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Hunter's Treasure

Page 30

by Jill Shannon

  "Which traditions are you suggesting?" Not wanting to disappoint her, Hunter posed the question.

  Willow counted them off on her fingers. "The garter, the bouquet, dance with our parents, and cake. Even though I can't eat any of it." She tilted her head and put a frown on her face. "Please?"

  Hunter nodded his head in agreement and let go of her hand. Willow made her way over to the DJ, requesting the mic. When she had everyone's attention, she made her announcement, "As you all probably know by now, Hunter's daughter has chosen this special day as well to make her appearance." Everyone cheered and shouted their good wishes. "I have been granted a short grace period to perform certain wedding traditions before I'm carted off to the hospital." Willow whispered in the DJ's ear, then said to the crowd, "So, right now, I need a chair in the middle of the dance floor, please?" She handed the mic back to the DJ, letting him take over while she walked to the seat on the dance floor.

  Hunter joined her, kneeling down in front of her. "You do remember, Mrs. Murphy, that teasing is a punishable offense?" His hands grazed slowly up her inner thighs, searching for the garter to the hoots and hollering from his brothers.

  "I do, Mr. Murphy, however, I am not the one doing the teasing. If anything, you are teasing me, Sir." Although there were certain things in the dungeon Hunter couldn't do in her present condition, he had been training her to be his perfect sub.

  Slipping the garter down her legs, he spun it on his finger for all to see. The DJ then called all the single ladies to the floor. Collecting her bouquet to throw, Willow paused, holding on to the table for support as another contraction hit. Breathing through it, she realized they were coming faster. When she was able to move, she took her position in front of the DJ booth. Facing away from the women on the floor, she tossed the flowers over her shoulder. Quickly turning to see who caught them, she found everyone congratulating Hailey as she held them up proudly. Willow exchanged positions with Hunter as he prepared to toss the garter.

  Leaning on a table off to the side, she watched as Viking reached over his competition to snatch the garter in mid-air. Hunter joined her while Viking was putting the garter on Hailey's leg. "He has it so bad for her."

  "I think they are good for each other," Willow agreed. Snaking her arm around his waist, she leaned on him. "I also think it's time we leave for the hospital." She felt Hunter's body stiffen as he shifted into protective mode. "Relax, baby. It's not like I'm going to deliver her here." She smiled up at him and giggled at the panicked look on his face. "Everything will be fine." She patted her hand on his chest.

  "Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there two more things on your list?"

  A sad longing appeared in her eyes. "Yes, but the contractions are coming faster." She held her stomach in her hands. "Besides, I really don't want to take the chance of my water breaking on the dance floor. I'll get my dance with my dad after she's born."

  Her partial smile tore at Hunter's gut. Kissing her on the head, he said, "Wait here. I'll be right back."

  She watched as Hunter went to talk to his Celtic Demons brothers. When they all turned back and looked at her with the same horrified look, she knew Hunter was talking about her. They all listened intently as Hunter spoke to them. When he was finished, they all shook their heads, patted him on the back, and scattered in different directions. His next stop was the DJ booth, and after requesting what he wanted, he moved on. Her eyes followed a path to her parents. He placed his hands on both their shoulders as he leaned in to talk to them. A smile formed on her mother's face, and her father rose from his chair. It was at this time the DJ announced the father-daughter dance, to be followed immediately after with the groom and his mother.

  Her father approached Willow. "May I have this dance with my extraordinary daughter?"

  "Daddy, where's your cane?" Water filled her eyes with happiness as she took his extended hand.

  "Don't get too excited. I'm not off the cane totally, but for this dance. I want to hold my little girl." He escorted her to the floor as 'My Wish for You' by Rascal Flatts began to play. As they danced, her father told her how proud he was of her. He also expressed what a good man she had found in Hunter and that they were happy to welcome him into the family. When the song ended, he kissed her on the cheek and brought her back to Luca, who was designated to 'watch after her' per her husband's request.

