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Alphas Unbounded

Page 4

by Terra Wolf

  He collapsed on top of me and rested his head on my chest.

  My skin tingled and I saw it, a vision of the two of us lying in front of a fireplace, me wrapped in his arms. But just as fast as it came on, it disappeared.

  Noah removed himself and got dressed.

  “What are you doing?”

  He was still breathing heavily, “I told you Alastair wants to meet you.”

  “Oh, so this?” I questioned, pointing to the two of us.

  “Was fun. “ He winked. “But we can’t tell the others, we have a pretty strict no sex rule around here.”

  He walked out closing the door behind him. Oh my dear God, I just had sex with a total stranger.

  And I loved every second of it.



  I stood in Lucy’s room in a pair of her sweatpants and a hoodie admiring myself in her full-length mirror. Her pants were more like capris on me, but I was dry and warm, and thankful. Mostly I was annoyed at myself that I left my suitcase in the car. I had tons of dirty laundry to do when I got my dad’s house. Any of that would have been better than her clothes, but at least I was safe.

  She flopped down on her twin bed and flipped on the television. The picture was terrible.

  “The storm must be really bad. It hasn’t been static like this week. You want a tour of the house?”

  I nodded, “Sure.”

  “Okay, we’ll start in the kitchen. One of the guys made some cookies earlier; they’re awesome. We’ll eat those what we wait for the phone call.”

  “One of the guys?”

  “Oh yeah, I don’t cook. I’m actually banned from the kitchen around here unless I’m eating. I kind of burned grilled cheese once, and it set off the smoke alarm and the fire department had to come because I was home by myself. And then when Alastair and the guys got back, he wasn’t very happy.”

  I nodded, “So he’s like your dad or something? Noah said he wanted to meet me.”

  She shrugged, “More like our guardian. Or mentor. Like I said before; we were all foster kids. He adopted us as we were aging out of the system. They call it a transition stage. Or something. So he takes care of us. Shows us the ropes into adulthood, I guess. I’m the youngest. Noah has been here the longest, since he was like fourteen or something. And then Luke is his cousin, but he’s only been here a couple years. He’s the oldest. I don’t know if he’s around tonight. He has a new girlfriend, or at least that’s what Noah told me.”

  “What about Noah? Does he have a girlfriend?” I sure as hell hoped not after our little encounter.

  “Noah?” She chuckled mostly to herself. “Noah never brings girls around. He’s kind of that dark and solemn type. A total loner. I mean I love him; he’s like my big brother, but he’s not really the girlfriend type.”

  I nodded. Not the girlfriend type. Even though he was ridiculously gorgeous and had that dark and brooding thing down to a science, but he wasn’t looking for someone. I wasn’t surprised.

  “So cookies?”

  I nodded, “Cookies. Lead the way.”

  We made our way through the house and back down the stairs towards the kitchen. It was the only place that looked modern in the whole house. White cabinets and black granite countertops. It looked like it had just been re-done in the past couple years. I wondered if that was because the guys liked to cook. “This place is beautiful. Have you guys always lived here?”

  She pulled a tin down out of the cabinet and opened it up for us, freshly baked cookie smell wafted through the air. “I haven’t lived here long, but the places has been in Alastair’s family for over a hundred years. Do you know where you are?”

  I shrugged putting a cookie my mouth. “Not really.”

  “You’re in Hunter’s Woods. It’s a tiny little town. Alastair is the Alastair Hunter, recluse billionaire.”

  I practically choked on my cookie. I’d heard about Alastair Hunter, and I should’ve realized it earlier. He had been in a magazine a couple years ago that I’d seen at school; an article giving a glimpse into his very quiet and private life. I didn’t remember the details, but he had been some type of entrepreneur and had family money. He was what they considered a double millionaire, but he had spent hardly any of it. And the only money he spent on anything was charities. He was supposed to be a philanthropist now that he had sold his business. But I didn’t remember him living in such a lavish home, even though it seemed like one of the only modern conveniences was in the kitchen. Everything else on our walk down had stayed the same since it had been built. But just the upkeep on a place like this would cost thousands of dollars a year.

  “So how did you end up here?” Lucy was just about to answer my question when Noah walked into the kitchen looking surprised to see me. “Here you are. I was looking for you.”

  Lucy looked back and forth between us standing on either side of the island with the cookie tin between us.

  “I’m glad you’re here, I need to go to the ladies room and freshen up. Babysit Piper for me will you? We wouldn’t want her to get lost.”

  She tapped him on the shoulder and bounced away. Her bubbly personality was both childish and hilarious at the same time. I could tell the Noah didn’t want to stay in the room with me, but I wasn’t sure why.

  “Cookie?” I offered him.

  He took it from my hands. “Luke must’ve made these earlier. Good cook. Better than me.”

  “Yeah, Lucy mentioned that one of you must’ve made them.”

  He smiled, “Well, she certainly didn’t make them. She’s a terrible cook.”

  “She mentioned that.”

  “So you like sweet treats,” he murmured eating the cookie like it was the best thing he’d ever had. “Because you taste sweet.”

