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Page 7

by Shoraz

  “Please let me go Amare, I urgently need to get to my destination,” Sarah told him in hopes that he would let her go to continue her trek to Alaska.

  Amare then laughed at her telling her that there was no way in hell that he would ever let her go, “You’re going to change the tides of the battle between the outlaws and the vigilantes in our favor lady and I’m not letting you go,” Amare said to her.

  For many years the outlaws were dealt severe loses by the vigilantes, and the two sides were in battle often, and with the church on the side of the vigilantes, the numbers were in their favor, and Amare thought that with a superhuman on his side that it could possibly change the fortunes of the outlaws for the better.

  “I will treat you like a queen and give you everything that you could ever want, all that you have to do is be on my side. Think about it,” he said to her and then signaled to the guard to take her away and telling him to take her to the section of the facility that housed the special guests of the outlaw leaders.

  As the guard took her outside, Xavier was excited to see her, “What did he say?” he inquisitively asked Sarah.

  “Nothing,” Sarah replied.

  The guard then told Xavier and the henchmen to leave and he would take Sarah to her new living quarters.

  “I’ll stand watch over her,” Xavier told the guard but the guard told him that the boss no longer needed him and he would be looking after her now, and with that Xavier and his henchmen left and the guard took Sarah to her room.

  As Sarah approached her room she saw two more guards coming towards them, the guard who originally had her handed her off to them and they opened the door to her room and let her in, and they then stood outside the room guarding it.

  Inside the room, Sarah was surprised to see how clean and impeccable it was; the room was also fully furnished with a king sized bed, a shower, and a bathtub, there was also a full kitchen filled with any type of food and drinks that she could ever want.

  But even with everything that Amare was offering her to stay with him, Sarah knew that she would never choose to stay as she had an urgent message to pass along to the superhuman leaders, and this room was the last place she wanted to be. She then walked around the room and noticed there were no windows, and the only way in or out of the room was through the main door which was guarded at all times.

  Someone then knocked on the door, and Sarah looked at the monitor showing who was standing outside; and it was one of the guards. She then opened the door and the guard handed her some fresh clothes saying it was compliments of Amare; there was also a tray full of hot food and drinks, and Sarah took the clothes and the hot food and drinks and thanked the guard as she closed the door. And although escape from her captors was on her mind she knew there was no way out at the moment; and she knew that she would have to get a plan together in order to escape this place. But in the meantime, she would play along, and Sarah ate the hot meal that was brought to her and then had a shower and lay down in bed.

  As she lay down in bed she felt guilty for eating the food and taking the clothes that Amare provided as she knew that she would kill him if she had the chance, but she had no choice as having her strength was of the utmost importance if she were to even attempt an escape from the well–guarded facility.

  Over and over again her thoughts went back to Jonah and Ava, and she wondered if she had left Denver too fast or if she should have stayed back in Denver a while longer in order to get more information about them. In her heart and mind, and somewhere within the deepest reaches of her soul she knew there was something about them; especially Jonah, that the superhuman leaders had to know about. If she was wrong about them, perhaps a few lives would be lost, but if she was right, it could alter the future of the human race.


  As Frank and Bridget walked towards the reception hall in silence; they finally arrived, and they were greeted by the knights who stood watch at the door, “Good evening my Great Ones,” both knights simultaneously said to them.

  Then, as they made their way inside they were greeted by many of Frank’s and Bridget’s friends, and among them was Norm and Gina Winslow. Both of them worked in the labs in which the knights were developed. Gina was the scientist who led the department that oversaw the brain functions of the knights, and Norm was an engineer who in the past worked on the armor of the knights, but over the past decade has been working on a secretive project overseen by Frank Brady himself.

  The venture went by the name of project Mindcontrol, and its primary purpose was to aid in the reestablishment and recolonization of the betasapien race on the planets of The Garden and Little Giant, and it was now in its final stages and was almost ready for use. The result of this monumental project would give the betasapiens a device that would allow them to create and control matter using their minds and was known as matter control technology.

  “So Frank, are you ready for the big speech tonight? I can’t believe that it’s finally going to happen,” Norm said.

  “Norm, please don’t speculate, we don’t know if that is what the announcement is about, just be patient,” Gina said to him.

  “It’s okay Gina, given Norm’s immense and enormous contributions towards our matter control technology product I have great respect towards him,” Frank said as he looked at Norm and gave him a smile of approval which was Frank’s way of hinting to Norm that his assumption regarding the subject of Frank’s speech was indeed correct.

