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Blood, Lust and Love

Page 5

by Sheri Velarde

  Feeling strong once more, he followed Honnor into the bar. He opened the door and stood shocked at the sight before him. Honnor stood in the middle of the bar, blood dripping from every inch of her, draining the blood from a freshly ripped out heart. She had massacred every single person in the building. Body parts and blood lined the walls, the tables, everything covered in gore. “What the hell have you done?” Melvil stepped back in disgust. “She didn’t remember anything. She didn’t have to die. None of these people had to die. You really are a mindless monster. I was a fool to think you anything less!”

  Honnor simply laughed. “You are a monster too. Accept it and you will be much happier. You need to let go of this holier than thou notion that you have. I did have to kill that girl, the rest I killed for fun. We are predators, this is what we do.”

  She moved towards him, but Melvil backed away and fled out the door, running as hard and fast as he could. He wanted to get away from Honnor and never see her again, but he could sense that she was easily following him, that he would not escape her. Besides, he could not live with himself if he let a creature with no remorse run free in the world. If he could stop her it was his duty to do so, for the world and for his own sanity. If he could reach his chateau, reach his mother, well perhaps he had a chance at getting rid of Honnor once and for all, and just maybe being able to continue living a life of his own as a half monster.

  With his newfound speed and strength, Melvil was pleased to reach the outskirts of his land just as the night ended. What should have been a three-day journey had taken mere hours. Of course his tormentor was right behind him, but he hoped and prayed that he could trick her into trusting him until the following evening. Luck seemed to be on his side, for Honnor came up to him still smiling and seemingly energized by their run across half the country. He could feel the sun coming and knew that all of that would have to wait until the morrow. Tonight he had to win back Honnor’s trust.

  “The run has calmed my senses and opened up my eyes to the fact that I am no longer human. It was the most exhilarating experience of my life.” He faked a smile.

  To his relief, Honnor seemed to find him genuine. “Yes, the sooner you let go of your human notions of right and wrong the better you will feel.” She stepped closer, leaning in to kiss him, still covered in the blood of those she had murdered. Melvil had to resist the urge to pull back and run away again. He needed to keep her close so that he could put an end to this. Despite his disgust, he did not flinch as Honnor’s lips met his. In fact, much to his displeasure, he found himself becoming aroused by her closeness and the smell of blood. He may not be a mindless killer, but he was a despicable monster nonetheless. As Honnor moved closer, the beast within Melvil responded with lust.

  Knowing that giving in to his desires would be the easiest way to fool her, he gave himself over to the vile impulses rushing through his body. He was rougher, meaner than the night before and Honnor seemed to like it all the better. He threw her roughly to the ground and pushed her skirts above her waist, turning her so that her ass faced him while she was on all fours. He quickly unlaced his pants and got behind her, thrusting hard and quick. He took out all his anger and anguish as well as his carnal lust on her back end. She answered with animalistic sounds of pleasure, so he knew she enjoyed it. Joy was not exactly what Melvil felt, but he seemed powerless to stop himself from ravaging the one creature he detested more than himself. He shot into her, letting out a feral scream.

  Honnor screamed as well. She rolled over with a fierce smile on her face once he pulled out. “Tell me that wasn’t the best sexual experience you have ever had. You took me like an animal, you let your inner monster come out to play and loved every minute of it.”

  “I am what I am,” Melvil answered cryptically.

  Still smiling, Honnor stood up and fixed her skirts. “We need to go to ground, the sun will rise soon. Then tonight we can see if you can behave yourself while feeding.”

  Melvil followed her obediently, knowing that tomorrow night would be the end for one of them, for if he could not kill Honnor, she would certainly kill him.

  * * * *

  The next night Melvil’s eyes snapped open. He quickly looked to make sure that Honnor still laid beside him. He sighed with relief to see her. He had worried that she might awake before him and endanger his family, and it would all be his fault for leading her right to them. Instead, he could now take her to his mother in the manner he intended, praying that his plan would work. Honnor caught him staring at her and smiled. “I love the look of intensity in your eyes. Tell me, what you are thinking?”

  It was Melvil’s turn to smile. “I’m thinking about you and tonight. I have a surprise for you.”

  Honnor’s face lit up. “A surprise? I love surprises! I guess this means you have forgiven me and forgotten the anger you felt towards me last night?”

  “Not forgotten, you taught me a valuable lesson, one that I will never forget. This surprise is my way of thanking you for that,” Melvil said solemnly. He did not relish putting his family in danger, nor even the idea of killing Honnor, but he felt that this was what had to be done and his mother was the only person he knew with experience in this type of situation. He had to talk with her first, let her know what was going on and let her prepare before bringing Honnor to her. Luckily, her disheveled appearance provided the perfect excuse. “Upon falling asleep last night I realized that I had run to a place that I knew. The people who live here know and trust me from my former life. I can enter the castle without raising suspicion. I wish I could take you with me, but you are a mess with the blood and ripped clothes. Let me gain entrance first and then I can let you in and we shall taste noble blood tonight.” He smiled what he hoped was a believable smile, even though his insides felt as if they were made of snakes and fire.

