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The Man Behind the Microchip

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by Leslie Berlin

  Semiconductor Industry Association 1979 Yearbook and Directory. Cupertino, Calif.: SIA, 1979.

  Sideris, George. “The Intel 1103: The MOS Memory that Defied Cores.” Electronics, 26 April 1973, 108.

  Siegel, Leonard M., and John Markoff. The High Cost of High Tech. New York: Harper and Rowe, 1985.

  “The Silicon Valley Economy,” FRBSF [Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco] Weekly Newsletter, Number 92–22, 29 May 1992.

  Slater, Robert. Portraits in Silicon. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987.

  Slotkin, Richard. Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Atheneum, 1992.

  Spencer, William J., and Peter Gindley. “SEMATECH After Five Years: High-Technology Consortia and U.S. Competitiveness.” California Management Review 35, Summer 1993, 16.

  Sporck, Charles E. Spinoff: A Personal History of the Industry that Changed the World. Sarnac Lake, N.Y.: Sarnac Lake Publishing, 2001.

  Sternberg, Rolf. “Technology Policies and the Growth of Regions: Evidence from Four Countries,” Small Business Economics 8 (1996), 75–86.

  Strauss, George. “Mangement by Objectives—A Critical View.” Training and Development Journal, April 1972, 10.

  Swedberg, Richard, ed. Entrepreneurship: The Social Science View. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

  Taylor, William. “The Business of Innovation: An Interview with Paul Cook.” Harvard Business Review, March–April 1990, 97–106.

  Van Horne, James C. Financial Management and Policy, 10th Edition. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995.

  Von Hippel, Eric. The Sources of Innovation. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

  Warshofsky, Fred. The Chip War: The Battle for the World of Tomorrow. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1989.

  Weiss, Joseph W., and Andre Delbecq. “Regional Cultures and High-Technology Management: Route 128 and Silicon Valley.” In Regional Cultures, Managerial Behavior, and Entrepreneurship: An International Perspective, ed. Joseph Weiss, 9–22. New York: Quorum Books, 1988.

  ———. “The Business Culture of Silicon Valley: Is it a Model for the Future?” In Regional Cultures, Managerial Behavior, and Entrepreneurship: An International Perspective, ed. Joseph Weiss, 23–42. New York: Quorum Books, 1988.

  Whittington, Dale, ed. High Hopes for High Tech: Microelectronics Policy in North Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985.

  Wills, Garry. John Wayne’s America: The Politics of Celebrity. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997.

  Yoffie, David B. “How an Industry Builds Political Advantage.” Harvard Business Review, May–June 1988, 82–89.

  Recollections, Presentations, and Memoirs

  “A Macro View of Microelectronics: Gordon E. Moore of Intel,” IEEE Design and Test, November 1984, 17.

  “Art Rock on Faith and Luck,” Upside Preview Issue, Summer 1989, 15.

  Faggin, Frederico “The Birth of the Microprocessor.” Reprinted in Best of Byte, ed. Jay Ranade and Alan Nash, 354–357. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.

  Hogan, C. Lester. “It’s Time for a Decision on Integrated Circuits.” Western Electronic News, February 1963, 24.

  ———. “Reflections on the Past and Thoughts About the Future of Semiconductor Technology.” Interface Age, March 1977, 19–36.

  Kilby, Jack S. “Invention of the Integrated Circuit.” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 33, No. 7 (July 1976).

  Kvamme, E. Floyd. “Life in Silicon Valley: A First-Hand View of the Region’s Growth.” In The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ed. Chong-Moon Lee, William F. Miller, Marguerite Gong Hancock, and Henry S. Rowen, 59–80. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000.

  Moore, Gordon. “Some Personal Perspectives on Research in the Semiconductor Industry.” In Engines of Innovation: U.S. Industrial Research at the End of an Era, ed. Richard S. Rosenbloom and William J. Spencer, 167. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996.

  ———. “Intel—Memories and the Microprocessor,” Daedalus 125, Spring 1966: 55–80.

  ———. “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits.” Electronics, 19 April 1965, 114–117.

  Noyce, Donald S. “From Candles to Computers: A Life of Ralph Brewster Noyce (1893–1984).” Unpublished family history, Nov. 1995. Courtesy Don Noyce.

  Noyce, Harriet Norton. “I Remember.” Unpublished family history, 1988. Courtesy Don Noyce.

  Rock, Arthur. “Strategy vs. Tactics from a Venture Capitalist.” Harvard Business Review, November–December 1987, 63–67.

  ———. Presentation at “Legends of Venture Capital” panel, Computer History Museum, Mountain View, Calif., 30 Sept. 2002.


  Bassett, Ross Knox. “New Technology, New People, New Organizations: The Rise of the MOS Transistor, 1945–1975.” PhD diss., Princeton University, 1998.

