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A Queen for the Alien for the Alien Conqueror

Page 3

by Celeste King

  The answer was obvious, but I wasn’t ready to admit what I knew to be true. I was falling in love with Galen. He was everything I had ever dreamed about since I was a little girl.

  I still wanted to take it slow. I didn’t want to get my heart broken. I wasn’t sure that I could handle that. Cuts, bruises, even a hole from a bullet were easier to face than the idea of nursing a broken heart.

  Even though I was a newbie at the kissing thing, I must have done okay. He continued to kiss me, and he smiled at me so sweetly afterward. I was positive that it wasn’t a smile of condolence. I also thought that he looked a bit disappointed when the kiss ended.

  But if he was feeling even half of the craziness I was feeling, it was a good thing he ended the kiss. Otherwise, I might have broken my own rule on the second night.

  I thought about the kiss they had shared the night before. She loved it. It was her first kiss, and she must not have done too badly, because he smiled after.

  Although the bed was comfortable and cool, I forced myself to get up. I could not simply become a bum because I was to be the bride of a king. That one was still a little hard to swallow. The wife of a warrior, yes. A king? Not so much.

  When I finally dragged my sorry butt out of the sleeping chamber, I found the chef waiting to speak with me. He asked me what kind of food I liked.

  To be honest, I hadn’t had a lot of experience with a lot of food, because food was always scarce and doled out by the government, except for what we could grow. I told him as much.

  He looked horrified. The chef, Tariq, told me that he was going to fix that, and my taste buds had better be on high alert, because they were going to be exposed to savory flavors like they had never experienced.

  I didn’t know whether to be excited or afraid.

  Breakfast was bacon and eggs, one of my favorites.

  After my tummy was full, I headed back up on deck to get a glimpse of my sexy alien man.

  This morning, Galen took me around to all of the crew members and introduced me to each of them. Every crew member enthusiastically greeted me with a strong handshake. They weren’t afraid to shake my hand properly just because I was a woman.

  The crew were also warriors under his command. Each one of them had a specialty.

  “Talk to them. Pick their brains. I know that you were highly skilled and trained, especially because of your military experience. However, there is always something new to learn. Perhaps you could learn enough new things from the crew that you could take back to your village and we could teach the people what you have discovered. We’ll just make the journey on the pretext of visiting the people that you missed since you’ve been gone.”

  I stood on my tiptoes, put my arms around the back of his head and kissed him right on his mouth. He was surprised, but he wrapped his arms around my back and kissed me back.

  Everyone and everything in the room disappeared with the intensity of this kiss. All too soon, it ended.

  All of his warriors hooted and hollered. They seemed to approve of the kiss.

  A different kind of flame burned on my face. I have never been embarrassed until now. I have never been one to show my emotions in public, until now. What in the world was happening to me? I still couldn’t quite convince myself that I was falling in love with him.

  Everyone was still staring and clapping. Galen told everyone to get back to work.

  Then, he walked me over to his second in command. “This is Noxu. We have been together since we were children. His specialty is a combination of different martial arts.”

  Galen then kissed me on the forehead and went back to his station.

  As Noxu and I talked, I noticed that Galen would steal glances at us and smile.

  “The martial arts are almost as old life itself, which is infinite. There is no way that one person could master them all. However, some of the warriors have taken some of the moves from several and put together a program, so to speak.”

  “Just like Bruce Lee did a couple hundred of years ago.”

  “Indeed, Noxu smiled.”

  Noxu had to get back to work, so Galen introduced me to Gowin, his third in command. Gowin was an archer. Although the archery equipment used in today’s time was a lot more advanced, he said that there is a lot to be said for the old weapons. He said that he could help learn how to make bows and arrows from materials around us and how to use them to mount a good defense.

  I was so excited, I almost demanded to see his archery equipment right there. Then, I remembered that he had a job to do on the ship, so I clamped my lips shut before I could say anything stupid.

  At the end of the night, Galen and I relaxed. We bantered back and forth, actually being silly, which was something else new to me. I was accustomed to having to be serious all the time.

  After dinner, he beat me in chess. Barely.

  “It’s good to know that you can accept a loss. You are a pretty amazing woman.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Although I did just kick your butt in chess.”


  “In battle, all that matters is that I won.”

  That night found me eagerly awaiting his kisses. As his tongue explored my mouth, his fingers tangled themselves in my hair.

  I wrapped my arms around his back and pressed my body close to his. He felt so good. I was beginning to regret that I asked him to wait to make love to me.



  Maura opened her beautiful blue eyes and smiled the sweetest smile when I woke up. In my opinion, that was the best way to start the day – with the woman I was in love with. I hoped that she would realize that we were meant for each other.

  “What is on the agenda for the day?” she asked me.

  “We will land at my home in about an hour. The wedding will be this afternoon. I sent communications back to set everything up.”

  A look of alarm swept over her face. The idea of getting married after having only really known me for four days was frightening. If I wasn’t positive that she was my fated mate, I would be having the same fears.

