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A Queen for the Alien for the Alien Conqueror

Page 4

by Celeste King

  The whirlwind of events must have had her exhausted. First, being taken from her home. Then the ball, the first date, being whisked away to a new planet, and the wedding. It was enough to create exhaustion in the strongest of Nirqoi, and they are known for their endurance.

  I looked down at my sleeping beauty. It seemed that a glowing light surrounded her. That light created a warmth that was the overwhelming and infinite love that I felt for her. I could only hope that someday, she would feel that love as well.

  It was such a shame that she didn’t believe in the fated mates. It has been a part of our culture and other cultures for so long that it is ingrained in us.

  However, it likely has been programmed into humans that fated mates are only a myth. It was even possible that the UPO had found a way to reprogram female humans through their DNA. It would make it easier to manipulate the females.

  This made sense, because the UPO and Pitch Perfect purposely chose this woman to be at the ball. They must have known that she was to be my fated mate, although I had no idea how they could have that information. Maura was the wild card though, because she could have rejected me. I am so grateful that she didn’t.

  With each beat of my heart, I sent messages letting her know how much I loved her and how much she meant to me. I continued repeating it like it was a mantra. Finally, though I fell asleep.

  My heart sank when I saw that she was already gone when I woke up. Normally, I am an early riser, but I must have been extremely exhausted. I was hoping that we could spend some time together this morning. Maybe we could have even made love again.

  Of course, I didn’t want to push that last part. I don’t want to scare her away.

  My problem was how could I help her realize that we were meant to be together? One side of me said that I had to give her time. Give her time to really get to know me and to fall in love. However, my heart told my rational side to shut up.

  After breakfast, my heart told me to go look for my woman. My rational side said that there were a million things that I needed to get done. I had been away for quite some time. My heart said, “Shut up. Those things can wait. Go find your woman.”

  I listened to my heart.

  Maura was outside exercising. For a moment, I stood there admiring her beauty. Not just her physical beauty, but the beauty that was her. The sun caused the glistening sweat to sparkle on her body as though she were covered in a million diamonds.

  “Hey, Love.”

  She stopped in the middle of a routine and smiled brightly at me. I felt as though another sun had come out and had warmed my soul.

  “Hey there, Gorgeous Man.”

  She walked over to me, pressed her sweaty body against me, and kissed me soundly.

  “I could get used to that. Perhaps as chieftain, I should make a law that you have to kiss me like that every time I come into your presence.”

  She shook her head. “No, because you would simply walk around the corner and then come back into my presence. I would be kissing you all day long, and neither of us would get anything accomplished.”

  “We would get kissing done.”

  “We have to get more than that done.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  She slapped me on the butt, and said “You are the chieftain. You must chief.”

  “I saw that you were keeping up with your training.”

  “Yep, I can’t sleep all day, like my Chief.”

  I felt like a giddy school boy when she called me her chief.

  “Why don’t we set up some time where you can work out with Noxu. He can train you on some different martial arts. We can also set up some training with Gowin, so he can teach you some archery skills.”

  “Really? Aren’t you guys busy doing war stuff?”

  “We have some time right now.”

  She jumped up and kissed me again. Although, there was no tongue, the kiss created a warmth in me that consumed me.

  I wrapped my arms around her and gently bit her lip. I pulled her up to me, and parted her lips with my tongue. The world disappeared as I held my love, kissing her, loving her, tasting her.

  When at last I set her down, she was panting and her eyes were shining.

  “I –” she started to say, but stopped herself. I would have given anything to know what she was about to say.

  “Do you think that it is possible to visit Earth after I learn things?”

  “Of course. I told you that we could.”

  “That would be so amazing. Sometimes I feel like I betrayed them by leaving them behind. But if they can get some knowledge from me because I left it would be amazing.”

  “You know, if you learn enough from Noxu and Gowin, then you can teach your people yourself.”

  “Really? I could.”

  I smiled and nodded at her enthusiasm.

  “Thank you.” She jumped up and kissed me again. Then, bounced off on her run.

  I was glad that I could make her happy. I just wished that she would be that excited about me.



  Galen was very sweet. I knew that he was trying to make me happy. I was happy. I really missed my people, but the people were amazing. They were the nicest people she had ever encountered.

  The next several mornings, I got up when Galen did. Before he left for his duties, he always kissed me. It wasn’t just a peck on the cheek either. It was a kiss that made my body tingle and made the lightning and thunder crash inside of me.

  He didn’t want to break his promise though, and was waiting for me to let him know that I was ready to make love again. I am pretty certain that time is coming soon.

  Noxu was waiting for me every morning when I entered the courtyard. He taught me better ways of using my hands and feet to defend myself. He showed me how to get out of choke holds and when someone came up behind me and grabbed me. I also learned how to defend myself against someone who had a knife.

