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The Light Within the Darkness

Page 11

by H M Wolfe

  ''No, Vale has always worn his heart on his sleeve.'' Vinson shook his head, thinking of his brother. ''All I can do is beg him to trust me and pray for a positive outcome. Otherwise, he could let everything out without realizing it, and everything could be lost forever.''

  ''You've had his love and complete trust from the start.'' Ian gently spoke, noticing Vale wasn't the only one with his heart on his sleeve. ''You should never doubt that. Now, let's go to your father's. Warrick is waiting for us there.''



  discreet beep made Warrick lift his fingers from the keyboard. He was writing an email to Christine, regarding the merging of two notable companies. Checking his watch, the young man picked up his phone and, smiling radiantly, answered Ian's message. When his Dom messaged him back, he blushed violently, and his smile became broader and brighter.

  Back to work, Warrick wrote his observations and recommendations, then hit the send button with the satisfaction of someone who'd done a great job. And great it was indeed because the deal was the fruit of countless meetings, rounds of negotiations, and preliminary agreements. The effort was a collective one, so all members of his department would get a substantial bonus.

  From his work, Warrick's thoughts wandered to the man who'd just messaged him. Ian Saint-Clair, his Dom, lover, and closest friend. The man whose presence calmed his agitated mind, silenced his fears and reduced the demons he'd been battling for years to nothing. Ian was the rock he leaned on. He was the source of his strength and the reason for his existence. Ian was the man who gave his feelings a voice, and who never repressed or deemed him useless. He'd been searching for Ian his whole life. He'd just hadn't realized it until now.

  Standing up from his desk, Warrick headed to the kitchen when the sound of the doorbell made him change course, as he went to the door and opened it. To the young man's surprise, a boy in his early teens was standing in the doorway, studying him with a pair of warm, dark-brown, beautiful, curiosity-filled eyes.

  ''Hello, Sir. Is this Mister Ian Saint-Clair's residence? I'm Aubrey Greene, it's nice to meet you,'' the kid politely spoke, extending a hand. ''And can you tell me, please, if he's at home? I would like very much to speak to him,'' he added, in a low, sedate voice.

  ''I'm Warrick Grant, nice to meet you, too.'' The lawyer smiled. ''Mister Saint-Clair will be home in a couple of hours. How about we wait for him inside? Let me help you with these.'' he said, taking the two suitcases at the bottom of the steps.

  ''Thank you, Sir. That's very kind of you.'' The boy offered him a small smile. As he was stepping inside the house, he was examining everything with the same curiosity-filled look from earlier. ''Mister Saint-Clair must be a very busy man. What with his career progressing at such a fast pace, so it's understandable.'' He added almost as an afterthought.

  ''Yes, I have to agree with you on that.'' Warrick guided the kid to the kitchen, gesturing to a chair. ''Please, sit down. Can I get you anything? A sandwich, a glass of lemonade, some milk? Or do you prefer a tea? I can brew you a cup if you want.''

  ''A sandwich and a glass of lemonade would be nice. Thank you, Sir.'' The boy's eyes lightened. ''And please, call me Aubrey.''

  ''I'll do that if you call me Warrick because that's my name. The only one who has the right to be called Sir in this house is Mister Saint-Clair. Speaking of, you look very much like Mallory, when he was a child.'' Warrick said as he placed a plate with a thick sandwich on it in front of the boy.

  ''Oh, thank you very much, it looks great!'' Aubrey took a large bite from the sandwich, nodding in his appreciation. ''And it tastes delicious.'' He grinned, biting again into it. ''Who's this person whose name you mentioned?''

  ''Mallory is my boss, and Mister Saint-Clair's younger brother.'' Warrick offered the kid a big, friendly smile. ''He looked almost like you, in his early teens.''

  ''Cool!'' Aubrey exclaimed, eyes shining with interest and something more, the young man couldn't accurately pinpoint. ''Does he have more brothers and sisters? I would love to meet them all!''

  ''Yes, Mallory and Mister Saint-Claire have two more brothers and two sisters, but they don't keep in touch with them, I'm afraid. Their...visions on life are very different, and...''

  Warrick stopped in the middle of the sentence, unable to continue. From the corner of his eye, Aubrey was examining him. He noticed how the kind eyes of the man were slowly being shadowed by sadness. That made the boy's little, sensible heart wrench in pain. He'd liked the guy from the moment he'd opened the door. The man had a friendly smile and affectionate, brotherly behavior.

  A noise coming from the entry hall made Aubrey raise his head, listening intently. He noticed how Warrick straightened his back and wiped his eyes, to regain the composure he lost minutes earlier. It took all his control not to leave the boy alone in the kitchen and greet his Dom, as etiquette required. This time, the young man was in for a punishment, and there was nothing he could do or say to avoid it.

  ''Where are you, pet?'' Ian's somewhat impatient voice, with a tinge of harshness, made Warrick imperceptibly flinch, and he dropped his gaze. ''Is something wrong?'' The voice changed its tone, becoming worried.

  ''No, Sir. I'm alright.'' Warrick's answer came instantly. ''I'm here in the kitchen, keeping your guest entertained.''

