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Alphas Unbounded

Page 3

by Terra Wolf

  “What’s going on?” Lucy asked groggily waking up from her short power nap.

  “We have a problem.” I pointed to the girl standing in the rain who was now approaching the truck. I could see her walking into the headlights.

  “Oh crap. She’s going to need help, we should call 911 or something.”

  “You know we don’t have service here either. We’re going to have to go back to the manor.”

  Lucy narrowed her eyes at me, “You know we can’t take her there. The rules say that no humans can come in our ground. Alastair would have fit.”

  “Alastair is already going to be pissed off at me, what’s one more thing?” I smiled at her devilishly. She shook her head but as I put my window down, I thought I saw her smile just a little bit. She liked trouble just as much as I did.

  I turned to my left and saw the girl, soaked to the bone their teeth chattering, her lips starting to turn blue. She had been out here longer than anticipated.

  “Hi, I got into a bit of an accident. You have a phone I can borrow?”

  I looked into her eyes completely dumbfounded. I never had been one to not have the words to use with a woman, but there was something about her that left me speechless. Maybe it was her dark green eyes, or that sad look on her face, but something about her was different. Suddenly I felt this fierce need to protect her, to bring her back to the manor and keep her safe. My bear roared in agreement. He felt that she had to be ours.

  I didn’t say anything back to her, I hadn’t even realized that I hadn’t spoken yet when Lucy piped up. “We’ll do you one better, get in. We live really close to here and that’s probably the best place you are going to find phone service. Besides the storm is pretty killer, and nobody really comes out here. So you’re not going to find anybody else to help you. And I promise that we’re not serial killers.”

  She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. Obviously the lasting effects of the car accident had really shaken her up. I got out of the car and took off my own jacket off, putting it around her shoulders. I pulled the back the seat forward so she could get in the back. She looked apprehensive at first, but soon she smiled at me and got in. “Thank you.”

  “Of course. I’m Noah,” I said.

  “Piper,” she responded.

  I was soaked by the time I got back in the car, and it had only taken thirty seconds, so I could only imagine how cold she was. I needed to get her warm, and comfortable, back at the manor. Fuck the rules.



  I sat in the back of the old pickup truck trying to determine if the two people in front of me were brother and sister or a couple. I was praying they were siblings. Because the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew. He was the one. The one my grandmother had told me about a hundred times. Beautiful dark eyes, with almost chocolatey brown hair. He ran his fingers through it three times already. And without even knowing him, I wanted to love him. I watched his eyes dart to mine in the rearview mirror.

  Was he the one my grandmother had told me about? But it was impossible.

  “I’m Piper, by the way,” I said mostly to the girl. “I’m a student at MU. I was on my way to my dad’s house when the power line was struck and fell in front of me. Thanks again for helping me out. I’m sure he can come and get me; I’ll only be there a couple hours. If that’s too long, I can just go with the cops when they come. Whatever you guys want.”

  The girl on the right waved me off, “Don’t worry about it. It’s really not a big deal. I’m Lucy by the way and this is my brother Noah. When we get to the house you can either call the cops and give them a statement and go with them or you can wait for your dad. Whatever you’re more comfortable with. Really, it’s not a big deal.”

  I nodded pulling the loose jacket tighter around me. It had been so cold outside, but I didn’t want to sit in my car for fear that it may catch fire or something with the downed electrical wire. But I’d been out in the rain for at least a half an hour before they found me. Sitting in the warm truck, I was starting to feel my fingers again. “Well thank you, it’s really nice of you to do this.”

  Noah simply nodded from the front seat. I sat in the middle of the bucket seat right in front of the heater trying to warm myself up, but I felt chilled all the way to my bones. I hated New England storms. They came up out of nowhere, and had a fierce chill that surrounded them and stuck to you like glue.

  Just a few minutes later we arrived at a gate and Noah rolled down the window saying some type code word into a box before they automatically opened and we entered. It was a beautifully wooded property, and we followed a long winding drive up the hill. Finally we arrived at a roundabout where a huge stone building sat. It felt like I was looking at a castle. It had a large archway with a wooden door beneath it and large glass windows on either side. I couldn’t really make out much of the building in the darkness, but I could see that it was vast. My father’s place could fit inside this building at least three times. I couldn’t believe it.

  “You live here?”

  Lucy turned and looked back at me and smiled; it was warm and comforting. “Yep, with a few other people. Which we probably should have told you about. But they’re alright; they’re pretty much like my brothers. And I promise they won’t bother you. Well, they might, but hopefully not that much.” She seemed unsure. “Oh, and then there’s Alastair. He’s kind of like our dad, but not. But don’t worry because he’s super nice.”

  I was totally confused. “Are you guys in some type of cult or something?”

  I wasn’t really prepared for some tambourine pounding or sacrificing a goat in some type of ritual, this evening. Regardless of how nice these people were. Suddenly I was regretting getting in the truck altogether. I should have walked back to town. What if these people were totally crazy?