  I took a deep breath. I was getting wet just looking at him.

  I reached in the tin for another cookie, and not paying attention, Noah did the same. Our hands brushed against each other and I felt a rush of warmth run through my body. We both pulled our hands back quickly as if we had been bitten by poisonous snake at the same time, dropping our cookies on the counter.

  “What the hell was that?” I questioned.

  “You felt that?”

  “Yeah. I did. And obviously you did too.”

  A tall man stood in the doorway walking in just as we were staring each other in silence trying to figure out what had just happened. My grandmother had never said anything about what would happen when I finally did find the one. But as much as I believed in my psychic powers, I didn’t believe in magic or any other ridiculous ideas of finding your one true love. I knew what he looked like, and he looked like Noah. But that’s all the information I had to go on. So why did it feel as if my skin was on fire? Like my heart was beating so fast it was going to pop out of my chest at any moment? It just didn’t make sense.

  “You look just like her.” The towering gentleman said from the doorway.

  “I’m sorry?”

  He walked into the kitchen. Noah had his hands out in front of him taking deep breaths looking like he might be sick. But the other man was totally calm. “I’m Alastair Hunter, welcome to my home. Now let’s talk about Joy.”

  “Joy? My grandmother?”

  He nodded slowly. “The resemblance is uncanny.”

  “You knew her?”

  He placed his arms across his broad chest. He was wearing a button-up shirt and slacks. He was dressed casually but like someone who had just come from work, not for someone who was a recluse. “Of course I knew her. She spent a lot of time in this house. She and your grandfather.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the fact that your grandmother was a psychic, and you probably are too.”

  My mouth was gaping open. I didn’t know anything about my grandmother when she was younger. And no one really knew about our gift, certainly not some stranger. Unless grandma had hooked him up, but I didn’t see a wedding band on his finger.
I had hidden it from everyone I knew besides Lauren. My dad understood, but didn’t push the subject. The psychics in our family were only women. And I was the last of them. The gift would probably end with me.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You must have confused me with someone else.”

  “No. I know exactly who you are. Interesting that you ended up on my doorstep tonight Piper. Interesting and dangerous.”

  He turned and looked at Noah, his face had become white and he looked nothing like the confident, cocky guy I had just been talking too. “Now I know why you had your little altercation at the bar tonight. She needs protecting. And she needs you.”



  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m going to call the cops and get out of here. They can take me to the crash site and I’ll meet my dad there. Thank you for your hospitality.” I said politely before brushing past Alastair and making my way back to the den. I immediately called the cell phone of the cop who was leading the case. He had given me his number when I called earlier. The rain had started to subside and I guessed the roads had been cleared enough, so he agreed to come get me. He said he would meet me at the manor gates in about twenty minutes.

  I followed up the phone call with another one to my dad, and this time he answered. I calmly explained the situation and said that I would meet him at the police station later on tonight. He was understandably worried but he seemed content the police officer was on his way to get me. He wasn’t exactly thrilled that I got in the truck with some strangers, but he also agreed I was lucky to be found at all.

  “You could have gotten hurt, or worse! You have to be careful Piper.”

  “I know Dad,” I sighed leaning against the wall.

  “I’m leaving right now, I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay, thanks, love you.”

  When I got off the phone and walked into the entryway, Lucy was standing there looking disappointed.

  “You’re leaving so soon?”

  “Yeah. Something weird is going on here, and I’ve got enough weird in my life.”

  She cocked her head at me, “What are you talking about?”

  I shook my head, “It doesn’t matter now. I’ve just got to get out of here. Oh and I need my clothes.”

  “I threw them in the dryer, you can change quick, they’re probably ready by now.”


  I changed and waited impatiently for the police officer to arrive. When I saw flashing lights approach out of one of the front windows I waved goodbye to Lucy and thanked her for help and walked out the front doors.

  Just as I set my hand on the handle I felt a hand pull me back. “Piper,” Noah said pulling me towards him. “I need a minute.”

  “Why? To question me more about my gift?” I said just quiet enough so Lucy wouldn’t hear.

  “Please,” he begged, pulling me toward the den.


  I followed him under Alastair’s watchful eye. He surveyed us from his viewpoint atop the stairs. He didn’t attempt to follow, however. I looked past the grand chandelier and into his eyes. They looked fierce.

  Noah ran his fingers through his hair and started to pace.

  “What the hell is the matter with you? The cops are waiting for me.”

  He stopped right in front of me looking deeply into my eyes. I felt like I could see into his soul, past his rough exterior, and into a softer side of him.

  “Tell me what you see.” He said.


  He smiled, “No, what do you see?”

  “You believed Alastair? I mean…”

  “I know he’s right Piper, I know the truth. So what do you see?”

  I sighed, “Fine. But this isn’t some parlor trick; I can’t turn it on that like that.”

  He took my hand between his own and once again I was filled with a warmth I had never experienced before tonight. I closed my eyes and immediately I was in a dark cave. It was cold and damp. I felt the wet walls and I could smell the salt air. I was near the ocean. I heard crying. I spun around to see Alastair helping a small boy in the corner. He was wrapping a blanket around his shoulders and trying to calm him down. The boy was breathing hard, like he had just been running. I moved closer to get a better look.

