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Page 21

by T. L. Reeve

  The wolf joined him. “Damn right I am, and don’t you forget it.”

  Chapter Ten

  Although he’d rather be with Aurora, Mackenzie focused his attention on what was happening in front of him. He sat in the front row of the courtroom, along with the other witnesses for the case, and studied Hayden, who waited to be cross-examined by Holly’s lawyer, Alexander Walker. His niece had already spent most of the morning on the stand answering District Attorney Franks’ questions as he had set the stage on Hayden’s life and outcome with Holly. The only thing rankling Mackenzie’s nerves was the fact Charles didn’t bring up the affidavit of Justine Gabbles.

  If the DA had it, why not enter it into record? There had to be a reason, but whatever it was, Mackenzie had no idea what it could be. Nonetheless, District Attorney Charles Franks hadn’t painted a pretty picture of Holly’s treatment with Hayden. Along with the most recent evidence yet to be entered into the case—Holly’s involvement in breaking up Nico and Hayden. The notion he could be involved in even a tiny bit of whatever plot Holly cooked up, twisted his insides. Hayden didn’t deserve any of the hate her aunt dished out whenever she got the chance.

  When they dismissed for lunch, Mackenzie went off on his own, needing the time to gather his tattered thoughts. He figured the case would be hard on him and everyone in the family, however thinking it and trying to prepare for it, were two different things, and he’d done a horrible job of it.

  Looking back on it all, the signs were there. He’d seen glimpses of the real Holly and yet, his stupid pride got in the way, or, perhaps, it’d been his guilty conscious demanding he pay for all of his dirty sins. Either way, the pain his family endured because of Holly could have been avoided if he’d opened his mouth and said something.

  Now, as he waited for court to begin and Alexander Walker to start asking Hayden whatever heinous questions the man had on tap, Mackenzie couldn’t help but worry what would happen next. He squeezed his folded hands together and let out an impatient sigh. “This shit is for the birds.” He didn’t say it for anyone in particular, more so in hopes of getting the show on the road.

  Hayden turned in Mackenzie’s direction as Nico sat beside him. “She’s stronger than you all give her credit for. She’s been preparing for this longer than what you’d think.” Nico gave her a small wave.

  Mackenzie snorted and shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. She shouldn’t be in this position.”

  Nico scoffed. “She wants Holly to rot in hell—or in this case, prison—for the rest of her life. My mate will walk through the gates of Hell to make sure it’ll happen, too.”

  The naivety of Nico’s words, pissed Mackenzie off. “It’ll be a setback for her.”

  The boy stared a hole in him. Determination lit his amber eyes. “No, it won’t. Like I said, she’s a lot stronger than you all give her credit for.”

  “Boy, you don’t have to tell me how strong that girl is. I’ve seen the steely resolve coursing through her body. Doesn’t mean this won’t hurt her, or even give her nightmares again.”

  “Not your problem anymore, Mac. As her mate, it’s mine,” Nico snarled. “But let me reassure you, Mac, if they should rear their ugly head, I know exactly how to get my girl back into the light.”

  Mackenzie had no doubt the boy could, however, it didn’t change how he felt about the situation. He opened his mouth to say more, but the bailiff called the court to order. The judge entered the area in his long, black robe and took his seat before turning to address Hayden.

  “Mrs. Raferty-Lopez, I’d like to remind you that you’re still under oath.”

  “Yes, Your Honor,” Hayden replied.

  The judge looked to the defense. “You may proceed.”

  Hayden’s face was devoid of expression, her eyes didn’t hold their normal spark of mischief and merriment, instead, they were filled with a strength of will he’d never seen in her before. Mackenzie sat back as Mr. Walker strode over to the podium with a notebook.

  “Good Afternoon, Ms. Raferty,” Alexander said, opening the folder.

  Hayden flashed the guy with a quick smile and corrected him. “Actually, Mr. Walker, it’s Mrs. Raferty-Lopez or you can even call me Mrs. Lopez if it’s too hard for you to remember the whole thing.”

  Nico grunted. “See told you.”

  Mackenzie smirked in amusement. So the boy had.