  Her father had gone back to his seat as Hunter guided Maggie to the floor. The song 'Simple Man' by Lynyrd Skynyrd started playing, and Hunter swayed around the dance floor with his mother. At the end of the song, Hunter relinquished Maggie into Patrick's arms, as a slow song was now playing.

  Hunter returned to her side as another contraction hit. He supported her body weight as she doubled over in pain. After the pain had subsided, she peered up at him, conceding to his wishes. "Okay, we can go now." She glanced longingly at the dance floor full of people. "But you know my mom said it could take hours before she's actually here."

  Hunter got a devilish grin on his face. "Let's go," he commanded.

  "I have to say goodbye to my parents at least."

  "Have no fear, princess, they know where you're going." Hunter guided her off the steps of the deck around to the front of the clubhouse where an ambulance waited.

  "Hunter, I do not need an ambulance," she protested.

  "You do if you want to remain at your wedding reception."

  Her shocked face flashed back and forth between Hunter and the vehicle. "What are you talking about?"

  "I had Max contact his sister Grace, who is an EMT. The back doors of the vehicle opened, and a woman jumped to the ground. "Willow, this is Grace. She will check to see how far along you are. If she says you can stay a while longer, you will. If she says you need to go, you will ride in the back, and I will be with you the whole way."

  Tears were streaming down her face. "How? Why did you do this?" She wiped the tears from her face as a blinding smile lit her face.

  "I thought my selfless, generous, strong, loving wife deserved to enjoy her day. This," he pointed to the ambulance, "is what I came up with to ease my mind. It's the next best thing to a hospital and way cleaner than the clubhouse."

  Willow hugged Hunter, knowing he was sacrificing his alpha need to protect her, all so she would be happy. "I love you so much, Hunter."

  "I love you too, princess. Now, let me help you into the back so Grace can examine you."

  Willow and Hunter were able to stay at the reception until her contractions were five minutes apart. Most of the guests continued the party, but a fair number of them followed the ambulance to the hospital. They all wanted to be there when little baby Murphy arrived. The rig pulled up to the emergency entrance, and a team of medical people ran out to meet them, escorting them directly to the maternity wing.

  Maggie, Patrick, and the Lawson clan drove their vehicles while Judge, Yankee, Viking, and a few other Celtic Demons rode their bikes to the hospital. Maggie cringed a little as she walked through the sliding glass doors. Returning to the place she had been shot, memories flooded back. Not only to Maggie but everyone else who had been there that day.

  Hunter had been taken into custody as a formality for shooting Ethan. In the meantime, Ethan had also been taken into police custody. However, as he had needed medical care, they had escorted him to the nearest private room to be attended to. They cuffed his left arm to the bed, leaving his injured arm free for the doctor. The guards were posted outside the door as a nurse and female doctor repaired his bullet wound. No one was exactly sure how Ethan got ahold of the sedative meant for him, but according to the traumatized nurse, 'everything happened so fast'. Ethan had shoved the needle into the doctor's leg, knocking her out. As she started to fall, the nurse lunged to help her. Somehow, Ethan had snatched the scalpel off the tray of surgical instruments, pressing it against the nurse's throat, gritting the words through his clenched teeth, "You are going to help release my other arm, or I will slit your throat. The choice is yours." She had cho
sen to live. He had her lay across his body to remove the cuff to keep the knife near a vital organ at all times. Then he made her finish bandaging his wounded arm and later knocked her out and disappeared. That had been eleven months ago. Judge, Viking, and Hunter, along with Yankee and the Black Rose, had gone back to the cove, figuring to find him hiding out there. When they got there, they had found it empty and unused, like he hadn't been back there since the night of the rescue. However, his boat was no longer there, leading them to believe that he had somehow managed to return and retrieve it. Judge had given the Coast Guard a description of both the boat and Ethan. He then made sure every Celtic Demon, no matter what chapter, had a complete description as well. The Celtic Demons would make sure Ethan paid for his crimes, no matter how long it took.