  He must have been convincing, or Honnor really was that naïve, but she smiled and consented. “I shall run to town and find a new dress. I will wait on the tallest tower, come and get me when everything is perfect for my surprise.” With that she kissed him and ran towards the town. Melvil felt a pang of remorse for whatever poor souls Honnor came into contact with, but he had to think of his family first and ridding the world of Honnor once and for all. He hoped that after tonight she would never be able to harm anyone ever again.

  Melvil felt anxious as he walked up to the castle that had always been his home. He mourned the life that should have been his, the life he had dreamed of, the life that would never come to pass. With boldness and prayers, he walked back into the mist of his family, no longer a man but a monster. The guards immediately recognized him and let him pass, some questioning why he had no horse, but otherwise completely unaware that he was not the man they knew. He was escorted to his mother’s waiting room and left while she was told of his return.

  Upon entering the room, Melvil’s mother, Marie, sensed that there was something amiss with her son. “My darling, what has happened?” She moved towards him and then froze, a look of shock on her face, yet she still reached out and took his hand to seemingly confirm her fears. “Who did this to you?”

  “So you know what I am?” Melvil whispered, not daring to look into her eyes.

  “Yes. The demon blood flowing through your veins in unmistakable. Your cold skin and pallor only confirm it. Your human self is dead, yet I can sense the heart and mind of my son still inside you. You have not lost your essence, as some tend to do when changed. Now tell me what happened.” Marie held onto his hand, not afraid and still a loving mother.

  His mother’s courage in his presence gave him strength. Melvil told her everything, how he found Honnor on the road, how she had attacked him and turned him, even his uncontrollable urges for blood and sex. He then went on to explain about how he and Honnor could mesmerize people, and how Honnor still insisted on killing. Tears of blood began to flow as he told his mother of the massacre, all those innocent lives lost thanks to him and his crazy creator.

  Marie listened int
ently, not interrupting and never releasing her son’s hand. When he had finished, looking defeated and sad, she finally spoke. “I am so sorry that something like this has befallen you, my darling. As I am sure that you know, there is no reversing this. You are destined to roam the world as a vampire, living off the blood of the living for the rest of your days. I am so grateful that that you have learned about mesmerizing people, which should allow you to live without killing. I might be able to help you learn to control some of your urges and learn more about your powers. We will get through this as a family. I promise not to abandon you, you are my only son and I will always love and help you.”

  More tears seeped down Melvil’s face. “Thank you mother. I need you more than you know. I have been to war, yet I have never been as scared as I am now. And not just about what I have become. The one who changed me frightens me as well. She is insane and seems to love killing, not just to feed but for the joy of murdering humans. Something has to be done about her. I have to stop her and I am hoping that you will be able to help me.”

  Marie nodded. “She does sound very unstable. There is probably no talking sense into her. I can attempt to bind her powers, make her less dangerous, but I do not think that I can stop her from killing. The only way to do that is to either kill her or inter her, lock her away to waste to nothing but be unable to die. To me that seems crueler than death, no creature, no matter how evil, deserves a fate such as that.”

  “People actually do that? Just wall up vampires? Why not kill them?” New fears about his existence washed over him. Could someone possibly torture him in such a way? The very thought sent a chill down his spine.

  His mother nodded. “I hate to admit that it is a somewhat common practice amongst those with powers such as mine. Witches and warlocks use the blood and flesh of vampires in some dark magic. Once blood drinkers are weakened, they are chopped up and used as needed. Since they are immortal and heal, the supply is never ending.”

  Melvil felt sick to his stomach, but he knew that he still had to deal with Honnor and her unstable behavior despite the possibility of such a thing happening to him in the future. If not, he would be directly responsible for all the lives she took from now on. “The practice of using vampires for dark magic aside, I have come to you for help in disposing of Honnor. I do not want to kill her, but I cannot let her live and destroy the lives of countless others. Nor can I condemn her to starve for all of eternity. Death for her is the only choice I see.”

  “I agree, taking the life of any creature is a terrible choice to have to make, but sometimes that is what must be done, such as when one is in war. Tell me what your plan is.” Marie grew somber.

  “I told Honnor that I knew the nobles who lived here, but that she could not get in since she was covered in blood and dirt. She went off to town to find new clothing. I fear that I doomed some townspeople in order to protect you and for that I am sorry, but I did not know how else to speak with you alone.” Melvil felt his emotions welling up again, but he pushed them down. Time was short and he and his mother had to have worked out a way to take care of Honnor before she harmed anyone else. “She is more powerful than I am. That is where I was hoping that you could help me. You have strong powers of your own. Can you weaken her so that I can have a chance against her?”

  “Yes, I can bind her powers, try to take away some of her strength and speed, plus any supernatural powers she might have. She will still be a vicious and strong creature, one that is cornered and dangerous, but it should give us the opportunity that we seek. We’ll need your father’s sword. Long ago it was forged with special powers and metals to allow it to fight against forces that many do not believe in. When you have the opportunity, you will have to strike hard and true in order to kill this misfortunate being.”