  “No! We’re kind of like foster kids. We’ve all aged out of the system and didn’t really have anywhere to go. And some of us are related. It’s kind of difficult to explain.” She admitted. “But I promise you, we are not in a cult. Right, Noah?”

  “Right. No cults here. Though if you wanted to create one, we could.” His eyes trailed up and down my body sending tingles up and down my body. His hungry eyes met mine in the rearview mirror. My breath caught in my chest. Jesus, he was hot. Suddenly I wasn’t cold at all, quite the opposite, I felt like I was on fire.

  It was still pouring down rain as we got out of the vehicle and entered the house. The grand entryway stood in front of me with a spiral staircase at the other end of the hall. There was no furniture in the entryway, except for a coat rack which immediately Lucy used. I took off Noah’s coat and hung it on the rack as well and then did the same with my own which was underneath.

  “Okay, so the phone is in the den. We’ll hit there first and then you can come up to my room and borrow some clothes. You’ve got to be freezing.” Lucy smiled at me warmly and I nodded.

  “That would be great, thanks. I can’t believe you guys are doing this, you don’t even know me.”

  “But I feel like I do.” Noah mumbled under his breath. I looked at him for confirmation that he had just spoken, but instead he turned on his heel and walked out of the room in the opposite direction.

  “Can I ask something?” I said pointedly at Lucy.


  “What the hell is up with him?” He was so hot and cold, I couldn’t figure him out.

  She rolled her eyes, “He got in a fight at the bar. And I think it hurt his ego a little bit. Don’t worry about him. Now, let’s go call the cops, and your dad.”

  I followed Lucy into the living room but not before looking over my shoulder one more time trying to get another glimpse of Noah. All that I saw was his back as he ascended the stairs, until, just for a second he looked in my direction. Our eyes locked in that moment. And I knew, I had to be his.



  I climbed the stairs making my way into Alastair’s study. He was sitting behind his grand
desk in an old leather chair in front of a roaring fire. Usually I found him upstairs reading, but today he was just observing the flames.

  “Bad storm?” He asked without even turning to look at me.

  “Something like that. We’ve got a problem.”

  He swiveled the chair so that he was facing me. Leisurely he sat back, almost like he knew what was coming but didn’t care. “Besides the fact that you brought a girl home?”

  I cocked my head at him, “How did you know that?”

  He tapped on his nose lightly. “I could smell her from a mile away. She certainly doesn’t smell like a bear.”

  “We’ve got other problems. Use that nose again, do I smell a little bit differently to you?”

  He lifted his head as if to take a whiff before making a disgruntled face. “Wolf? What the hell is a wolf doing around here?”

  I sat down on the couch across from his desk. “That’s what I would like to know. And what he was talking about Alastair, you wouldn't even believe it!”

  “Try me.”

  “He asked if we had some sort of psychic with us. And if we were hiding her from the rest of the shifters.”

  “And what did you tell him?”

  “The truth. That there hasn’t been a psychic attached to a clan in decades. And that I had no idea what he was talking about. And then I told him to never come back. Lucy stepped in before I could really handle it.”

  “Lucy?” Amusement played on his dark features.

  I sighed heavily, “Yes, Lucy. She was drunk so I put her in the truck, but she must’ve heard the fighting back at the bar. I didn’t severely hurt the guy if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  “You should have brought him back for questioning.”

  “There wasn’t time. The bar was packed full of humans. I just reminded him whose territory this was.”

  “You know that we’re one of the only clans that have more than three members. There’s always going to be other shifters trying to take our territory. But a wolf? And asking about a psychic? That just makes no sense. It’s almost like he’s talking about the…”

  I leaned forward, “The what?”

  He shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. “It’s nothing. A fairytale from wolf and bear lore. Nothing real. But it talks of a set of fated mates, a seer and bear and how they could rule the whole shifter world, including the wolves. But it’s never been like that. And many psychics in the old days mated with bears. We’re of the same blood. But there’s none left. Haven’t been in years, just like you said.”

  “So why all of a sudden is this wolf coming to us looking for her? Like she does exist?”

  Alastair squinted shaking his head. “The girl you brought back with you. Is she okay?”

  Well, that was an abrupt change of subject. I nodded, “Yes, she’ll be fine. Lucy is taking her to get a change of clothes and to call the cops and her dad. She’ll be out of here within the hour. You don’t even have to meet her if you don’t want to.”

  Suddenly he stood from his desk, towering over it, shadows playing on the wood from the fire. “I want to meet her.”

  “You want to meet the human?” That didn’t make any sense. Alastair was mostly a recluse; he hated dealing with humans and hardly ever left the manor grounds. Occasionally, we would take a trip up to Canada but that wasn’t in our human form. He even had groceries delivered here, and a laundry service. He didn’t want to go out into the world so why suddenly did he want to meet this girl?

  “I think she’s special.”

  “Special? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Tell me.”

  I cocked my head at him. “Tell you what? About how I found a girl in the side of the road after she got in a car accident? There’s really not that much story to it.”

  He walked around the desk slowly dragging his fingers along the wood. “Tell me how you felt when you met her.”

