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Forever Fredless

Page 15

by Suzy Turner

  Interrupted by the sound of my mobile, yet again, I shook my head and sighed. Several missed calls from Julianne.

  Just as I was about to drop it back into my handbag, it rang again, making me jump.

  'Oh, for goodness’ sake, just answer it,' said a voice in my head.

  Without thinking, I answered the phone.

  'Finally! I've been worried sick about you. Why did you disappear like that? We needed to talk. Now, I know I put you through a bizarre experience this morning and I feel terrible about it. I am truly sorry, Kate. You're my friend and I took complete advantage of you. Will you please forgive me?'

  Her pout was audible over the phone. I chuckled.

  'Are you laughing?'

  The chuckle erupted and soon I was lying on the bed, giggling my head off.

  'Kate, Kate? Are you there? Are you alright? You sound rather... crazed.'

  'I'm...I'm...fine. Julianne, I'm fine. I'll be fine. Honestly.'

  'Erm, really?'

  I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

  'Perhaps you ought to be with someone at the moment,' she suggested gingerly. 'Isn't Jo with you?'

  I shook my head. 'It's her big date tonight, so she's off getting ready for that. I'm fine, honestly.'

  'I'm not buying it, Kate. Something's wrong. Now, I can come over if you like, but...'

  'Julianne, like I said. I'm okay. Besides, I have plans later. I'm going out with a friend. Don't worry about me.'

  'Will I see you tomorrow?'

  'I'm not sure. Can I call you in the morning?'

  'Of course! I'll talk to you then. Are you sure you're alright?'

  'I promise you, I'm fine.'

  'Okay then. Speak to you tomorrow. Have a great evening, Kate.'

  'You too.'

  I threw the phone on the bed just as I got a text message from her:

  '4got 2 mention, Luigi wants a date with u xx'


  'And then she told me he wants a date with me,' I placed my empty glass of white wine on the table as Tiffany filled it right back up again.

  'Wow, he sounds absolutely gorge, Kate. Are you gonna go?'

  'I really don't know.'

  'What?! Are you insane? This could be THE guy. Fred. The one you've been dreaming about your entire life. Why the hell wouldn't you want to go on a date with him... and eventually have his babies,' she added with a giggle.

  Shrugging, I leaned back into the booth.

  'Because he didn't remember it. In my mind, the real Fred felt the same way as me. There should be fireworks, you know? Yes, there were some sparklers there, but fireworks? No.'

  Tiffany put her glass down and stared at me before shaking her head.

  'Girl, you're absolutely mad. Nobody ever shares the same experience. Ever. One person's ultimate dream is another person's nightmare...'

  'Are you saying Fred meeting me was his nightmare?'

  'I didn't mean that at all,' she laughed. 'You know what I mean, don't you?'

  Reluctantly I nodded, as the waiter arrived with our pizzas. He blushed and placed them down in front of us before slowly backing away from the table.

  'Oh, okay, that was weird.'

  'Not really. You'll get used to it, eventually.'

  'To what?' I asked.

  'Being a celebrity, being stalked, being paparazzied, being plastered all over the papers,' she smiled sadly.

  'I can't imagine ever getting used to it. I don't know how you manage.'

  'Well, for starters, that's why I live in the closed condominium with security. That place is a Godsend. I do love living there. I'm so glad we met, Kate. Most of my so-called friends are high profile celebs, who only care about how they are seen in the press. It does my head in, at times. You're so refreshing.'

  'Aww thanks. I must admit, I'm very surprised with you, to be honest.'

  'You are? Why?' asked Tiffany as she took a huge bite of pizza.

  I pointed at her plate and laughed. 'For starters, you're a famous actress with a stunning figure and you eat pizza!'

  Almost choking, she just managed to swallow the mouthful before giggling, 'I couldn't live without pizza. My secret? It's gluten free and I only have the smallest amount of goat's cheese on top. No dairy,' she winked.

  'Really? Cool,' I said, feeling guilty as I tucked into my three cheese pizza with extra salami, mushrooms and ham. Looking down at my slightly heavier frame, I made a mental note to bin all the dairy in my fridge later.

