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The Light Within the Darkness

Page 12

by H M Wolfe

  Valeran wasn't afraid to show his work. On the contrary, he considered his latest paintings as the best since the spectacular boom of his career, nine years before, shortly after Vinson had gotten married. However, the man preferred to focus on his love life. Vale wanted to focus on the relationship that had blossomed again, after being so brutally and inexplicably ended by his partner with his marriage.

  Agreeing to the idea of an exhibition featuring his works, exclusively, would mean stepping into the public's attention. He would become the center of people's attention, while his lover would have to stay in the shadow. Of all things, being ignored was what Vinson detested the most, and knowing him as he did, his brother did his best to avoid that situation.

  But lately, he'd felt a change in the other man's attitude, one that reminded him of the period that followed the marriage announcement. The same words of reassurance. The same promises that he would never be abandoned. Those occurred right after Vinson kicked his obnoxious ex out of the house. Just like back then, his beloved asked for his trust, which he agreed to, only if it was halfheartedly.

  Washing the brushes, Valeran sighed heavily. He wasn't that naive, easy to be fooled twenty-year-old whose heart was so cruelly broken and stomped on. He wasn't the one who was left empty and bleeding, wondering for days, weeks, and months on end where he'd gone wrong. That young man had died a long time before that time. And he was replaced by a mature, successful man who was determined to fight to the bitter end. He'd fight if not for love and happiness, at least for inner peace.

  The worst part of all was the fact that, unlike back then, Valeran had no one to turn to for advice and solace. Warrick was gradually slipping away, and no one seemed to notice, not even Ian. He usually paid attention to the smallest change in his sub's disposition. Maybe, the painter thought bitterly; he was considering abandoning Warrick too. That would explain everything on that front.

  ''You look sexy in those work clothes, all stained and smelling like fresh paint.'' Vinson's rugged voice made Valeran startle, but he didn't turn around. ''Warrick gave me a copy of the key, just in case.'' He continued, a little surprised by his brother's lack of reaction.

  ''They are just that, work clothes. They aren't supposed to stay clean or smell nice.'' Valeran retorted, a little irritated. ''Speaking of our brother. How was he the last time you talk to him? How did he look?'' Vale hoped Vinson would tell him something good about Warrick.

  ''I don't know, I didn't pay attention. But I think he was good. He didn't act or talk differently.'' Vinson shrugged, not noticing how tense Vale was. ''I guess we shouldn't worry about it, Ian would have noticed if something was wrong. I mean...''

  ''Of course, we shouldn't worry about Warrick. We never have, so why would we change?'' Valeran hissed, taking off his work clothes. ''Starting from today on, I've decided to change that, and my focus will be solely on my brother. He's the only one who never left my side when everyone else did.'' He bitterly spat at Vinson and stormed out of the studio.

  ''Come on, Vale. Why are you acting like this? Are you bored with me? Don't you love me anymore? What's happened?'' Vinson's voice was half-worried, half-sad, and his gaze filled with pain.

  ''For many years, my problem was that I only saw and loved you. That my whole existence exclusively revolved around you, while my other brother...How could I be so blind?'' Valeran covered his eyes with both hands and started to sob violently.

  ''Vale, baby, please. Please don't cry! I can't stand seeing you like this.'' Vinson put his arms around his lover's shaky form and pulled him close against his body. ''This isn't only about Warrick, is it? It's also about you being afraid that I will abandon you like I did before. Isn't it? This time it's going to be different. You can ask our brother, he trusts me. Better yet, ask Ian, he'll explain everything.''

  ''I only want to have a stable life. I can't afford to put it on hold every time you decide to give your ex a second chance. And I want my brother back, the one who always supported and protected me. Is that too much to ask?'' Valeran mumbled into Vinson's wet shirt. He was tired of the whole thing.

  ''No, babe. It's not too much to ask. You deserve the world.'' Vinson kissed his lover's forehead, rocking him back and forth. ''Let's call Ian and tell him that we are going to visit them later today. For reasons that will be revealed to you soon, Warrick can't suspect anything. But before that, I'm begging you for the last time to trust me. Everything will be alright, once this twisted charade is over.''