  I couldn’t wait to take this information back to my people. I knew that our government and military were aware of these types of techniques, but they didn’t want to teach them to us, even though we worked for them. I guessed that they were afraid of people like me, who would see that some of the things they did were morally wrong. Then, we would be better able to defend ourselves and teach others what we knew.

  Gowen taught me how to shoot his bow and arrow. I told him that it was fun and handy to know for here. However, I wanted to learn how to make bows and arrows from the resources that my people would have available. They wouldn’t be a match against the military if the UPO decided that the people in my village were a threat. However, at least they could put up a fight.

  I told Gowen what I thought.

  “You should talk to some of the other guys then. We have several of our guys who are very familiar with guerilla warfare. They can teach your people how to hide at the first sign of attack and ambush the bad guys. Your people might not win, but at least they would die trying. And they might take a few of the bad guys with them.”

  “That would be incredible. Do you think that would be okay with Galen?”

  “Would what be okay with Galen?” I heard a sexy voice behind me ask.

  I twirled around. “Hey, there sexy man. Gowen was telling me that you had some guys familiar with guerilla warfare who could teach me and my people on Earth. I just want to make sure that would be okay with you and not interfere with anything you have going on.”

  “Of course, that would be good.”

  “Thank you,” I said, jumping up, and kissing him briefly, but making sure that my tongue darted out to touch his lips. “You are the best,” I said.

  He laughed. “I know. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

  I just shook my head.

  At that point, someone approached him, and Galen kissed me briefly and told me that he had to take care of some business. I was actually a little disappointed to see him go, but I understood that he had responsibilities.

next morning, I saw Galen watching me practice with Noxu. Although I would never be as good as Noxu, I was doing pretty good at holding my own with the moves that he showed me.

  I was proud of myself for learning so much and doing well. I hoped that Galen was proud of me, too.

  Later, I stopped to think about that. Why would I care if Galen was proud of me? I guessed it was because he was a well-respected warrior. All warriors wanted to be respected by their peers.

  If I had to be honest, though, I knew that there was a lot more to it than that. I wanted Galen to be proud of me because I cared about his opinion as a man. As someone who was important to me.

  When the lesson was over, I walked by Galen and told him that I was going inside to get something to eat. I waited for him to tell me that he was going to join me.

  My heart felt like it suddenly weighed a million tons when he didn’t offer to join me. I walked off, slowly, hoping to hear him call my name.

  Once inside I realized I was an idiot. Why didn’t you ask him to join you? Maybe he is still upholding his end of the bargain by trying not to be too pushy.

  Galen was outside talking to Noxu when it was time for my archery lesson. I looked at him and smiled when I passed by, but it seemed as though he didn’t even see me. It was almost as if he saw right through me.

  Maybe he’s just busy or is preoccupied. After all, he is the chieftain.

  However, something told me that there was more to it than that.

  I put Galen’s reaction to the back of my mind when I met up with Gowen. Today, he was going to show me how I could make a bow from trees back home. Once I mastered that, Gowen was going to teach me how to make the arrows, including the tips.

  That would be a lesson for another day, though.

  Galen didn’t say a whole lot at dinner. He barely answered when I talked to him or answered a question. It really bothered me that he didn’t seem like himself.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t seem to be the same. Has something upset you?”

  “I’m good,” was his answer.

  Clearly, he wasn’t.

  I was afraid that he would be distant even when we went to bed. However, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight.

  Normally, I fell right to sleep. However, tonight I was awake, loving how much I needed to have his arms around me and how much I craved feeling his body pressed to mine every night.

  Then, a ton of bricks fell on my head. I was in love with Galen.



  I watched Maura throughout the day in between completing my other duties. There was a lot of work to catch up on since I had been gone for so long.

  Maura was learning very quickly from both Noxu and Gowen. Both of the men raved about how quickly she was learning. They both said that she was a natural at it. They told me that I should think about incorporating her into my army. I didn’t know about that, but until she became pregnant, I would want to take her out on the campaigns with me. At the rate we were going though, I didn’t have to worry about her getting pregnant.

  For someone who said that she wasn’t comfortable around a lot of other people, she seemed to fit right in here. She didn’t spend all of her time with Noxu and Gowen, though. There were several other people she talked to and hung out with. It seemed that my beautiful little love had developed quite the social life.

  Maybe it was because she was my destiny that she adapted to my people and culture so well.

  As happy as I was for her, I just wished that she would spend more time with me. I missed the time when we played chess or we just talked. Now, I barely got to see her.

  I ventured out this morning to see that Maura was practicing martial arts with Noxu. He had her in a choke hold from behind. I was so proud of her when she turned her head, pushed her chin down, and turned her body. Then, she elbowed him in the gut, hammer fisted his groin, grabbed his arm that was holding her, and pulled it down. She spun around and broke loose.

  She grinned when I clapped for her, then went right back to training.