  Holding her face in both of my hands, I said, “Maura. Please hear me. I know this scares you and I know that this is going a lot faster than you anticipated. However, I promised that I would not do anything physically that you were not ready for. Even though you will legally be my wife, and in my heart you already are, that promise still stands.”

  Her tense body relaxed as I said that and she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I knew that she had feelings for me, but especially for human females, sexual intercourse was sacred.

  She flashed me that beautiful smile and we began preparations for landing.

  Although she would have denied it with every fiber of her being, she began to shake a small bit when we landed and she saw the hordes of tall blue people with silver hair waiting to meet her.

  When the door opened, and we stepped off the craft, she squeezed my hand so tightly, I was starting to lose blood flow. She also pressed against me.

  My crew held everyone back as we passed through the throng, telling them that they would all get a chance to meet her and talk to her, but right now we needed to get home. The people were very respectful of that, and allowed us to pass by.

  As soon as we got through, what seemed like the entire village, she seemed to relax a little. She still held on to my hand, but at least it wasn’t bone crushing now.

  She seemed to be very relieved when we got to my house. I think she was afraid that it would be some grand palatial type building that would be completely out of character for her personality.

  It was big, befitting of a chieftain, but it wasn’t monstrous. I told her that she could have her own room here, if she wanted. I was hoping that she would decide that she liked sleeping with me.

  To my great relief, she said that she would continue to share a bed with me.

  “Sleeping with you is a great way of getting to know you, because it gives us time together whe
re it is just the two of us.”

  Then, she added shyly, “Plus, I really like your kisses and I love sleeping with your arm around me. I think you are starting to grow on me.”

  “Like big blue mold?” I joked.

  Completely relaxed now, she said, “Yes, exactly like big blue mold, with beautiful silver hair, and the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”

  She stood on her toes and pulled down my head so she could kiss me. This time, she initiated a kiss that had me burning like a raging forest fire.

  She gently sucked on my bottom lip, and then nibbled on it. Maura tilted her head slightly, and swept her tongue across my lips, and then into my mouth. She used her tongue to tickle the roof my mouth. Then, she gently stroked under my tongue and on top of it. She finished by sucking the tip of my tongue.

  Trying to catch my breath from the intensity of the kiss, I asked her where she learned to do that. “I thought I was the first person you ever kissed.”

  “You are, dork. First, I know how to read. Second, you taught me,” she laughed.

  I thought back to the kissing session we had the night before, and I had to admit that I did try to tantalize her with my mouth. The old adage, “All is fair in love and war,” popped into my mind.

  A sharp rap at the door broke the mood, and I could have cheerfully thrown the person out the window for disrupting the moment. However, I had to mind my manners, so I heaved a heavy sigh and asked, “yes?”

  The dress maker must have heard the impatience in my voice, because he just popped his head around the door, but didn’t bring in his entire body. I found that amusing, but I guessed that meant I was easily amused.

  “I need to measure Miss Maura for her dress, so we can get the final work completed.”

  Smiling at her, I nodded. “Maura, with you please accompany Icex? I would love to stay and let you show me what else you learned, but unfortunately, we both have a few things to get done.”

  She nodded at me. Although she was unsure about going off with someone she didn’t know, I could tell that she trusted me, so she brushed my lips with hers and followed him out the door.”

  “Wow, nice ass,” I said to myself.

  “I heard that,” she said, laughing.

  The wedding was elaborate. The hall was decorated beautifully. There were musicians and singers who filled the hall with incredible melodies.

  Our vows were traditional, but I knew that I spoke them with feeling. I meant every word that I said. Despite her worries and fears, it sounded as though Maura meant hers as well.

  That was one of the highlights of my life. This woman, who was a part of my very being, my soul, my existence, was now my wife.

  The kiss was exquisite as well. The preacher told me that I could kiss my bride, so I did. Judging by the moan that escaped from her, I knew that she felt every bit of passion and love I was communicating.

  I couldn’t be happier. I only wished that she felt the same as I felt about her. But I knew that she would fall in love with me in due time.



  The wedding was like a dream. I was never one of those women who stayed up all night thinking about their prince charming or planning their wedding. However, I did have the idea that I might at least have a part in planning it, if I ever did find that man I wanted to marry.

  However, this was a “Here’s your dress, here’s your ring, here’s your man, congrats.” It didn’t feel real to me and I really didn’t even seem as though I was the one getting married. I didn’t feel any different. It was more of a part I was playing.

  Perhaps someday, when I fell in love with Galen, we could have a smaller wedding, that we plan, and we could maybe even write our own vows. I said “when” because I am already halfway there.

  There was a huge feast after the wedding. I had to wonder if there were any animals on the planet that were not represented on the table. Most of the food resembled what we had on Earth, so I stuck with those. With my queasy stomach from all of the stress and being overwhelmed with recent events, I didn’t think I should try anything new. That, too, would come with time.