  I heard Alastair say, “It’s okay Noah, you’re safe now.”

  Noah? Was this the Noah who has standing in front of me in the present?

  I pulled myself out of the vision and yanked my hand out of his. “How?”

  He looked afraid. “What?”

  “Tell me about the cave.”

  “The cave?”

  “Where Alastair found you as a boy, and you also better tell me about why I can see your past, I’ve never done that before.”

  He shook his head. “Shit! I didn’t want you to see that.”

  “Well then you shouldn’t have grabbed my hand. When I have physical contact, my gift is the strongest. Why did I see your past Noah? And why are you not even a little freaked out about this?”

  “I can’t explain.” He backed away from me like I had burned him or something. He was afraid.

  “Like hell you can’t! I deserve an explanation. You make me feel things, things I’ve only dreamed of; why? And now I can see the past? This doesn’t make any sense!”

  “I’m sorry,” he said dejectedly.

  “Noah tell me. Please.”

  He looked away. “No. It’s for your own good, I promise.”

  I couldn’t take it. I had to get out of there. He was messing with my mind. “I have to go.”

  “You should.”

  “Thanks for saving me tonight.”

  He simply nodded but I swore he said it wouldn’t be the last time.



  I needed more from him, I wanted more--some answers. I had just divulged my secret and he didn’t even seemed fazed. He was more embarrassed I had seen his past. His past. That was new. I would have to dissect the whole situation further later, but for now, I had to get to the policeman.

  I walked out and gave a final wave to Lucy before leaving the manor. It was only drizzling and I could just see the moon peeking out from behind the clouds. I was halfway to the police cruiser when I saw a dark figure dart out from the trees.

  I watched as he sprinted across the road in front of me illuminated by the flashing lights of the police car. I looked to my right to try to find where he disappeared to within the trees but I couldn’t find him in the darkness. I started running down the drive, something really was off here. And I wasn’t about to stick around to find out what was really going on. But just as I reached the gate the figure ran out from behind a large tree and tackled me to the ground. The cop must’ve seen the whole thing because he got out of his car immediately pulling his gun on my assailant. I screamed and tried to beat him off but he held my wrists down at my sides.

  “They didn’t say you’d be so pretty,” he sneered. “Maybe I’ll just keep you for myself.”

  “What the hell? Get off of me!” I wanted to vomit, he smelled like death. I saw his blue eyes look into mine. He was bald and maybe in his early forties. He was so much stronger than me. “Let me go!”

  I could hear the police officer shouting. “Put your hands up, off of the woman now! Hands up or I’ll shoot!”

  The last one finally made my attacker turn to look at the cop. It was just a moment, but it was enough for me to knee him between the legs and make my attempt at an escape. He rolled off of me to my left and I pushed the gate open running behind the police officer.

  “Are you okay, ma’am? You’ve had quite an evening.”

  “No kidding.” What the hell was going on tonight? I sucked in deep breaths trying to not to freak out.

  “You should stay in the vehicle, I’m going to go cuff this lunatic.”

  He said some type code into his radio and requested backup. But just as he reached the gates a large bro
wn bear emerged from the trees.

  “Look out!” I said pointing at the ferocious animal. He was snarling and pacing back and forth clearly intending one of us as his victim. I tried to follow his eyes to see which one of us he wanted to go after but then I realized that the man on the ground was staring directly back at him. It was like he knew something about that bear. Like he had seen him before. He was practically smiling.

  The cop turned his gun on the animal but it had no effect on the bear’s need to attack. The bear began running at my attacker and the man scrambled to his feet sprinting into the woods. The cop’s gun was shaking in his hands and he didn’t take the shot. As soon as both the bear and the man had been engulfed by the darkness the cop radioed again. “Potential suspect is on the move. Being chased by a large brown bear on the Hunter’s grounds. Requesting backup and permission to pursue.”

  If that bear got a hold of my attacker, somehow I knew that we would never find his body.

  A second cop car arrived and then a third, all of their lights and sirens blaring.

  “Fred, take this lady back to her vehicle. And see if she can give you a rundown of the suspect. I would just like to compare notes later. Carlos you and I are heading onto the grounds. We’ll have to talk to the owner before we do a sweep, but I’m sure he’ll agree. It was the weirdest thing--like the guy just came out of the woods, from nowhere.” And then he turned and looked at me, “Did anyone know that you were here this evening? Anyone who would want to hurt you?”

  “No. Only you and my father knew that I was even here. And I don’t know of anyone who wants to hurt me.”

  “Right, well Fred will take you back to your vehicle. You can meet your father there. I’m sure everything will turn out to be okay, and we’ll get this guy.”

  He extended his hand for me to shake and I reached out and clasped it gently. “Thanks for your help.”

  Officer Fred took me back to my car and my father arrived only a half hour later. They were able to save my luggage but they said the Civic was totaled. I would have to deal with my insurance company on that part. At least that was something I could take care of.


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