  Conrad, Rebecca. “Slurbanizing the Valley of the Heart’s Delight.” University of California Santa Barbara thesis, 1983.

  Freund, Robert E. “Competition and Innovation in the Transistor Industry.” PhD diss., Duke University, 1971.

  Kleiman Herbert S. “The Integrated Circuit: A Case Study of Product Innovation in the Electronics Industry.” PhD diss., New York University, 1966.

  Kraus, Jerome. “An Economic Study of the Semiconductor Industry.” PhD diss., New School for Social Research, 1973.

  Lécuyer, Christophe. “Making Silicon Valley: Engineering Culture, Innovation and Industrial Gowth, 1930–1970.” PhD diss., Stanford University, 1999.

  Lowen, Rebecca. “Exploiting a Wonderful Opportunity: Stanford University, Industry, and the Federal Government, 1937–1965.” PhD diss., Stanford University, 1990.

  Sevilla, Ramon C. “Employment Practices and Industrial Restructuring: A Case Study of the Semiconductor Industry in Silicon Valley, 1955–1991.” PhD diss., UCLA, 1992.

  Steinmueller, William Edward. “Microeconomics and Microelectronics: Economic Studies of Integrated Circuit Technology.” PhD diss., Stanford University, 1987.

  General articles from the popular press

  Business Week. 26 March 1960, 30 October 1965, 5 October 1968, 4 October 1969, 20 April 1974, 14 December 1981, 5 February 1996.

  Electronic News. August 1956–December 1980.

  New York Times. 27 February 1983, 13 January 1984, 10 November 1984, 9 March 1984, 8 March 1987, 13 January 1988, 1 April 1988, 7 September 1989.

  San Francisco Chronicle. 22 September 1980, 23 September 1980, 30 September 1980.

  San Jose Mercury News. January 1985–December 1987.

  Standard and Poor’s Industry Surveys. January 1980–December 1986.

  Western Electronic News. January 1956–December 1962.

  “Engineers Eye Integrated Consumer Products,” Television Digest, 30 March 1964, 7–8.

  “How the U.S. Can Compete Globally,” Fortune, 5 June 1989, 248.

  “IBM, AT&T Contributing Technology to SEMATECH,” Los Angeles Times, 27 January 1988.

  “Quick Thinking for Chips,” The Economist, 27 December 1980: 65–66.

  Smith, Adam. “Silicon Valley Spirit.” Esquire, November 1981, 13.

  “Special Report: Industrial Development/Site Selection.” Electronic Engineering Times, 9 November 1981.

  “Texas City’s Persistence Pays in Battle to Snare SEMATECH.” Boston Globe, 27 January, 1988.

  “The Founding Documents,” Forbes ASAP, 29 May 2000, unpaginated.

  “The Microprocessor’s 25th Birthday: An Industry Debate,” Upside, 1 November 1994.

  “The Splintering of the Solid-State Electronics Industry,” Innovation 8, 1969.

  “US Consortiums Mimic Japanese Organisation.” Far Eastern Economic Review. 24 May 1990.

  “Fairchild Camera—Portrait of a Growth Company.” Financial World, 12 September 1962, 10.

  “Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation: Company Profile.” Solid State Journal, September/October 1960, 1.

“Fifty Years of Electronics,” a special issue of Electronics, 17 April 1980, 326.

  “Hottest Thing in Electronics.” Barron’s, 11 August 1958.

  “Mighty Miniatures.” Time, 4 March 1965, 93–94.

  “Turning a Science into an Industry,” IEEE Spectrum, January 1966, 102.

  Appelbome, Peter. “The Chips Are Down.” Texas Monthly, October, 1985.

  Bagamery, Anne. “No Policy is Good Policy.” Forbes, 18 June 1984.

  Beeler, Jeffrey. “Semi Industry Reps Raise Alarm on Japanese.” Computerworld, 25 June 1979.

  Benner, Susan. “Storm Clouds Over Silicon Valley.” Inc., September 1982, 84.

  Blumenthal, Karen. “Chip Consortium’s Organizer Wants U.S. to Provide $125 Million Annually.” Wall Street Journal, 13 May 1987.

  Brody, Herb. “The High Tech Sweepstakes: States Vie for a Slice of the Pie.” High Technology, January 1985.

  Brooks, Nancy Rivera. “State Officials Lament Loss of SEMATECH to Texas.” Los Angeles Times, 7 January 1988.

  Burrows, Peter. “Bill Spencer Struggles to Reform SEMATECH.” Electronic Business, 18 May 1992.

  Bylinsky, Gene. “The Japanese Spies in Silicon Valley.” Fortune, 27 February 1978.

  ———. “How Intel Won Its Bet on Memory Chips.” Fortune, November 1973.