  'You'll get the hang of it. Besides, you're not on TV all the time, so you haven't really got to worry too much about it. You look great. Just ignore me. I'm paranoid,' she said as she pushed her plate away, leaving a quarter of it untouched.

  'You not going to eat that?'

  Tiffany smiled. 'Take-away,' she winked. 'It'll make a nice supper. So, what are you going to do about Fred, then?'

  My shoulders shrugged, almost on their own.

  'Oh c'mon, Kate. You've got to at least go on one date with him. What if he is the one?'

  Staring at the intricately painted ceiling, I nodded.

  'What are you so afraid of?'

  'That he won't be perfect, I guess.'

  Tiffany almost choked into her wine.

  'Honey, nobody is perfect. Especially a man.'

  'Yeah, I guess not.'

  'I know not,' she smiled.

  'You've been hurt before, I can see that.'

  'You and everybody else that reads the gossip columns.'

  'Oh, sorry.'

  'No problem. That's just another of the many wonderful advantages of being in the public eye. Everyone knows practically everything about me. And that includes all my previous relationships.'

  'I read about Gerard. I thought you two were perfect together.'

  'Yeah, I did too. He's an amazing guy, just not made for long term love. We're still buddies, though. I'll always love him,' Tiffany sighed as she poured the last of the wine into our glasses.

  'Oh, that's tough.'

  'Oh, not that kind of love. Not any more. I've moved on.'

  'Are you seeing anyone at the moment?'

  She looked at me oddly.

  'I take it you haven't read the papers the last few days?'

  I shook my head. 'I'm avoiding them.'

  'Ditto, the problem is my agent rings or texts me with all the latest gossip,' she laughed. 'Agents, gotta love em.'

  'So what is the latest gossip, if you don't mind me asking?'

  'That I'm responsible for a marriage break-up.'

  'Oh dear. What happened? And who?'

  Tiffany shrugged her shoulders and slouched back in the seat. 'Well firstly, I didn't break up the marriage. They actually split up a year ago but they cleverly did it on the sly so the public didn't know. The paparazzi got a great picture of us in quite a passionate embrace on the beach in the Maldives recently. Now, I'm labelled a home wrecker.'

  When tears started to fill her eyes, I put down my wine and placed my hand on hers. 'I'm so sorry, Tiffany. Isn't there anything you can do?'

  'Hugh is planning on making a statement to the press tomorrow morning, so hopefully things will die down after that.'

  'Hugh... Blarney?' I scoffed as she closed her eyes and nodded.

  'Wow, Tiffany.'

  'Yeah, I know.'

  'Do you love him? Oh, sorry, you don't have to answer that,' I cringed, realising perhaps I'd had a little too much wine.

  But Tiffany shook her head. 'Nope. We were just having a bit of fun, that's all. He's a nice guy but I realised in the Maldives that we're not meant to be together.'

  'So you've already split up.'

  She nodded and took a sip of her wine.

  'You know what I'd love?'

  I shook my head.

  'To find someone to settle down with, maybe have a couple of kids. That's the dream.'


  'You sound surprised.'

  'Well, it just doesn't match your public persona,' I said, realising
how awful that sounded as it came out of my mouth.

  Tiffany laughed, loudly. 'I know, right? Just goes to show how wrong the press really can be.'

  'But don't you want the public to know the real you?'

  'Why? Everybody has already made their minds up about me. Honestly, I don't really care what the world thinks any more'

  'You can't really mean that?'

  She sighed and put her empty glass on the table as the waiter gingerly approached.

  'May I clear the table?'

  'Yes please, Giorgio. I'll take the rest of the pizza to go please.'

  He nodded shyly and disappeared with the plates balancing on his forearm.

  'Maybe I don't mean it, but what can I do about it? Not much.'

  'You could give an interview on morning TV,' I suggested.

  'What, like you did? I bet it didn't do you any favours?'

  'My situation is just a little bit different to yours, Tiffany,' I smiled.

