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Hunter's Treasure

Page 29

by Jill Shannon

  Skylar gave a head nod to the DJ, and the music began to play. Willow's mother was escorted to her seat as well as Maggie. Then Luca, Skylar, and Hailey followed. The wedding march began to play, and the guests stood. As Hunter, Yankee, Judge, and Viking made their way to Preacher's side, Willow and her father arrived at the beginning of the carpet, and at that moment, she caught her first glance at Hunter. His reddish-blond hair was pulled back with a leather strap. His beard was edged close to his strong jawline, his mustache trimmed to meet the beard. His stance was confident and proud. He wore his cut over the black silk button-down shirt and lavender colored tie his mother had forced him to wear. A pair of jeans hugged his trim waist, and black work boots adorned his feet. But what drew Willow's line of sight were his amazing grey eyes. Eyes that dazzled as bright as his brilliant smile, that promised her a future of loyalty, devotion, and love. She knew she was supposed to be moving forward, but Willow wanted to savor every moment she could.

  Her father gave her arm a little squeeze, drawing her back to the moment. "Let's not keep him waiting any longer," he whispered to her.

  She was smiling up at her dad, nodding in agreement, when another shooting pain gripped her stomach. Keeping the smile on her face, she latched onto her father's arm, gritting through her teeth. "I may need a moment longer." Concern started to show on her father's face when she snapped at him, "Keep smiling. I'll be okay in a second." As soon as the pain subsided, Willow took a deep breath and blew it out. Turning to her father and giving him a head nod, they began walking toward her destiny. Her attention was held by no one but Hunter when she passed Charles and Julie, Maggie and Patrick as well as Alex and Jax as they made their way to the alter.

  Hunter hadn't seen Willow since yesterday when she was stolen from their home to stay at her parents' house. He had been irritated and annoyed that she would not be with him. But in the end, it had been worth it, looking at her standing there, her swollen belly hidden behind the flowing fabric of her white gown. Her bouquet of flowers added another layer of camouflage. The beaded deep V cut of the dress barely encased her illustrious chest. A long, thin veil covered her long, silky chestnut hair. Hunter had never seen a more stunning bride, and she was all his, to have and to hold from this day forth. Hunter didn't think he had ever been this happy. Yes, he had been ecstatic when he had found out they were pregnant. But today would bind them together as fate had always intended. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

  They had been together since that day at the hospital, the day Ethan had unleashed his wrath. She had moved in with him after that, and together, they had started Demons' Salvage. Charlie had been disappointed to lose her but supported her decision, giving her his blessing for a healthy life and a profitable business. He and Julie had decided to retire and move to the Myrtle Beach area, leaving Alex and Jax to take over his business in Key West. Charlie had been ready to throw both of them in jail for blackmailing him, but Maggie had explained everything to him, giving him a little more insight on why they did what they did. Their talk softened Charlie to the duo's plight. He knew Alex and Jax couldn't buy the business outright, so they had worked out a deal to purchase Deep Diving Salvage. Alex and Jax's names had been added to the deed as a show of good faith. In turn, they would pay Charlie monthly until they paid off his asking price. It was a win-win for all of them. Charlie and Julie could retire, and Alex and Jax would finally have the salvage company they had always wanted. Willow and Alex had also worked out their differences and had become friends, swapping ideas and comparing notes on possibilities for their businesses.

  Luca had also relocated to Myrtle Beach, not only for owning a stake in Demons' Salvage, but he had fallen head over heels for Cindy. She had decided, after her body healed, that she wanted to stay at Misneach House and help Abby. She had no family to go home to like the other women. So when Abby made the request, Judge had given his approval immediately, finally giving Cindy a home and new life with the Celtic Demons.

  Hunter's thoughts returned to the present. Knowing her better then she knew herself, he watched as a grimace flashed across her face. A feeling of distress pulsed through his body. Yet as she walked down the aisle toward him, he saw no evidence of pain, only her brilliant smile. Finally, arriving at the altar, she stood with her father. Hunter walked forward to accept responsibility for her. Willow's father kissed her cheek then passed her hand to Hunter's, telling him, "Love her more than her mother and I can."

