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Blood, Lust and Love

Page 4

by Sheri Velarde

  Melvil immediately started looking around for a way to escape. There was no window, he could not budge the locked door and the rest of the room was made of nothing but stone. Even his sword and knives had been taken from him so that he could not put a suitable end to his life. He was trapped in what he now considered his tomb, left to await the mad vampire who had destroyed him to return to finish her dirty work. Not knowing what else to do, he dropped to his knees and whispered some of the protection incantations that his mother had taught him before he went to war, ones he never used until now, when it was too late.

  Honnor was standing over him smiling when he next awoke. He must have passed out around dawn as he still prayed for release from this nightmare. Now it looked as if his prayers and protection spells had been ignored. The she-devil had come to make her work complete and destroy him as promised. This time he didn’t bother to scramble away, all he could hope for now was for her to change her mind and kill him instead of turning him into a monster. Fate would not be so kind to him though, it seemed for Honnor was not the only other presence in the room. A human man. Melvil could hear his heartbeat and the blood pumping in his veins. It was the most wonderful thing that he had ever heard in his entire life. He sat up and stared at the man in fascination and horror.

  A powerful lust that he had never felt before overtook him. Despite himself and the disgust he felt, he craved the blood that smelled more delicious than any meal. Melvil moved against his conscience will toward that which he craved to the point of insanity. The man cowered as he approached, begging for his life, but all Melvil could hear was the faster beating of his heart, feeding his blood lust. Instinctively he grabbed the man and bent his mouth, biting his victim’s neck, gnawing through the skin as he didn’t have fangs, until the delicious nectar of life began to flow into his mouth, causing Melvil to moan with pleasure. Soon the man stopped struggling, the last of his fight and life drained out of him.

  Melvil raised his head and wiped the blood from his mouth, then looked down at the dead man before him. Now that his hunger was satiated he came back into his own mind. Horrified at what he had done, he dropped the body and moved away, shaking his head and mumbling, “No, no, no…”

  Honnor clapped her hands together, smiling broadly. “Fantastic, you are now complete! Even your fangs have grown in. Doesn’t the first kill feel fantastic? Doesn’t it make you feel alive?”

  He turned to her, thinking she must be daft to not notice how disgusted he was with himself, not to mention the hate that he had for her. “Fantastic? Alive? I just killed a man!”

  She tilted her head to the side, “But you have seen war with the king, have you not? I found the evidence in your belongings. Surely you have killed before.”

  “Not by drinking their blood!” Melvil spat. “You have turned me into a soulless monster, like yourself!”

  Honnor looked at Melvil, truly confused by his reaction. Then she began to cry, blood tears running down her face. “I thought that once the transformation was complete that you would understand, that you would be like me, that you would love me as I love you for saving me the other morning on the road. Don’t you love me even a little for giving you a whole new life?”

  “I could never love a devil like you! Never!” Melvil backed away from her, realizing just how unstable the creature before him really was. She must have been simple before she was changed and even demon blood could not help that. This frightened, saddened, and gave him a little hope all at the same time. An idea began to form in his mind and he only hoped that his mother would be able to find it in her heart to help him. First he had to get Honnor to trust him enough to get him to his home. His mother knew about the supernatural and would know how to deal with the situation.

  Honnor, sulking, had made it to the door and he knew he had to act fast or she might lock him in this room forever to starve. Throwing his disgust aside, he made a hesitant and, what he prayed, friendly looking move towards her. “Don’t go. I’m sorry I yelled. I’m scared and confused. All I really want to do is finish my trip home and see my family one last time. Can you help me with that Honnor? Please? I really need to see them to be able to let go of my human life. You can understand that, can’t you?”

  Smiling, Honnor came towards him, arms outstretched as if to comfort him. Melvil bit back his revulsion as she embraced him. To his surprise, being close to her was not a problem, in fact his body responded to her, completely against his will. A strong feeling of a different kind of lust overtook him, his mind told him that it wasn’t right but his body did not listen. Almost immediately he was hard, his erection pushing against her with need.