  'Yeah, I know. Maybe I will. You're good to talk to, you know that?'

  'I am?'

  She nodded.

  'You're good to talk to, too.'

  'You're a sweetie, Kate. I'm so pleased we've met. I'll tell you what, I'll do an interview if you go on a date with Luigi. Deal?'

  I shook my head and chuckled. 'Okay, deal,' I replied as we shook hands.


  A week later and my house was filled with my girlfriends, buzzing around helping me get dressed, doing my hair and make-up. Anybody would have thought it was my wedding day, certainly not just a simple date.

  Okay, so perhaps it wasn't just a simple date. It was possibly THE date of my entire life. If Luigi was the real Fred, then... then... what? I cringed for about the 100,000th time that day and took a deep breath. What was I doing? Why had I let it get this far? Why couldn't I just have forgotten about him when I was a kid? Like he had forgotten about me?

  'Breathe, Kate, just breathe,' said Zara calmly as she brushed my hair.

  'I'm trying.'

  Jo handed me a cup of sweet tea to calm my nerves and then sat down beside me, just as the phone rang. Leaning forward onto my dressing table, she picked up my mobile and handed it to me.

  'It's Liz,' she smiled.

  'Liz,' I squealed. 'How's the Azores?'

  'Amazing!' she squealed back. 'But I'm not calling to talk about the islands, I'm calling to wish you luck, hon.'

  She was such a sweetheart.

  'So, what are you wearing?'

  I rolled my eyes. 'She wants to know what I'm wearing,' I whispered to the girls.

  'She can't make up her mind,' shouted Zara as she accidentally pulled my hair a little too hard.



  'So what are the choices?' Liz asked.

  'Well, we've got several outfits lying on the bed. Two are slightly more casual and two are much more dressy.'

  'How casual?'

  'Black trousers and a green blouse, and a long floaty skirt and a tank top.'

  I could almost hear her cringe over the phone. 'Lose the trousers. With your legs, you should be showing them off, which means you should lose the skirt too.'

  'Oh, okay then,' I muttered.

  'So what are the more dressy options? And do you know where you're going?'

  I shook my head absent-mindedly, forgetting for a moment that she couldn't see me.


  'Erm, no. Luigi is picking me up at seven. He said it's a surprise.'

  'Don't you think that's a bit dangerous? You don't know the guy, he could be some sex starved maniac.'

  'I'm not worried about that, Liz. It's been ages since I had any,' I laughed along with the girls who were all ear-wigging.

  'I'm serious, Kate. Can you at least get Tony and Zara to follow you to make sure he's taking you to a restaurant and not some dark alley to murder you?'

  'Oh, Liz, you do make me laugh.'

  'Right, put Zara on the phone,' she said, deadly serious. 'Please put Zara on the phone. Now, Kate.'

  Pulling a face, I handed the phone to my Portuguese friend.

  'Hey, Liz.'

  She stood listening for a few minutes, occasionally nodding her head without saying a word. Eventually, she said, 'Okay, I will. Promise. Take care, Liz. Love to the hunky fireman,' grinning, she handed it back.

  'Okay, now tell me about the dressier options.'

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the girls as Zara disappeared for a few moments. I could hear her on the phone; she was clearly talking to Tony.


  Standing in the bedroom, in front of the full length mirror, I must admit I felt like a million dollars. Or should I say, I felt like a hundred and forty seven million pounds.

  The deep blue belted pencil dress hugged me in all the right places and even the top part, with its lace midi sleeves and pretty little bow in the middle, made my boobs look decidedly bigger than they actually were. I smiled at my reflection as the girls stood waiting patiently for my reaction.

  'Well?' asked Anna, who had turned up a little late to the party.

  'It's great,' I whispered, twirling.

  'I've no idea what you did to my hair, Zara, but it's perfect,' I said as I inspected the curls that she had somehow managed to pin up and let loose at the same time.

  'Liz was right to choose this dress,' Jo said with a grin. 'That girl is always spot on where clothes are concerned.'

  I nodded and turned to face them all.

  'Thank you for doing this for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.'

