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Havoc: Mayhem Series #4

Page 21

by Jamie Shaw

  “Don’t worry,” he assures me, his fingers exploring my body with minds of their own. They pinch my nipples, and I bite down harder on my lip as my body melts for him.

  I’m worried. I’m definitely worried. It’s been too long since I last had sex. Sex with Mike is going to hurt . . . a lot.

  “Hailey,” he says, and I pull my eyes from the glistening head of his enormous cock. He holds my gaze and leans forward, kissing me softly until my eyes flutter closed and his touch travels down, down, down.

  Mike’s tongue dances with mine, intoxicating and distracting as one of his hands grips my hip and the other slides between my legs. His fingertips find my slick, tight bud, and my knees nearly give out beneath me.

  “Mike,” I gasp, and he captures his name with a kiss that makes me heady. His fingers rub in slow circles, the friction melting me like an ice chip lavished by a tongue. His palm brushes my clit as he slips his hand further between my thighs, sliding a finger deep, deep into my heat.

  I struggle to kiss Mike, to keep my head from falling to his shoulder, as he strokes the perfect spot inside me while massaging my clit with his thumb. He kisses at the moans coming from my parted lips, and his other hand skates up my stomach and over my breast, rolling my pebbled nipple between his fingertips. Little bolts of pleasure jolt through me from so many places at once, I don’t know how he’s managing it—his hand between my legs, his fingers around my nipple, his lips against my lips, his tongue between my teeth.

  In ecstasy, I realize that this is what it’s like—this is what it’s like to be worshipped by a drummer.

  Mike slips a second finger inside, and this time, I can’t help breaking the kiss to drop my forehead against his shoulder. I bite the slack of his T-shirt between my teeth to keep from losing control, but when he dips his head and finds the hollow of my collarbone with his satin tongue, that control threatens to slip.

  I’m overwhelmed. With his fingers filling me and his tongue savoring my body, I’m consumed by electric sparks that lick me to my core. He’s kindling a fire that’s growing out of control, and when he carefully slides a third finger into my slick heat, pleasure-pain rockets through me.

  “Fuck,” I hiss as the heel of Mike’s palm grinds over my burning bud, coaxing my body to melt around his fingers, to stretch to fit their width.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asks, and I shake my head against his neck. My fingertips are digging into the backs of his shoulders, my body accepting him and demanding more.

  “You’re killing me,” I plead against the sizzling column of his neck, the sound of my own voice making my nipples tighten with need.

  “Come for me,” Mike orders over the sounds I’m making against his skin. My sex is milking his fingers, drawing him in, begging for what’s waiting in his lap.

  “I need you inside me,” I plead, pulling away to burn my gaze into his. I’m desperate for him, coming undone at my seams, and I can see him struggling with restraint when he forces himself to deny me.

  “Come first, Hailey. It’ll be easier for you.”

  “Please,” I beg, but Mike only leans forward again, forcing me back and taking my nipple between his lips.

  “Oh my God,” I groan, my heat clenching his fingers as he lavishes my breast with wet kisses and swirling licks. “Oh my God. Oh—” My breath catches in my throat and my muscles scream for release. I’m so close. I’m so fucking close.

  “Now,” Mike orders, and when he pins my nipple between his teeth and fills me to bursting with his fingers, I fall utterly, completely apart. My hips buck and I scream his name, and I’m spasming around his fingers when they suddenly leave me empty. The loss drives me mad with want, and I’m not sure if I’m going to cry or scream, when his cock presses firmly against my slick folds. I gasp as his swollen head begs entrance into my still-orgasming sex, and Mike pushes down on my hips, stretching me around his solid length.

  “Hailey,” he says, moaning my name like some people moan “God.” But it’s me who worships his mouth as his fingertips sink into the meat of my thighs, holding me in place as fireworks ignite all throughout my body. They spark in my core as I squeeze hungrily around him, milking the length of his satin cock as he begins to move inside me.

  “Fuck, Hailey, you’re so ready for me,” Mike breathes against my kiss-bruised lips. “You feel fucking amazing. You feel perfect. Baby, open your eyes.”