  Honnor felt him and smiled. “I knew you would come around to my way of thinking once the blood took hold.” She moved against him in a way that only deepened his need for her. Wanting to tease him further, she darted out her tongue and licked his neck, causing Melvil to inhale and lose all conscious thought for a moment. His libido took control and pushed his brain aside to watch as a bystander. He pulled her into a rough kiss. There was nothing kind or loving about it. What was taking place between them was much more animalistic, primal. Honnor didn’t seem to mind, she kissed him back with as much force, pushing him towards the bed in the room. His mind tried in vain to talk him out of this, but his body craved sex too much to care what was right and wrong any longer.

  His legs bumped into the bed and Honnor pushed him onto it, crawling on top of him. A part of Melvil felt shocked by her aggression, she looked like a highborn woman, but then he remembered that she was a demon and demons had no need to act demure. She ripped his bloody clothes from his body, nipping and racking her fingers across his sensitive flesh as she did. Melvil’s cock, engorged and throbbing, begged for her attention and she happily obliged. Greedily she sucked him into her mouth, letting her teeth scrape along his shaft so that she drew tiny droplets of blood that she then licked up with her tongue. The dual sensations of pleasure and pain sent Melvil over the edge. Honnor eagerly cleaned him, yet he was still hard, his lust not yet satiated.

  He grabbed Honnor and threw her beneath him. This time it was his turn to rip her clothes off her and explore her body with his mouth and teeth. Demon or not, Melvil could not help but admire the beauty of the woman beneath him, made all the more alluring from the savage look in her eyes and pointed fangs. Melvil felt his own fangs with his tongue, before lowering his mouth to her nipple where he bit and sucked at the same time. The feeling of drinking blood from her breast was the most erotic experience and from the sound of her moans, it appeared that Honnor loved the sensation as well.

  Melvil usually considered himself a tender and patient lover in the past, even with whores, but not tonight, not with this monster that had stolen his life as he knew it and yet of whom he could not get enough. It felt as if his blood was on fire inside his veins, burning with an uncontrollable desire for Honnor, for her body and blood alike. His cock, throbbing and harder than ever, begged to enter her. Not able to stand it any longer, Melvil maneuvered himself above Honnor and then roughly thrust into her. Being inside of her did nothing to slacken his desire. He found himself pumping into her harder and harder. Had she been human, he surely would have hurt her, but Honnor was not human and she matched his pace. She dug her nails into his back, drawing blood, and the pain drove him over the edge. On instinct he bit into Honnor’s neck and she immediately reciprocated. He climaxed for so long and hard that he felt as if he would never stop. The dual sensation of drinking blood and being drained at the same time was almost better than the sex itself.

  Finally spent, Melvil collapsed. Honnor cuddled next to him, brushing his dark curls out of his eyes. He found that despite the sex he still felt only disgust for this she-devil and hoped that his plan to rid the world of her evil might work. At the same time, he felt himself growing hard for her, the lust he felt seemed to know no end. It must be the curse of the blood, for Honnor climbed on top of him, rubbing his member with her hands before gliding him back in
side of her and riding him like a stallion. Once again they shared a blood exchange as they climaxed. Melvil found himself shaking with the force of ecstasy rushing through him. Right as the sun began to rise, Honnor snuggled closer and that is how he fell asleep, wrapped in the arms of the woman who had destroyed his life forever.

  Once the sun went down, Melvil’s eyes popped open. Honnor was already up, smiling and humming a tuneless song to herself. He didn’t know if he had ever seen a happier person. He then shook his head. She was no person, she was a blood sucking demon, one that had to be stopped before she ruined other lives. This led to his own guilt over the life he took last night, fueled by the fact that he already felt the hunger rising in him once more, the hunger for blood. His inner conflict must have shown on his face, for Honnor came over just then. “We must hunt, you are still young and need to feed more than I. Don’t worry, I will help you.”