  Caldo, J. T. “Semiconductors, Young Giant of the Electronics Industry.” Analysts Journal, 15 August 1959, 71–72.

  Churbuck, David. “Today’s Companies Give Innovation a Chance.” PC Computing, September 1989.

  Coll, Steve. “When the Magic Goes.” Inc., October 1984, 83.

  Dean, K. J., and G. White. “The Semiconductor Story: Search for the Best Transistor.” Part 2 of a 4-part series. Wireless World, Februrary 1973, 67.

  Densmore, Bill. “The Santa Clara Valley Electronics Industry Comes of Age During the ‘Me’ Generation decade.” Peninsula Times Tribune, 28 December 1979.

  Djean, David. “Westward Ha! A Visitor’s Guide to Silicon Valley.” PC-Computing, June 1989, 99.

  Donohue, James F. “The Microprocessor’s First Two Decades: The Way it Was.” EDN Microprocessor, 27 October 1988, 22–23

  Engstrom, Therese. “Little Silicon Valleys.” High Technology, January 1987.

  Erickson, Stanford. “How Hogan Rescued Fairchild.” International Management, July 1970, 22.

  Fallows, James. “American Industry: What Ails It, How to Save It.” The Atlantic, September 1980, 35–50.

  Gelman, Eric. “Showdown in Silicon Valley.” Newsweek, 30 September 1985, 46.

  Hatano, Daryl G. “Why SIA Filed the 301 Trade Action.” Japan Economic Journal, 12 October 1985.

  Johnston, Moira. “High Tech, High Risk, and High Life in Silicon Valley.” National Geographic, October 1982, 459.

  Kehoe, Louise. “Chip Makers Ask Congress for Help.” Financial Times of London, 5 March 1987.

  ———. “SEMATECH Blow to Silicon Valley.” Financial Times of London, 8 January 1988.

  Kindel, Stephen and Robert Teitelman. “Go East, Young Man.” Forbes, 20 June 1983, 132.

  Ladendorf, Kirk. “SEMATECH Could Grow With Fewer Members: Downsizing May Help Consortium Function Smoother.” Austin American-Statesman, 19 January 1992.

  Lazarus, Simon, and Robert E. Litan. “The Democrats’ Coming Civil War over Industrial Policy.” Atlantic Monthly, September 1984.

  Miller, Barry. “Microelectronics Causes Avionics Turmoil.” Aviation Week and Space Technology, 19 March 1962, 55–73.

  Miller, Jack. “Electronics is Hailed as Big Lusty Infant.” San Francisco News, 24 August 1955.

  Petit, Charles. “Wizard of Silicon Gulch,” Peninsula Times Tribune, 21 September, 1977

  Redburn, Tom, and Robert Magnuson. “Stung by Tax Bill, Electronics Firms Seek Broader Political Base.” Los Angeles Times, 15 November 1981.

  Reich, Robert B. “Why the U.S. Needs an Industrial Policy.” Harvard Business Review, January–February 1982.

  Reid, T. R. “Birth of a New Idea: Two Men Whose Names You Don’t Know Whose Notions Changed Your World.” Washington Post, 25 July 1982.

  Richter, Paul. “Silicon Valley Wrestles with Hard Times.” Los Angeles Times, 15 November 1981.

  Salisbury, David F. “High-Tech Experts Describe What it Takes to Nurture their Industry.” Christian Science Monitor, 31 August 1984.

  Samuelson, Robert J. “Chip Industry’s Plea.” Washington Post, 24 June 1987.

  Scandling, Marge. “2 of Founders Leave Fairchild, Form Own Electronics Firm.” Palo Alto Times, 2 August 1968.

  Shuit, Douglas. “Deukmejian Quietly Bids for High-Tech Study Center,” Los Angeles Times, 5 September 1987.

  Siekman, Philip. “In Electronics, the Big Stakes Ride on Tiny Chips.” Fortune, June 1966, 120.

  Smith, Lee. “Can Consortiums Defeat Japan?” Fortune, 5 June 1989, 245.

  Tamarkin, Bob. “Tiny Circuitry’s Big World.” Chicago Daily News, 3 November 1966.

  Turner, Frederick Jackson. “Contributions of the West to American Democracy” Atlantic Monthly, January 1903, 91.

  Waldman, Peter, and Brenton R. Schlender, “Falling Chips: Is a Big Federal Role the Way to Revitalize Semiconductor Firms?” Wall Street Journal, 17 February 1987.

  Waldman, Peter. “Chip Makers’ SEMATECH Venture Rushes to Vanquish Foe, but Path is Questioned.” Wall Street Journal, 8 January 1988.

  Wolfe, Tom. “The Tinkerings of Robert Noyce: How the Sun Rose on Silicon Valley,” Esquire, December 1983, 346–74.

