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Page 17

by T. L. Reeve

  Chapter Eight

  When they arrived at Kalkin’s, the party or dinner or whatever Kalkin called these little get togethers, was already in full swing. Mackenzie ushered Aurora into Kalkin’s home along with Abby. Liam and Riley had found two of the younger children outside and were hanging out on the bridge between Danielle’s and Kalkin’s house. Hayden along with Emmeline followed them into the house and joined Nico and Asher at the couch.

  The noise inside the house always seemed to surprise her. She’d never experienced anything like it before, even when her parents were alive. Maybe it was the infectious laughter or the open chatter of those who’d gathered together, it filled her with wonder and a sense of belonging, something she hadn’t realized she’d missed until the Halloween party she’d been invited to.

  “Want anything to drink?” Mackenzie asked.

  Aurora nodded. “Sure. Why not.”

  “Anything specific?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’ll be back.” Mackenzie gave her hand a squeeze.

  “Mumsy, may I go play?” Abby zipped up her coat and sniffed as she spied a glanced at all of the children outside, especially Mikey.

  “Sure. Be careful. Remember to be respectful and don’t overdo yourself,” Aurora replied.

  “I will Mumsy,” Abby replied as she headed for the door.

  “You made it!” Keeley wrapped her in a hug filled with warmth. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “T-Thank you.” Aurora grinned, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “This place is packed.”

  “We’re missing a few people and Kalkin’s on his way back with a couple of more family members.” Keeley chuckled. “Christmas this year will be interesting too.”

  “Oh? Why?”

  Keeley didn’t say anything, instead, she showed Aurora around the house, introducing her to different family members along with pack/pride members she’d not had the chance to meet yet. Most of them were from the Dryer Pride. “I worry about stupid things. Are you happy here, Aurora?”

  Keeley’s question caught her off guard. “Yes. I like it here. Abby is feeling well, and I think we’re in the right spot to help her continued healing.”

  “What about yourself?”

  She glanced over her shoulder at Mackenzie who stood at the kitchen island with Jase, his youngest brother. How did she answer Keeley’s question, especially when the truth had been more complicated than the question? What happened between her and Mackenzie was instantaneous. Combustible. Resisting him was futile. Yet, he could hold her at arm’s length without hesitation. Sure, she could blame it on his past. He hadn’t had very good luck when it came to women and her story could almost be a carbon copy to Holly’s, but they also diverged.

  “I guess I’m okay,” she answered. “Working as much as I can so I can move out of our shitty apartment.”

  Keeley frowned. “Kalkin has been trying for years to get that apartment complex condemned and tore down.”

  “I wish the staff was more willing to fix stuff.” Her mind wandered back to the day Mackenzie showed up to fix the pipe. The way he pinned her to the wall and crushed her lips with his. The way he seemingly grew before her, looming over her like the wolf did all those weeks ago. “If it hadn’t been for Mac, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  Keeley pursed her lips. “Probably been forced to pay for the damages.”

  “Yeah.” It’d been the biggest thing she’d worried about. “Mac kind of jumped my ass for not having renter’s insurance.”

  “He’s an asshole,” Keeley quipped. “Trust me.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir.” She snickered. “So, I guess these dinner parties are a hit around here.”

  “More or less.” Keeley’s brows furrowed. “We’re missing a few.”

  “Bad?” Aurora hedged.

  “Pretty shitty, honestly.” She sighed. “One day it’ll get fixed, until then, we have to remind them—all of them, the door is always open.”

  Keeley’s cryptic answer perplexed Aurora, but she wouldn’t push anymore. They were there to have fun and that’s what she’d do. “I think it’s all you can do.”

  A quick knock came at the door before it opened. There in the entryway stood a distinguished man, a little over six-feet tall holding Fern, Charisma’s daughter. Beside him, a man a few inches shorter than him, with long black hair pulled back at his nape. His piercing green eyes startled Aurora. For a man, he was arresting. Gorgeous. She automatically envied him.

  “Hello everyone,” the tall of the two men said with a wave. “It good to see most of you again. It’s been too long.”

