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Greyriver Shifters

Page 60

by Kristina Weaver

  Hitting the call button, I yank the phone closer and snarl when he leans over to take it, warning him silently that I am this close to losing my shit.

  “What the ever-loving fuck?” I ask, growling when he pauses and blinks, the anger melting away to be replaced by something that scares me.


  Brigger Seers is laughing, and I have the very sneaky suspicion that it’s at my expense.

  “What’s so funny?!”

  “Now Beebee—”

  “Don’t you Beebee me, you crazy person. First you insist I call her, and then…then all that other stuff and you go nuts. Mate? No one busting in to steal your mate and young?” I yell, getting incensed when his shoulders start shaking, and he covers his mouth, as if I can’t see that he’s laughing.

  At me.


  “I… sorry.” He chokes, shuddering to a stop when my cougar comes forward, flashing behind my eyes. “I…I forgot that…now listen, Beebee. Just listen, okay? I uh, I forgot about what Hannah did, but I swear, I…it was not me,” he assures me, holding his hands out in surrender.

  “What wasn’t you? Dammit, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Is my mama drunk with shame, or did I just hear her say that I am supposedly pregnant with your young?” I ask slowly, breathing to stay calm and not lose my shit.

  Brig winces, seeing my anger, and moves away from the table where I am currently trying to let go of his phone before I crush it.

  “It…the thing is. Okay, so I’m going to be straight with you, Bee, but you have to remember that I am a victim, too!”

  “My ass! Just spit it out!” I grate, grinding my teeth.

  “Shit. Uh. So when you went missing, it created a problem for Nick. You see, it was…a bad time to announce that a female had been taken. Only this time we had no idea where to look, or who to look at for it. So…Logan convinced Nick to keep it quiet and tell everyone that you were away on trade.”

  I nod, knowing that it makes sense and wincing with guilt because I should have considered that before I trashed my house in anger and left it like that for people to find. I just didn’t expect to be gone this long. Not when I knew my “kidnappers”.


  “Yeah, um, so Nick told them the story and Logan started searching for you, but the thing was, he couldn’t find you.”

  “I get that. I think by the time Hannah found me in her mind I was already with the resistance, in a cell.”

  “Yeah. But we didn’t know that since you blocked Hannah.”

  “Only because I didn’t want her reading my head and knowing what I was doing. I couldn’t let her find out about Cyrus yet!” I defend, getting a filthy look for my efforts.

  “Your little games almost had this pack split down the middle and lost Nick his Alpha position. If not for Hannah, things would have gone bad, Beebee. So she, she made up a rumor that we were sleeping together, that I got you pregnant and refused to be a father to my young. And then you ran off, heartbroken and ashamed,” he says, wincing when I snarl and slam my fist through the table.

  I groan when I pull my hand back out of the hole and see the blood there.

  “You foolish female, you’re bleeding. Goddammit, don’t try to hit me again. I didn’t do this. Hell, I had to leave town when your father started looking for me.”

  “Poor you.”

  “Beebee, be reasonable. I did not do this. You did,” he mutters, pulling me over to the sink to run water over my hand.

  Once the blood is gone, he licks the wounds, closing them up in an intimate gesture that makes my chest tight.

  “I…but this, are you telling me that my parents don’t know about what I’ve done?” I ask, falling against the counter when he nods.

  “It’s not that bad.”

  “Oh God. This is so bad.”

  “No, it isn’t. No one knows yet, just the Silvertons and Kilters. You can go home and wait. I could get Brie and that formula and be back here in less than a week,” he coaxes, trying to convince me with my family. “Your parents miss you, Bee.”

  “And I miss them, but that is not the point! How am I supposed to go home, without a big belly? How am I supposed to explain that it was a lie?!” I yell, hating that I feel sad that it’s not true.

  Oh God, this would be so much easier if it was true, and instead of being shamed as a traitor, I would just be the pathetic female who got knocked up by a male who doesn’t want her.