  Now, each of them sat and waited for a special gift to erase all the bad memories, drinking coffee, exchanging stories, some even dozing off. They had been there a few hours waiting on any news, when Hunter walked out through the doors to them. Everyone jumped up from their seats, greeting the new poppa and anxious to hear the news he had.

  A smile so radiant with love flashed on his face before he told them, "Both baby and mom are doing just fine. She's seven pounds, ten ounces, twenty inches long, and has a full head of dark hair like her mother." Hunter was then congratulated by all with hugs from the women and pats on the back from the men. "I have to get back to them." He flipped his hand toward the door. "I wanted to give you all an update so you could relax and get some rest."

  He turned to leave, and everyone simultaneously started asking for more information, "When can we see them? What's her name?"

  "You'll be able to see them tomorrow, and her name," he paused, "her name is Jewel Harlie Murphy." He smiled then turned and walked through the doors.

  Hunter left his friends and family to return to his own family. Walking through the door, he found Willow feeding their little girl. He moved to the side of the bed and kissed Willow's forehead, telling her, "I sent everyone away. They can meet Jewel tomorrow after you've gotten some rest."

  "Even your mother?" Willow whispered then smiled.

  "Yes, even my mother." Hunter sat on the bed next to her, then, leaning back, he slid his arm behind her. Snuggling into the hospital bed with Willow, he watched while his daughter suckled at his wife's magnificent breast. He then mumbled, "She's waited this long, she can wait a few more hours." He gently rubbed his hand over his daughter's small head. "Although I had intended to spend this night a little differently, I still want the rest of tonight to be about only us. We will let the rest of the world in tomorrow."

  Willow couldn't take her eyes off their beautiful daughter. "She's so tiny and perfect." She placed her finger by Jewel's little hand for her to wrap her tiny fingers around. "I still can't get over the fact that we made something so incredibly gorgeous." A tear slid down her cheek.

  He slid his finger under her chin, so she was facing him. "Our heavenly Jewel is truly a gift from God. But you, my exquisite wife, will always be my greatest treasure." Gently kissing her lips, then her temple, he settled back against the bed, staring down at the future he never imagined possible for himself. "I love you, Willow, and I always will. Rest now, princess, and I will watch over her while you do." Tilting his head to the side, he smiled, seeing her eyes already closed. He fingered the charm bracelet on her wrist, the one he had given her on her birthday, and seeing the new additions to the bracelet brought a tear to his eyes. The mini replica of Demons' Salvage, the bride and groom embracing each other, and tomorrow, he would add a white gold Rembrandt girl's head, the charm that represented the next chapter in their life together. "Sleep well, my love. Tomorrow, will be a brand-new day for us."

  The End

  Jill Shannon

  Jill Shannon lives in a small town on Long Island with the love of her life and a very large dog. They've been together since high school where by the way, he received better grades on the stories she wrote for his classes. She has two professional daughters (one is an RN and the other is a Doctor of Psychology), a son-in-law, two very active granddaughters, and a beautiful grandson.

  Jill has been reading romance novels since she was thirteen. The drama, suspense, and of course the love scenes all drew her in. Staying up till three in the morning just because she couldn't put the book down. Over the years Jill has expanded her genres of reading material. From historical, to paranormal, to sci-fi, and now BDSM, her dream was to write her own romance novel. She never thought it would happen with her busy life. However, Jill wanted to be able to do the same thing for others that her authors have done for her. For just a small time during your day, she would like you to be a part of the fantasy she creates.

  You can email Jill at:

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  Don't miss these exciting titles by Jill Shannon and Blushing Books!

  Midnight Oasis Series

  Onyx - Book One

  Sapphire - Book Two

  Black Diamond - Book Three

  Celtic Demons Series

  Killian’s Masterpiece - Book One

  Hunter’s Treasure - Book Two

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