  “Daddy!” Penelope hurried toward him. “You’re here.” She glanced at Jochi and grinned. “Mr. Sloan. Good to see you again.”

  “Likewise.” Sloan smiled, and it took Aurora’s breath away.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “He’s got a way about him,” Keeley said. “Penny Ann’s father is Jefferson and you know the man beside him.”

  “His name isn’t Sloan,” Mikey said, confused. “It’s Jochi. He’s a snow leopard. I told you I wasn’t lying, Momma. See he’s here!” The little boy pointed to the man beside Jefferson.

  “Huh?” Penelope scrunched up her nose.

  “So much to explain.” Jefferson sighed.

  Kalkin chuckled as he grabbed a couple of beers out of a large cooler sitting on the table in the kitchen. “I don’t think you can get it out in one go.”

  “You like what you see,” Mackenzie growled in her ear.

  She peered up at him through her lashes. “I don’t have any idea what you mean.”

  He chuckled. The rough sound skittered across her skin setting it on fire. “You can’t hide anything from me, star.”

  “You’re an asshole,” she muttered.

  “Not a no.” Mackenzie wrapped his arm around her middle. “I’m not jealous. I have one thing he doesn’t.”

  “What?” The second the word fell from her lips, she realized she fell right into his trap.

  “A knot.”

  She looked up at him this time, surprised by his candor in front of his family and found his eyes the icy shade of blue she’d come to associate with his wolf. “Mac, your wolf.”

  He nodded. “I know. We’re both here—I’m here.”

  She relaxed marginally. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  “We’ll see won’t we?” Jefferson’s answer drew Aurora’s attention as he accepted the beer from Kalkin. “I should start at the beginning.” He glanced around the room. “My status had changed.”

  Charisma tilted her head. “Status. Like on social media?”

  Jefferson laughed. “No, as in I’m a mate.”

  Charisma gasped before a cry of surprise fell from her. “Oh Daddy, that’s amazing. I hoped... Well, Penny Ann and I both did, that one day you’d find a mate of your own. Who is it? What’s her name? Why isn’t she here with you?”

  Aurora glanced between Jochi and Jefferson then back to Charisma and Penelope. Her heart went out to both girls. She couldn’t imagine the shock both girls were about to experience. If she hadn’t been so fixed on Keeley, she would have seen the connection between the two men.

  “Well, sweetheart, I know this is going to be hard to understand right now—”

  “Mr. Sloan—er—Jochi is his mate,” Penelope said. “Holy shit.”

  Jefferson blew out a breath. “Yes. He is my mate. I don’t understand how this all works. A year ago, Jochi made me a promise and I haven’t looked back.”

  “Are you happy?” Penelope hedged while Charisma continued to stare at him.

  “Very much so.” Jefferson pulled Jochi into his side. “I might not be able to explain any of it, but I won’t trade it for anything. I think your mom would be happy to see me finally moving forward instead of slowly withering away.”

  “So, your my grandpa too,” Mikey said, inching forward.

“Yes, xiao hǔzǐ,” Jochi replied.

  “What does xiao hǔzǐ mean?” Mikey asked.

  Jochi tapped his nose. “It means little tiger.”

  “I like it!” Mikey whooped and jumped. “I’m a little tiger-wolf. Abby!” He ran for the sliding glass door. “Abby! Did you hear? I’m a tiger-wolf!”

  Jochi chuckled and so did Aurora.

  “Daddy?” The confusion in Charisma’s voice tugged at Aurora.

  “It’s okay,” Jefferson said. “You have questions. I can see it in your eyes. I will answer all of them.”

  Royce came up behind Charisma and wrapped his arm around her, kissing the crown of her head. “Congratulation’s Senator.” He nodded to Jochi. “I should have figured it out. But I thought the reason your scents were so strong was due to your working relationship.”

  “Well,” Jochi said. “We do work together, and I only claimed him the night of the raid.”

  “Full moon,” Bell murmured, placing her hand to her small protruding belly. “The strongest pull for canines for sure, but it can always twist the insides of a feline exposed to their mate.”