  “Yes, that’s correct. You’re mated now?”

  “Correct, I’m mated and married,” Hayden corrected the attorney once more.

  “Who is your mate?” he inquired.

  “Nico Lopez.” Hayden’s gaze flickered to Nico for a second before her attention returned back to the lawyer standing across from her.

  “And you’re a shifter, correct?”


  “Can you tell me exactly what classification shifter you are?”

  Hayden’s brow furrowed, and Mackenzie wondered if his niece was thinking the same thing he was. Where was this asshole going with his line of questioning?

  “I’m a wolf shifter. Alpha female, to be exact.” Hayden locked her gaze on the man in front of her. “But my ranking doesn’t matter within the pack, since I follow my uncle and his laws.”

  “Yet, you weren’t aware of what you were until you came to Window Rock, is that correct?”

  “That is correct. I knew growing up I was different from others, although I never understood why.”

  The line of questions confused Mackenzie. Everything had been quick and simple when Charles asked Hayden questions. This guy, however, seemed to be baiting Hayden in. To what end or what for, Mackenzie didn’t know, and the knot in his stomach cinched down a bit more.

  “You didn’t know who your dad was, or about your twin brother, or the fact your entire extended family held an iron fist on all of Window Rock.”

  “No,” she answered.

  Mackenzie winced, grateful Kalkin wasn’t here. He knew his younger brother would take exception to the lawyer’s snide comment. The Rafertys, hell the entire pack and the pride protected the town, even with their own lives. Everett’s scars should have proved that. The same with Danielle’s and Loraine’s.

  “As a matter of fact, until the age of fourteen, your entire family was your aunt, Holly Geithner.”

  Hayden looked at the other man as if bored.

  “Mrs. Lopez?”

  “Yes?” She blinked, batting her lashes at the man.

  “You didn’t answer the question. Do you need me to repeat it?”

  Hayden’s hand went to her chest in fake distress, and Mackenzie bit back a grin. The twinkle of mischief in her eyes had him ready to burst in a fit of laughter. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize there was one, between rehashing my teenage years and bashing my family’s supposed tight hold on the town.” She arched a brow. “Yes. Holly was my only family.”

  “And did you love her?”

  Sorrow filled Hayden’s features and her cobalt-colored eyes. Hayden had loved and respected her aunt all of her life. Nevertheless, Holly’s determination to keep Nico and Hayden apart had started to slowly chip at the respect his niece had for her aunt. Mackenzie saw it, the first cracks creating a rift between them. Then when all the evidence against Holly came to light, Hayden had done the same thing he’d done—cut all ties with the woman she’d loved. Hayden and Mackenzie were forced to see the truth for what it was. Even if was painful.

  Holly was a user. She’d used him, Hayden, hell the entire pack and pride while she waited for Hayden to mature, so she could hand Hayden off to that sick fuck of a brother of hers to be used as a breeder. And, for all intents and purposes, Mackenzie had facilitated the sham by keeping Holly in Window Rock and allowing her to help raise Hayden.

  Guilt rode him hard at the part he’d played in Hayden’s life.

  “I did,” Hayden admitted, keeping her answer simple.

  He nodded. “Why did you come to Window Rock?”

  Hayden shrugged. “As far as I alw
ays knew, it was by chance. We were on the run, hiding from those who had already kidnapped me once. At least, it’s the story Holly always told me as I was growing up and she wanted me to believe. It worked, too, because it’s all I knew.”

  “You have doubts it wasn’t by chance?”

  “Ahh, yeah. That’s one hell of a coincidence to stumble into the same town where my father, my twin brother, and the rest of my family lived, don’t you think?” She held up her hand. “Sorry, you’re asking the questions here, not me.

  Alexander grinned. “But you never asked?”

  Hayden sighed. “I was fourteen. A child. I didn’t fully understand or even realize how impossible those odds were.”

  “What about as you got older? Surely, you had to realize that two and two didn’t make five?”

  “I had doubts. But I knew there was no point in asking. Holly would’ve never told me the truth of why she did what she did.”

  The lawyer nodded. “And when did you realize Nico Lopez was your mate?”