  My bear started to pace. He rattled against the exterior of my body wanting to break free. It was the same way I felt the moment I laid eyes on her. “My bear wants her. But it’s not a big deal. She’ll leave and I’ll never see her again.”

  “How badly does he want her?”

  “Are you serious right now?”

  “Close your eyes and focus.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. My bear practically ripped through my skin. He never wanted to be released this badly, unless I was in a fight. The adrenaline rushed through my body. But I felt the warmth running through my veins that had never felt before. This time it wasn’t an anxiousness, he just wanted to be close to her. But why? Sure she was beautiful, but I didn’t know anything about her. “Too fuckin much. He wants to be close to her. I think he feels the need to protect her.”

  “Do you feel that way?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. I just met her.”

  “Then let’s further this introduction.” He said in a curt tone as he turned and walked out of the study door. What the hell was going on tonight?



  We called the police and they had suggested that we stay put for a couple more hours. Someone else had reported the crash and there was already fire department and police on the scene, but they considered it dangerous because of the live wires. They said that until the storm passed we should just stay put and that they would call me when they had more information about my car. They even took my insurance information over the phone. I called my dad but he didn’t answer; he was probably grabbing dinner or take-out or something. I would try again in an hour or so, or maybe when the cops called me back. But, for now, I was stuck.

  I was alone in Lucy’s room changing when I heard the door open. Noah stood with a lazy smile playing on his lips.

  I attempted to cover myself with the sweatshirt she had given me. “Don’t look.”

  “Why not?” He questioned.

  “Because…” But I didn’t have a reason. Secretly I wanted him to look. I wanted him.

  I stood in my panties and bra waiting for him to say something, to do something.

  “Alastair wants to meet you.”

  “Interesting, let me just...”

  The moment I heard the door close I felt him press up behind me. Noah pushed my hair to the side and I could feel his hot breath against my neck. He pressed his lips against my skin and I felt my whole body melt beneath his touch. Jesus, this wasn’t me. I wasn’t the girl who slept with a guy after just meeting him. Was I?

  I quickly turned to face him and his crashed his lips into mine. My hands tangled up in his hair as I pressed my body up against his large frame. Our kiss deepened and I heard a low growl escape his lips.

  Noah wrapped his strong arms around me and ran his hands down to my ass. He picked me up with ease wrapping my legs around his hips and pushed me up against a nearby wall. Even through his jeans, I could feel how rock hard he was. He pushed his hips into mine as he lightly bit my bottom lip.

  His lips broke contact with mine and he started to kiss down my neck. I closed my eyes as I rubbed my hips back and forth wanting nothing more than him to be inside me right then. I let out a small moan and he growled as he grabbed my ass again and moved me on to the counter of a dresser.

  He gently laid me on the bed and then grabbed my legs and pulled me towards his hips. I felt his hand brush against my underwear. I arched my back in response and he let out a chuckle.

  “I didn’t expect this to be so easy,” he said.

  I let out a moan as I felt his hand again and I started to move my hips in response.

  “You are so wet, Piper.”

  He pushed aside my thong and ran his two fingers along my slit. I arched my back again when I felt his fingers enter me and hooked forward hitting my g-spot. My body start to shake as he used his thumb to rub my clit as he continued to move his fingers inside me.

  I wrapped my legs tighter around his and grabbed onto the edges of the bed for support. I let out a small moan
as I felt my shaking getting stronger. Noah was pushing me so close to the edge with just his fingers and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

  I saw him smirk as he leaned down a lightly licking my clit. A shockwave coursed through my body and I gripped onto the sheets harder. He flicked his tongue and moved his fingers faster inside me as he took me to my breaking point. I let out a load moan as I crashed over the edge into ecstasy.

  When I had finished he stepped back and removed his pants and boxers. He took his cock and rubbed the tip of it on my clit as I let out another moan. He ran himself up and down my slit slowly teasing me and causing me to shudder. When he started to rub my clit again my body couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Quit teasing me!” I moaned

  “But I enjoy watching you squirm,” Noah smirked.

  I let out a frustrated sigh and decided to take matters into my own hands. I wrapped my hands tightly around his hips and I pulled him into me. Noah let out a low growl as he entered.

  He pumped his hips hard as he pulled down the straps of my bra exposing my breasts. He grabbed my nipples as he moved and slightly tugged on them causing breathy moans to escape my lips.

  He pushed up inside me and pulled my legs out of the death grip on his hips. He pushed my legs up over his shoulders and pulled my ass up as he continued to thrust inside me.

  I felt my body start to shake again as he moved my left leg down around his hips. He took my right hand and sucked on my first two fingers and placed them on my clit as he leaned his torso up. I let out a moan as I started to rub my clit as he thrusted his hips faster.

  I felt my body being pushed to the breaking point again and I looked up into his eyes.

  “I want to come with you,” I said.

  He moaned in response and started to push himself deeper inside me. I felt his hands tighten around my hips as I started to climax. He let out a loud groan and I felt him release inside me which only made my body shake harder.


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