  I struggle to open my eyelids in spite of the sensations rocking my sweat-beaded body, but when I do, I can tell my pupils are dilated and my eyes are still half-lidded. Everything is brighter, crisper, and Mike’s chocolate gaze melts any parts of me that were still whole. He lifts his hands, pushing my wild hair from my eyes and holding my face gently in his palms. I know what he’s going to say before he says it—I can see it in the way he looks at me, the way he touches me.

  “I love you.”

  His eyes are locked with mine when he says it, and this time, it’s just us. It’s just us in the dark with him penetrating my body and my soul, and when I kiss him, he listens. He listens to everything I can’t say yet.

  My lips tell him that no one—no one—has ever made me feel the way he does. He’s in my head, in my heart, and having him in my body feels like finding a puzzle piece that’s been missing my entire life. He feels like a part of me, and I’m never going to come back from this. He’s going to leave tomorrow, and I’m never going to recover from this moment. But tonight, I have him, and I plan on taking and giving until I can’t tell where he ends and I begin.

  I kiss him until Mike’s hands drift from my face, caressing and teasing my oversensitive flesh until I’m stealing control. With my knees framing his thighs, I rock my body against him, loving the way that it makes his fingers flex against my ass. I tug his shirt over his head and let my lips explore his collarbone, his shoulders, the muscles of his chest. He’s so big beneath me, and I want to taste every inch of him.

  With every lift of my hips, my body aches for him, and with every drop back to his lap, I moan my ecstasy against his skin. The rougher I get, the more desperate Mike’s hands get, until he’s trying to slow my pace, trying to calm my need.

  “Hailey,” he warns, but I curl my tongue behind his ear and clench around his cock. I know I’m driving him crazy, and it’s too much for me to resist. He wants me—I can feel it in the way he throbs inside my sex, the way he catches my lips every time they pass too close. And however wrong it is, because there are too many reasons we can’t be together, I want him to want me. When he’s on tour for the next six weeks, I want him to remember the way my tight heat pulsed around his massive cock. I want him to compare every other girl he’s ever with to me, and I want him to find her lacking.

  “Baby, you feel too fucking good,” Mike warns again, putting pressure on my hips to try to stop me from riding him so fast. He’s going to come, and I know it. And God, I want it. He’s doing to me physically what he’s done to me emotionally over the past few weeks—tugging at my strings, making me want him, and I can’t deny it anymore. I want him to come in me. I’m hungry for the way his cock will pulse in my body, the way his eyes will look when he gives himself to me.

  I pry his hands from my hips and slide them firmly up my sweat-sheened body, placing them over my breasts and squeezing my supple flesh inside his palms. Mike’s eyes grow hooded as he watches me touch myself with his hands, and my heart beats out of control. He licks his lip and gives a defeated shake of his head.

  “You leave me no choice.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, and when I release his hands, he pinches my nipples between the tips of his thumbs and the sides of his fingers.

  “I’m going to come inside you,” Mike says, his eyes locked intensely with mine as he sends electric waves of heat through my taut nipples and deep into my molten core, “and then I’m going to take you home and lick your tight pussy until you melt in my mouth. And then I’m going to bury myself inside you until I have to leave tomorrow.”

nbsp; His unexpected words trigger every unused muscle in my body, causing me to tighten around him. Mike’s cock pulses in response, and he leans in, sweeping warm kisses from my collarbone to my ear. “Say okay,” he demands on a hot whisper that burns a seductive path across my skin. I never thought simple words could turn me on so much, but hearing them come from his lips, I’m catching fire on top of him.

  “Okay,” I breathe, gripping his shoulders as I lift myself up his thick shaft and lower myself back onto his lap.

  His head buries in my shoulder and he moans, “Ride me, Hailey.”

  My fingers tunnel into his hair, and I grasp thick chunks of it, pushing his head back so he has no choice but to watch me. His big eyes fix on mine, his pupils swallowing the white as I lean in and capture his feverish lips with mine.

