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The Trouble with Rock Stars: Jackson's Story (Access All Areas, #3)

Page 9

by Starr, Candy J

  I’d cried when they broke up. They’d been my teenage dream. I’d had their posters on my wall. I wore their t-shirt. I’d done all the “which Baxter is your ideal man” quizzes in the magazines.

  Now they were reforming and had announced concert dates.

  I scrolled down with my shaking hand. I had to go. I had to get a ticket no matter what. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

  When I was thirteen, they’d been touring and I had a ticket to see them play. Mum had promised to take me because we lived five hours drive out of the city, with no public transport, just a bus service once a day. I’d wanted to go to that concert more than anything in this world. I made plans with my best friend from high school. What to wear, how to do our hair, how to act when Brent Baxter saw me in the audience.

  Then, about three weeks beforehand, I’d done something wrong. I hadn’t dinner on when Mum was at work or I’d forgotten to bring the laundry in. She was so angry. I’d cowered in the corner, waiting for her to strike me.

  But what she did was so much worse.

  She went into my room and got my concert ticket and, before I could stop her, she tore that ticket up in front of me.

  I cried. I cried and I cried.

  “What are you crying for?” she said. “If you’d done as you were told, you wouldn’t have been punished.”

  I knew I’d done the wrong thing. I’d upset her and made her angry. But I’d wanted to go to that concert with all my heart.

  Now they were touring again and —

  This week?

  Had I been living on a different planet to miss that announcement?

  But surely there’d have been posters up around town? I’d seen no posters. They’d be advertising everywhere, you’d think. But then I’d been so caught up with Jackson, I might’ve missed it.

  The tickets would be all sold out.

  But maybe, just maybe, I’d be lucky. Even a seat in the last row would be enough. So long as I could be there.

  I clicked through to the website as fast as my computer would go.

  Sold out.

  Sold out.

  Wait. They’d announced an extra show.

  My heart jumped. It wasn’t sold out. I had to get my ticket. Now.

  Margie and Dianne walked back in and shot me a dirty look. I didn’t care. Their looks were always dirty.

  The site loaded. There were no tickets.

  Nothing available.

  Wait, there were different levels of seating. VIP tickets were insanely priced but you got to go to a “meet the band” cocktail party before the show. That would be so awesome. Although as scary as hell, going on my own.

  That’d sold out anyway. Good thing or I’d have been tempted to pay the $500.

  The A seats and B seats were sold out too.

  Taking a deep breath, I kept scrolling.

  Down the bottom of the page, stalls. Not sold out.

  I clicked that buy button and got out my wallet. Take my money, just take my money.

  The seat map loaded. There were some seats right up near the back. Like second row from the back. But second row from the back was better than not being there at all. I entered my credit card details and didn’t breathe until I got the confirmation message.

  Ping. There in my inbox.

  I grinned so wide that I had to lower my head. I didn’t want anyone seeing that grin. But I was going to see The Baxters. No one could take that ticket from me. I’d protect it with my life.

  Of course, I’d have to make up some story for Jackson. I couldn’t stand to see the laughter in his eyes if I told him the truth. He’d despise me. I’d heard him rip people to shreds for their shit music taste. He really judged people for that.

  I knew The Baxters were a boy band and not the best singers ever. They lip-synced to some of their songs and did shows, not “gigs” but I could never explain how much I loved them. I’d just make sure he never found out. Things were too fragile between us.

  Chapter 19 Jackson

  I WANTED TO DO SOMETHING to make it up to Gina. She’d put up with my shit and hadn’t bitch slapped me to hell. Her forgiveness meant the world to me and I wanted to prove that to her.

  But how?

  Flowers? That’d be too obvious. I remembered how ridiculous Razer and Alex looked coming into the club with bunches of flowers for Violet. I didn’t want to be like that.

  Chocolates? That might work but still too obvious and not special enough.

  Jewelry? Nope. Candlelit dinner? Nope. Anyone could do that. I wanted something amazing. Something Gina-specific. A way of showing her she meant something to me. That I didn’t just think she was a silly girl.

  Everyone had something they want. Something they wouldn’t buy for themselves but they’d love. I just needed to find out. Maybe I should talk to Carlie. Carlie would know that kind of thing. Or I could talk to Drew.

  No, I could never ask Drew.

  While I thought about it, I got a message from Gina saying she wouldn’t be around on Friday night. Not that we had any plans but lately we emailed each other about stuff. Funnily enough, she didn’t mention what she was doing. If she wasn’t going to be around, she’d always tell me why, like she had to work late or she something else on. This time she said nothing.

  I asked Carlie about it.

  “So, what is she doing? Something special.”


  But her face betrayed her. She knew, she just wasn’t talking. I got a note out of my wallet - a hundred - and slipped in across the bar.

  “This might help you remember.”

  “Jeez, is this some cheesy cop show?” But she took the note. “If I tell you, she’ll kill me, so this is top secret. She said she’d die if you found out. Do not say anything to her and most of all, do not laugh at her about it.”

  My mind raced with all the possibilities. What the hell would Gina be doing that she was so secretive about? She wouldn’t be seeing some other guy or Carlie would never tell me in a million years. I couldn’t think of anything she could be doing that I’d laugh about.