  ''Oh, I see now.'' The Dom radiantly smiled as he appeared in the doorway. ''I would have done the same thing. May I know who your little friend is here? Hello, kiddo, I'm Ian. Nice to meet you.'' He extended his hand in greeting.

  ''Hello, Sir. Nice to finally meet you in person. I'm Aubrey Greene. Mom always told me you were handsome, but you look better than any of her descriptions.'' He grinned widely. ''Please, don't punish Warrick. He was super nice to me, and I'm entirely responsible for him neglecting his duties.''

  ''Well, Aubrey Greene. For someone who's never met me before, you know a lot about my humble person.'' Ian spoke in a half-amused, half-surprised voice. ''For instance, why do you think this young man has duties to me? And who is your mother, because I don't remember having the honor of meeting her?''

  ''Mom told me that you might have a special friend. One who keeps you company, just like you did to her. She also told me those younger, special friends follow a set of strict rules and have some duties to perform. According to her, they are punished if they fail, but Warrick did nothing wrong. As for who mom is, this will explain everything to you.'' The kid handled Ian a neatly folded paper, looking straight into his eyes.

  Frowning a little, the Dom took it from the boy's hand, and started to read the few lines written in neat, cursive handwriting:

  ''Hello, pet, long time no talk. I'm very proud of the man and professional you've become. Congratulations on your brilliant career. Aubrey is yours, take care of him, I can't do it anymore. When you read these lines, I will have already crossed to the other side. He's a good kid. He will listen to you. I raised him to love and respect his father. Sorry about not telling you earlier than this. I thought it was for the best. My regards to your sub. I'm sure he's a fine, young gentleman who makes you proud. I wish you a long, happy, and prosperous life filled with a lot of fun and joy. I'll never forget you.



  Incapable of raising his head from the letter, Ian remembered how he and Amanda, known as Lady Lumina, had met for the first time. It was about fourteen years ago when he was having a severe sexual identity crisis. Taking another Dom's advice, the young man had started his sub training, under the supervision of the club's best Dominatrix.

  Over the three months of contact, she'd taken the time and the patience to help Ian discover and explore his true nature. She helped him find the best ways of identifying and satisfying his needs. They only engaged in very few scenes, but it was enough for both to realize it was not what the young man wanted. However, he wore a condom every time, precisely for avoiding an unwanted pregnancy.

  On the other hand, Lady Lumina was very opened about her feelings. She
admitted on several different occasions that she was extremely fond of the young sub. Maybe, Ian thought, with a melancholic smile, getting herself impregnated by him was the woman's plan from the start. She had quit from her position at the club and left Washington, DC, for an unknown destination a couple of days after their contract was terminated.

  ''Sir, are you alright?'' Warrick's low, worried voice made Ian raise his head, ending his trip down memory lane. ''Should I get you anything, or...''

  ''Thank you, pet. I have everything right here.'' The Dom smiled, his eyes shining with unshed tears. ''Do you know who Aubrey is? Did you ask him why he wanted to see me?''

  ''I didn't have to. It only took one look at him to realize that he was looking for his father. And knowing Mallory, I knew he wasn't the one, so the conclusion came naturally,'' Warrick smiled shyly, lowering his gaze. ''I'm happy for you, Master. I can't tell you how much.''

  ''You called this young man here, my special friend, son.'' Ian turned to Aubrey, smiling affectionately. ''And indeed he is. I'm so lucky to have him in my life, and now you can benefit from his presence, too.''

  ''The kids will be thrilled to meet you. There”s a whole bunch of them, around your age and a little younger. I don't doubt you are going to be great friends.'' Warrick tentatively touched the boy's hair, earning himself an affectionate look from both him and his father.

  Aubrey reacted, moving his chair closer to the man who treated him with the affection and care of an older brother. He'd treated him that way from the first second he'd set foot in the house. Ian looked at both of them, noticing the peaceful smile blooming on Warrick's lips. Slowly, his sub was rising above all the darkness life had surrounded him with, and flooding his soul with nothing but light.

  Soon, the cycle would be completed, and the man would finally know what true happiness means. But until then, there were still some things to take care of. And some persons had to be repaid according to their evil deeds. Ian's look steeled for a brief moment, as he thought about the game that had just started.

  ''Sorry about the other day. I know I've screwed up big time, but seeing your brothers and that other man ignoring me like that made the worst of me come out.'' Isobel started as soon as she took a seat. ''The truth is I came to talk to you about the children, as I realized they need the presence of both their parents and...''

  ''Well, it took you quite a while to figure it out.'' Vinson ironically cut her short. ''I thought that from the start, but you'd already left without looking back. However, what's in the past should stay there, and I'm ready to take another shot if you are willing to do the same.''

  ''Yes, I've completely given up on my pride, and I'm here to bury the hatchet. I'll be your perfect, little wifey. If only you give me a chance.'' Isobel seductively smiled winking.