  Valeran opened his eyes, giving Vinson a piercing stare. And what he saw shook him to the core. ''I trust you,'' he said, inhaling sharply.



  t took all Valeran's strength to say those three words, to put his life in the hands of the one who'd hurt him so severely in the past. The one who'd neglected and betrayed their brother, and turned his back on the poor guy. But that man was also the only one who'd healed his damaged heart. He'd showered him with deep, heartfelt affection, and worshiped every part of his body.

  Suddenly, Valeran became dizzy, and he had to lean into the wall. Everything started to spin around him, and, had Vinson not wrapped his strong arms around the man's waist, he would have fallen to the ground. Carefully, like Valeran was one of his precious artworks, his beloved carried him into the bedroom, bridal style, placing him on the bed.

  ''Silly boy,'' he said in a thick voice, shaking his head. ''When was the last time you ate? You are definitely Warrick's brother, as both of you need someone to take care of your needs. I'll go to the kitchen and fix you a light meal. Then, off to bed with you.'' Vinson tried to speak in a stern voice, with little success whatsoever. His concern for his brother bled through.

  ''No, please stay,'' Valeran spoke in a soft, barely audible voice. ''I don't want you to go and leave me alone. Please, not again. Not ever again.'' He took his beloved's hand in his own, love, longing, tenderness, and an overwhelming sense of loneliness mixed in his softly spoken words.

  ''At least let me prepare you a protein shake or something. You need some energy.'' Vinson pleaded, tracing the contour of Valeran's face with the pad of his thumb. ''You haven't had a proper meal since god knows when. You'll get sick from exhaustion and hunger if...''

  ''You give me strength, and the only food I'm hungry for right now is your love. Your touch and kisses are what I crave. Your company is what I like you to feed on.'' Valeran ardently spoke. ''Show me that you mean it when you say I'll never be deprived of your love,'' he continued, tears running down his cheek. ''And if you can't? Just walk out that door and never come back.'' Valeran was close to panic, thinking Vinson just might do that to him.

  ''Shh, my love. Everything is alright, sweetheart. Just give me some more time. I only need a couple of weeks, and everything will go back to the way it was before she barged back into our lives. That I solemnly promise you.'' Vinson cupped his hands around Vale's cheeks and started to cover his lover's face with kisses, their tears mixing.

  ''Please, not one more word.'' Valeran put a finger to the other man's lips, looking deep into his eyes. His finger was tracing the seam of Vinson's mouth. ''I just need you to hold me tight...I want to listen to the beating of your heart.'' His words interrupted by slight hiccups.

  Nodding, Vinson climbed onto the bed, sitting with his back against the headboard, and pulled Valeran onto his lap. That move closed the last inch of space between them. They stayed like that for a while. A comfortable silence was surrounding them, and no other sounds in the room except the ones of their breaths and heartbeats.

  But soon, Vinson's warm breath fanning against his cold, damp skin did things to Valeran, and the veins in his neck started visibly pulsating. The sight was too much for the man's lover, and he began to gently caress the sensitive spot behind his ear with the tip of his tongue. The licking soon progressed down the vein to the place where his neck and shoulder met. Sucking and nipping at the spot, Vinson soon raised a deep purple bruise, eliciting soft, needy moans from Vale, that tu
rned his cock into a steel rod.

  However, this time it wasn't about him. Valeran wasn't going to give himself freely, or generously, as he did every other time in the past. Something had drastically changed in his psychological structure. It made Vinson realize that he would have to put more effort into getting out of Valeran, what he'd taken for granted all these years.