  “I promise.”

  “I’m serious. I only know because she was bursting to tell someone. Even then, I had to pry it out of her. It’s her secret shame.”

  Now I really had to know.

  “She’s going to see a band.”

  I wasn’t sure why that was so secret.


  “Have you heard of The Baxters?”

  Of course, I’d heard of them. A bunch of little boys, auto-tuned to hell, dancing around in fancy outfits. They’d been the biggest thing ever for about a month, then they’d faded back into obscurity. Why was Carlie asking me this?

  Then it clicked.

  “No way!”

  They weren’t a band. They were a BOY band. Carlie laughed at the look on my face.

  “She’s loved them since she was in high school. And she’s going to see them tomorrow.”

  Okay, if she wanted to go see them, that was her business.

  “The only thing is, she could only get crap tickets because she didn’t know until the last minute. She said that was good enough and that she couldn’t expect any better...”

  My mind ticked over. She wanted to see this boy band but she couldn’t get good tickets...

  “And all the VIP tickets had sold out.”

  I wanted to do something amazing for Gina. I wanted to give her a night she’d never forget for the rest of her life and that proved how much she meant to me but there are some things that required too much sacrifice. Getting the tickets would be easy. I still had connections in this town. I knew people.

  “Don’t even think about it. They sold out weeks ago.”

  “They sold out years ago, you mean.” I grinned.

  Getting the tickets would be a cinch. The thing was, just giving her a single ticket would be nice and all but it wouldn’t be super special. If I wanted to do this, I’d have to go with her. I’d have to sit beside her and ke
ep my mouth shut and not once say anything bad.

  Maybe the tickets were sold out but nothing’s impossible, it’s just costly. I didn’t mind paying over the money, it was the cost to my pride that’d hurt. But, if Gina wanted to go see The Baxters, Gina would have the best seats ever.

  I got out my phone and made some calls.

  “Yes, I said I wanted tickets to The Baxters. Do you have a problem with that?”

  I got scoffed at. Scoffed. Hell, these people were the ones promoting the tour, the ones making money off it, but I got scoffed at for wanting tickets. Surely, they could see the irony in that.

  “No, mate, I don’t have an opinion on whether their second album was actually a greater work than the more popular first album.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carlie shaking with laughter.

  “No, I don’t have a favorite Baxter. Not everyone does.”

  I moved so I couldn’t see Carlie. That was easier. I tapped my fingers on the bar. This joker was toying with me but I had to play along to get the tickets.

  “Okay, if I have to pick, I’ll say the blonde one. And, no, I don’t know his name.”

  Even without looking, I knew Carlie was doing that face. I waved at her to get me another drink. I needed it, dealing with this.

  Finally, I got the tickets.

  I JUMPED IN A CAB AND went to Gina, hoping she hadn’t left too early. I’m sure she’d want to go home from work and get changed so that would give me time. But maybe she took a change of clothes to the office?

  Hell, that’d wreck my plans.

  I rang her doorbell. She opened the door, blushed then tried to close it again.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to take you out.”

  “I have plans.” Her eyes flashed with defiance.

  “I know but I have new and improved plans. Are you ready?”

  When she fully opened the door, I saw she was wearing the group’s t-shirt. The Baxters in bright red letters across her boobs.

  She just stood and stared at me. “Your plans aren’t going to cut it.”

  I flashed the tickets at her. She frowned, staring at those tickets like she had no idea what they were. Then she tentatively took one from my hand.

  When she read that ticket, she squealed and jumped.

  “You’re kidding me. How did you get these? And why?”

  “I told you, new and improved plans. Now, are you ready to go?”

  She threw her arms around me. “You’re the best. You are totally the best. I mean, I knew that before but now you’re the best with awesome Baxters’ tickets.”

  All the humiliation had been worth it. Why would I care about some idiot on the phone when I could make my girl this happy?

  When we got to the arena, I led her to the VIP door. Our tickets included cocktails with “one or more members of the band” before the show as well as front row seats. I had no idea who the members of the band were. Sure, I’d heard of them but I just had a vague impression of haircuts and squeaky-clean looks.

  “Wow, this is swanky as. You should’ve told me. I’d have dressed better. I’m not sure I own anything better but I’d have tried. We get free cocktails?”

  “We sure do. Order what you want.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Is that Brent Baxter over there? Is it actually him? He’s looking this way. He saw me looking at him. Oh no.”

  She buried her face into my shoulder. I grinned to see her act like such a fangirl.

  We got drinks and she dragged me into a corner.

  “He totally looked at me.”

  “Go ask him for a photo,” I said. Normally, I’d be angry if a girl I took on a date had eyes for another man but he wasn’t really what I’d call a man. He was a schoolgirl crush she’d never gotten over. A poster she put on her wall.

  He was no threat.

  “I couldn’t. I’d be too embarrassed. What would I say?”

  “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.” I took her by the arm, dragging her across the room. “You’ll regret it if you don’t ask. Anyway, it’s their job.”

  “I can’t,” she said, but she totally wanted this.

  I walked up to the blonde overtanned guy. “The lady would like a photo.”

