they move to the house. Should we intercept?” A male voice asked.

  “Do you see any weaponry?” Drake asked.

  “Nothing visible.”

  “Move on them!” Drake’s command was pure alpha.

  They waited to hear from the team, but there was no answer. “The team must be down, so let’s move out.” Drake directed.

  Twila didn’t understand how Ted and his brother could take out a trained sentry. Drake trained his males well and many had military or law enforcement experience. Ted and Denny could barely tie their shoes on a good day and yet they had managed to abduct one tough she-wolf and now take out a couple of guards.

  They loaded into the SUV they’d been in earlier with a driver and a guard in the passenger seat. The driver took off in a hurry to get where they were going. “His brother is on the team that’s not responding.” Drake explained. The ride was quick, but also rough and bumpy as hell. No one blamed the driver, blood was thicker than water.

  They pulled up to the house no longer concerned about stealth. The males all had on tactical gear for protection. Drake reached behind his seat and pulled out some more gear. “You two put this on whether you get out or not. If you get out, stay behind the guards or us.”

  It amazed Twila that Drake would allow his mate to be involved in this at all. Maybe she was stubborn like Moe? Whatever the reason, they had barely pulled on their gear before the guys got out of the SUV and Charlotte slid out right behind them.

  Twila decided she wasn’t going to be left behind. After all, out of everyone here, she was the only one that knew this place inside and out. She had spent over twenty years imprisoned in various rooms and hidden in nooks when company came. Even the caves and tunnels of the mountain behind the house help few mysteries for her after all the time she had spent in them.

  Tyne led the way with Drake following and glancing back at her and Charlotte once in a while. For her part, she looked behind them regularly to ensure no one snuck up from the back. The door was breached and she was sure the other males were entering the back door since she didn’t see them anywhere. The surprise was they hadn’t found the team that had been taken out either.

  That left the possibility that they’d been stashed somewhere that they couldn’t see, or they were still alright and searching for Moe. The last possibility would mean both radios had gone out which was unlikely.

  Now that they were inside, it was time to begin a slow and methodical search of the rooms. Charlotte had a gun and she took a position at the entry door guarding it. Drake took up position at the door leading further into the house.

  “Any hidden nooks or chambers in this room?” Tyne asked.

  She nodded and moved to the fireplace. Taking out a brick, Twila stepped back as the whole fireplace moved revealing a room. Two wolves lay on the floor solving the mystery of the missing team. Tyne and Twila rushed into the room. Checking pulses gave them relief. Both were alive, but knocked out. Maybe Ted and Denny only had a tranq gun?

  “What do we do now?” Twila asked.

  “We can’t leave them unprotected, but we need to get to Moe. Tyne, do you want to take your sister and search the house while Charlotte and I take these two back home? We’ll be back as soon as we drop them off. We�
�ll also radio the guard and let him know his brother is safe.”

  “Give her a gun.” Tyne instructed so Charlotte handed Twila hers.

  Now it was just her and her brother. They had to hurry because Moe’s time was running out. They worked their way through the rooms finding a nook or a hidden chamber in almost all of them. Most of the nooks had valuables in them, but one had a skeleton.

  “Damn. Who was that?”

  “A slave from just after they were freed. They hid him when the Union soldiers searched the house and they forgot to let him out. They just left his bones there for whatever reason.”

  “Such disrespect to not even give him a burial of some sort.” Tyne responded.

  “These people respect no one.” Twila observed.

  Tyne pulled her into his embrace. “Sis, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I will do anything I can to make things better for you. You’re not alone anymore.” He squeezed her a bit harder than let her go. Twila almost cried as she felt the connection they once had, begin to grow strong again.

  “Thank you.” She didn’t know what to say but they needed to get their heads wrapped around the mission. They had searched all the rooms on the bottom floor. It was time to decide if they wanted to go up or out. The odd thing was they hadn’t seen the other team, the one that entered through the back door.

  “Upstairs or up the mountain?” Tyne asked.

  “Do you feel anything about where she might be?” Twila asked.

  “Close, she’s around here somewhere.” Tyne offered.

  “Let’s go upstairs since it’s closer. Where are the others?”

  “The other team? I heard Drake tell them to check out the tunnels.”

  It was a relief to know they were looking up there. Even if they had no idea where to look, they would keep the pressure on Ted and Denny. They wouldn’t mess with Moe when they needed to keep quiet. She and her brother headed up the stairs.

  Chapter 7


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