  Mike moans against my mouth as I do just what he told me to—my body plays with him over and over again, taking him and letting him go, taking him and letting him go. I don’t know what’s come over me, but with this beautiful, talented, gorgeous rock star losing himself beneath me, I feel like a goddess, and I ride him like one.

  “How do you feel so perfect,” he pants against my neck as the pleasure inside me turns urgent. I feel my release building, and when Mike lifts his head to stare up at me, I capture his lips and kiss him with the fire burning inside of me.

  Mike’s moan rumbles against my mouth, his grip on my hips unforgiving as he pulls his mouth away and says, “Hailey.”

  I know he’s ready to come. I know he’s going to get there before me. I remember his promise.

  “Come,” I urge as I rock my body against his. I grasp his chin and pin my sweat-beaded forehead against his. “Mike. Come in me.”

  He kisses me feverishly before I can breathe another word, and between kisses, I beg him.

  Please. God. Mike. Please.

  The primal sound that he makes as he empties inside me triggers my body to explode into white-hot fire, my fingers clawing desperately into the backs of his shoulders. The heat floods out from my core and rushes into my legs, my arms, my fingers, my scalp. When I collapse against Mike, he catches me in a tight hold, gripping me as his body continues marking me as his.

  His heartbeat throbs inside my heat and against my chest, and my heart swells with his arms around me. I bury my nose in the curve of his neck, breathing him in and letting him hold me. I know I have to let him go. He’s a rock star. He’s going on tour. His life is going to be so much bigger than me. And my life—my future—is dependent on me never seeing him again.

  I know I have to let him go after tonight.

  I just don’t know how I can.

  Chapter 34

  I blush the entire ten-minute truck ride back to Mike’s place. In the dark, with his headlights on the road, the memory of his lips sparks across my skin, and my insides pulse with the reminder of how full he filled me, how it felt when he moved inside me. His fingertips tattooed my body with a touch that still sears my skin.

  He reaches across the center console, but instead of tracing teasing circles against my thigh like he did before I made him pull over, he simply takes my hand. He holds it tightly, and when I glance over at him, he smiles. It touches his cheeks and lights his eyes—an unguarded happiness that makes me giggle in his passenger seat. He smiles even wider, and I blush fiercely as I turn my gaze out the window.

  The full moon is still high in the sky, but it’s moved since we were back at the pond. The time on Mike’s dash reads 4:27 a.m., which means nine hours has now become less than eight. My chest tightens, knowing that goodbye is coming, and I reach forward with my free hand to turn on the radio, hoping to drown out my thoughts.

  “This next one is an oldie but a goodie,” the radio DJ says. “These guys recorded a video for their upcoming single ‘Ghost’ over in Mayfield tonight, and I hear it was epic. Fans were invited to be a part of the shoot, but if you weren’t one of the estimated two thousand people that were there tonight, I hear the party’s still going. Check out our website for details, and in the meantime, here’s one of my personal favorites. You’re listening to ‘Mayhem’ by The Last Ones to Know, on 101 The Heat.”

  Mike glances over at me again as the tapping of his drumsticks sounds through his speakers, and one of the songs that his band played the first night I met him fills his truck. And it hits me with renewed force then—that he’s driving me back to his place while radio stations across the country are playing his songs. That he’s here holding my hand while the rest of his band celebrates the night away with over two thousand fans back in the woods.

  I know I’m not pretty enough or special enough or just enough for him at all—not after seeing the crowd he drew out tonight, not after feeling how much passion, how much devotion, how much love he has to offer—but he slides his thumb across my hand reassuringly, like he’s reading my thoughts and promising me I am.

  When we pull into his driveway, my nerves are a wreck. I don’t know how to talk to him after what we just did. Everything is different now, and I have a sinking feeling that I just messed us all up. I won’t be able to laugh with him like we’re just friends if we ever play Deadzone again—not with the memory of how my breasts felt beneath his tongue, how expertly that tongue flicked out to tease them.

  Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that sex with Mike would be like that—that sex in general could ever be like that. I can’t even remember it without heat pooling in my core, without my knees squeezing together. My heart is pounding against my ribs when Mike looks over at me and says, “Don’t move.”