  Jochi tapped the end of his nose. “I’d suffered many years in silence, taking every job Jefferson gave me just to be away from the intoxicating pull I felt whenever I was around Jefferson. After that night at the zoo, I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “You really were willing to walk away?” Jefferson muttered.

  “I would have.” Jochi wouldn’t look at him. “It would have killed me, but I’d do anything for you.”

  “You okay, oasis?” Royce asked.

  She wiped away her tears as her chin trembled. “I’m a mess.”

  “You’re perfect,” Royce said, pressing a kiss to her temple.

  “Are you really happy, Daddy?”

  “I am, sweetheart. I’m very happy. I loved your mother so much, I felt as if I’d crawled into her coffin and died with her.”

  She gasped. “Oh Daddy, no.”

  “It’s true. I did. Then, Jochi helped me. The world has color again. I can breathe a little bit more. I can see the sun—feel its heat. I’m free.” Jochi’s arms tightened around him. “I know the juxtaposition of this relationship is jarring, though. I can’t honestly say I’d ever expected a male partner—mate or otherwise.”

  “I have to admit; you threw me for a loop.” Charisma gave him a watery smile. “But if you’re truly happy, it’s all I want for you. It doesn’t matter who or why.” She glanced over at Jochi. “Welcome to our family, Father.”

  “Now that we got the weepy bull—” Kalkin snarled. “Crap, out of the way, I feel like there is more you need to tell them.”

  Jochi laughed. “He does.”

  “I’m retiring,” Jefferson said. “We’re staying here. I will only return to D.C. to make final arrangements and make sure PBH can’t hurt anyone else.”

  “This all so much. I need to sit down,” Charisma said, taking the first available chair. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. It’s time. I want to be here for you two and my—our grandbabies. I want to slow down with my life. I missed so much. I don’t want to miss anymore. However, before I do that, I have to finish my work.”

  “Which reminds me,” Kalkin said. “No talking about business when we’re all together. Family rule.”

  “Well, then, we’ll discuss it later,” Jefferson said. “For now, I would like to enjoy my time with all of you, relaxing and getting to know my grandchildren better.”

  “Sound wonderful, bèndàn. I too would like to get to know everyone now that the snow leopard is out of the bag.” Jochi winked at him then laughed as his horrible joke.

  “Oh God,” Kalkin grunted. “You’re like the others, sickening sweet. Gag.”

  Jefferson laughed. “S’pose we are.”

  The intimacy of the moment was almost too much for Aurora. The whole family laid their business on the table and allowed everyone to examine it without worry or compunction. It made her a bit uncomfortable.

  “This is how we do things,” Mackenzie said. “It’s normal for us.”

  “Good for you,” she quipped. “I’m not sure I can be so free with my life.”

  “No, I thought not,” Mackenzie said. “It’s a lot to take in.”

  “It is.”

  “Come on, we should be ready to eat in a minute.” He placed his arm over her shoulders and guided her outside. “You were attracted to Jochi, before you found out.”

  Heat filled her cheeks. “He’s got something about him that’s... Different.”

  “He has mastered the ability to seduce. If I’m not mistaken, he was also at the raid for the zoo, only dressed up as a woman.” Mackenzie shrugged.

  “Did-Did he seduce you?”

  Mackenzie glanced over at her. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  She gapped at him. “Are you... Are you insinuating something happened between the two of you?”

  Mackenzie barked out a laugh. “He’s not my type. Besides, his eyes were only set on one person, Jefferson.”

  “You’re... You’re an asshole, Mackenzie Raferty!” She crossed her arms and stomped her foot. “You did that on purpose.”

  “I did. But you were the one thinking about bedding him. Not that I think he’d be averse to it.”

  “It’s not... I mean, he’s hot.” She motioned to the man. “His features are flawless. He’s got this whole silent strength going on for him. He-he seduced all of us with his presence.”

  “I’ll have to remember that one, bèndàn,” Jochi said, surprising Aurora.

  Jefferson chuckled. “I don’t know if I should be pissed or turned on or both.”

  Mackenzie growled. “Neither if you know what’s good for you.”