  Melvil knew that he had a plan and that keeping up his façade with Honnor was prudent, but he just did not know if he could go through with it. Maybe it would be better if he told her the truth and just let her kill him. “I don’t think I can. I can’t hunt humans. I can’t feed off their blood every night for the rest of my life. I swore an oath to protect the men of this country, not to kill them. This existence goes against everything that I was brought up to believe in.”

  Honnor came to him, a look of understanding on her face that he would have thought her incapable of. “It takes time. I remember being frightened and uncertain myself when I was created. It gets easier, I promise. What you have to remember is that you are not human any longer and therefore you are no longer bound by their rules. You are above humans, you are superior to them. That is the gift that I have given you for saving my life.”

  Melvil shook his head. “No, I cannot forget who I am and what I believe. I am not a killer. I am not better than that man that I murdered in cold blood last night. You cannot change the person that I am inside, the same man that stopped to save you on the side of the road, the man raised to help others.”

  “It will take time, you will adjust.” Honnor smiled, back to her simple black and white reality, a reality he refused to accept.

  “Is it possible to feed without killing? Can’t we only take what we need and then let our victims live? Or feed off of animals, livestock raised for food? I might be able to live with those options. I cannot live knowing that I must take a life each and every night of my existence. I’d rather starve to death.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic,” Honnor said, though he could tell she was thinking about how to answer his questions. “My mentor told me that it was possible to live off of animals, if that was all readily available and to avoid detection, but he did not recommend it. And we cannot let victims live and tell others about us. Secrecy is the best protection that our kind has had throughout time.”

  “No, I cannot accept that. I cannot live like that. No amount of time will ever steal my conscious. I won’t be a monster.” Melvil sat down in defeat.

  “You are not thinking straight, you are too new, too hungry. Come out with me. You must feed. I can teach you to mesmerize your victims. They will feel no pain. Will that help ease all this guilt you are feeling? I think of it as freeing the peasants from their dreary lives, we are a blessing to them.” Honnor smiled. She believed what she said, Melvil could see that, but it did little to calm his disgust. However, she spoke of mesmerizing people. If he learned how to do that, then maybe he could feed and make people forget. He refused to believe that he had to kill to live, there had to be another way.

  Melvil forced himself to calm down. There was more that he needed to learn from Honnor. “Perhaps you are right. Please, teach me to mesmerize people so they feel no pain while we feed.”

  Honnor smiled. “I will teach you all that I know.” She took his hand and led him out into the night.

  Being out for the first time since his transformation meant that Melvil had a lot to learn about his new body and capabilities. They were in an abandoned chateau, miles away from the nearest village, yet it took them only minutes to run to the edges of the settlement and he felt that he could go on running all night. “We run faster than the wind!” He exclaimed.

  “We can do that and so much more. I have made you more powerful than you could ever imagine. You are stronger than any human. Some of our kind can even fly. Soon you will learn to thank me for the gift that I have given you.” Honnor ran into town laughing as Melvil followed close on her heels. They moved so fast that they were nothing but wind and blurs to the people that they passed. Despite himself, Melvil felt alive and loved the power that was pumping through his body. Some of the disgust he felt towards his new condition began to fade. He followed his creator down a dark alley behind a bar. “This is the perfect hunting ground,” Honnor whispered. “Men in bars will always keep us alive and hidden.”

  Soon enough her words proved to be true. A man stumbled towards them, unzipping his pants to take a piss. Honnor boldly stepped towards him. “Aren’t you a strapping fellow?” The man was easily twice her size yet she showed no fear. He appeared confused by her presence. She moved right in front of him, looking directly into his eyes as she spoke. “You want to take a little walk with me? We need some privacy. I have a friend I would like you to meet, but you will be quiet when you see him.” With that she walked back towards Melvil, the drunken man following behind her, his pants still undone, a blank look on his face.