  "Until the end of time, sir," Hunter responded.

  He took her hand and led her the few steps further to face Preacher, whispering in her ear, "Is everything all right?"

  "Yes, everything is perfect," Willow answered back. "Shall we begin?"

  Hunter took her at her word and focused on the words Preacher was saying. When they got to the exchanging of the vows, Preacher announced that they had written their own vows. This was Willow's cue to hand her flowers to Hailey and join hands with Hunter. Looking up to his ruggedly handsome face, she began, "People told me. 'When you turn thirty, your life will totally change.' I didn't believe them, and then I met you. You came into my life at the worst possible time." She paused and chuckled. Then becoming serious again, she went on. "Yet you never faulted or hesitated in making sure I was safe and protected. You took charge and made sure all the people I love were unharmed and out of danger. I can never thank you enough for that. But that's the kind of man you are. You always put the needs of others before your own. Now, as we start our new life together," she rubbed her stomach, "as well as our family, my vow to is you is to always be there for you, never to nag or complain when you tell me you have club business to attend to, to hold on to you in life as well as on your bike. You are the soul mate God picked for me when I was just a thought. I will be forever grateful that fate brought us together sooner rather than later. Life can be full of struggles, hardships, and losses. I know, with you by my side, we will be able to tackle any problem we encounter. I vow to you here today that no matter what issues may arrive, I will always be by your side. Because loving you is the easiest thing I've ever had to do." She smiled up at him. The glow of love sparkled in her eyes. "I love you, Hunter Murphy, and I am so honored to become your wife today. In front of all these witnesses, I pledge to be all yours until death do us part."

  Hunter had gazed upon her lovely face as she made her commitment to him, choking up a few times by the sincerity of her words. Clearing his throat, he began his vows, "Willow, I've always known that somewhere in the world, my perfect soul mate was waiting for me to find her. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine she would find me. Yet, here you are. My sexy, beautiful, and glowing old lady. If I dove to the bottom of the ocean, I could never have found a rarer treasure then you." He wiped a stray tear from her cheek. "I promise to never dim the dazzling light surrounding you. I swear to comfort you and always put a radiant smile on your lovely face every day. I commit my life to you here today, before all these witnesses. Loving you until the day I die will be the simplest thing I will ever do in my life. I love you, Willow." He paused and looked at his groomsmen and brothers. Then, turning back to her, he quoted Opie's vow to Lyla from the Sons of Anarchy, "I promise to treat you better than my leather." The next part, the rest of the Celtic Demons joined in on, "And ride you more than my Harley." A loud cheer went up from the guests.

  Preacher blessed the rings, and Hunter presented Willow with a stunning four-carat emerald wedding band, complementing the two-carat marquise engagement ring he had given her. Willow, in exchange, placed a diamond titanium wedding band on Hunter's finger, completing the required rituals of the wedding. All that was left was for Preacher to pronounce them husband and wife and the ceremonial kiss. Preacher began the final proclamation, "As Willow and Hunter have professed their love and commitment to one another with the sharing of their vows and the exchange of rings, with the power invested in me by the state of South Carolina and the Blessed Father above, I proclaim them to be husband and wife. You may now kiss your

  Hunter took her face in his palms, holding her head in place. He kissed her with all the love he was feeling. Pulling back, he mumbled, "You are all mine now, princess."

  "I wouldn't have it any other way, baby." She gave him a quick peck on his lips then turned to collect her bouquet from Hailey. Swinging back to Hunter, flowers in her right hand, she slipped her left hand around his extended arm. They stood facing the crowd as Preacher announced, "It is with the greatest honor that I present to you for the first time. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Murphy." Another loud cheer rose from their guests.

  Willow was grateful she had made it through the ceremony without any more pain, settling on the idea that it was gas. Hunter escorted her down the carpet and around to the stairs leading to the deck area. The rest of the bridal party following suit, forming a receiving line to welcome their guests to the reception.

  Maggie and Patrick were the first couple to congratulate them. "Welcome to the family, sweet girl." Maggie kissed her on both cheeks. "You look absolutely gorgeous, my dear." Then rubbing her hand across Willow's belly, she asked, "How is my granddaughter doing today? Is she as happy as her grandmother that her parents finally tied the knot?" Maggie teased.