  As they continued their conversation a voice came over the microphone, “Good evening everyone, I hope you are all having a great time. As most of you know, my name is Roland Yates, and I’ll be your host tonight, for what I’m hoping is a very important announcement. As you know, over the years, we’ve had it very good living in Australia. We’re protected by the Invisible Dome, we have the knights, we have any type of food we want and luxuries beyond anything we could ever imagine, and we deserve it all and more. But sometimes – well actually most times – I get greedy, at times I feel like flying on an airmobile to the Americas, or visiting Alaska, but I can’t because of the threat that the humans pose to us. Wouldn’t it be great if humans no longer existed and the entire earth belonged to the betasapiens? Let me hear a cheer for no more humans,” and the audience erupted in a loud cheer.

  As the audience cheered, almost everyone was looking at Frank in anticipation of his announcement, and most of the audience had an idea what it was about, but making it official was something that everyone wanted to hear.

  Roland then continued speaking, “Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to our leader and our commander, Frank Brady,” and as Frank made his way to the microphone the audience cheered and applauded.

  As Frank walked towards Roland he shook hands and hugged a few people on his way to the stage, and Bridget followed right behind him, as is customary for the spouse of the leader to do.

  “Good evening everyone, I hope that you are all having a great night. First of all, thank you very much for attending tonight’s function. We’re all very busy people but tonight’s announcement is a significant change for most of us. As the leader of the World Government, I hear the concerns people have, and over the years the number one concern is that we are running out of space to live on earth. As many of you know, our test colonies on Little Giant and The Garden haven’t gone so well,” and as Frank said those words he momentarily paused as he looked around at the crowd.

  He then continued saying, “I sincerely apologize for that, and I can assure you that we, the leaders of our race will do everything we can to provide you with the best possible life. As you also know, our plan was to send most of you to live in those colonies, but due to setbacks and unforeseen obstacles that date has been delayed. In order to mitigate the impact on our current need for space and resources in Australia, we have a plan to overtake the Americas region of the earth to use as our own,” and with the official announcement of the plan to attack the humans, the crowd erupted in a wild chee
r as this was something that most betasapiens wanted for many years due to the fertile grounds of the Americas.

  Then, after a few seconds of waiting for the cheering to calm down, the governor continued, “However this will not come easy, and there will be a cost, but I guarantee you that the end result will be worth it.”

  The cost that the governor was referring to was the cost of war. A war that he and the other betasapien leaders have wanted for many years, and they now had a perfect reason to start this war; for this war would usher in a new era for the betasapiens and the end of an era as well as the existence of humans on earth.

  The governor continued, “Make no mistake about it my friends – and this decision was not easy for me as well as the rest of our leaders – but the only way that we can thrive on earth is to face the humans head on and destroy them. We have tried diplomacy and negotiating in good faith, but the archaic mindset of the humans has left us no choice. It is because of them that we are relegated to living inside the Invisible Dome in our home island of Australia; it is because of them that we created the knights of Russia, Africa, and China to protect us. If it were not for these defenses which we have put in place, they would do their best to destroy our kind. This type of behavior requires a proactive approach rather than a reactive one – and by aiming to take over the Americas which will undoubtedly lead to war and many deaths – we are doing what is required to enable us to thrive while waiting to emigrate to our colonies in space once those projects are completed,” Frank said, and he then paused one more time as he scanned the crowd.

  He then continued saying, “In ending, let me assure you that our number one priority is the safety of every one of you, and it is for that reason only that I announce the commencement of the Second Great War. A war which will begin in a few days and a war that I announce with a heavy heart, but one that is needed for our survival and the survival of our future generations. My friends, before I end my speech to you tonight, there is one more very important project that we, the betasapien leaders, are very proud to inform you of. At our base in China we have initiated a project that goes by the name of project Beginning, and I’ll tell you now, that most, if not all of us will never see it come to fruition. That isn’t because the project will fail, but it’s because those that will see the triumphs of this monumental project will be the future generations of betasapiens. Once we have completed the first phase which will hopefully be within the next ten months, I will have a further update, but for now that is all I have to say. May peace and good tidings be upon you all; have a good night.”

  As the speech ended the crowd applauded, some were in surprise and were happy to hear the news of the planned migration as well as the vague news of project Beginning, while others were unsure of what to make of the move to the Americas as well as what to make of the news of project Beginning.

  In truth, the planned migration was simply a solution to the issues facing the current generation of betasapiens, while project Mindcontrol was the solution for the foreseeable waves of future generations of betasapiens.

  However, project Beginning was the most ambitious project ever undertaken by the betasapiens and was a solution which would benefit the extremely distant and almost unthought–of future generations of betasapiens. It was the brainchild of a betasapien scientist by the name of Louis Grico, and was personally guaranteed by him to be the solution to a problem which had evaded both the humans and betasapiens for many, many, many years.

  His solution was one that was both simple and brilliant; Louis had created a self–charging and transformable knight whose energy could be recycled back into its battery as it did its day to day functions.

  Then, as each knight completed its duties it would return to a state of rest where its batteries and power would be used to charge the ship, and then another knight from the twenty knights that were on board the vessel would take its place, and they would continue that cycle until they had arrived at their destination.