  Oh, God, it is so pathetic when that scenario is the better option.

  Brig sighs, deflating at my words and comes to take my shoulders, pulling me to the little couch in the small living room area. Once I’m seated, he starts his ever-loving pacing and sets off my mood even more. Well hell, if he’s stumped…

  “Shit, Bee. I don’t know what to do here. It just sort of slipped my mind—”

  “More like you were so horrified by the prospect that you blocked it out,” I mutter, looking away when his gaze wings to me with a frown.

  “Beebee, I didn’t do this. It was desperate-times, desperate-measures situation that I didn’t give much thought to. We can call your mom back, and you can say that you left because you thought you were pregnant but when you found out you weren’t, we decide to just take a personal break and work on things.”

  “She’ll never believe—”

  “Then make her believe it, Beebee! Tell her we’re so in love that we couldn’t handle the thought of staying in the pack when we knew everyone would come at us. Tell her you just wanted a little more time with me to seal the bond,” he says, grating each word through his teeth because I keep shaking my head.

  “I don’t want to lie that way! God Brigger, I’m about to walk into a situation that could get us all killed. I don’t want the last words I say to my mama to be a lie,” I whisper.

  “Is it though?” he asks quietly.

  Humiliation floods me, and I feel myself flush with dark color when he comes forward and goes to his knees, taking my hands between both of his.


  “It’s okay, baby. It’s not the end of the world to admit that you love me, you know,” he says and smirks, making my lips twitch.

  “It is when I know you don’t feel the same. No Brig, don’t say it because we both know it would be a lie. That part of you is for your Fated, if you ever manage to meet her, and I get it. It doesn’t belong to me. I wish it did, and God knows I wish I had more to offer, but even if I did, it wouldn’t make a difference because we’re not Fated. You’re Brig, the elite bastard who is my friend and savior, and I’m Barbie, the mixed breed who is going to be in deep shit either way. It doesn’t matter what I feel Brig. It matters that it’s wasted,” I say softly, sniffing when he looks away, his shoulders slumping.

  “I wish you were mine. You have no idea how many times I have seen you and wished that Fate would just take the decision right out of my hands. I could have mated you and told them all to get fucked because Fating trumps family.”

  I snort, swiping at my eyes and blow out a breath that stutters through me. “I just bet your father would have loved that. I can just see it now, the great Damon Seers having the first ever shifter stroke.” I giggle, loving the way his face transforms when he laughs and pecks my lips.

  “I wish you were mine Beebee because I don’t think I have ever wanted to love a female as much as I want to love you.”

  Oh God, it hurts to hear that and know that it won’t happen. It’s like that pageant that humans watch with all the hot, skinny girls and that Harvey guy, who announced the wrong winner.

  That woman’s face fell about as hard as my heart just plummeted.

  Sniffing, I clean my face up as best I can and snort, falling back on the sofa as I watch the morning sun shine through the windows.

  “We should get going. Do you want to go into Whitefish and rent a car?”

  “No. I was thinking we could go by foot until Kalispell at least. That way they think we�
��re trying to get lost in the city, and while they look we can be on our way. The scents should confuse them enough to keep them at least another day behind us.”

  Nodding, I rise and go to put on the sneakers I found in the closet, my jeans only slightly longer but tight at the ass because I happen to have a nice booty.

  When I’m ready, I head to the door where Brig waits with the packs, but today, I take one, waving off his protests and slinging it on. The thing weighs enough that I stumble before righting myself, determined to carry my weight in this.

  “You need to call your mom back,” Brig reminds me, as I step out onto the back porch.

  “I’ll do it when I know if we’re dead or alive.”

  Brig snorts and walks on, keeping his stride short enough to let me match his pace for a few miles.

  “We’re gonna live, Bee. Mark my words.”

  I want to. I just don’t know if that’s the real Brig talking, or the male who finally grew a hope bone.