  “After I was kidnapped for a second time. His... His reaction to finding me chained up, forced my parents and Holly to explain what happened to me, again, and why Nico run away for a bit.”

  “Not before then?” he asked, his gazing turning and looking at Nico.

  “I felt something for Nico the first time I saw him, but I didn’t understand it…or even know what it meant, for that matter,” Hayden whispered.

  “Nico knew, though, didn’t he?”

  Hayden hesitated before answering with a wobbly yes. The defense lawyer smirked in triumph as it was the first time today Hayden had shown any emotions while answering questions. “We were too far apart in age, though, so there were growing pains.” She turned to the judge. “I hate talking about this part. It brings up so many bad memories and so much guilt for me.”

  The judge gave a solemn nod. “Just do your best to answer the questions, Mrs. Raferty-Lopez, it’s all the court asks for.”

  “Were you aware, Mrs. Lopez, that your aunt suspected and voice her concern to your uncle Mackenzie Raferty about an inappropriate relationship between you and your mate while you were underage?”

  “No, I wasn’t aware,” Hayden said, her focus on Nico.

  “Really? You had no clue? Wasn’t it Holly who insisted on you going away to Turnskin University in the beginning, after smaller random incidences happened around you? Wasn’t your desire to go, against the rest of your family’s objection?”

  “Yes. But—”

  “Did you ever wonder why?”

  “I thought she was trying to protect me. Turns out, what she was really doing was wanting to place distance between Nico and me, so she could later hand me over to her brother on a silver platter. Holly deserved an Academy Award for her performance. All those years, and never once, did she let the mask slip. She played her part to perfection,” Hayden spat in disdain. “Turnskin University was a tradition for our family. I’d been meant to go there, my family wanted precautions in place before I left home. Holly wanted me to leave sans family instruction.”

  “Objection, Your Honor. I’m requesting we strike the witness’s statement from the record,” Holly’s lawyer demanded.

  “What’s your reasoning? You asked a question, she answered it.”

  “It’s speculation, Your Honor. It’s never been proven that Holly Geithner had any intention of handing her niece over to her brother.”

  Franks stood up to address the court. “Except for the fact, Your Honor, Henry Worthington—Hazel, and Holly’s brother, and Hayden’s uncle—told Mrs. Lopez, in detail, of their entire plan once he had kidnapped her and held her captive after the gala at the Wildlife preserve.”

  “Pure hearsay,” the defense lawyer volleyed back. “Only Mrs. Lopez and Mr. Worthington were privy to that conversation. Hayden Lopez could be lying.”

  Franks snorted and shook his head. “If you believe she’s lying, then why bother to continue cross-examining her?”

  Franks made a good point, now if the Judge only stood with them and not against them and allowed Hayden’s statement to remain.

  “Objection overruled. The witness statement stands,” the judge announced after a moment of deliberation. “You may continue with your questioning, Mr. Walker.”

  Franks spoke again. “Your Honor, again, we’d like to know if the defense has a point with his questions with regards to Mrs. Lopez. He seems to be going nowhere, and Mrs. Lopez has two young children, a husband, and a job she could be attending to instead of answering pointless questions.”

  “I’m getting there, Your Honor,” Mr. Walker stated.

  The Judge nodded.

  “I’d like to circle back to your relationship with Nico and when you became mates.”

  “I’m sorry, exactly what are you asking?” Hayden inquired.

  “I’ll rephrase my question. I’d like to know when your relationship with Nico Lopez became sexual.”

  “Fuck,” Nico hissed quietly under his breath.

  Franks sprang to his feet, hollering out. “Objection, Your Honor! Mrs. Lopez is not on trial. Her sex life or when she became sexually active has no bearing on these proceedings.”

  The Judge cocked a brow, glaring over his glasses at Mr. Walker. “Where you are going with this?”

  “We believe Holly Geithner’s actions against Hayden Raftery were because she was attempting to protect her niece from a predator.”

  Franks looked at Walker in disbelief. “Excuse me?”

  “We have proof of a sexual relationship between Hayden Raferty and Nico Lopez. Ms. Geithner made moves to protect her underage niece from an Alpha wolf.”