  Jochi snickered. “Puppy has a thorn in his paw.”

  “Don’t tease that one,” Kalkin grumbled. “He’s still got it in his damn head he’s feral.”

  “He needs to fuck his mate and get it out of his system,” Jochi purred. “It does wonders for the beast.”

  Heat filled Aurora’s cheeks. “Uh...”

  “He won’t mate her,” Kalkin stated. “Knowing my brother like I do, he’ll let both of them suffer because duty to family and broken honor have kept him locked in place.”

  The accuracy of Kalkin’s words smacked Aurora in the face. He’d been right. After their conversation earlier, the Alpha voiced everything Aurora had been thinking. She wasn’t sure what she wanted when it came to Mackenzie, but she feared the hesitancy she experienced with him had a lot to do with him too. If he couldn’t come to terms with her being his mate, how did she accept the truth of it.

  “Shut up, Kalkin,” Mackenzie snarled.

  “You know the best way to shut me up,” the Alpha said. “Prove us all wrong.”

  The dim, early light filtered into Mackenzie’s room as he came awake. None of the unsettled emotions of waking—dick hard and coming—as the most hedonistic dreams overtook him, wracked his body. He rolled over and came face to face with Aurora and a grin spread across his face. She’d stayed the night. He’d been sure she’d go home after the play, yet when the time came, she climbed into his truck and made no mention of her apartment.

  He inhaled her wonderful aroma and shuddered in pleasure. His dick lengthened and pulsed. He’d allowed the wolf to come forward to take his fill of her, before settling in. Something clicked into place while they’d been at Kalkin’s. He and the wolf came to an understanding, unlocking more of his memories from the last three weeks.


  He’d spent more time with her than he thought he had been. Sure, the majority of it had been in his wolf form. It should have frightened the shit out of him, however it didn’t. Maybe Kalkin had been right. He’d been so stressed out because of Holly, he suppressed all of his emotions. He snorted softly. No, he’d been doing it for a hell of a lot longer, Holly had been the tipping point and it’d been no one else’s fault but his own. As Kalkin would say, he had the propensi
ty for making a shitty situation shitter.

  So, how did he fix things between him and Aurora? How did he prove he could be a mate when he’d demonstrated to himself over and over again, he failed at it? How did he reconcile his mistrust of someone who deserved his trust? Aurora had done nothing wrong, she protected Abby from a man who’d more than likely abuse her instead of loved her.

  Like Holly?

  No. Aurora was nothing like Holly. He couldn’t compare the two of them. The only way they’d been alike was Abby being Aurora’s aunt, as Holly was Hayden’s aunt. After that, nothing was the same. Aurora had the misfortune of following behind Holly. Guilt ate at Mackenzie. He didn’t even like putting them side by side.

  Fuck, I don’t think I can do this again.

  Aurora stretched in her sleep. Her soft scent licked across his senses, awakening the wolf. Mackenzie tucked her close to his body. His dick swelled becoming impossibly hard. When they settled into bed the night before, he made her a promise. Nothing would happen without her consent.

  Now, this close to her, his heart pounded. His mouth watered as the smell of her arousal wrapped him in a comforting blanket. It was a drug he craved and detested at the same time. It made him want to forget about his pledges and take what was his. He curled his lip in disgust. She deserved better than him. She deserved more.

  Aurora stirred in her sleep, rubbing her butt against his groin. A spark of pleasure shot through him and Mackenzie tightened his hold. Shit, if she even knew what she was doing to him, she didn’t acknowledge it.

  “Aurora,” he murmured.

  “Mac?” She stretched, wiggling again.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.” He ran his hand under her shirt and palmed her breast. The soft, supple skin had been a stark contrast to his calloused hands. He ran his thumb over her nipple and enjoyed how her nipple hardened, responding to his touch. “We shouldn’t be doing this. Not yet. Not so soon after—”

  “My first time?” She rolled, facing him. “Mac, I’m not sure what I want.”

  “Then we don’t have to do anything,” he replied. “Although, it is nice waking up remembering everything I did the night before.”


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