  'You know we're always here for you, sweetie,' Jo stood up and gave me a gentle hug. The others followed suit and before I knew it, I was ready to go. The doorbell rang and my cheeks flushed a deep pink.

  'Are you ready?' Jo asked at the door.

  Taking a very deep breath, I nodded and waited for them all to disappear before I opened it.

  I bit on my bottom lip as Luigi stood admiring me before handing me a single yellow rose.

  'This is for you, Kate,' he whispered and kissed me on the cheek. It tingled. I blushed.

  But I couldn't help but think it wasn't a daffodil.

  'Shall we?' he asked, holding out his arm like a proper gentleman.

  Nodding, I took it and we walked slowly to his car. I couldn't help but notice that he couldn't take his eyes off me. I squealed inside.

  Just as we arrived at a brand new Mercedes CLS, he turned and said, 'I've never seen anyone so beautiful in all my life, Kate.'

  Then he opened the door and waited as I climbed in, the butterflies in my stomach making it difficult for me to breathe.

  As we slowly drove towards the gate, waiting for it to open, I noticed Zara and Tony hop into her Audi. She winked at me as we passed and I tried not to laugh at Liz's paranoia. They were seriously going to follow me to make sure I was okay. I guess it was sweet, really.

  'So where are you taking me, Luigi?' I asked as I admired the Mercedes and its new car smell.

  'To a romantic little Italian place I read about recently. I'm afraid I've never been, living up north, but the article impressed me.'

  I nodded. 'Are you certain you'll be able to find it?'

  Luigi gave me a cheeky grin. 'I spent most of the afternoon driving the route, several times, to make sure I wouldn't get lost!'

  Chuckling, I relaxed back into the seat and breathed deeply as we drove through the city, occasionally spotting the little Audi TT in the rear-view mirror.

  'So, tell me a little more about yourself, Luigi. Unfortunately we didn't get the chance to talk at the photo shoot.'

  I saw him cringe and I smiled. 'Was it as awful for you as it was for me?'

  'I admit it was a little awkward and quite embarrassing. But it was worth it... to meet you.'

  'I agree,' I smiled.

  We eventually turned into a public car park and found a spot to leave the car.

  'I'm afraid the restaurant doesn’t have its own
private car park, so we'll have to leave the car here.'

  'That's okay, isn't it? This is London, after all. There aren't many private car parks around here.'

  Smiling, Luigi got out of the car and went to open my door. As I climbed out, I spotted a car hire sticker on the inside.

  'And there I was thinking you had a brand new car,' I said, absent-mindedly.

  'It is a new car,' he answered. 'Shall we go?' he asked before I could ask more about it.

  Perhaps it was hired for the evening. Yes, that was probably it. He was trying to impress me. I smiled.


  Conversation had flowed, and so had the wine - albeit Luigi was a little more careful on account of him having to drive us home. He was a perfect gentleman, standing when I needed to head to the ladies room, laughing at all my jokes, keeping my water - and wine - glass topped up. He was incredibly attractive and had strong hands (I loved men with strong hands). The evening was a success, but there was something that bugged me - just a little bit. Never once did he mention Skegness.

  I know he said he couldn't remember meeting me as a child, but he did go to the caravan park on numerous occasions. I expected him to at least talk about it, considering how important it was to me. But I didn't want to be the one who brought it up, I didn't want to appear too obsessed.

  When I headed to the ladies room for the second time, I took my handbag with me and called Zara from the cubicle.

  'Are you alright?' she breathed down the line.

  'Yes, yes I'm fine. Thank you for following me,' I smiled. 'What happened to you after we parked?'

  Zara chuckled. 'Because we followed you into the car park, we figured we might as well stick around, so we followed you into the restaurant - just to make sure he was really taking you out to eat dinner - and then we headed down the road for a curry. We're still there now, so if you need a speedy exit, we can come and get you.'

  I shook my head. 'No need. He's a perfect gentleman. I'll be fine. You guys can head home when you've finished your meal. But thanks again, for everything. You're absolute angels.'

  'If you're sure?'


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