  Published Articles About or By Robert Noyce

  “Bob Noyce Created Silicon Valley and Now He’s Asked to Save It.” Physics Today, September 1988, 50.

  “Bob Noyce of Intel Speaks Out on the Integrated Circuit Industry.” EDN/EEE. 15 September 1971.

  “Creativity by the Numbers: An Interview with Robert Noyce.” Harvard Business Review, May–June 1980, 122–132.

  “Intel’s Robert Noyce Kicks Himself Upstairs.” Business Week, 14 December 1974, 32–33.

  “New Leaders in Semiconductors.” Business Week, 1 March 1976.

  “Robert Noyce: Special Tribute,” San Jose Mercury News, 17 June 1990.

  Berlin, Leslie. “Robert Noyce and Fairchild Semiconductor, 1957–1968.” Business History Review 75 (Spring 2001): 63–101.

  Bonner, Miller, W. Lane Boyd, and Janet A. Allen. “Robert N. Noyce, 1927–1990,” commemorative brochure internally published by SEMATECH.

  Bradsher, Keith. “Noyce Named Head of SEMATECH Consortium,” Los Angeles Times, 28 July 1988.

  Caen, Herb. “Update.” San Francisco Chronicle, 5 February 1980.

  Dolan, Carrie, and Eduardo Lachica. “SEMATECH Names Intel’s Noyce to Head Semiconductor Industry Research Group.” Wall Street Journal, 28 July 1988.

  Flanagan, James. “Robert Noyce or Ivan Boesky? The Choice is Really Ours,” Los Angeles Times, 10 June 1990.

  Karlgaard, Richard. “Bob Noyce Talks to Intel.” Upside, July 1990, 54.

  Lindgren, Nilo. “Building a Rational Two-Headed Monster: The Management Style of Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore,” Innovation [1970].

  Lowood, Henry. “Robert Norton Noyce (12 December 1927–3 June 1990).” American National Biography, ed. John A. Garraty and Marc C. Carves, 541–543. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

  McElheny, Viktor K. “Dissatisfaction as a Spur to Career,” New York Times, 15 December 1976.

  Noyce, Robert N. “False Hopes and High-Tech Fiction.” Harvard Business Review, January–February 1990, 31–34.

  ———. “Microelectronics.” Scientific American, September 1977.

  ———. “Hardware Prospects and Limitations.” In The Computer Age: A Twenty-Year View, ed. Michael Dertouzous and Joel Moses, 321–337. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1979.

  ———. “Competition and Cooperation—A Prescription for the Eighties.” Research Management, March 1982, 13–17.

  Noyce, Robert, and Marcian E. Hoff, Jr. [Ted Hoff]. “A History of Microprocessor Devel
opment at Intel,” IEEE Micro, February 1981.

  Perry, Tekla. “Famous First Jobs,” IEEE Spectrum, July 1967, 48.

  Petit, Charles. “Wizard of Silicon Gulch.” Peninsula Times Tribune, 21 September 1977.

  Port, Otis. “Bob Noyce Created Silicon Valley. Can He Save It?” Business Week, 15 August 1988, 76.

  Richards, Evelyn. “In Noyce’s Passing, an Era Also Ends: Electronics Pioneer Symbolized a Swashbuckling, Innovative Age.” Washington Post, 5 June 1990.

  Slater, Robert. “Robert Noyce: The Mayor of Silicon Valley.” In Slater, Portraits in Silicon. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987.

  Stroud, Michael. “Intel’s Noyce Tells Silicon Valley: Don’t Blame Others for Our Mistakes.” Peninsula Times Tribune, 13 November 1985.

  Tedlow, Richard S. “Robert Noyce and Silicon Valley: Toward a New Business World.” Giants of Enterprise: Seven Business Innovators and the Empires they Built. New York: Harper Collins, 2001.

  Watson, Lloyd. “Chip Inventors to Share $350,000 Cash Prize.” San Francisco Chronicle, 4 October 1989.

  Wolff, Michael F. “The Genesis of the Integrated Circuit: How a Pair of U.S. Innovators Brought Into Reality a Concept that was on the Minds of Many.” IEEE Spectrum, August 1976.

  Congressional Testimony and Government Documents

  “Favoritism and Bias Within the Defense Science Board and Other Military Advisory Panels.” Hearing Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, U.S. House of Representatives, 98th Congress. 22 September 1983.

  “Location of High Technology Firms and Regional Economic Development.” Staff study prepared for the use of the Subcommittee on Monetary and Fiscal Policy of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States. 1 June 1982.

  “Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense.” In United States Defense Science Board Task Force on Defense Semiconductor Dependency, Report of Defense Science Board Task Force on Semiconductor Dependency. February 1987.

  “Winning Technologies: A New Industrial Strategy for California and the Nation.” Report of the California Commission on Industrial Innovation. September 1982.


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