  Melvil nodded, knowing that it would truly be up to him to kill Honnor. He hoped and prayed that he could make it quick and painless, for her sake, and for his. Marie hurried off to gather her supplies. They had to complete the binding spell before Honnor entered the castle. They also tried to clear the halls as much as possible, ordering everyone to their quarters and to bar their doors until the morning. Hopefully there would be no one to witness nor disturb tonight’s proceedings.

  They waited as long as they dared, making sure that the preparations were the best they could be. Marie then started the binding spell, using Honnor’s hair that Melvil still had on his person. When she was ready she nodded to Melvil, “Go, her powers should be weakening as we speak. Bring her here, to where the spell has been cast and they will diminish further. Go quickly. I cannot guarantee how much time that we have.”

  “But mother, it will be too dangerous to bring her so close to you. What if she attacks you? I was going to attack her on the tower, end it quickly.”

  “No, bring her here. She will be weaker, plus she will be distracted by my presence, my blood. I have protection against her. Attacking her when her mind is elsewhere is the safer way. Trust me. Now go. Hurry.” Marie commanded and Melvil obeyed.

  Honnor sat perched upon the wall on the highest tower, humming to herself and dressed in the finest gown that the town had to offer. She looked quite beautiful in the moonlight, her hair like liquid gold upon her head. She smiled when she saw Melvil emerge from the door, radiant with happiness. Her trust and beauty only made what he had to do all the harder. He steeled his nerves and put on a happy face to lure this both innocent and hideous creature to her demise. “Sorry that it took so long. Showing up alone and unannounced takes some time to explain away. All is set though, I have picked out and saved the most noble and gorgeous woman of the house just for you, my gift for behaving so badly.”

  She hopped down and threw her arms around him, pulling him into a passionate kiss. “All is forgiven!” She murmured as she took his hand and headed into the castle.

  Melvil led her directly to the room where his mother waited. How Honnor did not feel his fear and trepidation he did not know, but she seemed excited and trusting as he opened the door. If her powers were indeed diminished she had no idea of it. As they entered the room, he saw his mother sitting, a great amulet around her neck, looking every inch the noblewoman. Honnor’s smile only widened when she caught sight of Marie. Still beautiful and radiating power, she must have seemed like a choice meal for a vampire.

  “So you are the lady friend that Melvil was telling me about. He said that you had business in town. I am glad to make your acquaintance. I am Marie, the Countess of this manor. Please, make yourself at home.”

  The smile on Honnor’s face grew, the hunger in her starting to show. “How gracious of you, Countess. I am Honnor. Melvil told me much about you.” She moved closer, her eyes on Marie, completely ignoring what Melvil did behind her.

  With Honnor focused solely on Marie, Melvil reached behind a chair and soundlessly pulled out his father’s sword. He inched behind Honnor as she moved towards her prey. Just as he was about to strike, she stopped talking and turned at the same time. “Maybe we should share…” She stopped midsentence seeing the sword and the intent in Melvil’s eyes. “NO! You cannot kill me! I am the one who created you! I am more powerful than you know!” She reached out to grab the sword from him but the binding spells were working. No matter how much she struggled she was no longer superhumanly strong. Melvil was, in fact, stronger. He felt for sure that he could win if only she let down her fight just a little. His mother had been right though, Honnor’s powers might be diminished but she fought like a cornered animal.

  For a moment he thought that she might be getting the upper hand. Just then the door opened and Melvil’s younger sister, Margo, walked in, her look of excitement immediately turning to confusion and fear. “Melvil!” she exclaimed.

  Honnor took her eyes away from Melvil for a split second, turning toward the door. Seeing his chance, he yanked the sword free and swung. The blade was true. Honnor’s head went flying, landing near Margo before slowly beginning to disintegrate before their very eyes. Margo sc
reamed and ran to Marie. Melvil stared at what was left of Honnor until all but her clothing had disappeared. He then picked her dress up and threw it in the fire. He watched the last of the cloth turn to ash before he dared to turn and face his family.

  Margo was still confused and shaken, but Marie calmed her. His mother looked at him with understanding, her eyes constantly moving and searching his face to see how he was taking the night’s events. In truth, Melvil only felt numb. He knew that Honnor had to be killed, but now that the deed was done he felt sorry for her. He had never bothered to find out how she had become a creature of the night. Perhaps she had always been a little naïve and crazy and the demon blood had only made it worse and now he would never know. She had spoken of a mentor. Who had he been? Who had attacked her on the night he had found her? There were so many questions that he should have asked.

  He slumped in a chair, sitting there thinking about all that he should have done differently and wondering what he was to do now. His mother attempted to explain everything to Margo; he knew that he still had to protect his family somehow. That much was clear to him. Perhaps his mother could help him learn about his condition and how to control his powers. Death was one option, but he did not want to die. There had to be a way that he could live and be a good man. He wanted to make amends for the deaths he had caused. An eternal life would give him more time to make the world better, which was the least that he could do for those he had killed, including Honnor. A life of reparation seemed fair for the wrongs he had committed. And he knew it would take him many lifetimes to come to terms with the curse of the blood that now ran in his veins.

  Alone No More

  By Sheri Velarde


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