  Leaning in so only Margret could hear, Willow admitted, "To be honest, I thought she might have wanted to join the party." Maggie drew back with raised eyebrows. "I was getting these wicked pains, but they seem to have subsided." Willow giggled at her naivety.

  Maggie's face showed a sigh of relief yet, at the same time, disappointment. "As much as I want to hold my granddaughter in my arms, it would be a shame for you and Hunter to miss out on your wedding festivities." She waved her hand at the enchanting setting around them.

  White lights twinkled in the evening glow. Tables were arranged with lavender table covers, flower arrangements of white lilies and purple roses set in the middle of them. A table for the couple was set up in the middle of the deck. The prospects had even moved the arbor from the wedding behind their table. A table to the side held a three-tier wedding cake with a bride and groom holding hands resting on top. White and lavender flowers cascaded down around the layers.

  "Everything looks so beautiful, Maggie. Thank you for your generosity." She hugged her new mother-in-law.

  "It was worth every penny to see my son marry the woman of his dreams." She squeezed Willow's hand. Turning to the gentleman by her side, she said, "Willow, I'd like to introduce you to Patrick." Maggie smiled at her companion then added, "My fiancé."

  Hunter's ear perked up at his mother's introduction. "So, you're finally going to make him an honest man?" Hunter teased his mother. Shaking Patrick's hand, he welcomed him to the family. "Hopefully, it won't take as long to get her to actually say 'I do'."

  "I'll wait as long as it takes." He glanced in Maggie's direction. "I think her getting shot had something to do with her finally saying yes."

  "You're probably right." Hunter looked at his mother as well. "Thank God the events of that day are in the past."

  "I couldn't agree more," Patrick agreed. At that point, he took Maggie's arm and escorted her to join the other guests.

  Next to congratulate them were Lori and Grave Digger. The two had formed an immediate bond the night of the rescue and had been together ever since. "Willow, you look amazing." Lori kissed her on the cheek. "I don't know how I can ever repay you and Hunter for everything you did for me."

  Willow smiled at her for her kind words. Grazing her hand over her protruding stomach, a thought came to mind. "I might have an idea of how you could help. We are going to need a nanny; you think you might be interested in the job?"

  A huge smile lit Lori's face, and she exclaimed, "I would love the position!" Lori had been taking night courses at the local college, determined to get her teaching degree. Being with Grave Digger had given her the strength and courage she needed.

  "We can talk about the details later on, but I think you would be perfect for the job."

  Tears formed in Lori's eyes. "No one had ever given me a chance until I met you and the Celtic Demons. You changed my life, Willow, thank you."

  Willow gave her a quick hug. "You did that all on your own, Lori. You could have easily gone back to the streets, but you didn't." Willow glanced at her husband. "It's amazing what a good man can do for you."

  "Ain't that the truth," Lori expressed. "I'll get in touch with you later in the week to discuss the details, all right?"

  "Yes, now go have a drink for me."

  Hunter had been eavesdropping in on their conversations. Leaning down, he whispered, "I thought you didn't want a nanny?"

  It had been a subject they had argued over a few times. "I didn't," she pouted. "But I know Lori needs this right now, and I want to help."

  He hugged her to his side, telling her, "I think you made a wise choice."

  Abby and Cindy were next, each giving their good wishes to the couple. Cindy had recuperated from her injuries at Misneach House. She was happy with her decision to stay, not only because Abby needed the help, but because she had also found someone who really cared about her. She and Luca had become a couple, and Willow couldn't have been happier for both of them.

  Charlie, Julie, Alex, and Jax followed behind them. "How beautiful you look, Willow, and the service was so intimate," Julie proclaimed.

  "Yes, my dear, you look splendid," Charlie agreed with his wife. "We are so happy you included us on your special day." Leaning in and talking behind his hand, he added, "Even if you are the competition."