  “Is it really that simple to mesmerize a human? Just look him in the eyes and he will do whatever you want?” Melvil asked. He stood in front of the man, who seemed to not see him at all. Honnor walked behind him and sunk her teeth into the man’s neck. Not a peep escaped his lips. In fact, he even seemed to enjoy the sensation. With her eyes Honnor motioned that Melvil should join in. The smell of blood was too appetizing to resist and he went for the man’s throat. He had to feed or go crazy. The blood tasted even better than it had last night, the taste of which Melvil thought he could never get enough. Soon the man began to weaken, his heartbeat grew faint and Melvil pulled away.

  Honnor, however, kept drinking until the man was dry, dropping his bloodless body to the ground as she licked her lips. “He was good for a start. Now you can catch us our next meal.”

  “But you didn’t have to kill him. We could have told him nothing happened when he was in the trance, he would never remember. Don’t you realize what this means? We don’t have to kill when we feed! We are not destined to be murderers!” Melvil exclaimed.

  She seemed confused. “We are death; that is what we are, that is what we will always be. What if he did remember? That is not a risk our kind can take. We must kill those on whom we feed. No more discussion on this matter.”

  Before Melvil could argue, two more people came down the alley, another drunkard and a woman, a bar wench from her dress. Honnor leaned up to him, whispering in his ear as quiet as the night. “You can have the woman, I will take the man.” She then slithered off down the alley, sticking to the shadows. She paused and waited for Melvil to join her before stepping before the couple, who were so interested in each other that they did not seem to notice the vampires walking from the darkness. Honnor slipped up and grabbed the man from behind, turning him and looking into his eyes as she told him to be calm and just follow her.

  Melvil quickly slid in front of the dazed and confused woman and looked into her frightened eyes. “Everything is going to be alright. Please, remain calm and follow me. Your friend is down the alley with my friend, let’s join them. Just be quiet.” He was amazed as he watched her eyes become wide, trusting, and blank when he spoke to her. She was completely under his control. He knew in his heart that he could tell this woman to do anything and she would with no argument. This convinced him that he had to be right. He could ask her to forget that she had ever seen him and she would. There was no need for him to snuff out the life of this innocent girl just so he could live. He was not destined to be a killer for the rest of his
years. All he had to do was get Honnor to listen to him, get her to believe him. If she would stop her killing, then maybe he could alter his still forming plan and Honnor could live.

  Once they were in the shadows, Melvil saw Honnor already feeding, lost in the blood frenzy. Once again the scent of blood awoke the beast within him. He bent his head and bit into the neck of the barmaid. She made no sound, just let him drink. As her heart begin to weaken Melvil stopped drinking. “You are going to be okay. You came out here with a man, you hit your head and don’t remember anything. You have no idea what happened to the man that you were with. Now go back inside, get something to eat and drink and you will feel better tomorrow. You never saw me or my friend.”

  He let the woman go, she wobbled for a moment, then looked around dazed. “What happened? Who are you?”

  Melvil smiled. “I am just passing by. Are you okay mademoiselle? Perhaps you should go inside.”

  Still bewildered, the barmaid stumbled back into the bar. For the first time since he met Honnor, Melvil felt hopeful. He could do this if he could just take what he needed from his victims and leave them unharmed. Just then he heard the soft thump of a body dropped behind him. Honnor was immediately upon him. “Where is the wench?”

  “It worked. We can make them forget! She thinks she hit her head, she won’t remember anything. We can feed and not kill! Isn’t this great?” Melvil could barely contain his happiness and expected Honnor to feel the same.

  Instead she struck him with more power than he would have thought possible, sending him flying into the wall behind him. “You idiot! I told you not to let them live! Now I have to clean up your mess!” She then ran into the bar while Melvil struggled to get up. Apparently Honnor still had more power than he and he could indeed still be injured. He reached up and felt the blood on the back of his skull. He could actually feel the wound healing as he touched it. It was gone within a few seconds. He then took a moment to gather himself and brace for a fight with Honnor.


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