  He licked and sucked on that sweet spot, sliding his big hands under Valeran's shirt. Slowly, lovingly, he ran them up and down the man's chest and sides, briefly stopping at the sensitive, already hardened nipples. After teasing and tweaking at Vale's pecs and nipples, Vin changed the course of his fingers. Vinson circled his hands around his lover's waist, to his back, and slipped his fingers down the back of his pants. Vale was soon grinding his ass into Vinson's lap, humping and trying for more friction. Sliding a finger down Vale's crack to his sensitive pucker, Vinson managed to make Vale jump and press his ass back onto Vin's finger. ''Dammit, Vin! Put it in...please!'' Vale continued to push back, and his pucker seemed as if it was trying its best to suck Vin's finger in. Leaving his finger to play at the entrance to Valeran's ass, Vinson took his other hand back to the front of Vale's jeans. He fumbled at the button holding the fly of his jeans closed. Finally popping it open, Vin then managed to unzipped them, and pulled them down, together with his underwear.

  At that point, Valeran shifted inside Vin's embrace, turning completely to face him. Grinding his hard-on into Vinson's groin and with shaky, clumsy fingers, he mirrored his lover's gestures and managed to release the man's already steel-hard cock from its confinement. Salivating at the sight, the man helped Vinson out of his shirt, then got rid of his own. Naked as the day they were born, the two men looked into one another's eyes, their hearts stopping for a brief second.

  Reaching into the nightstand drawer, Valeran grabbed the lude and proceeded to finger his ass and to prepare himself. Vinson grabbed both butt cheeks and pulled them apart so Vale could have plenty of room to work. ''Be gentle. I need to know I'm not just a quick fix of gay sex to help you play the straight man with your ex. I want you to love me before.'' Valeran straddled the other man's waist, quickly impaling himself on his erect cock.

  ''You should have let me prepare you. You didn't take enough time to do it right.'' Vinson kissed his lover's sweaty forehead. ''Now you're going to hurt, and I didn't want that. But I'm going to take good care of you. I'm going to make sure you have nothing but pleasure.'' He started to massage Valeran's lower back, hoping to ease his discomfort a little bit. He didn't want anything they did to cause Vale anymore hurt.

  ''I wanted you too badly, and I couldn't wait. I've missed you all the days you couldn't be with me.'' Valeran feverishly babbled. He rocked his hips back and forth, hungrily taking Vinson's cock. The more he moved, the deeper he drove Vin's cock into him, until he bottomed out and was filled to the brim. His breathing had turned rapid, and his hot channel had clamped tight around Vin's hardness.

  ''I deserve every bitter word, every sting, every reproach.'' The other man said, covering his lover's neck and chest with kisses. "Please, let me spend the rest of my life making up for all the damage I've caused you,'' he continued, taking Valeran's cock in his hand and stroking it while moving tortuously slow inside the man's ass with small thrusts.

  Soon, however, Vinson broke the rhythm. His thrust became more extended and more in-depth, accelerating, pounding almost furiously into the hot, welcoming tightness of his partner. Vale threw his head back as he gripped Vin's shoulders hard enough that Vin thought he'd have bruises tomorrow. He didn't care though, Vale was clenching around him and riding his cock as if his life depended on it. Sitting up and wrapping his free hand around Valeran's waist, he jerked his lover closer, so they were skin on skin, and their breaths and heartbeats in perfect sync.

  So was their orgasm which broke upon them a couple of minutes later, when Vinson's release flooded Valeran's channel. Vale shouted out his pleasure at the hot pulsing inside his ass and shot his release onto their torsos, making them both sticky and messy with cum. He collapsed, replete on Vin's shoulder.

  ''Now you're stuck with me forever.'' he joked, flashing a cute, tentative grin in his lover's direction. ''After that, you won't be able to peel me off of you.''

  ''That was my intention from the start, babe.'' Vinson kissed Valeran on the cheek, wrapping his arms around him and rolling him to the side, so they were facing each other. ''Being stuck with you is my idea of happily ever after.''

  Warrick was lying on his back, hands folded under his head, watching Ian's sleeping form. There was a pain-filled look in his eyes, and the creases in his forehead were deep with concern. Three more days and his immaculate professional reputation would be stained, his image compromised, just by being associated with him. The campus' whore. The greediest hole in the university. The pretty gay boy... Most likely, the ugly names wouldn't be limited to just those, Warrick thought, fear taking him over.