  I barely had time to eat, anyway. There were a lot of people who stopped by to congratulate us. They all told me that I was a beautiful bride. They had heard that I was also a warrior, so I was a perfect fit for Galen. Everyone seemed sincere, and I truly felt welcomed.

  Finally, the evening was coming to a close, and we were able to escape.

  Galen sat on the bed when we got to our chamber. He looked as exhausted as I felt. Then, he grinned wickedly at me.

  “What?” I asked him.

  “You have a bit of a pickle,” he said.

  “What’s that?”

  “How are you going to get out of that dress by yourself,” he asked me, evilly.

  I hadn’t thought about that. I didn’t climb into this thing by myself. I likely wasn’t going to get out of it by myself.

  “You just want an excuse to undress me, don’t you?”

  Galen raised an eyebrow at me. “Maybe.”

  He won this round. “Close your eyes,” I said.

  “Nope. It’s the price you have to pay. I said I would touch you, but I never said I wouldn’t look.”

  I rolled her eyes. “Men and their loopholes,” I laughed.

  Galen took his time unzipping my gown. It was so slow.

  “If you don’t hurry, I’m going to fall asleep standing up.”

  “Oooh, then you’ll be naked and in my arms. Nice.”

  I would never have thought it possible, but he unzipped the gown even slower.

  “Gaaalen,” I said.

  “Fine,” he said, laughing. Finally, he had the dress unzipped and I was able to pull it off.

  I had to admit that the dress was very beautiful and absolutely something I would have chosen for myself. I childishly told myself that I only wanted the opportunity to choose it for myself.

  After I was naked, I took a deep breath. It was now or never. He was hot, he loved me, and I absolutely had deep feelings for him. It was our wedding night.

  Turning around, I slowly walked toward him.

  “Baby, I promised I wouldn’t touch you, but if you come to me naked, I don’t know if I can stop myself.”

  I smiled at him. I tried for a sexy smile, but I was afraid that it was more of a kindergartener’s first day of school smile.

  “It is our wedding night. You love me. I want to be with you.”

  A range of emotions flickered in his eyes. One of those emotions was either hurt or disappointment that I didn’t tell him that I loved him. I just wasn’t ready for that yet.

  However, I certainly didn’t have to ask him twice.

  As soon as I reached him, he pulled me close to him. I stood between his legs as he sat on the bed, my chest pressed against his beautiful blue chest.

  He lifted his hand and softly caressed my left cheek. His fingers trailed along the side of my face and then across my lips.

  Already, there was a warmth that had started between my legs and began to move throughout my body.

  He leaned in and traced my lips with his tongue, and then moved along the line where my lips met. His tongue gently pressed into my mouth.

  The racing of his heart against my chest told me that he was feeling the intensity as much as I was. His fingers tangled themselves in my hair as he began to make love to my mouth.

  I moaned against his mouth. He pushed me back a tiny bit, and a wave of disappointment flooded through me, first at the loss of feeling his chest, and second the thought that he was rejecting me.

  However, he lifted my breasts in his hands, and began to gently squeeze and massage them. I closed my eyes and sighed as a whole new range of searing electrical charges exploded through out my body.

  His thumbs circled my nipples and then began to rub against them. I gasped in air, trying to breathe. My entire body tingled and I began to tremble.

  Bringing his head closer, he began to suck on
my one of my nipples, flicking it with his tongue. His other hand moved with slow, feathery touches down my side, until it found the apex between my legs.

  He rubbed me and my knees buckled.

  Galen stood and pulled off his pants. A huge ribbed shaft stood proudly in front of his body.

  “Are you sure? Once I start, I can’t stop.”

  “Please,” was all I managed to mutter.

  He gently laid me on the bed. Laying on top of me, but holding himself up, he placed the tip at the very wet folds between my legs.

  Galen kissed me and began to slowly and gently push his way inside of me. I felt myself stretching to accommodate his large shaft as he gradually embedded himself deep inside of me.

  It was a mixture of the smallest bit of pain with an incredible amount of pleasure.

  “Oh, Galen. Is it supposed to feel like I am on fire, like I am going to die from the sheer sensations I am feeling inside of me?”

  “Yes, My Love. That is exactly what it is supposed to feel like.”

  I couldn’t help myself. As he moved inside of me, slowly pulling out and then pushing back in again, I grabbed his shoulders and held on for dear life. The heat felt like a tsunami that had built up inside of me.

  He pushed in one last time, and a huge wave of wetness, heat, fire, electricity, and millions of other sensations exploded out of me, covering him.

  Galen cried out, “Yes, my sweet love,” and I felt him begin to throb. Seconds later, I felt a huge rush of hot liquid erupt inside of me.

  He smiled at me. “I love you, so much.”



  Maura fell asleep quickly after we made love. I knew that she was scared to death when she offered herself to me. At first, I didn’t know what to do. If I made love to her, I would be breaking my promise. On the other hand, if I didn’t, she would think I was rejecting her.

  I decided that I would take the chance, because there was nothing that I wanted more in this world than to make love to that amazing woman. I was glad I did.


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