  The interior light flashes on when he opens his door, and then his feet drop to his gravel driveway. He closes me inside the truck alone, and I watch as he walks in front of his still-lit headlights and circles around to open my door for me. I spin toward him to let him help me down, but Mike’s hands immediately slide up my bare thighs—my leggings discarded somewhere in the backseat from when he tore them off me earlier. His rough fingers push my dress up high as he parts my thighs, stepping firmly between them.

  “You don’t think I’ve forgotten my promise, do you?”

  His words replay in my head, in that same heated tone he used while he was deep inside me: I’m going to come inside you, and then I’m going to take you home and lick your tight pussy until you melt in my mouth. And then I’m going to bury myself inside you until I have to leave tomorrow.

  I’m biting my lip when Mike leans in and steals it from me, his tongue coaxing it from my teeth so he can pin it between his own. I moan against his mouth, and Mike reaches behind me, his big hands sliding beneath my ass and tugging me forward. I’m teetering on the edge of the seat, his body the only thing keeping me from falling onto my knees.

  “I want you in my bed,” his rough voice demands against my mouth, and my still-damp panties warm with renewed heat. I scratch my fingers up through the soft hair at the nape of his neck, and Mike deepens the kiss, teasing my tongue until my eyes are rolling back and it’s a struggle to find my voice.

  “I thought you said you want me in your bed,” I manage to say, reluctantly breaking the kiss when he makes no attempt to help me from the truck. A fire is growing around us, and if we don’t leave now, there will be no hope of walking away from the inferno.

  “I do,” he says as his fingers lift my dress over my head, exposing my body to the chilly night air. It hardens my already pert nipples and makes my flesh goose bump as Mike lies Dee’s creation gently in the backseat and rakes his eyes over me. “I also want you in my truck,” he says, planting a kiss beneath my ear. “And on my kitchen counter.” His lips glide lower, dipping into the hollow of my collarbone until my fingertips are sinking desperately into his shoulders. “And in my shower.” He leans me back until my trembling elbows are propped on the center console, and then he captures a pebbled nipple between his lips, warming it with his tongue before lavishing the other with soft, torturous kisses. My head falls back on a moan, but Mike takes his time with me, nipping and ki
ssing until my body demands I lift my hooded eyes again to watch him. “And on my couch,” he says with a smirk just before his breath skates down my body. His tongue dips into my navel, making my toes curl before he traces a trail to the hem of my panties. “And on my lawn.” He kisses the moist cotton covering the apex of my thighs, and I whimper as his tongue soaks it through. He teases me through the fabric before nibbling at my clit. And then he hooks a finger inside my panties and tugs them to the side. “And my drums,” he says, just before his warm tongue strokes a firm path through my heat. He circles my clit, lighting my nerves on fire, until his lips part and he sucks it gently into his mouth.

  “Oh my fucking God,” I gasp as Mike savors my swollen bud. He holds it between his lips and explores it with the firm tip of his tongue, making my legs shake violently as my release roars to life, building inside my core. I look down at him between my legs, and he gazes up at me with molten eyes as he devours my melting sex.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to taste you,” he says, lapping at me as he holds my gaze, and my head falls back as my knees continue to shake. My insides coil and tighten, and when Mike slides a finger into me, I nearly scream out with pleasure.

  “Look at me, Hailey,” he orders, and I summon the strength to lift my head as he slides another finger deep into my heat. The interior light switches off, leaving him shadowed by the hanging lamp on his garage, and the danger of this moment creeps up my spine. Even though Mike’s house is set away from a back road, anyone could drive by. At any moment, headlights could appear down the road, and I’d be found reclining in the passenger seat of Mike’s truck with his head buried between my thighs.

  My nipples harden to twin points at the thought of it, and as Mike pleasures me with his fingers, he plants a wet kiss around my clit. “Hailey, when I kiss you—” he says, wrapping his scorching lips around my taut bundle of nerves again. The rest of me is wind-bitten and cold, which makes me focus on the fire he’s burning between my legs. His lips stroke over my bud as he draws away on his kiss, only to lavish me with another, and another. “I want to know, when I kiss you, do you feel sparks?”


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