  The most significant advantage that being a submissive came with, for him at least, was that he could bring the art of hiding his feelings and controlling his emotions to perfection. Not even Ian realized how troubled he was, how close to the end, how determined to protect the others at the cost of his own life.

  Two more days to live. Because Warrick was determined to end it before things exploded in Ian's face, and dragged him down in all the sordidness of a past he thought was dead and buried. And everything had to happen just when the man thought his life was finally on the right track. But it seemed he was not meant to be happy. Time to accept it and let it go, the man said to himself.

  Rolling onto one side, Warrick faced Ian, his expression a mix of joy and sorrow, happiness and pain. His boyfriend, confidante, and dominant. The one who'd brought him to life and taught him how to live. The man was eternally grateful for those lessons and the gifts of his love. That was precisely why he had to do things this way.

  As if he felt his sub's internal turmoil, Ian started to pat the spot next to him, searching for Warrick. Touching the familiar shape curled under the blankets, the Dom gently ran his palm up and down over the lines and curves he knew so well until he felt the form relax. Indeed, shortly after, almost miraculously calmed down, Warrick welcomed sleep with open arms.

  ''Sir, I want to talk to you about something important.'' Aubrey greeted his father the next morning in the kitchen, casting a cautious glance around. ''Is Warrick awake?'' he whispered.

  ''Good morning, son.'' Ian smiled, kissing the boy on the forehead. ''Did you sleep well? Why are you awake so early? You still have a good hour of sleep ahead before you have to get ready for school. Are you and Warrick having communication problems? Is that why you asked about him?''

  ''No, sir. Nothing like that.'' Aubrey shook his head, visibly saddened. ''He's terrific and affectionate with me. It could be nothing, but I think he's in some kind of trouble or something. In the beginning, I thought you had punished him for something he did or didn't do. But I've watched how you treat him, and that's not it.''

  ''I don't know if Warrick or I mentioned this, but he comes from a set of triplets, and, right now, his other brothers are having some difficult times. You know what they say about the special bond between those who shared the same womb. All the problems his brothers face at the moment affect him too, so...''

  ''Good morning.'' A seemingly sleepy Warrick appeared in the doorway, casting a suspicious look in the father and son's direction. ''I hope you are not talking about me behind my back. And if you are, I hope they are good things.'' he tentatively joked.

  ''I'm not going to lie, you, pet.'' Ian affectionately spoke up. ''Aubrey here is worried because of you, and I was just explaining to him that the recent changes in Vinson and Valeran's life have had a serious impact on yours, too. That it's because of the bond you guys share.''

  ''Yes, indeed it is. But it's only a temporary situation. There's nothing to worry about, Master.'' Warrick dropped his gaze, so the Dom wouldn't notice the panic an
d fear rushing through it.

  If a kid like Aubrey could figure out something was wrong with him, it wouldn't be long until Ian realized it, too, he thought. Because of that, he was going to be forced into acting faster than he'd initially planned. There was no point in unnecessarily prolonging their pain. Everything had to end that day; otherwise, it would be too late.

  All he had to do was wait until Ian and Aubrey left the house, then...It has to be something clean, Warrick thought. He hated the idea of someone else having to clean up his mess. He remembered seeing Ian's sleeping pills in the back of the bathroom cabinet, and fortunately for him, he'd had the prescription renewed only days earlier.

  Warrick could only hope his dominant would understand both the gesture and the motivation. ''Forgive me, Master,'' he whispered to himself, a single tear rolling down his cheek.



  asters, I wish to talk to you about something important.'' Nicholas respectfully said, catching Vincent, Sebastian, and Joraan's attention.

  ''Let's take this conversation outside, pet. That way, we can keep an eye on the kiddies while they play.'' The older of the three said, in an authoritative yet soft voice.


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