  "Don't listen to the old man; business is booming in the Keys right now." Alex nudged Charlie to the side to stand in front of Willow. "And none of it would have happened without your help, the Celtic Demons, and most of all, your mother." Alex nodded his head in Hunter's direction, pulling him into the conversation. "For the first time in a very long time, we don't have to look over our shoulders. We are now buying the business we always dreamed of. At the same time, paying off a debt of gratitude as well." Alex referred to the exquisite Jax standing next to him. "We are even setting down roots. We bought a bungalow on the beach." He waved his hand before her belly. "When you can fly again, we'd love for you to come and spend a few days?" Alex put the invitation out there for them.

  "That sounds heavenly, Alex. As soon as we can travel with the baby, we will come for a visit," Willow accepted his invitation without any hesitation. "I have a few business ideas that I want to bounce off you. But I'll give you a call during the week. Right now, go have some fun." Willow sent the couples on their way to circulate amongst the crowd.

  Hunter and Willow had stood and greeted everyone attending their reception. Hunter moved to stand behind her, molding his hands around her stomach. He leaned his chin on her shoulder, and looking at the crowd, he asked, "Do you think anyone would miss us if I took you up to my room?"

  Willow blushed from head to foot. "Like no one would have any idea of what we were doing, now would they, husband?" She rested her body back against his, tilting her head up to him.

  "You may have a point there," Hunter teased.

  Willow began to giggle, but the sound instantly changed to a groan as another stinging pain gripped her stomach. Buckling her legs this time, she grasped onto Hunter's hands for support.

  Luca had been observing her ever since they left the house. Moving over to them, he quickly said, "Will you now admit you are in labor, Chica? You made it through the ceremony. Don't you think it's time you get to the hospital?"

  "Is this true, Willow? Are you in labor?" Hunter's voice filled with concern.

  "Yes, it's true. I've been feeling a few sharp cramps."

  "Why didn't you say so when I asked you?" Hunter demanded.

  She took a cleansing breath as the pain subsided. Turning in his arm, she wrapped her hands around his neck. "Because I didn't want to see this worried look on your face when we said, 'I do.' Plus, I wasn't sure." She flipped her head back to look at Luca over her shoulder. "Apparently, someone else has been keep
ing track."

  Hunter looked over her shoulder at Luca. "How far apart are they?"

  "If I'm right, the contractions are approximately thirty minutes apart." Luca pointed at his watch.

  By now, they had drawn a crowd, including her parents and sisters, Maggie, as well as Hailey, Abby, and Cindy. All of them began to fuss and give advice on what she should do, drawing the attention of Judge, Yankee, and Viking.

  "Enough!" she shouted. When all the voices quieted down, she announced, "I will get to the hospital, but first, I'm going to dance with my husband." Her ice-blue eyes glared at Luca. "I should have more than enough time for that, correct?"

  Luca bowed his head, feeling guilty for blowing the whistle on her. "I'm sorry, Chica. I was just looking out for you. I knew you would be distracted by all the festivities to really pay attention."

  As annoyed as Willow was with Luca, Hunter was just as upset with her. Grasping her chin in his hand, he shifted her face up to his. "You should have told me, but I understand why you didn't. However, there will be no discussion. We dance, and then it's off to the hospital. Understood, wife?"

  She took his hand from her chin, kissing his palm, relief reflected in her posture. She mumbled her agreement, "I understand."

  Hunter took her hand and led her to the makeshift dance floor. Nodding his head at the DJ, Florida Georgia Line's song H.O.L.Y. played through the speakers. He held his arms open for her to walk into.

  "You remembered?" she asked as he enfolded her into his arms. She laid her head against his chest, listening to the strong beat of his heart.

  "How could I forget the first song we ever danced to? It was true then, and it's true now." Hunter held her close, the faint scent of her unique perfume invading his senses. "You are my everything, princess."

  Willow's blue eyes locked with his, sparkling with all the love she felt for him. "I love you too, baby." Lost in their own private world, they barely noticed their guests joining them. When the song was finished, Willow gave him a quick peck on his lips and started walking in the direction of the DJ. Hunter clasped her hand before she could leave, inquiring about where she was going. "I know I said we'd leave after the dance." Hunter's eyes went wide as he shook his head in agreement. "But, we have some time." She winked at him. "I want to do all the traditional things a bride and groom do before we leave." She put her hands together as if she were praying. "Please?" she pleaded.


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