  Chapter Thirteen


  You know, if you’d come home like Brig wanted you to, we could have told the pack your body knew better than to gestate the seed of evil that jumped out of his dick and into your tiny uterus.

  I snort, keeping up the slow jog, my shoulders screaming where the pack is digging in and rubbing my skin raw. We’ve been running for a good few hours now, though I note that Brig is kind enough to shorten his stride so that I can keep up under the extra weight.

  Shut up. I’m trying to convince myself I’m a machine.

  Barbados, nothing you tell yourself will make that pack any lighter or Kalispell any closer, trust me. Just do what I do. Love the pain.

  Oh please. I once saw you scream yourself raw when you got a splinter.

  I was trying to make Bear feel important. He used to be super into that feminine shit.

  I giggle, shaking sweat out of my eyes and keep my eyes trained on Brig’s ass, the only sight in the world that could keep me chasing it when I feel like I’m about to expire from pain and exhaustion.

  Gross. You know he used to pick his nose when he was little.

  You’re an ass.

  I am, but at least I keep you entertained. I could so be watching old Survivor reruns right now.

  Like you even care about that kind of stuff. What are you really into? Eating babies by the light of the moon?

  *Gasp* That is so not me. I only eat balls by the light of the moon, Barnabus. You should know that. When you get back, I am so going to make us do something fun like that. When the sickness stops at least.

  You puking?

  Every morning. This morning Logan tried to be helpful and sweet, and I barfed all over his chest. It was gruesome. And hilarious. I didn’t know males could scream that high.

  I giggle, gasping out the sound and see Brig falter before he keeps going.

  Oh that ass. Sigh.

  Stop. I just got through a whole pack of saltines. Don’t make me puke again. Logan still looks green.

  Soooo, is that a happy mating?

  Bitch, he’s ecstatically happy with yours truly, I thank ya. I’m an awesome mate. I direct the maid perfectly, and the cook knows exactly what Logan likes. I’m a great housemate.

  Yeah okay. You tried actually cooking yet?

  Logan says that I’m not allowed in the kitchen anymore. I almost set the house on fire last week. It wasn’t my fault though. The oven didn’t want to work right.

  Yeah, yeah. I’m happy for you, you know. I mean, I would never have pegged you for an actual person, but I’m glad to hear that you’re okay and human enough to have a heart. I’m sorry about hating you for being a bitch.

  Oh no sweat. I am still a bitch, just a happy one now.

  I wish I could have been there to see Logan losing his mind with you. I always told him he’d get caught if he didn’t stay away from you, but the big idiot just couldn’t listen.

  It’s my animal magnetism.

  I snort, ignoring the smell of blood that reaches my nose from the place on my shoulder where the pack has finally won the battle. It’s still faint, so I don’t bother making a spectacle and just keep going. With Hannah for company and Brig’s ass as a view, I may just make it. Or die trying. But I will give it my all because I am no longer relying on Brig for everything. It’s time to do this under my own steam.

  Girl power! I feel like I just watched a Spice Girls concert. You can be Ginger.

  Screw you. I’m the cute one with the afro.

  Nooo, that’s me. I’m Scary.

  You’re Posh, the one who can’t sing but has eye-candy value.

  Did you just call me pretty? Oh Betty, you’re so sweet.

  I just called you a redundant asshole.

  Pfft, you think I’m pretty. Admit it. It’s okay, you know. I’d rather be pretty than smart. Pretty girls get much further in life. Well, I’m both, but the pretty is a bonus.

  You’re insane.

  Like that’s an insult. Insane got me to where I am today. Why one time, while I was having my throat ripped out by a murderous wolf named Banes—

  Are you going to tell that story agaaaain? It’s yesterday’s news, Hannah.

  That hurts, Beavis. It really does. And here I was gonna tell you that your little Alpha friend called Nick this morning and sent over his son Rylan to tell him the whole story.

  Cyrus? He called Nick? Why?

  Oh, maybe because I head spaced him and threatened to tell other packs where they were hiding if he didn’t do something to vindicate you. You’re welcome.