  This methodology which was the idea of Louis would not only ensure the establishment and sustenance of the betasapien race in their new home planet, but was also a breakthrough of sorts as the new breed of knights, which were the key to guiding the vessel and ensuring it was on track, as well as also being used as a source of energy for the ship could also be used as recyclable fuel for the capsule that had two betasapiens on board, a male and a female; as well as a host of frozen embryos which not only included betasapien embryos but also that of animals such as dogs, cats, cows and horses to name a few, as well as a vault of frozen seeds which they hoped to cultivate into pills, vitamins, and food for their future generations.

  Once they arrived at the distant target, the knights would transform the vessel into a structure which would be a home for them as well as the two frozen betasapiens on board the vessel.

  Then, once they had setup their structure they would then begin the monumental task of unthawing everything on their vessel and beginning their lives on their new home planet called Tezna, which from all indications had an almost earth like atmosphere which included rivers, lakes, and oceans; but at the same time, it was many, many, many light years away in the distant and seemingly out of reach Andromeda galaxy.

  At first when Louis originally unveiled his plan to the board of the betasapien empire, it was looked at as a project that was doomed to fail due to its over–ambitious goals and objectives, but as time passed and Louis spent every waking hour working on his project which he hoped would leave an everlasting legacy for him, he finally made the breakthrough of the self–charging and transformable knight which was the key to the entire project.

  Then, as he created the first prototype and showed what the self–charging knight – which was blue in color – had the capability of doing, the board was so impressed that they gave Louis a large section of the mega–base in China as well as unlimited funds and a host of betasapien scientists and knights who were available to him for as long as he needed them.

  And now, as the monumental project was nearing the end of its first of many phases, and the prototype of the self–charging knight as well as the prototype of the vessel which would carry the payload to the far away planet were almost complete, the betasapiens were not only ready to annihilate the human race and fully overtake the entire earth, they were as well, ready to reestablish colonies on the planets of Little Giant and The Garden, and most of all, they were ready for the day to come where they would have their signature moment whereby they would carry on their race on the planet of Tezna in the Andromeda galaxy.

  Then, as Frank thought of the betasapien master plan, he was full of excitement and enthusiasm, but little did he know that as he and the board of the betasapiens made their plans, there were forces beyond anything that he could ever fathom that were also planning, and as destiny would have it, the master plan of the betasapiens was not something that they were about to let happen.


  As Frank’s speech came to an end, many in the crowd knew that the plan which the betasapien leaders had envisioned was well thought of, as over the past decades the Americas had become the one place where vegetation, some wild animals as well as day to day life was somewhat normal and livable due to the dynamic climate changes, earthquakes and the movement of earth’s tectonic plates, as well as the side effects of pollution and extreme weather patterns that affected most of the earth.

  If the betasapiens brought their superior technology and their way of life to that region, it would flourish given the assets and tools they had at their disposal. Over the decades as the continents shifted and contorted themselves, the Americas found itself in the best possible location on earth given the drastic changes that occurred.

  Other continents such as Eurasia and Africa as well as countries such as Russia didn’t have Mother Nature on their side and ended up having uninhabitable and harsh environments as well as ever changing and fluctuating weather patterns which made it hard for humans and betasapiens to create livable
societies in those regions.

  The knights on the other hand, were created by the betasapiens to live under such harsh conditions; their armor, body structure, as well as mindset, made them perfect candidates for life in the mega–bases of Russia, Africa, and China.

  After the speech, Frank went back into the crowd with Bridget who was standing with Achilles. Achilles then nodded to Frank in a gesture of assurance and Frank nodded back. Frank and Bridget then mingled with others in the crowd and answered questions regarding his speech as well as some specifics about the plan and the nature of the attack.

  Frank was very upfront with the plans but was very secretive about his true motives. Since he was a young boy, Frank had an inner hatred for humans, a hatred which he never relinquished and one that he secretly and deceptively promoted and urged others to have. He viewed the human race as an obstacle that was getting in the way of the betasapiens who he believed were superior in every possible way.

  For although it was the humans that created the betasapiens, over the years the story of their beginning was altered and most believed that the betasapiens were the evolution of the humans and not the creation of the humans.

  As time passed and the betasapiens took control of the majority of the earth they did their best to destroy the evidence of how they came into existence, and for the most part they did destroy it. But there was a small number of those among the betasapiens and the humans who knew of and believed in the truth which was that the betasapiens were created by the ones they wished to destroy and annihilate.

  As the night ended, Frank and Bridget went back to their apartment, and both of them were anxious to get back but for different reasons. Frank wanted to get back to give Bridget an ultimatum and Bridget wanted to get back to ensure the safety of her mother. As they approached the apartment, both Frank and Bridget found it strange that there were no knights posted at the door. Achilles, feeling uncomfortable about the situation ordered them to stop, and he walked forward and opened the door to the apartment.


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