  For a minute I was angry. Then, I figured out that I was jealous. I wasn’t jealous because I thought that either of them would betray me, because I knew better. I was jealous that she was spending so much of her time with everyone else.

  When practice was over, she gave Noxu a quick hug. She ran over to me and gave me a peck on the lips.

  “I’m starving and going to grab something to eat.”

  He waited to be invited and was disappointed when she didn’t ask him to eat with her. After she disappeared into the house, though, he chided himself for being dumb.

  I should have invited myself to have lunch with her.

  A weight of sadness came over me when I saw her disappear into the building. My thoughts were so consumed with that woman that I didn’t even hear Noxu come up behind me.

  “Maura is pretty remarkable.”

  “I know.”

  “What’s bothering you, Chief?”

  “I just wish that I could make Maura see that we are fated mates. She thinks that is a myth. My heart and soul tell me that she is the one. She completes me and makes me whole.”

  Noxu slapped me on the back. “She will eventually figure it out. You just have to be patient. You know that humans are slow. They don’t always see things that are right in front of them. There are all kinds of jokes about humans looking for their spectacles when they are on their face.”

  I laughed. He had a point. It wasn’t that she was stupid. She just had blinders on.

  “Brother, it’s hard for me to be patient. I would be the one to pull her spectacles off and show them to her instead of letting her find them for herself.”

  He slapped me on the back again, and told me that good things come to those who wait.

  I told him that was an old cliché and to get back to work. I didn’t pay him to spout old wives’ sayings to me.

  Laughing, he ran off to work with some of the newer recruits.

  It was true that I would be the one to point out to people what was right in front of them, so this type of patience was difficult for me. However, sometimes, people had to discover the truths for themselves.

  I had hoped to spend the afternoon with Maura. I thought maybe we could ride the equines, that were much like Earth horses, except bigger, stronger, and some of them had wings, some could breathe fire, and some could breathe ice.

  Once again, my heart sank when she ran past me. She blew me a kiss and told me excitedly that she was going to learn how to make a bow today.

  I was so glad that she was happy and was excited to be learning things from my people. However, how was she going to fall in love with me if we never spent any time together. Maybe tonight I will make an appointment to spend the day with my wife.

  She was so animated at dinner, that it was hard for me to ask her to take a break from it so we could spend time together. She was so excited about everything she learned. She told me every detail about her lessons.

  At one point she stopped talking and asked me what was wrong.

  What was I supposed to say? I’m jealous because you spend all your time with other men? I’m upset because you haven’t fallen in love with me? None of that sounded reasonable.

  A part of me knew that if she didn’t at least care about me, she wouldn’t want to share her adventures with me. She wouldn’t want me to know what she was doing and how it made her feel.

  We went to bed soon after dinner. She smiled at me as she snuggled up against me, inviting me to put my arm around her, which I did. I guess I would just have to be satisfied with the fact that she wanted to sleep with me each night and wanted me to hold her.

  That had to mean something, didn’t it?



  I woke up earlier than I normally do. I had a tough time sleeping last night. I guessed it was because I really wanted to tell Galen that he was right,
and I was in love with him. I didn’t want to wake him up, even though he probably wouldn’t have minded. He was such a sweet and amazing man. I was just sad that it took me so long to see it.

  Galen was sound asleep. I didn’t have the heart to wake him. He didn’t always get a whole lot of deep sleep. I figured it was just because he had so much on his mind.

  My body was aching, so I decided that it would be the perfect time to go out for exercise. I could burn off all of this excess energy, stretch my muscles, and figure out exactly what I wanted to say to Galen.

  Brushing a kiss lightly across his cheek, I tiptoed out of the room.

  It was an amazingly beautiful day. The suns instantly warmed my face. The cool breeze wafted around me, as though it was dancing to celebrate a new day. The trees nearby swayed in sync with each other, as though they felt the same music in the air and waltzed together.

  After warming up and stretching, I started my workout. I practiced some of the arm and leg movements that were a part of the training from Noxu.

  The suns notified me that about an hour had passed. I needed to get cleaned up so I actually looked and smelled decent when I talked to Galen. I didn’t want him to get a whiff of anything terrible when I professed my love.

  I turned back toward the house but stopped dead in my tracks. There was a group of men coming toward me. Judging by their different colored skin and looks, the group was made up of different alien races, although there were a couple of human males among the mix.

  I was a warrior, but I wasn’t that good, and sometimes retreat is the better part of valor. I turned to run, but there were a group of men approaching me from that end as well.

  My training kicked in and I looked for an out. I ran zigzag through the courtyard toward the trees where I hoped I could lose them. However, just as I reached the edge of the forest, a third group popped out.

  Suddenly, my entire body writhed with pain. Someone tased me. I struggled to stand, but my body jerked as another fifty thousand volts hit me like a ton of bricks setting my nerves on fire. Then, a human from one of the groups put a rag over my nose and mouth.


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