  “This bitch,” Nico muttered for Mackenzie’s ears only.

  “Except Hayden is now mated and married to Nico Lopez,” Franks stated.

  “Ms. Geithner, along with several other expert witnesses believe Ms. Raftery to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.”

  Franks’ abrupt laughter had the Judge and Mr. Walker turning their attention to him. “At no time did Nico Lopez ever kidnap or hold Hayden Raferty-Lopez against her will. Your honor, if I may—”

  “My experts say differently.”

  Franks gave a long-suffering sigh. “Hayden Lopez currently sees Brie Blu, a certified therapist, twice a week, and has been every week for the last year. Mrs. Blu’s reports have been submitted as evidence. But to paraphrase them, the only thing Mrs. Lopez is currently suffering from is a case of PTSD from events that occurred within the last year.”

  “And my experts state differently. They believe Mrs. Blu has misdiagnosed Hayden Raferty. Also, Ms. Geithner has proof of the relationship between her niece and Mr. Lopez.”

  Nico swore under his breath.

  Franks shook his head. “What proof does she have? And why are we being made aware of it now?”

  “I was just given the evidence five minutes before court resumed,” Mr. Walker claimed.

  “Your Honor, we haven’t even had a chance to see what he has. How exactly have your experts come up with Hayden’s diagnoses since your experts haven’t seen or even spoken to Mrs. Raferty-Lopez?” Franks argued.

  “Your Honor, may we approach the bench?” Mr. Walker inquired.

  When the Judge gave his approval, both attorneys approached and began whispering in a heated conversation.

  “Is it me or is this asshole unprepared for this trial?” Royce took a seat behind Nico and Mackenzie, surprising both of them. He’d been dressed in his sheriff’s uniform, and Mackenzie supposed he’d been so wrapped up in the proceedings, he hadn’t even noticed his son slipping in to watch.

  “He’s barking up the wrong tree,” Nico stated, his tone cold and filled with anger.

  Mackenzie couldn’t blame the rage he felt rolling off of the man sitting next to him. He’d been accused, in a court of law, no less, of being a sexual predator of an underage girl, and the defense supposedly had proof.

  “He seems unprepared and all over the fucking place,” Mack
enzie said, keeping his gaze on the two lawyers who continued to argue with the Judge. He rubbed at the ache in his neck, and wondered, not for the first time, what Holly and her lawyer were up to.

  Royce leaned forward, bracing his forearms on the back of Mackenzie’s bench. “If Holly is found guilty, they’re going to appeal the conviction, claiming her lawyer was incompetent.”

  Mackenzie turned his attention to his son. “Even without our testimony, Royce, the evidence gathered in Massachusetts is overwhelming against her.”

  “Doesn’t matter, dad. If her legal representative failed to perform their job and new lawyers could prove it, they’ll have a valid appeal. Kal is under the impression it’s how this is all going to play out. After seeing this shit-show, I have to agree with him,” Royce replied.

  Mackenzie scratched at his scruffy three-day beard and pondered out loud. “Wonder if he knows something none of us do.”

  Royce snorted in amusement. “Most times, he’s at least ten steps ahead of everyone else.”

  Nico nodded before he nudged Mackenzie, drawing his attention to the bench. “Looks like we’re getting ready.”

  Charles Franks and Alexander Walker walked back toward their desks. D.A. Franks’ face was twisted in anger, and Mr. Walker had a smug smile Mackenzie had the overwhelming desire to wipe off.

  “This can’t be good,” Nico muttered.

  “Nothing about this is,” Mackenzie added.

  The Judge cleared his throat, getting the court’s attention. “It has come to my attention that Counsel for the defense has new evidence with regards to this case as well as the prosecution. In order to give the prosecution, the defense, and myself a chance to review it, I’m going to call a recess. Until 9 am next Wednesday seeing as this is a holiday weekend.” The Judge looked at Hayden. “You may step down, Mrs. Lopez.”

  Hayden nodded before she stood and made her way back to where Nico lounged beside him; until Hayden got close her features were filled with annoyance. He had to give his niece credit, not once did she acknowledge or even glance at a smug-looking Holly.


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