  No really, you’re welcome! Look Babe, pig in the woods, I cannot stress to you how unproductive and personally destructive sacrifice is to a female. I get that you wanted to save those freaks, I do, but you’re getting yourself in some deep cow shit here and for what! They aren’t helpless. I’d have let that big bastard go get the proof himself.

  I need it to get a pardon. If Nick pardons me.

  Oh, he will, trust me.

  What did you do?

  Nothing big, I swear! I just threatened to sing Ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall on a constant loop if he didn’t get Bear to find something in the law to make this all better. I mean, it’s one thing to hear it, but another if it’s in your head all the time.

  I gasp, fighting a laugh and shake my head. This female is crazy.

  Did he? Did Bear find anything?

  Not yet, but he’s looking, and trust me, he’ll find a loophole.

  How do you know that?

  Weeeell, I mean, my daddy was a big wig council member before I got him shamed. He used to have the council pass a whole bunch of loopholes to protect the elite. I’m pretty sure there was something in there about not being a traitor if you do something that will benefit the pack.

  How exactly am I gonna argue that what I did benefitted the pack? I helped the same guys I thought were responsible for invading our pack and hurting people.

  Sooo you don’t mention that part. Come on, Barbwire, lie a little for the good of all.

  Who’s good?

  Well, mine, since I really do want you to come back and save me from domestic bliss. And yours. And your family’s. And Nick’s. And Brig’s.

  Yeah, like anyone even cares. I bet I’ll still get my ass in lock up.

  Only if you insist on volunteering information no one needs.

  I huff, hearing her exasperation and disgust and find myself wondering how I am now best pals with a female who gets irritated by honesty.

  Not honesty, Blarb, unnecessary honesty that others are better off not knowing. There’s a difference, you know. Like—for instance—I could have told Logan this morning that it was his sex scent that made be barf, but I didn’t. Because I’d never get sex again, and he’d be hurt.

  How can your male’s sex scent gross you out? That’s just not right.

  Well, it wasn’t all him! It was both of us dried on his…you know what I mean. It just got a little strong for my nose is a
ll. I seem to be putting off some sort of chemical lately.

  That’s normal. Mama told me once that we smell muskier when we’re pregnant.

  Yeah, well it’s gross when you’re already nauseous and feeling like you just got off a boat. I just blew up, all over the poor guy.

  If he loves you, he’ll get over it.

  Oh, he definitely loves me. I’d have to kill him if he didn’t.


  What about you and Brig? Is he still intent on going away and never returning? I swear to God, the man is into melodrama on a scale that suggests he has ovaries.

  I’ll tell him you said that the next time he reluctantly offers to take me with him, even though he doesn’t want to.

  My sarcastic tone makes her gasp, and I hear a slight snarl in her tone when she huffs.

  Bastard. Just to let you know, we probably aren’t really related, so you can still be my friend even if he’s an ass.

  I snort, watching the ass be an ass and move that fine ass, and try to sigh. I end up wheezing and coughing so hard I have to stop when black spots dance passed my eyes. Brig stops too, and I ignore Hannah when he stalks my way with a frown and lowers me to the ground.

  “That’s it. You’re resting. And I’m carrying the other pack,” he mutters, passing me bottled water and sitting beside me.


  “No. Not listening. You’re not killing yourself out of stubbornness anymore. Now drink your water, eat an energy bar, and shut up. You need to rest.”

  He can be romantic!

  Shut up, Hannah.

  No really, for Brig that is like, progress. You know, he used to have sex with that awful Dorver female, and he’d just come and leave afterward without a word. She used to whine something fierce and bemoan the fact that he called her—

  Where is this going? Because it is not making me feel better.

  Well, I mean, the point is that he used to call her a tramp. And have sex with her.

  That’s not nice.

  Nooo. Which is my point. Brig has never been nice or considerate or thoughtful a day in his life. The only time he’s ever been this soft is with you.


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