  ''Of course,'' Vinson coldly spoke, '' my offer is the subject of specific terms and conditions like they say in the advertising industry. Take it or leave it, as a less educated guy like me would say.''



  hat...terms and conditions? You speak about raising our children like it is a kind of contract or something.'' Isobel fought hard to keep her anger under control. ''This is your brother, the hotshot lawyer's doing, isn't it? He couldn't stand me from the start, and now...''

  ''You don't believe I would let you back into my life without taking some precautions first, do you?'' Vinson spoke in a calm, cold voice. ''As for Warrick, he doesn''t know about our little meeting. He would go ballistic over it, if he did. Also, he's one of the persons I admire the most, and whose opinion I value a lot.''

  ''Sorry again for stepping over the line,'' Isobel said through gritted teeth. ''Maybe I'd have done the same, had I been in your place, at least for a time. Let's hear what your conditions are because this discussion has taken an entirely different course than intended.''

  ''I can't agree with you more.'' Vinson nodded in approval. ''First thing first, I want Chester Hoskins out of my kids' life. He didn't step in to help me in any way after you left, and I don't need him poisoning their young minds in any way. Wilmot and Marinette will spend two weekends a month with my father and his three partners, and you have any complaints about it.''

  ''Those are reasonable requests.'' Isobel let out a sigh of relief because keeping the kids as far from her father as possible was also part of her plan. ''May I ask where or how do the kids spend the other weekends? Maybe I can plan something fun for the four of us, like, I don't know...''

  ''Don't bother.'' Vinson waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. ''You can make plans for you and Chester Hoskins, spend some quality father-daughter time together. The other two weekends belong to my brother Warrick and his fiancee. He's the special prosecutor, and he's very fond of Wilmot and Marinette. Which brings us to the next matter.'' the man's tone changed from neutral to a warning.

  ''And this would be?'' Isobel replied, totally relaxed. ''I must admit I was worried for nothing. All your requests so far are absolutely reasonable.'' More than that, he gave her the perfect opportunity to meet her father and discuss the details of their plan of using Jeremy V. Grant's fortune as fuel for their financial scheme. The woman cast a despite-filled look in her husband's direction, letting out a puny huff. The naive fool sure made things easier for her, despite him playing the tough guy at the beginning of their meeting.

  However, the woman still had another uncertain battle to fight and win. She had to convince Vinson to let her take the kids to the Grant residence and bring them back, once the weekend was over. From the position of his grandchildren's mother, getting under Jeremy V. Grant's skin and winning his affection was a piece of cake. However, she was aware that everything had to be done slowly, step by step, without rushing. She preened internally, thinking Jeremy Grant wouldn't be able to resist her good looks either.

  ''As you can see,'' Vinson started to talk, making Isobel turn all her attention back to him, '' my brother Warrick is happily engaged to a great guy, whom Wilmot and Marinette love dearly. I don't want homophobic or hateful comments in this house, understood?''

  ''You were very reasonable...until now!'' The woman snapped angrily once again. ''If you think I would stand back with my arms crossed and watch how the minds of our children are perverted by...''

  ''My children!'' Vinson corrected her in a steeled voice. ''They are mine and whoever else that has helped me raise them for the last three years. Carrying children and giving birth to them doesn't make you their mother. Not if you abandoned them with a sick and dying father. If it weren't for Warrick and Vale, we wouldn't be here today.''

  ''You've won...for now.'' Isobel hissed. ''However, if your brother and the man he calls fiancee were to perform any indecent acts in front of the children...''

  ''I'll call social services myself. I won't wait for someone else to do it, but I seriously doubt it would be needed. Oh, and since you brought up the subject of indecent acts into the discussion, we will have separate rooms for the duration of your stay here. Wilmot and Marinette will have a hard time understanding how two people who are not in love with each other anymore still share the same bed.

  ''Perfect,'' Isobel nodded, mentally rubbing her hands in glee. ''That way, they will understand that I'm not interested in you, and I'm here only for their sakes. That it's because I regret leaving them behind. Now, if you don't mind, I'll go and get my bags. I want to unpack them by the time my son and daughter arrive home from school.''

  As she was driving to the hotel, the woman let out a sigh of contentment. It will be way simpler than she'd anticipated, especially the part about her driving the two little pests to Grant's house. If she didn't know Vinson better, she could have sworn the man had something on his mind. She thought he had some hidden intentions, but that wasn't the case. Finally, life was smiling down on her again, Isobel thought.

  Alone again, her ex-husband was messaging Ian, and informing him about the meeting. He hoped the prosecutor could finally put the woman and her wretched father
behind bars. Everyone, from Vincent and Sebastian to Daniel, Tarquin, and the wonder-girls from the Special Team had reassured Vinson of their support. Everyone, except Valeran, who was oblivious to the whole situation, and was hurting like the first time.

  Valeran put the fine-haired brush down, stepping away from the canvas so that he could have the best perspective from all the angles. It was definitely what he intended it to be, the man decided, after examining it. Once the final touches were added, it would finally be ready for his first solo exhibition after more than five years.

  Of course, the artist had participated in many other events during that period, but they were all collective shows. Dora, his agent, had finally convinced him to agree to this individual project, after more than a year of persuasion. The arsenal she used varied from subtle innuendos to threats that she would resign from her position.


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