  She blushed and hid her head against my arm. It was kind of sweet.

  “She doesn’t look like she wants a photo.”

  “She’s very shy,” I said. “It’s one of her charms.”

  She grabbed my arm even tighter. I took my phone out of my pocket and pushed her towards him. She glowed with excitement. I’d never seen her look prettier.

  “Smile, Gina.”

  Brent Baxter put his arm around her shoulder and she looked up as I took the shot.

  “Lovely,” I said. I’d crop him out later.

  I took a couple more with her phone.

  Then she told him all about how much she loved the band. I had to give him credit, he seemed a nice enough guy. Asked Gina all about her job and her life. She murmured some answers, looking to me for confirmation. Meanwhile, I wondered where the hell that waiter had got to with my cocktail.

  “Is this your boyfriend?” Brent asked.

  Gina blushed but didn’t say anything.

  “If you could call me a boy, then I’m it.” I wasn’t sure if that’s what she wanted me to say but she glowed even more. Her smile was like the sunrise on your first day of vacation.

  “Excuse me,” he said. “I think I need to talk to someone else.”

  “Of course.”

  When he was out of earshot, Gina grabbed my phone. “You have to send me that photo. Oh my god, he put his arm around me. That was intense.”

  I sent the photo to her and her phone beeped.

  “So, how long have you been a fan of these guys?” I asked her.

  “Since I was thirteen. And don’t you tell anyone. I’d never hear the end of it. Hey, how did you know anyway? I assume this was no coincidence.”

  “That’s top secret.”

  “A top-secret called Carlie, I bet.”

  She grinned and hugged herself so I assumed Carlie wasn’t in much trouble.

  When we finished our drinks, we headed to our seats. A bit too close to the stage for my liking but then the other side of the city would’ve been too close to the stage for me.

  “I can’t believe we’re sitting so close. How did you get these tickets?”

  “If you want something, I’ll move heaven and earth to give it to you.”

  The look she shot me had a million questions in it. Shit, I’d put my foot in it. I’d get her concert tickets and anything else she wanted but the things she wanted would cost me a helluva lot more than that.

  Before she could say anything though, the lights dimmed and thousands of shrill screams punctured my eardrums.

  Explosions and clouds of smoke, and then the music started. Gina screamed and grabbed my arm. She sang along with every song. She danced and never took her eyes off the stage.

  Afterward, we waited for the crowd to clear before heading out.

  “Wow, you really are a fan,” I said.

  She nodded. She was still glowing from the concert. I’d never seen her glow like that when she’d seen any bands at the club play. I’d never even seen her glow like that for me. It was a whole different glow.

  “What did you think? It didn’t seem like your kind of thing?”

  I bit my tongue. I’d hated every minute of it but I couldn’t say that to her. I couldn’t take away from that glow.

  “It’s not but I enjoyed seeing you enjoy it.”

  She smiled at that. Taking the chance, I reached out for her hand. She hesitated in her step but didn’t pull away from me.

  Chapter 20 Gina

  OUTSIDE TO MY APARTMENT, he cupped my face in his hand and kissed me again, taking control and slowing the pace to unbearably gentle. Crazy kisses, teasing my senses and leaving me gasping.

  We ended up inside my apartment.
br />   His lips moved from mine, trailing along my neck, my collarbone, my breasts. My stomach tingled and delicious buzzes swept through my body. I could barely breathe from the anticipation.

  A soft moan escaped me. I wanted him now, no waiting.

  We made it to the bedroom and he kissed me some more. I tried to button his shirt but it got tangled. He lifted his arms so I could get it over his head. I yearned to taste his skin, to taste every part of him. I wanted the saltiness of his skin to mingle with the whiskey on my lips.

  I ripped off my t-shirt before he could. If he tried and failed, the moment would be ruined. I didn’t want him to think about anything but the pleasure I was about to give him.

  My nipples pressed hard against the lacy fabric of my bra.

  He moved down to suck on one and waves of lust hit me like punches. I straddled him, pinning his legs while I undid the zipper on his jeans. His cock pressed against me and I ground myself into him, soaked with desire.

  His right hand stroked my thigh. I raised myself up to get leverage to remove his jeans.

  “Gina, I think we should stop.”

  “Fuck no.”

  He laughed. “You’re a lot feistier than I thought you’d be.”

  I grinned at him and continued rubbing myself against his cock. I’d waited so long for this, I’d imagined so many times what it’d be like, late at night, when I couldn’t sleep. My fingers rubbing myself exactly where Jackson’s fingers had just slipped.

  I bit my lip to muffle my screams. What he did to me was more amazing than anything I’d ever done to myself. I needed to get my panties off but I didn’t want him to stop. I slipped the elastic down over my hips, my thighs, then raised myself up to get them over my knees.

  “So, you had thought about this?” I grinned shyly.

  “Oh, yeah, I’ve thought about it.” He laughed, deep in his throat. “I’ve definitely thought about it.”

  The sound of his fingers moving inside me made the most beautiful sound but I wanted more. His left arm laid still on the bed. Then I realized. He couldn’t touch me with that hand. He would never be able to touch me with that hand.


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